Chip 2005 June
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# lame.irc - preserving some of the old school irc lameness
# These lame popup kick/ban insults and slaps were not written by me. The credit
# for these goes to a guy who went by BioToXiN probably 10 years ago. I included
# his popup menues as kind of a way to pay hommage to how lame irc'rs can be,
# really. I included them spelling errors and all. I secured his permission to
# use them in a script years ago; I'm hoping he lets that permission carry over
# to this client. These slaps/insults really are in here as a joke.
menu nicklist
menu "&Slapz"
&addItem("UNIX", "/me slaps an 80 lbs UNIX manual on $1" . "'s head... but were theres no sense theres no feeling");
&addItem("POP-A-CAP", "/me pulls out his gloch 9... aims at $1 and busts a cap in his ass...");
&addItem("BEER", "/me reaches over and grabs a BEER <TM>");
&addItem("SLEEP", "/me falls asleep in the middle of IRC <ZZZZZZzzzzzz.....>");
menu "&Insults"
item Homosexual
&say("[Webster's Online Dictionary : Port 2251]");
&say("[Definition of \"homosexual\"] ");
&say(" 1. Ho-mo-sex-u-al (adjective) ");
&say(" : oriented towards one's own sex ");
&say(" 2. Ho-mo-sex-u-al (noun) ");
&say(" : $1 ");
item Masturbater
&say("[Webster's Online Dictionary : Port 2251]");
&say("[Definition of \"masturbate\"] ");
&say(" 1. Mas-tur-ba-tion (noun) ");
&say(" : stimulation of sex organs by hand ");
&say(" 2. Mas-tur-ba-tor (noun) ");
&say(" : $1 ");
item "Anal Sex"
&say("[Webster's Online Dictionary : Port 2251]");
&say("[Definition of \"anal sex\"] ");
&say(" 1. An-al Sex (noun) ");
&say(" : Copulation involving the anus ");
&say(" : How $1 was concieved ");
item "Oral Sex"
&say("[Webster's Online Dictionary : Port 2251]");
&say("[Definition of \"oral sex\"] ");
&say(" 1. Or-al Sex (noun) ");
&say(" : Copulation involving the mouth ");
&say(" : A favorite sport of $1" . "'s at family picnics");
item "Kindergardner"
&say("[Webster's Online Dictionary : Port 2251]");
&say("[Definition of \"kindergarten\"] ");
&say(" 1. kin-der-gar-ten (noun) ");
&say(" : class for young children ");
&say(" : A location that has a restraining order against $1");
item Asshole
&say("[Webster's Online Dictionary : Port 2251]");
&say("[Definition of \"asshole\"] ");
&say(" 1. Ass-hole (noun) ");
&say(" : a sphincter used for excreting waste");
&say(" : $1 on a good day");
item Retard
&say("[Webster's Online Dictionary : Port 2251]");
&say("[Definition of \"retard\"]");
&say(" 1. re-tard (noun)");
&say(" : someone who is mentally or physically disabled");
&say(" : $1 ");
item Lamer
&say("[Webster's Online Dictionary : Port 2251]");
&say("[Definition of \"lame\"]");
&say(" 1. lame (adjective)");
&say(" : someone who is stupid, annoying, or ignorant");
&say(" : $1 ");
if ($me isop $0)
sub kickBanInsults
menu "&Kick Insults"
item Asshole
&say('******************* ASSHOLE ALERT!!!! *******************');
&say('******** ' . $1 . ' Has Been Spotted Being A Complete Asshole ********');
wait kick
sub temps
&say("****************** \BAsshole\B Taken Care Of ******************");
addTimer(&temps, 0, 1);
&call("/kick $active $1 \BNo Assholes\B (Usually)");
item Faggot
&say("$1 @#M4M @#pedophiles @#gayboygifs @#smalldogsex @#oldmenaresexy");
&say("WHAT A \BFAGGOT\B!!!");
&call("/kick $active $1 \BNo Faggots\B");
wait kick
sub temps
&say("We'll Have None Of \BThat\B Around Here.");
addTimer(&temps, 0, 1);
item Racist
&say("$1 @#KKK @#nazi @#killniggers @#skinheads");
&call("/kick $active $1 FUCKiNG RACiST BASTARD!!! ");
item 'Stupid Nick'
&say("$1" . "?!?!? What Kind Of Nick is That!?!?!");
&call("/kick $active $1 Come Back When You Have A REAL Nick");
item Lamer
&say("AOL = Army Of Lamers");
&call("/kick $active $1 Come Back When You Have A REAL Provider");
item Lamer2
&say("- - -=]+[=- - - LAMER DETECTED!!! - - -=|+|=- - -");
&say("- - -=|+|=- - - TARGETiNG " . $1 . " - - -=|+|=- - -");
&say("- - -=|+|=- - - LAUNCHING WEAPON - - -=|+|=- - -");
