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;localization: ;Copy 0409.lng(0409 is the codepage representing American) to xxxxxxxx.lng. ;Remember its extension must be "lng", but its filename can be arbitrariness. ;Symbol '\n' meaning return must be holden; '\t' meaning TAB also must be holden. ;To make one of the letters in the caption of a control the mnemonic key, precede it with an ampersand (&). ;Symbol '%' and following character must be holden because of being to be replaced with running time string. [Language] Language=English Thanks=English translated by Stanley Wang [Common] 1=&OK 2=Batal [Main Frame] ;128=Net Transport 128=NetTransport [Menu] 128m=&File\n&Edit\n&View\n&Category\n&Job\n&Tools\n&Help 32771=&Histogram 32772=Drop &Zone 32773=Toolbar &Buttons... 32774=&Columns... 32811=&Grid 32776=&New Category... 32777=&Delete... 32778=&Properties... 32779=&Open Directory\tCtrl+Enter 32780=&New Download...\tIns 32781=Add &Batch Downloads... 32813=Pas&te URL ...\tCtrl+U 32782=D&elete...\tDel 32783=Properties...\tAlt+Enter 32784=Com&ment... 32785=&Start\tCtrl+S 32786=&Pause\tCtrl+P 32787=Start All 32788=Pause All 32789=Move &Up\tCtrl+Alt+Up 32790=Move &Down\tCtrl+Alt+Down 32791=&Open Downloaded File\tEnter 32792=&Check for Update 32793=Download A&gain... 32794=Copy &URL to Clipboard 32795=&Browse Referrer 32796=&Shutdown When Done 32797=&Hangup When Done 32798=Obey Speed &Limit\tAlt+L 32799=&Options...\tAlt+O 32800=&Show/Hide Net Transport 32801=&Monitor Browser Click 32802=&Start 32803=&Pause 32804=&Restart 32805=&Increase 32806=&Decrease 32812=Pro&xy... 32807=Clea&r Log 32808=Save to &file... 32809=Select &All\tCtrl+A 32810=&Invert Selection 32814=&Help... 32815=&Download... 32816=Open in &Browser 32817=&Stop 32818=&Refresh 32819=De&lete Directory... 32820=Discon&nect 32821=Net Transport Home &Page 32822=&Favorite\tCtrl+I 32823=&Add to Favorites... 32824=New &Folder 32825=New &Site... 32826=&Delete... 32827=Rena&me 32828=&Connect 32829=&Properties... 32830=Make &Index for ASF... 32831=Move to Top 32832=Move to Bottom 32833=Comment as &Filename 32834=&Close When Done 32835=&Import... 32836=&Export... 32837=Save &History... 32838=Change &Temporary Path... 32839=Find &Next\tF3 57634=&Copy 57636=&Find...\tCtrl+F 57653=S&plit 57664=&About Net Transport... 57665=E&xit\tAlt+X 59392=&Toolbar 59393=&Status Bar [Message] 32771s=Tampilkan atau sembunyikan Histogram\nToggle Histogram 32772s=Tampilkan atau sembunyikan jendela drop zone 32773s=Tampilkan tombol seleksi dialog 32774s=Atur kolom yang ada di daftar 32811s=Tampilkan atau sembunyikan grid 32776s=Membuat kategori baru 32777s=Menghapus kategori yg ada 32778s=Merubah properti kategori 32779s=Membuka kategori yg ada\nDirectory 32780s=Menambah download baru\nNew 32781s=Menambah batch downloads 32813s=Menambah URL pada Clipboard 32782s=Menghapus item yg dipilih(s)\nDelete 32783s=Merubah properti job\nProperties 32784s=Merubah comment file yg di download 32785s=Mulai transfer file yg telah dipilih(s)\nStart 32786s=Hentikan download(s)\nPause 32787s=Mulai semua downloads 32788s=Hentikan semua downloads 32789s=Pindahkan item yg dipilih(s) up\nMove up 32790s=Pindahkan item yg dipilih(s) down\nMove down 32791s=Open the downloaded file(s) using its default association\nOpen 32792s=Check item yg dipilih(s) for update 32793s=Download file yg dipilih(s) again 32794s=Copy URL ke clipboard 32795s=Penawar browse 32796s=Matikan PC jika selesai 32797s=Hangup jika selesai 32798s=Obey limit kecepatan 32799s=Merubah pilihan\nOptions 32800s=Tampilkan atau sembunyikan jendela utama Net