* Added support for Microsoft Media Service to skip advertisement.
* Fixed some small bugs.
Net Transport 1.93 (2004.10.19):
* Fixed some small bugs.
* Added option "Send RealPlayer GUID to RealServers".
* Fixed a bug regarding normal HTTP as LIVE in certain cases.
Net Transport 1.92 (2004.08.15):
* Fixed a bug that program could not shut down when everything was done.
* Modified (Restored) code not to remember the last folder.
* Fixed a bug that enabling SSL under Windows 95/98 would crash program. Recommend install Internet Explorer 5.01 or later and the Directory Service Client (Dsclient.exe), and use Regedit.exe to change registry key "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\SecurityProviders\SecurityProviders", append ",schannel.dll" (with comma, no quotes) to previous string.
* Added support for some kind of Shoutcast version.
Net Transport 1.91 (2004.07.13):
* Modified code that "Start/Pause All" can start/pause the scheduled items under the subcategories.
* Fixed a bug switching language caused program crashed.
* Fixed a bug in FTP that program could not download files in the subdirectory under MODE Z.
* Fixed some edit list controls could not scroll horizontally.
* Reduced memory usage to at least half extent of previous versions.
Net Transport 1.90 (2004.06.20):
* Replaced edit with list for "Job/Directory".
* Modified code about saving job database.
* Added support for ZLIB for FTP (MODE Z).
* Fixed a bug that when you were adjusting the column width of window "job", black vertical line would appear.
* Added support for Helix Server 9.03.
* Added support for NAT/ICS/ICF. Note: NAT (port mapping using UPnP) is available in XP.
* Fixed a fatal bug in FTP that LISTing a large folder would cause program crashed.
* Added support for redirection for MMS.
* Fixed a bug in "job scheme".
Net Transport 1.87 (2004.05.11):
* Added HTTP/HTTPS for "Site Explorer", but only can explore in the host and exclude external links.
* Modified "NTAddList.html" script for IE, now using IE COM to generate the links (IE 4+), whose effect is great.
* Added support for EPLF for FTP.
* Added support for command line.
* Added download percent for "drop zone" window.
Net Transport 1.86a (2004.04.24):
* Added "Find" dialog to search a specified job.
* Fixed wrong Host header field of a https request.
* Added "Change Temporary Path" feature when feeling the disk space is too small.
* Added "Keep Alive" for job solely, and "LIST" is supported for "Site Explorer", recommend use.
* Added standard commands for RTSP to be compatible with more servers.
* Added "Job Scheme" feature to allow user to save and switch desired settings.
* Fixed a bug that program could not end HTTP chuck streaming.
* Added an error handler, please email popped information to me.
Net Transport 1.85a (2004.03.20):
* Modified a severe bug that when checking "Start main window minimized" user cannot operate any jobs unless clicking "category" window firstly.
Net Transport 1.85 (2004.03.19):
* Modified some places where caused program frozen.
* Added support for SFTP (SSH File Transfer Protocol), whose name prefix is "sftp://".
Net Transport 1.83 (2004.02.29):
* Fixed some bugs that led program not to record from certain sites.
* Added support for Helix Server 10.
* Fixed a bug not recognizing status code via HTTP.
Net Transport 1.82 (2004.02.16):
* Fixed a bug in SOCKS4&5 that proxy validating would fail when not enough bytes was received.
* Fixed a bug that sometimes schedule stopped at once after starting.
* Added support for MP3 broadcast streaming.
* Added support for Shoutcast Metadata Protocol.
Net Transport 1.81 (2004.02.14):
* Added code to download files from FTP in order.
* Fixed a crash when recording MMS in HTTP method.
* Fixed a crash when solving ASX script.
* Added code to allow user to customize filename under schedule mode.
* Changed "Start Instantly" to "Manually", "Instantly", and "Schedule".
* Rewrote SSL, more smaller size, but more performance, promoting 100 - 1000% due to remote server.
* Fixed the memory leaks of SSL, which probably cause program crashed.
Net Transport 1.80 (2004.01.31):
* Resolved a problem that the result of processing SMIL script (RTSP) is not good.
* Fixed a bug of "Site Explorer", when you browse this kind of site that root directory is not '/', the explored directories would be created under certain directory of another expanded site.
* Added "Schedule" (in Job/Other Settings/Schedule) feature.
Net Transport 1.71 (2004.01.20):
* Fixed a bug in "Hangup When Done" that exit program without disconnect MODEM.
* Added code to try a new method to find key frame for RMFF (.rm).
