11 User name or e-mail address has changed. Do you want to update this information at <COMPANY>r?
12 Thank you. Your registration data was successfully updated.
13 Thank you for entering the registration code!
14 You must enter the registration code
15 Finish
16 this page
17 support page
18 Please enter the proxy server address or domain name.
19 The port number is incorrect or was not specified.
20 Invalid port number. Please enter an integer between 1 and 65535.
21 New version is available
22 We have determined that the version you are using is out of date. In terms of security that means you are at risk.\n\nTo install the new 30-day trial version of <PRODUCT> click Next.\n\nTo learn more about the new version click #here#.
23 here
24 Free updates and support will not be available in %d days.
25 Free updates and support have expired.
26 Please renew your product.\n\nKeep your subscription current and stay protected from viruses, hackers, and privacy threats.\n\nTo renew your copy of <PRODUCT> click Renew, otherwise click Next.
27 Please renew your product.\n\nKeep your subscription current and stay protected from viruses, hackers, and privacy threats.\n\nTo renew your copy of <PRODUCT> click Renew, otherwise click Finish.
28 We have determined that the version you are using is out of date. In terms of security that means you are at risk.\n\nYour free update period is expired. If you have lifetime upgrade, please contact <COMPANY> support. To install the new 30-day trial version of <PRODUCT> click Next.\n\nTo learn more about the new version click #here#.
29 We have determined that the version you are using is out of date. In terms of security that means you are at risk.\n\nBut your free update period is expired. To install the new 30-day trial version of <PRODUCT> click Next.\n\nTo learn more about the new version click #here#.
32 The registration code you entered cannot be saved to the registry.
100 Uninitialized
101 Ready
102 Opening port for receiving ...
103 Waiting for answer...
104 Sending PORT command...
105 Sending REST command...
106 Sending GET command...
107 File found
108 Creating temporary file
109 Creating information file
110 Finding host...
111 Opening port...
112 Connecting...
113 Logging on...
114 Sending user information...
115 Sending password information...
116 Checking remote system...
117 Changing fodler...
118 Getting file information...
119 Receiving folder...
120 Preparing for download...
121 Downloaded:
122 Invalid FTP response...
123 User break
124 Connecting...
125 Requesting...
126 Sending request...
127 Receiving response...
128 Done
129 Cannot connect to server.
130 Cannot create request.
131 Cannot send request.
132 Cannot retrieve information.
133 Buffer overflow.
134 Cannot receive response.
135 Incorrect parameters.
136 SSL error. Please report this error via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
137 Missing name. Please report this problem via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
138 Missing e-mail. Please report this problem via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
139 Missing key. Please report this problem via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
140 Incorrect e-mail. Please report this problem via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
141 Incorrect key. Please report this problem via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
142 Re-sending request
143 Cannot create file.
144 Cannot set up FTP directory.
145 Cannot open FTP file.
146 Cannot set file position.
147 Cannot download file.
148 Cannot save file.
149 Pausing for %d sec
150 Closing connection...
151 Connected
152 Connection closed
153 Received an intermediate status code message from the server
154 Host found
155 Connection redirected
156 The entered e-mail is not valid
157 E-mail is already in use. This e-mail was already used in <COMPANY> Update activation. If you forgot your activation key, please visit #this page#.
158 This key is on the black list. If you believe that you received this message in error, please report this problem via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
159 Cannot send activation information. Please report this problem via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
160 Generic server error
161 SSL error. Please report this error via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
162 Missing name. Please report this problem via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
163 Missing e-mail. Please report this problem via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
164 Incorrect name. Please report this problem via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
165 Incorrect E-Mail. Please report this problem via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
166 E-mail is already in use. This e-mail was already used in <COMPANY> Update activation. If you forgot your activation key, please visit #this page#.
167 This key is on the black list. If you believe that you received this message in error, please report this problem via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
168 Error sending activation information. Please report this problem via this #online form# to <COMPANY>.
169 Server error. Please try again later.
170 Please enter your e-mail address.
171 Please enter your name.
172 Cannot connect to server. Please be sure your registration information and server settings are correct and try again.
173 <COMPANY> Update cannot connect to the server.\nDo you want it to try again?
174 %d hr %d min %d sec
175 %d min %d sec
176 %d sec
177 bytes
178 Kb
179 Mb
200 Error while
201 Downloading components...
202 Calculating estimated time...
203 Total size: %d Kb
204 Download complete, updating system
205 Estimated time left:
206 Task done
207 Cannot find the update script in component %d files for application %s.
208 Cannot open archive %s.
209 Cannot find installation script %s.
210 Cannot get information about %s from %s.
211 Cannot allocate memory for script.
212 Cannot open compressed file.
213 Cannot unzip file.
214 Cannot close unpacked file. Possible CRC error.
215 Cannot create VBScript engine.
216 Cannot connect to the Service Manager.\nMake sure you have local administrative rights.
217 WindowsNT is read-only property.
218 Cannot download installation script. Update will continue with local copy.
219 Current version of file %s is more recent than the one being installed.\n\n\nShould <COMPANY> Update overwrite the current file?
220 Updating %s
221 Copying files...
222 Configuration saved.
223 Yes
224 No
225 Cannot open log file.
226 Cannot locate file %s in archive %s.
227 Proxy server closed the connection.\nDo you want to disable proxy?
228 Settings
229 Settings...
230 Attention! Please correctly fill out the form below, otherwise you will not receive updates.
231 Attention! Please correctly fill out the form below, otherwise you will not receive your activation key.
232 Update Successful
233 The program has been successfully updated!\n\nYou now have the latest version of <PRODUCT>. \nRemember to check for Updates later!
234 Operation Complete
235 Update successfully finished.\nUpdated version of update.aus is stored in the folder where aupdate.dll is located.
236 Update successfully downloaded components.
237 Configuration successfully restored.
238 The information that you have entered is either incomplete or invalid. Please re-enter your details.
239 The entered key is not correct.
6000 Warning
6001 Are you sure you want to abort the installation process?
6050 Error
6051 Cannot connect to server %s.\nError description:%s (code: 0x%X, %s)
6052 Cannot connect to server or you have entered an invalid code. Please use e-mail to retrieve registration information.
6053 Please enter valid e-mail address.
6054 Please enter valid user name.
6055 Please enter valid key.
6100 Activate via e-mail
6101 Setup wiil prepare e-mail request from after you click Next.
6102 Fill the form below and click Next to continue.
6103 Setup will connect to <COMPANY> site after you click Next to activate your copy of product.