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- # IDL language definition file
- #
- # Author: AndrĪ Simon
- # Mail: andre.simon1@gmx.de
- # Date: 02.03.2003
- # ------------------------------------------
- # This file is a part of highlight, a free source code converter released under the GPL.
- #
- # The file is used to describe keywords and special symbols of programming languages.
- # See README in the highlight directory for details.
- #
- # New definition files for future releases of highlight are always appreciated ;)
- #
- # ----------
- # andre.simon1@gmx.de
- # http:/www.andre-simon.de/
- $KW_LIST(kwa)=case coclass dispinterface enum interface library module pipe struct
- switch typedef union
- $KW_LIST(kwb)=auto boolean bstr byte char double error_status_t float handle_t
- hbitmap henhmetafile hglobal hmetafile hmetafile_pict hpalette hresult hyper
- int long safearray short signed small unsigned variant variant_bool void
- wchar_t aggregatable appobject bindable broadcast callback const
- context_handle control custom default defaultbind defaultcollelem defaultvalue
- defaultvtable displaybind dllname dual endpoint entry first_is handle
- helpcontext helpfile helpstring helpstringcontext helpstringdll hidden id
- idempotentent ignore iid_is immediatebind in last_is lcid length_is licensed
- local max_is maybe message ms_union nonbrowsable noncreatable nonextensible
- object oleautomation optional out pointer_default propget propput propputref
- ptr public range readonly ref requestedit restricted retval size_is source
- string switch_is switch_type transmit_as uidefault unique user_marshal
- usesgetlasterror uuid v1_enum vararg version wire_marshal
- $ML_COMMENT=/* */
- $SYMBOLS= ( ) [ ] { } , ; : & | < > ! = / * % + -