Transport 32801s=Monitor browser klik 32802s=Mulai thread ini 32803s=Hentikan thread ini 32804s=Restart thread ini 32805s=Menambah thread baru 32806s=Hapus thread terakhir 32812s=Pilih proxy untuk thread yg ada (available when multiple proxies are validated) 32807s=Hapus log 32808s=Simpan log pada file 32809s=Pilih semua items 32810s=Urutkan seleksi 32814s=Tampilkan manual online user 32815s=Download item yg dipilih(s)\nDownload 32816s=buka URL yg dipilih pada browser\nBrowse 32817s=Hentikan exploring\nStop 32818s=Refresh item yg ada\nRefresh 32819s=Hapus direktori yg ada 32820s=Tutup socket 32821s=Buka Home Page Net Transport 32822s=Tampilkan atau sembunyikan favorite dari Site Explorer\nFavorite 32823s=Tambah site ke favorites 32824s=Membuat folder baru 32825s=Membuat site baru 32826s=Hapus item dan semua sub-item jika ada 32827s=Merubah nama item yg ada 32828s=Sambungkan ke situs ini 32829s=Edit situs ini 32830s=Membuat ASF streaming index 32831s=Pindahkan item yg dipilih(s) to atas 32832s=Pindahkan item yg dipilih(s) to bawah 32833s=Comment sebagai filename 32834s=Tutup jika selesai 32835s=Impor items 32836s=Expor items 32837s=Expor informasi file yg telah di download 32838s=Rubah lokasi direktori sebagai file temporari 32839s=Cari item yang sama 57345s=Siap 57634s=Copy yg diseleksi and taruh pada Clipboard\nCopy 57636s=Cari teks yg lebih spesifik\nFind 57653s=Belah jendela yg aktif menjadi panes\nSplit 57664s=Tampilkan informasi program, nomor versi and lisensi\nAbout 57665s=keluar aplikasi; konfirmasi untuk simpan dokumen\nExit 59392s=Tampilkan atau sembunyikan toolbar\nToggle ToolBar 59393s=Tampilkan atau sembunyikan status bar\nToggle StatusBar 61184s=Rubah ukuran jendela 61185s=Rubah posisi jendela 61186s=Kecilkan jendela menjadi icon 61187s=Besarkan jendela menjadi besar 61190s=Tutup jendela yg aktif and konfirmasi untuk simpan dokumen 61202s=Kembalikan jendela pada ukuran sebenarnya 61281=%d file(s) %d bytes [Toolbar] 61206=Toolbar 61206h=43 ;Toolbar ini terlalu besar dari main fram, cari yg lebih cocok dgn OS anda 61207=Start\nPause\nNew\nDelete\nProperties\nUp\nDown\nOpen\nDirectory\nOptions\nAbout\nExit 61208=Histogram [Category] 61209=Job [Job] 61210=Status\nResume\nName\nSize\nCompleted\nPercentage\nTime Elapsed\nEstimated Time Remaining\nSpeed\nThread(s)\nRetry\nURL\nComment\nCreation Date\nCompletion Date 61369=Name\nResume\nSize\nCompleted\nPercentage\nTime Elapsed\nEstimated Time Remaining\nSpeed\nThread(s)\nRetry\nURL\nComment\nCreation Time\nCompletion Time [Thread] 61211=Course/Log 61212=Thread [Log] 61213=Time\nInformation 61245=Log Files (*.log)|*.log|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 61246=Save to log file [Detail] 61214=Item\nContent 61215=URL\nReferer\nRemark\nResume\nLocal File\nFile Size\nFile Date\nTime Elapsed\nAverage Speed\nCreation Date\nCompletion Date\nFirst Proxy [Drop Zone] 61216= - connecting ... 61217= - %d file(s) dalam antrian 61218= - %d file(s) masih didownload 61219= %d bytes/sec 61349= %.1f KB/sec [About Box] 100=Tentang Net Transport [Quit Dlg] 61247=Keluar 61248=Masih ada job yg dalam proses, apakah anda mau keluar? [Options Sheet] 102=Options ;102t=Download\nProxy\nConnection\nGraph/Log\nMonitor\nPerformance\nSystem Settings ;102t=Download\nConnection\nStreaming\nGraph/Log\nMonitor\nPerformance\nSystem Settings\nExplorer 102t=Download\nConnection\nGraph/Log\nMonitor\nPerformance\nSystem Settings\nExplorer [Download Page] 1001=&Directory 1004=&Transports 1007= Butuh &Login 1008=&Username 1010=&Password 1012=Settings 1013= Tanpa &Cache 1014= Pasif &Mode 