* Fixed a fatal bug that file size parsed from command RETR may be the rest size, which makes download process over 100%.
* Added a feature that after processing SMIL script (RTSP), keep the connection alive for the only first parsed file.
* Fixed a bug that "Site Explorer" can't browse certain absolute paths.
* Fixed a bug that when changing site properties, the according jobs are not modified at the same time.
Net Transport 1.70 (2004.01.13):
* Added context menu for window "Detail".
* Changed renaming method, new form is filename(digit).ext, the step is still 1.
* Added the support for Microsoft RTSP.
Net Transport 1.62 (2004.01.01):
* Added domain for NTLM authentication, please append "/domain" at the end of username, '/' is the delimiter between username and domain.
* Fixed a bug that program should use default browser to open any web page.
* Modified "Site Explorer" to avoid browsing same directory twice.
* Added code for FTP that if necessary, use absolute path instead of relative path to download.
* Fixed a bug that password with '%' was lost, please add 25 after '%' (%25) to reserve '%'.
* Fixed a bug that MMS(HTTP) streaming cannot be resumed.
* Added code for LIVE streaming that when pausing recording or when communication occurs error, job will be terminated, then you can use player to open it directly. It isn't necessary to use "make ASF seekable".
* Modified dialog "Add Batch Download".
* Added the very first keyframe for RealMedia file.
* Added feature "Save settings" for favorite, now "Site Explorer" uses its own settings except proxy (still using default proxy in job); at the same time, removed obsolete settings in Global options.
* Added option "Stop recording when timeout" for RTSP.
* Added "Keep Alive" (in Options/Explorer) for FTP.
Net Transport 1.60c (2003.12.19):
* Fixed a bug that when downloading via FTP, CWD isn't executed.
Net Transport 1.60b (2003.12.18):
* Modified feature "Open directory", now is that open the path where file was saved and select the file.
* Fixed a bug that "Site Explorer" didn't list changed files if site has been maintained.
* Added an option to prohibit exporting download information after job was over.
Net Transport 1.60 (2003.12.14):
* New website domain, www.xi-soft.com, please save it in your favorite of browser.
* Added feature that saving download information to log after having finished.
* Enlarged length of comment to 4096 bytes.
* Modified feature "Open directory", now is that open the path where file was saved instead of the path of its own category.
* Fixed a bug that same URLs with different username were discarded.
* Added the monitor support for Netscape, Mozilla, Opera. Please copy NPNTCatcher.dll, NPNTCatcherAudio.dll and NPNTCatcherVideo.dll to their plug-ins path.
* Fixed a bug that sometimes monitor click catcher for IE didn't work.
* Modified FTP command sequence that execute CWD before other commands except USER and PASS.
* Modified code in simple multi-user to speed up starting program.
* Modified "Site Explorer" to avoid browsing same directory twice.
* Added the support for FTP to get the files under relative path.
* Fixed a bug in HTTP that download cannot end when time is out.
* Fixed a bug that links in some browsers cannot be dragged to window "Drop Zone".
* Modified whole job data structure to speed up starting program, but new data format is NOT compatible with previous version. Please rebuild your all categories and its files, forgive me, sorry.
* Tips, if '%' is part of password, please add 25 after '%' (%25) to reserve '%'.
* Fixed a bug that tool tips in window "Job" were shown incorrectly after changing the columns sequence.
Net Transport 1.53 (2003.11.05):
* Fixed a bug that FTP couldn't receive multi-line replies.
* Fixed a bug in HTTP that redirection lost protocol prefix.
* Added NTLM authentication support for HTTP<Connect> type of proxy, but only passed under Microsoft ISA 2000.
Net Transport 1.52 (2003.10.21):
* Fixed a bug in RTSP that there is probably no video or audio when recording LIVE streaming of some sites.
* Added NTLM authentication support for HTTP<Get> type of proxy, but only passed under Microsoft ISA 2000.
* Fixed a bug in MMS that program repeated connecting when recording LIVE streaming of some sites.
* Discarded those neither header nor content packets in MMS(HTTP).
Net Transport 1.51 (2003.10.10):
* Fixed a serious bug that program wouldn't run under 95/NT due to implementing codepage, replaced GetCPInfoEx (WINAPI) with new procedure.
* Fixed a bug in RTSP that incorrectly handling "Ping Pong" led job not to receive any data.
* Modified RTSP command SET_PARAMETER.
* Updated "User Manual".
* Added code to deal with media script such as .asx, .smi, etc.
* Fixed a bug that there was no filename in the dialog "job properties" after using "Comment as filename".
