Removes a highlighted word from the list of words to be blocked.
.topic 0x808f03eb
A checkmark enables content blocking by words in web pages.
.topic 0x01
Adds the site address that you specified in the input field to the list of sites to be blocked.
.topic 0x20
Click to modify the message to be displayed on the page which content was blocked.
.topic 0x03
Lets you modify a highlighted site address that is in the list of site to be blocked.
.topic 0x9f4c03f5
Click to export plug-in configuration to a file.
.topic 0x809007d0
A checkmark enables content blocking by domain names.
.topic 0x808e03ea
Click to specify the trusted servers. Outpost will not block content from the sites on the list.
.topic 0x06
Adds the word or phrase you specified in the input field to the list of blocked words.
.topic 0x9f4c03f4
Click to import plug-in configuration from a file.
.topic 0x08
Lets you modify a highlighted word in the list of blocked words.
.topic 0x05
An input field to enter a domain name (eg. Note: do not use wildcards.
.topic 0x04
The list of site addresses to be blocked.
.topic 0x0a
An input field to enter the words you want blocked.
.topic 0x09
The list of words that are used to block the viewing of any web pages containing them.
.topic 2
Applies and saves any changes you have made, and then closes this dialog box.
.topic 0x02
Removes a highlighted site from the list.
.topic 1
The Cancel button closes this dialog box without saving any changes you have made. The Close button closes this dialog box and retains the changes you made.
.topic 0x10
Adds the specified server to the list.
.topic 0x11
Removes the highlighted server from the trusted list.
.topic 0x12
Click to modify the server address.
.topic 0x13
The list of trusted servers.
.topic 0x14
Specify the server address to add to the trusted list.