1015= Start &Instantly 1192= Get File &Date from Server 1199=User-&Agent 1160= Coo&kie 1211= Always Send URLs as UTF-&8 1216= Send &Referrer 1219= Via &SSL (Security Socket Layer) 1231= Expor Individual Lo&g File for Each Job 1233= Download Subdirektori 1234= Buat local directory 1235= Buat kategori [Proxy Page] 61283=Export\nTitle\nHost\nPort\nType\nValidation\nTime Used 61378=Title\nHost\nPort\nType\nValidation\nTime Used 1138=&Add... 1139=&Edit... 1140=&Delete [Proxy Dlg] 156=Proxy Settings 1141=&Title 1143=&Host 1145=P&ort 1148=Type 1149= HTTP <Co&nnect> 1150= SOCKS&4 1151= SOCKS&5 1159= &MMS 1193= HTTP <&Get> 61284=Direct Connection 61288=Please Entitle Proxy. 61289=Please Enter Proxy Name or IP Address. [Connection Page] 1016=Timeouts 1017=&Connection 1020=&Data 1186=Retry De&lay 61348=Await %d Seconds to Retry 1023=Limit 1024=Max Simultaneous &Jobs 1027= &Always Retry 1028=Number of &Retries 1031=&Speed 1185= &KB/Sec 1297= Enable &port mapping using UPnP 61417=Add %s:%u port mapping 61418=Delete %u port mapping [Streaming Page] 1201=RTSP &Bandwidth 1203= &Optimal Image Quality 1204= &Max Transmission Bandwidth (Needs Support from Server) 1205=MMS 1206= &Stop Recording When the Server Terminates Streaming 1224= HTTP Streaming 1225=Port 1232= Stop Recording When &Timed Out 1244= &Keep Connection after SMIL is Analyzed [Color Page] 1033=Graph 1034=&Scale 1037=Selected 1038=Overall 1039=Background 1040=Log 1041= Set &Background Color 1042=Status 1043=Command 1044=Error 1045=Server 1046=&Node Size 1049=&Reset [Monitor Page] 1050= &Confirmation 1052=Monitor These &Types 1134=Parse URL 1135= Need to Be &Parsed 1136= &Wildcard Match 1228=P&rocess these streaming types [Performance Page] 1054=&Connection Buffer 1057=&Data Buffer 1060=Sleep &Time 1063=Auto Save &Log Every 1066=Min &Segment Size [System Page] 1069=Confirmation 1070= Exit Net Transport when there are &files being downloaded 1071= Add URL through right-click &menu extension 1072= Add &batch URLs 1073= Pindahkan downloaded &item(s) to other category 1074=Other Settings 1075= Minimize main window when clicking &Close(X) button 1180= &Start main window minimized 1181= D&elete job from list after completion 1182= Display file size in &kilobytes 1209= Start &downloading on program startup 1222=Code &Page [Explorer Page] 1191=Clear &History 1236=&Keep Connection Alive 1237=&Send Command Every 1240=&Command 1242=Command &List Parameter 1273=Job 1274=Keep Connection Alive 1275=Send Command Every 1278=Command [unit] 1128=bytes/sec 1132=ms 1133=s 1280=s [Column Dlg] 153=Column 1121=Check the columns you want to make visible. Use the [Up] and [Down] buttons to rearrange. 1123=The selected column should be 1125=pixels wide 1126=&Up 1127=&Down [New Category Dlg] 144=Create a new category 1089=&Name 1087=&Directory 1091=Select the parent &category [Category Properties Dlg] 145=Properties 1183= Change &subcategory directory properties 1184= Pindahkan local &file [Delete Category Dlg] 61225=Delete the category and all its subcategories? 61226=Delete category [New Job Dlg] 61227=Add New Download 61228=Properties 1076=Source 1079=&Referrer 1081=Re&name 1083=Destination 1084=&Category 1152=Pro&xy Settings... 1173=&Save settings 1210=&Other Settings... 1261=Start 1262= &Manually 1263= &Instantly 1264= On &Schedule 1268=Sc&heme 1270=D&elete... 