* Added NTLM authentication for HTTP.
* Added code to download MMS(HTTP) through HTTP<Get> type proxy.
Net Transport 1.50 (2003.09.17):
* Fixed some places making file bad.
* Updated "User Manual".
* Fixed a bug in HTTP that half-baked response line made download failed.
* Added a feature that user can download ASF via HTTP instead of MMS.
Net Transport 1.42 (2003.08.20):
* Added a global option "code page" to enhance multilingual support. For example, selecting 936(GBK) under English Windows OS, every link will be translated in Simplified Chinese.
* Added code to copy/paste URLs in the form of UNICODE.
* New resource (XP style).
* Modified code in HTTP that whether to send referrer is due to its presence.
* Added feature "Save history" (HTML).
* Changed connection method in HTTP from "close" to "Keep-Alive".
* Added feature "import/export URL list".
* Added shortcut key (Ctrl+I) to show/hide "Favorite", program can be navigated without mouse.
Net Transport 1.41a (2003.08.09):
* Fixed some stupid bugs.
Net Transport 1.41 (2003.08.04):
* Fixed some stupid bugs.
* Added code to handle FTP session timeout (421).
* Fixed a bug in "Site Explorer" that two nodes with same host but different username could not be opened at one time.
* Added a new feature that program will quit automatically when all jobs are done.
* Added code to make use of the copy of job data to restore as possible after crashing.
* Added code to fully implement downloading subcategories in FTP.
* Modified code in starting jobs to avoid lag phenomena as possible.
* Fixed a bug in listing folder in FTP.
Net Transport 1.40 (2003.07.17):
* Fixed a bug in RTSP causing program crashed while downloading .smi.
* Added code to implement safety ActiveX for NTIEHelper.DLL.
* Fixed some problems that proxies were incorrectly used in "Site".
* Added SSL (Secure Socket Layer) support for FTP.
* Added S/KEY one-time password support for FTP.
* Fixed a bug in RTSP causing program crashed when remote server closed connection.
Net Transport 1.31 (2003.07.05):
* Modified code in "making ASF seekable" (repair) to get better image quality.
* Fixed a bug that too long local filename will make program crashed.
Net Transport 1.30 (2003.07.01):
* New RTSP multi-thread download (There are some visual problems in the "course" pane, which have no effect on download).
* Fixed a bug that editing more than one jobs will make program crashed.
Net Transport 1.26 (2003.06.25):
* Modified code in starting jobs to avoid lag phenomena.
* Added code to do with session time-out (421) in FTP.
* Fixed some problems that proxies were incorrectly used in "Site".
* Fixed a bug regarding '@' in URL path as symbol 'at'.
Net Transport 1.25 (2003.06.17):
* Added code to enable/disable "sending referrer".
* Fixed a bug that concurrent site threads made program severely lag under too much simultaneous jobs.
* Fixed a bug in RTSP download that file size was reached but still downloading (better image quality).
* Added code so that changing site properties will also change the according jobs settings.
Net Transport 1.24 (2003.06.07):
* Probably fixed a bug in FTP that download was in pausing state when reaching the end.
* Added code in HTTP to get cookie from return "Set-Cookie" line.
* Modified command OPTIONS in RTSP.
* Implemented "Site Manager" (was integrated to "Favorite").
* Fixed a bug that FTP connections were not reused.
Net Transport 1.23 (2003.05.28):
* Fixed a bug in toolbar when painting the gripper under Windows XP and 2003.
* Modified RTSP command SET_PARAMETER.
* Added code to allow every favorite item to own its settings.
* Fixed a bug in "Site Explorer" that user should not create any item under normal site node.
* Modified FTP code to go on trying if command CWD is failed.
* Fixed a bug in reusing FTP connection that reuse is based on login username instead of site name.
* Added code to allow child threads to reuse FTP connection too.
* Fixed a bug in SOCKS5 authentication (01).
Net Transport 1.22 (2003.05.14):
* Fixed a bug in "Site Explorer" that URL with directory gets incorrect objects.
* Added code to convert URL from relative path to absolute path.
* Fixed a bug in reusing FTP connection that thread doesn't close socket when errors occurs.
* Added support for LIVE streaming via MMS. (not open)
* Enhanced pasting URL.
* Removed duplicate items while using "Download all by Net Transport".
* Added code to leave "Filename" blank in the dialog "job properties".
* Changed code so download won't be over unless server closes connection if site doesn't support resume.
* Changed code so column "Name" cannot be hidden.
* Added support for HTTP, HTTPS to send URLs in UTF-8 format.
