45 (c)2001-2005 Christian Taubenheim\nThere's no warranty should this program fail for you! I tested as much as I could, but\nsince this is a one-man project there can be errors. This tool is always free of\ncharge.\n\nI'd like to thank all the people at the cosmocon-Userboard, you guys really rock!\nVisit my website http://www.xp-AntiSpy.org for updates.\n\nI'd like to dedicate this program to a very close friend and my programming mentor\ncalled .....'AWEX'....., he's the master of wisdom!\n\nThis program was written in Visual C++ and I enjoyed it!!!!! -etri-
49 Disable Messaging Service.
50 Do not autosuggest webforms and passwords anymore.
51 Avoid possible file deletion through malicious websites.
52 Don't add media data to the Media library.
53 Don't get meta data from the internet.
54 Don't send information about player usage to microsoft.
55 Don't save data and url's in the most recently used file.
500 The ALEXA-key is a browser add-in which collects personal data about your surfing habits. For more info go to the producers of ALEXA (www.alexa.com).
501 Sometimes Mediafiles require Licenses for Playback. This prevents the mediaplayer from automatically downloading them. Since it's not known what information is transferred and to whom, it's recommended to disable this setting. The mediaplayer will still continue to work.
502 This prevents this Computer from being identified by its GlobalUniqueID, via the mediaplayer.
503 This keeps the mediaplayer from automatically downloading the codecs it needs, from the internet.
504 Disables the automatically generated error reports sent to Microsoft, in case your computer crashes.
506 This disables the ability to execute scheduled updates by the InternetExplorer6.
507 This setting keeps the IE6 from automatically connecting to an MS server and asking for updates.
508 This setting disables the ability for the current user to be identified over the internet.
509 This disables the service, which is needed to send the error reports.
510 This disables the service, which is needed to start the automatic updates. Note that this service must be enabled if you want to update your system from the net. So if do a windows update (and you should do this once in a while), enable this service by right clicking the entry and selecting 'reset entry'. After a successful update you can disable this service again.
511 This disables the service, which is needed if you plan to synchronize your system time with a server on the internet, if you plan to do this, you can change the time server to be connected to in the 'special' menu.
512 If you don't plan on running programs scheduled in the background, just deactivate this service. It's not security relevant, but saves some resources on your machine. If you use software from Norton or the BootVis from MS, you better leave this setting as it is, because otherwise it may lead to difficulties.
514 The MS Messenger is automatically started when Windows starts, to prevent this, you can choose to deactivate this setting.
515 If you don't want to use the MS Messenger, simply get it uninstalled. If Windows XP asks for a restart, just click 'NO'.
516 This will remove the automatically created support-user account
517 Disable the RegistrationWizardControl, this doesn't affect you WPA. Through this control, it is possible to check your registration data. So it's recommended to disable this Control.
518 This is a main program in the WPA. Disabling this, means you can't start the WPA anymore until you re-enable this. This is recommended only if you have already activated your XP.
519 If you don't plan on using the remotedesktop ability, disable this feature.
520 This setting pretends that your online registration has already been done. Don't misunderstand, this doesn't affect the WPA.
521 Your computer's clock won't be synchronized with time servers on the internet. If you intend to do so, simply reset this setting and change the time server via the 'special' menu in this program.
522 Disables the BalloonTips coming up for many reasons like when you got connected to the internet, when there's too little free memory on the HDD...
523 Deletes the system's pagefile on every shutdown
524 Prevents the MS Messenger from being started every time Outlook Express starts. If you plan to deinstall the MS Messenger, just ignore this setting.
527 If an OfficeXP application crashes, XP does not try to send an error report
528 If you tell XP to shutdown, this setting can speed up the process of shutting down.
529 In the past there was a security related problem with the UPNP service. If you want to know more about UPNP, visit http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;EN-US;q262458
530 Normally your Internet Explorer limits the maximum number of open connections on one server to 4. If you're downloading 4 files from a server, and you want to surf its websites, nothing happens coz you have already reached the maximum number of connections. This setting increases the limit to 10.
531 This setting disables the built-in ZIP functionality. If you use tools like WinRAR, you might want to open zip files with this tool, and don't need the XP functionality anymore. If so, select this setting, and activate the zip-association in WinRAR->options->settings->integration.