1271=Comment 1296=S&ave as... [Job Sheet] 114=Other Settings 114t=Download\nProxy\nStreaming\nSchedule [Job Proxy Page] 157=Proxy Settings 1153= &No Proxy 1154= &Single Proxy 1155= &Multiple Proxies 61290=Thread\nProxy [Job Schedule Page] 61382=Name\nStart\nStop [Schedule Dlg] 182=Schedule 1246= &Enable 1247=Week 1248= &Sunday 1249= &Monday 1250= T&uesday 1251= &Wednesday 1252= Thu&rsday 1253= &Friday 1254= Satur&day 1256=Start &at 1257=Sto&p at 1259= &Customize Filename 1260=/yyyy = year\t/MM = month\t/dd = day 1265=/HH = hour\t/mm = minute\t/ss = second 61383=Stop on Schedule [Batch Dlg] 147=Add batch job 1092=Fore part 1093=Wildcard 1094=Rest Part 1097=Wildcard 1098=&Number 1099=&Letter 1100=&From 1103=&To 1106=Wildcard L&ength [Select URLs Dlg] 148=Select URLs 61229=Title\nType\nURL 1113=&Invert selected 1174=&Extend selected 61230=Select URL 61231=Use same settings for other batch files? [Extend Selection Dlg] 162=Extend Selection 1176= All 1177=&Extension 1179= All [Duplicate URL Dlg] 150=Duplicate URL 1114=URL udah ada di daftar! Now, 1115=&Check for update 1116=Download a&gain [Delete Job Dlg] 151=Delete 1117=Apakah anda mau menghapus item yg dipilih(s)? 1118= Hapus downloaded &file(s) 1119= Taruh di &recycle bin [Comment Dlg] 149=Comment [ReGet Dlg] 61239=ReGet 61240=Download lagi akan menghapus file yg sudah didownload, lanjutkan? [Shutdown Dlg] 61241=Shutdown 61242=Net Transport akan shut down Windows dalam %d detik. 61243=Hangup koneksi modem 61244=Net Transport hangup koneksi modem dalam %d detik. 61375=Keluar 61376=Net Transport akan keluar dalam %d seconds. [Thread Proxy Dlg] 159=Select a proxy for the current thread [String] 61220=Pilih folder download 61221=Direktori ini "%s" tidak dapat dibuat. 61222=Nama kategori tidak boleh kosong. 61223='\' adalah karakter yg salah. 61224=Nama kategori "%s" sama. 61232=URL tidak boleh kosong. 61233=Filename tidak boleh kosong. 61234=Tidak ada URL yg valid! 61235=URL sudah ada di download list. [Move File] 61236=File tidak bisa dipindahkan. 61237=Pindahkan File 61238=Juga pindahkan file yg telah didownload(s)? [Download] 61249=Temporary file udah ada, auto renamed 61250=Destination file udah ada, auto renamed 61251=Menyambung ke %s:%d 61252=Menyambung ke %d.%d.%d.%d:%d 61253=Tersambung 61254=Mulai menerima data 61255=File yg ada di server identik dgn local file 61256=File pada server diperbarui, download lagi... 61257=Site mendukung broken download resume. 61258=Site does not support broken download resume. 61259=Redirecting to %s 61260=Socket terkoneksi, menunggu pesan selamat datang. 61261=Login sukses. 61262=Login tidak sukses. 61263=Ukuran file tidak teridentifikasi, tidak dapat memulai multi-threading transmissi. 61265=Tutup. 61266=URL salah 61267=Tidak dapat mencapai host name 61268=User cancelled at %u 61269=Selesai pada %u 61270=Timeout 61272=Socket function error 61273=Error when Writing to file(Please check your hard drive for problems) 61274=Perintah FTP error 61275=Http server error 61276=This site may not support broken download resume, or something is wrong with the server. 61277=Maximum error counts reached, thread halted. 61278=Download Selesai. 61282=No file is found by LIST command. 61291=Parsing destination server %s 61292=Connecting to proxy %s:%d 61293=Connecting to proxy %d.%d.%d.%d:%d 61294=Proxy server error 61307=Authentikasi tidak disetujui 61370=Maximum conneksi ke situs ini tercapai, thread dibatalkan. 61374="libssl.dll" tidak ditemukan? [MMS] 61309=Mengupload initialisasi koneksi informasi 61310=Initialisasi berhasil 61311=Menetapkan sesi 61312=Sesi berhasil ditetapkan 61313=Error saat menetapkan sesi, koneksi terganggu. 61314=Meminta media file /%s 61315=Authentikasi diperlukan 61316=Total time %s; head size = %d bytes; packet length = %d bytes; totally %d packets 61317=LIVE broadcasting saat ini tidak dapat dipakai. 