* Added code to allow every job to own its settings.
Net Transport 1.21 (2003.04.29):
* Ignored "unknown certificate authority" in HTTPS.
* Fixed RealMedia File Format, now user can edit downloaded RMF by RealMediaEditor.
* Fixed a bug in downloading FTP streaming via HTTP<Get> type proxy.
* Added menu item to regard comment as filename.
* Added menu item to move selected jobs to top or bottom.
* Fixed a bug in "Site Explorer" that URL with directory gets incorrect objects.
* Modified "Site Explorer" to reuse original connection even if user paused.
* Enhanced "Site Explorer" to explore UNIX hosts.
* Modified FTP code to go on trying if command LIST is failed.
* Fixed a bug not reusing connection if user paused.
* Added support for HTTPS to run three and above threads at the same time.
Net Transport 1.20 (2003.04.20):
* Added support for HTTPS protocol, also via HTTP<Connect>, SOCKS4&5.
* Fixed a bug in renaming job file.
* Added code to get file size from command RETR (FTP) if SIZE is failed.
* Added support for reusing FTP socket.
Net Transport 1.15b (2003.04.08):
* Modified FTP part for "Site Manager", which led to some bugs, please forgive me.
* Modified "Site Explorer" code to list the directory made up of spaces.
Net Transport 1.15a (2003.04.07):
* Fixed a serious bug in command LIST (FTP).
* Changed job saving course a little to avoid deadlock.
Net Transport 1.15 (2003.04.06):
* Fix: cannot change proxy of main thread of a job which is in multiple proxies mode
* Add "Start downloading on startup"
* "Site Explorer" supports absolute path more well
* Fix: failing to create thread probably provokes complete size is greater than original size
* Replace WINAPI GetLongPathName with new own code, since GetLongPathName is not supported in WinNT
* Fix BASE64
Net Transport 1.14 (2003.03.29):
* Set the amount of threads back to 128
* Pass long filename from NTIEHelper.DLL to NetTransport.EXE
* Implement simple multiple-users manager according to Windows logon name
* Fix losing referrer URL while clicking "Download by Net Transport"
* Fix file date in the "Site Explorer"
* Fix filename part of Content-Disposition (HTTP) command
Net Transport 1.13 (2003.03.18):
* Fix RTSP improper "streamid" in SETUP command
* Download size is extended to at most 3.9G
* Fix some places that might provoke beyond 100% bug
* Remove "Critical Section" in file split part to promote performance
* "Site Explorer" can explore these directory beginning with space
* Fix: "Site Explorer" gets improper directory information while refreshing root
* Extend stack to 16M, and get rid of large stack usage in some places
* Decrease the number of both threads and jobs to 32 to avoid out of memory
Net Transport 1.11 (2003.03.07):
* Fix "password" part of "protocol://username:password@site" bug
* Fix: incorrect SUBSCRIBE command make program crashed
* Fix: cannot open Clipboard while "pasting URLs"
Net Transport 1.10 (2003.03.03):
* Show 0-byte file in the "Site Explorer"
* Add "OK" button in the dialog "when done ..."
* Copy URLs to Clipboard in the "protocol://username:password@site" format
* Remove uncompleted files directly while deleting jobs
* Clear "broadcast" flag while making ASF seekable
* Add MMS "redirection" feature
* Get ASF information from streaming header object instead of MMS protocol itself
* Enhance receiving ASF header object
* MMS: Support NTLM authentication (not open)
* RTSP: Support NTLM and RN5 authentication (not open)
Net Transport 1.00 (2003.02.12):
* MMS recognizes URL with character '%'
* Fix filename without extension being checked for update will crash program
* Get much smooth video and audio quality by menu "Make ASF Index"; you can play by Windows Media Player 7.0 and above
* Support 9 Serial Service
* Fix some RMFF files without sound track via RTSP
* Remove only RMFF restriction, but quality cannot be guaranteed
* Fix SOCKS5 authentication bug
Net Transport 0.99a (2003.01.25):
* Update English Help
* Use default proxy to parse URL
* Fix RealMedia file cannot be played via RTSP
Net Transport 0.99 (2003.01.16):
* Do not allocate disk space after getting file size
* Modify MMS main loop in order to resolve beyond 100% problem
* Modify MMS timing test command
* Fix redirection URL with ask(?) makes program crashed
* Remove ?:<>|*" characters in filename
* Add command "PWD" to "Site Explorer"
* Convert character greater than 127 to character starting with '%'
* Stretch control rectangle of many windows to make room for longer string
* Fix: too many running jobs lead program to terminate