532 This service is used to send small messages via 'net send {destination} {message}' through the network. This service can be misused by some applications to spread spam. So if you do not intend to use the 'net send' thing, simply disable this service.
533 When activating this setting, the Internet Explorer won't cache your user names, passwords and other entries you entered in webforms anymore. Enabling/disabling this setting only concerns the actual logged-in user.
534 You should deactivate this setting, because otherwise it will be possible, with the help of the Internet Explorer and the help and support center, to delete files on your system. This only applies to WindowsXP without service pack 1. Details: Through a malicious link to the file 'uplddrvinfo.htm' someone can delete entire directories on your system, this problem is fixed within service pack 1. To prevent this vulnerability, the file 'uplddrvinfo.htm' is renamed to 'uplddrvinfo.htm.bak'. More info at:http://www.google.de/search?q=uplddrvinfo.htm
535 If this Setting is disabled, the media player doesn't add the names of the files you viewed to the media library. It is possible that this information can be retrieved via the internet.
536 If this Setting is disabled, the following information won't be retrieved from the internet anymore. Media information on CDs and DVDs / Update missing information of local music data on the web.
537 If this Setting is disabled, no information about your daily usage with the media player will be sent to Microsoft. Unfortunately you can't be sure that Microsoft uses this data only to improve their software nor do we know what information is transferred. So: Better safe than Sorry ;-)
538 If this Setting is disabled, the viewed media file names aren't stored in the most recently used file anymore. This information is not published on the internet, but anyone can see which movies you watched if he uses the same computer account.
539 This setting disables the Javascript ability of the Internet Explorer. Note that many internet pages use javascript, but if it's enabled it can be used to fake the information you see (like a faked ebay profile) or even harm your computer if a security exploit gets discovered.\nMy recommendation: if you visit webpages you don't know, just disable javascript, you can put it back on later.
540 This setting disables the ability of executing ActiveX controls through the Internet Explorer. If you plan on launching a windows update via your webbrowser you'll have to enable ActiveX. There are a few other webpages that use ActiveX controls but in many cases ActiveX controls want to install some sort of dialer on your machine. So it's better to disable this feature and enable it when you're sure about the content.
600 MS Mediaplayer
601 Error reports
602 Miscellaneous settings
603 Internet Explorer 6 settings
604 Services are programs, running in the background. There are a lot of them if you look at 'my computer'->administration->services. The services below are programs that can automatically connect to the internet, without you perceiving it. These Services will be disabled.\nIf you wanna let the system update your WindowsXP again, just right-click the setting and 'undo' it.
605 The MS Messenger comes preinstalled with your system.
606 RegSvr32.exe is a systemprogram that can register or unregister programs in the registry.
607 Disable Javascript
608 Disable ActiveX Controls
609 Enable pop-up blocking
610 This setting enables the built-in pop-up blocker for your Internet Explorer.\n If this setting is enabled, it's no longer possible for websites to open new Internet Explorer windows by themselves. In most cases this behaviour was used to open little windows showing annoying advertisements.
611 Disable integrated Firewall
612 The integrated firewall blocks incoming connections on your network interface. All outgoing connections are allowed and cannot be blocked. For blocking outgoing connections as well, you need to have a 3rd party application firewall. There is a free firewall for personal use available at http://www.kerio.com .
613 Disable firewall/connection sharing service
614 Deactivates the firewall service, through which your computer can be protected against incoming connections. This service also has to be active if your computer is used as a gateway for other computers connecting to the internet.
615 Disable Security Center
616 Disables the security center, which resides in the system tray and notifies you about missing virus protection or a deactivated firewall. I think this service is not needed all the time and only occupies memory. So decide for yourself if you want to keep this service running.
617 Also show suffixes of known files
618 Normally the extensions of a file (like .bmp, .pdf, .doc ...) are not shown in the file explorer. This makes it possible, for example, to make executable files look like innocent bitmaps. Sometimes it's difficult to recognise this, that's why extensions should be visible on all files. Imagine someone renames a vb script file 'hollywood.bmp.vbs'. The file explorer would only show 'hollywood.bmp' if this setting was not enabled, and maybe you would think this is a nice picture of hollywood because it has the extension .bmp. Got the point?\nThat's why it's better if all extensions are shown.
619 Apply Settings
620 If an Office 2003 application crashes, it does not try to send an error report to Microsoft.
621 Office 2003: Don't send error reports.
622 Already Patched:
623 No
624 Yes
625 Unknown Build number of the file, unable to patch.\nPlease Notice that this function is only active in\n Service Pack 2 for Windows XP, and\nService Pack 1a for Windows 2003.