61318=Meminta media header 61319=Menerima media header 61320=Meminta Menerima streaming data dari packet %d 61321=Media packets diterima 61322=Mengetes network timer 61323=Memvalidasi network connection 61324=Media streaming packets transmisi complete. 61325=Command unable to be processed %02X 61326=Unidentified error code = %X 61327=File not found 61328=Network busy 61329=Too many sessions to server, access denied. 61330=Connection lost 61331=Anda tidak punya ijin untuk mengakses file 61332=Server tidak merespon lagi 61333=Location parameters salah 61334=File tidak dapat dibuka 61355=Requesting packet timing test 61356=Timing test received #%d 61360=Streams diijinkan [RTSP] 61335=Session not found 61336=RealChallenge1 not found 61337=Content base not found 61338=Only RMFF (RealMedia File Format) supported 61339=Total time %s; max bit rate %d; average bit rate %d 61340=RTSP does NOT support multi-threading transmission 61341=User cancelled at %s 61359=Please select lower bandwidth to retry 61365=Advertisement filtered 61366=New ASF header received 61367=Please use single thread to retry 61371=Merging RealMedia files 61372=Merging complete 61373=LIVE broadcasting [IE] 61279=Download by Net Transport 61280=Download all by Net Transport [WorkSpace Sheet] 110t= Download \n Proxy \n Site Explorer [Proxy Page (Work Space)] 1161=&Import... 1162=E&xport... 1163=&Validate... 12321=A&pply [Validate Dlg] 160=Validate 1164=&Site 1166=S&tart 1167=&Pause 61342=Information 61343=Proxy server OK, elapse time %d ms 61344=Testing cancelled [Proxy Import/Export] 161=Export 161imp=Import 1170=De&limiter 1172=&Proceed 61345=Username\nPassword\nTitle 61346=Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 61347=Proxy list NOT updated yet, exit anyway? 61358=Proxy being validated, exit anyway? 61377=URL List Files (*.lst)|*.lst|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| [Site] 61350=Browse\nDownload\nStop\nRefresh\nFavorite 61351=Name\nType\nTitle\nURL\nSize\nModified 61357=Favorite [Explorer DialogBar] 1189=&Address [Favorite Dlg] 169=Site Properties 1194=&Label 1196=Pro&xy 1197=Com&ment 1198=&Connect 1212=&Number of concurrent connections 1215=0 = Unlimited [Make ASF Seekable Dlg] 173=Make ASF index 1208=&Open 61362=Windows Media Files (*.asf;*.wmv;*.wma)|*.asf;*.wmv;*.wma|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 61363=To be saved, filename cannot be equal to original one. 61364=Stop making streaming index? [Save History Dlg] 176=Save History 1220= &Include subcategories 1221= &View HTML 61379=HTML Files (*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|All Files (*.*)|*.*|| 61380=URL\nReferrer\nFile\nComment [Job Scheme Dlg] 183=Save scheme as 61412=Scheme 61413=Are you sure to delete scheme "%s"? [Crash Notify Dlg] 184=Crash Notify 61414=An unhandled exception has occurred in Net Transport.\nNet Transport has to be closed.\n\nPlease send the below exception information to kwwx@21cn.com or yingyin_2003@citiz.net\nThe report will be analyzed and the reason for this exception will be fixed in the next release.\n\nThank you!\n\n [Folder Dlg] 185=Folder 1295=Perhatian ! Anda diharapkan untuk menghentikan semua job ,baru keluar Net Transport. Remember to use this feature FOREMOST when the program is reopened. 61415=Select the folder for the temporary files [Find Dlg] 186=Find 1282=Fi&nd what 1284= Match &whole word only 1285= Match &case 1286=Direction 1287= &Up 1288= &Down 1289=Fields 1290= Nama 1291= URL 1292= Komentar 1293=&Find Next 61416=Cannot find the string "%s".