* RTSP: add this "agreement" type of URL
* Fix RTSP: beyond two streams will crash program
* Add "Enable/Disable RTSP delivery" option since download may be broken
Net Transport 0.98 (2003.01.05):
* Add "Streaming" property page
* Add "User-Agent" option
* RTSP: support this kind of server only permitting non-plus media player
* Save a copy for job data
* Fix: received data will be beyond 100% due to some proxies cannot resume
* Fix: Can't download this "username:password" type of FTP connection via HTTP<Get> proxy
* Validate, Edit and delete multiple selection proxy items
* Promote RTSP download speed (only be available to Helix Server 9.0), thank 274_274
* Fix URL template extracting from "Site Explorer"
Net Transport 0.97 (2002.12.29):
* Add "Favorites"
* RTSP: support RealServer 6.0
* Modify Host(HTTP) command
* Fix: html parsing leads to crash program due to URL redirection
* "Site Explorer" supports filenames with space
Net Transport 0.96 (2002.12.22):
* Fix: RTSP one unchecked buffer will lead to crash program
* Add MMS packet timing in order to support more servers
* Fix MMS authentication (BASIC) bug
* Fix "Site Explorer" some bugs
Net Transport 0.95b (2002.12.15):
* Fix not existed files lead to deleting operation failed
* Fix RTSP rename operation
* Implement some uncompleted function of "Site Explorer"
Net Transport 0.95a (2002.12.09):
* Fix "Site Explorer" many bugs
* Support HTTP<Get> proxy mode, which is only available to HTTP and FTP (not fully)
Net Transport 0.95 (2002.12.07):
* Prevent from getting file date-time from server
* Recognize URL much well
* Fix this kind of URL - ftp://site/*
* "Site explorer" is done, only supports FTP
* Fix this issue that received data problem is beyond 100%
Net Transport 0.94d (2002.11.29):
* Fix: Under narrow bandwidth Net Transport receives ASF header data with error
* Fix: cannot save data of redirect URL
* Fix RTSP: increasing threads will crash program
Net Transport 0.94c (2002.11.22):
* Optimize display status to degrade CPU usage
* Add "Retry delay"
* Support "chunk" (HTTP)
Net Transport 0.94b (2002.11.17):
* Fix stopping response while connecting to FTP server via HTTP proxy
* Might fix MMS uncompleted problem
* Fix "Options" 100% CPU usage
Net Transport 0.94a (2002.11.17):
* Fix improper remark information while dragging selected text into drop zone.
* Add user manual to main menu
* Synchronize category operations with disk operations
* Support KB display in some place
* Support http/mms://username:password@site
* Fix: deleting category will crash program
* Fix: shutdown but some jobs are running
Net Transport 0.94 (2002.11.12):
* Enhance "Category Properties" dialog, let user change category directory and rename all files in its subcategory
* Fix: catching directly will make program crashed (0.93 not tested very well since add "save settings")
* Fix: RTSP unchecked command buffer will make program crashed
* Add "Delete job after being completed", "Display size in KB"
* Fix: when encountering "duplicate URL", pressing "Cancel" button will make program crashed
Net Transport 0.93 (2002.11.10):
* Fix: in the "Duplicate URL" dialog, pressing "Cancel" will crash program
* Fix: MMS unchecked buffer will lead to improper received data
* Fix: RTSP unchecked buffer will lead to improper received data
* Fix: RTSP cannot receive full return information after sending DESCRIBE command, which makes program crashed
* Fix: not current job can show course status
* Fix disordered color of job window while working
* Reorder proxy list, and support multiple selection to export quickly
* Add "Save Settings" button on "Job" dialog, now user can designate default download action
* Add "Extend Selection" dialog to allow user to select accurately
* Modify some dialogs and its layout
Net Transport 0.92 (2002.11.02):
* Add "import/export" function of proxy list
* Now MMS and RTSP can download via HTTP<CONNECT>, SOCKS4&5
Net Transport 0.91 (2002.10.27):
* Modify user interface to implement more functions in the futher
* Move "Proxy" from "option" page to main work space (upgrade), and could be validated while adding or modifying one
* Optimize all graphical resource to degrade malformed flicker while moving or resizing
Net Transport 0.90 (2002.10.15):
* Support RTSP
* For PNA, only change prefix "pnm" into "rtsp" and add site port to download
* Add "Paste URL" into menu "Job"
* Fix Redirection unhandled relative path bug
* Under first installation, Histogram window is arranged at the same horizon of Toolbar