626 Yes, I got it.
627 Attention!\nThe connection limit wasn't established by Microsoft without a reason. It should prevent rapid spreading of viruses and worms if a computer gets infected. That's why they limited it to 10 connections at a time... Some applications, like, for example, filesharing tools, can't unfold their capacity when the maximum connection limit is too low. Please don't raise the connection limit if you don't really need it. Look into the event viewer (start->run 'Eventvwr.msc'->system). When you see entries with the event ID 4226, the system is telling you that the connection limit has been reached.\n!!!! Note: Changes to the connection limit are made entirely at your own risk!!!!
631 The following files have been patched:\n
632 The following files have been restored:\n
633 Max. Connections:
634 unlimited
635 You have entered an invalid value!\nValid ones are 10-16777214.
636 No automatic updates.
637 Prevents the Mediaplayer from automatically updating via the internet.
638 Hide Computer in Network.
639 Through this setting the computer won't be shown in the network neighbourhood. So no one can identify your computer unless he knows its address or name.
640 Deny starting regedit.exe
641 Prevents the logged-on user from starting the registry editor and so editing the registry.
642 Deactivate Scripting Host.
643 Deactivates the Scripting Host, which is responsible for executing files with the following suffixes: *.js,\n*.jse, *.vbe, *.vbs, *.wsf, *.wsh. Through these script files, malware is often distributed.
644 Don't show last logged-on user name.
645 If this computer is attached to a domain, or the log-in dialog is switched to Windows 2000 mode, the edit field 'username' won't show the last successful logged-in user name anymore.
646 No error reports through the Internet Explorer.
647 If the Internet Explorer causes an error, it will not try to send the error information to Microsoft.
648 Clean website cache on shutdown.
649 On shutdown of the system, the created cache files will be erased.
658 Don't autostart CD's.
659 Through this setting it will be prevented that, if you insert a CD into the computer, the computer will look for existing start-up files.
660 Clean history of recently used documents.
661 On shutdown of the system, all entries in start->recent documents will be erased. So the history of used documents won't be visible over multiple sessions.
665 Save Profile as
666 Select Profile
667 This profile already exists.\nOverwrite it?
668 Do you really want to delete the selected profile?
669 Do you really want to delete all profiles?
670 The help file xp-AntiSpy.chm couldn't be found.
671 Don't start player in media guide.
672 Prevents the media player from connecting to the startpage on the internet.
673 Applying a time server will activate the time server service\n and time synchronization. Do you want this?
674 Always show *.url suffixes
675 Always show *.pif suffixes
676 Always show *.scf suffixes
678 Through this setting, the suffixes of files ending with .url will always be displayed to the user. See setting 'Always show *.pif suffixes' for more info.
679 Through this setting, the suffixes of files ending with .pif will always be displayed to the user. These types of file can contain executable code and someone could hide one of these suffixes as follows: important.txt.pif. You only get displayed important.txt. This can mislead you, thinking this is a text file. If you open this file, the contained information will be executed and can harm your computer.
680 Through this setting, the suffixes of files ending with .scf will always be displayed to the user. See setting 'Always show *.pif suffixes' for more info.
682 Always show *.lnk suffixes
683 Through this setting, the suffixes of files ending with .lnk will always be displayed to the user. See setting 'Always show *.pif suffixes' for more info.
684 Always show *.shb suffixes
685 Through this setting, the suffixes of files ending with .shb will always be displayed to the user. See setting 'Always show *.pif suffixes' for more info.
686 xp-AntiSpy command line help
687 Syntax: xp-AntiSpy.exe [+|-n] ...
688 + means that the setting will be activated (enabled)
689 - means that the setting will be deactivated (disabled)
690 Where n can be:
691 Example: xp-AntiSpy.exe -1 -2 -3 -4 -5 -6 -11
692 Don't report to Microsoft if your system was infected by malware
693 This means that when you use the Microsoft Removal Tool for malware (http://www.microsoft.com/security/malwareremove/default.mspx), it won't inform Microsoft if a malicious software was detected on your system. This setting doesn't change anything of the functionality of this software.
694 with l<countl> you can change the connection limit of the network,
695 where <count> should be a number between 1 and 4096