&call("/kick $active $1 LAMERS = 0 " . $me . " = 1");
wait kick
sub temps
&say("- - -=|+|=- - - LAMER ELiMiNATED - - -=]+[=- - -");
addTimer(&temps, 0, 1);
item 'Cock Sucker'
&call("msg $active $1" . ", You Suck");
&call("msg $active $1" . ", You Suck");
&call("msg $active $1" . ", You Suck");
&call("msg $active $1" . ", You Suck");
&call("msg $active $1" . ", You Suck");
&call("msg $active $1" . ", You Suck");
&call("/kick $active $1 Get The Picture Yet?.. You SUCK");
item "You Stink"
&say("What the Hell is That Stench?!?!");
&call("/kick $active $1 Is it You?");
wait kick
sub temps
&say("Nevermind... I Got Rid Of it...");
addTimer(&temps, 0, 1);
item Meanie
&say("WARNiNG: $1 is a MEANiE");
&say("I'll Take Care Of That");
&call("/kick $active $1 MEAN PEOPLE SUCK");
&call("/msg $1 MEAN PEOPLE SUCK");
&call("/ctcp $1 MEAN PEOPLE SUCK");
&call("/notice $1 MEAN PEOPLE SUCK");
&call("/msg $1 MEAN PEOPLE SUCK");
&call("/ctcp $1 MEAN PEOPLE SUCK");
&call("/notice $1 MEAN PEOPLE SUCK");
item Kid
&say("Once Apon a Time There Was a Little Kid...");
&call("/kick $active $1 ...But The Kid Soon Left. <THE END>");
item door
&say("Oh.. and $1" . "?");
&call("/kick $active $1 DON'T LET THE DOOR HiT YOUR ASS ON THE WAY OUT!!!");
item door2
&say("What's Wrong $1" . "? Can't Find The Door?");
&call("/kick $active $1 LET ME SHOW YOU iT!!!");
item math
&call("/me Decides to Use Calculus on $1" . ".");
&call("/me Takes The Second Derivative of $1" . ".");
&call("/me is Astonished!! He Has Just Disproved $1" . "'s Existence!!!");
&call("/kick $active $1 Hey, I Got an A in Math.. Don't Screw With Me..");
item "Time Travel"
&call("/me Jumps Through a Time Warp That Has Somehow Manifested in his Garage...");
&call("/me Notices a Bird Fly by...");
&call("/me Steps on a Worm That The Bird Should Have Gotten...");
&say("The Bird Sees an Old Man Sitting on a Rock Next to the Tree Where his Nest is.");
&say("The Bird Pecks the Old Man to Death.");
&say("It Just Turns Out That the Old Man is One of $1" . "'s Ancestors...");
&say("Upon This Paradox of the Space/Time Continium, $1 Pops Out of Existence...");
&call("/kick $active $1 POOF!!!");
item "Metal head"
&call("/me takes $1 to a Pantera concert");
&call("/me nudges $1 into the pit");
&call("/kick $active $1 is this your tooth?");
item "Metal Head2"
&call("/me takes $1 to a Slayer concert");
&call("/me throws $1 onto the stage");
&call("/me watches the band dismember $1");
&call("/kick $active $1 hey dude, need a band aid?");
item "kiss-my-ass"
&call("/msg $1 Kiss my ass (_|_)");
&call("/kick $active $1 Pucker up BIATCH!!! (_!_) ");
menu "&Ban Insults"
item "Shut Up"
&call("/me thinks that $1 should shut there mouth");
&call("/mode $active +b $1");
&say("now try talking");
&call("/kick $active $1 oh well... at least I don't have to put up with your whining");
item Warning
&say("$1 keep your shit up and I'll kick\ban ya!");
&call("/kb $active $1 so.. I changed my mind");
item lamer
&say("these lamers just keep coming back eh $1");
&call("/kb $1 hmm maybe this one will stay away");
item flooder
&say("$1" . ", you can't flood for shit... but ya know what, I'm gonna let you practice...");
&say("sound good?");
&say("so I'm gonna let you flood...");
&call("/kb $1 ... in another channel");
item boaster
&say("that is prettty neat...");
&say("but I know of somthing better,");
&call("/kb $1 its the classic ol' kick\ban");
item "Op Begger"
&say("okay $1 heres your ops");
&call("/kb $1 is it +b or +o");
item "net sex"
&say("yo $1 this is $active not #littlegirlsex or #oldwomenpics");
&call("/kb $1 get a women net sex is ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^LAME^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^");
&call("/ctcp $1 now say it with me...");
&call("/ctcp $1 ECHO NET SEX IS LAME");
&call("/ctcp $1 ECHO NET SEX IS LAME");
&call("/ctcp $1 I can't hear you");
&call("/ctcp $1 PING");
&call("/ctcp $1 ECHO NET SEX IS LAME");