Chip 2004 July
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"""Utilities for registering objects.
This module contains utility functions to register Python objects as
valid COM Servers. The RegisterServer function provides all information
necessary to allow the COM framework to respond to a request for a COM object,
construct the necessary Python object, and dispatch COM events.
import sys
import win32api
import win32con
import pythoncom
import winerror
import os
CATID_PythonCOMServer = "{B3EF80D0-68E2-11D0-A689-00C04FD658FF}"
def _set_subkeys(keyName, valueDict, base=win32con.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT):
hkey = win32api.RegCreateKey(base, keyName)
for key, value in valueDict.items():
win32api.RegSetValueEx(hkey, key, None, win32con.REG_SZ, value)
def _set_string(path, value, base=win32con.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT):
"Set a string value in the registry."
def _get_string(path, base=win32con.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT):
"Get a string value from the registry."
return win32api.RegQueryValue(base, path)
except win32api.error:
return None
def _remove_key(path, base=win32con.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT):
"Remove a string from the registry."
win32api.RegDeleteKey(base, path)
except win32api.error, (code, fn, msg):
if code != winerror.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND:
raise win32api.error, (code, fn, msg)
def recurse_delete_key(path, base=win32con.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT):
"""Recursively delete registry keys.
This is needed since you can't blast a key when subkeys exist.
h = win32api.RegOpenKey(base, path)
except win32api.error, (code, fn, msg):
if code != winerror.ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND:
raise win32api.error, (code, fn, msg)
# parent key found and opened successfully. do some work, making sure
# to always close the thing (error or no).
# remove all of the subkeys
while 1:
subkeyname = win32api.RegEnumKey(h, 0)
except win32api.error, (code, fn, msg):
if code != winerror.ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS:
raise win32api.error, (code, fn, msg)
recurse_delete_key(path + '\\' + subkeyname, base)
# remove the parent key
_remove_key(path, base)
def _cat_registrar():
return pythoncom.CoCreateInstance(
def _find_localserver_exe(mustfind):
if not sys.platform.startswith("win32"):
return sys.executable
if pythoncom.__file__.find("_d") < 0:
exeBaseName = "pythonw.exe"
exeBaseName = "pythonw_d.exe"
# First see if in the same directory as this .EXE
exeName = os.path.join( os.path.split(sys.executable)[0], exeBaseName )
if not os.path.exists(exeName):
# See if in our sys.prefix directory
exeName = os.path.join( sys.prefix, exeBaseName )
if not os.path.exists(exeName):
# See if in our sys.prefix/pcbuild directory (for developers)
exeName = os.path.join( sys.prefix, "PCbuild", exeBaseName )
if not os.path.exists(exeName):
# See if the registry has some info.
key = "SOFTWARE\\Python\\PythonCore\\%s\\InstallPath" % sys.winver
path = win32api.RegQueryValue( win32con.HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, key )
exeName = os.path.join( path, exeBaseName )
except (AttributeError,win32api.error):
if not os.path.exists(exeName):
if mustfind:
raise RuntimeError, "Can not locate the program '%s'" % exeBaseName
return None
return exeName
def _find_localserver_module():
import win32com.server
path = win32com.server.__path__[0]
baseName = "localserver"
pyfile = os.path.join(path, baseName + ".py")
except os.error:
# See if we have a compiled extension
if __debug__:
ext = ".pyc"
ext = ".pyo"
pyfile = os.path.join(path, baseName + ext)
except os.error:
raise RuntimeError, "Can not locate the Python module 'win32com.server.%s'" % baseName
return pyfile
def RegisterServer(clsid,
progID=None, verProgID=None,
catids=[], other={},
dispatcher = None,
clsctx = None,
addnPath = None,
"""Registers a Python object as a COM Server. This enters almost all necessary
information in the system registry, allowing COM to use the object.
clsid -- The (unique) CLSID of the server.
pythonInstString -- A string holding the instance name that will be created
whenever COM requests a new object.
desc -- The description of the COM object.
progID -- The user name of this object (eg, Word.Document)
verProgId -- The user name of this version's implementation (eg Word.6.Document)
defIcon -- The default icon for the object.
threadingModel -- The threading model this object supports.
policy -- The policy to use when creating this object.
catids -- A list of category ID's this object belongs in.
other -- A dictionary of extra items to be registered.
addPyComCat -- A flag indicating if the object should be added to the list
of Python servers installed on the machine.
dispatcher -- The dispatcher to use when creating this object.
clsctx -- One of the CLSCTX_* constants.
addnPath -- An additional path the COM framework will add to sys.path
before attempting to create the object.
### backwards-compat check
### Certain policies do not require a "class name", just the policy itself.
if not pythonInstString and not policy:
raise TypeError, 'You must specify either the Python Class or Python Policy which implement the COM object.'
keyNameRoot = "CLSID\\%s" % str(clsid)
_set_string(keyNameRoot, desc)
# Also register as an "Application" so DCOM etc all see us.
_set_string("AppID\\%s" % clsid, progID)
# Depending on contexts requested, register the specified server type.
# Set default clsctx.
if not clsctx:
clsctx = pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER | pythoncom.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER
# And if we are frozen, ignore the ones that don't make sense in this
# context.
if pythoncom.frozen:
assert sys.frozen, "pythoncom is frozen, but sys.frozen is not set - don't know the context!"
if sys.frozen == "dll":
clsctx = clsctx & pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER
clsctx = clsctx & pythoncom.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER
# Now setup based on the clsctx left over.
if clsctx & pythoncom.CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER:
# get the module to use for registration.
# nod to Gordon's installer - if sys.frozen and sys.frozendllhandle
# exist, then we are being registered via a DLL - use this DLL as the
# file name.
if pythoncom.frozen:
if hasattr(sys, "frozendllhandle"):
dllName = win32api.GetModuleFileName(sys.frozendllhandle)
raise RuntimeError, "We appear to have a frozen DLL, but I don't know the DLL to use"
# Normal case - running from .py file, so register pythoncom's DLL.
dllName = os.path.basename(pythoncom.__file__)
_set_subkeys(keyNameRoot + "\\InprocServer32",
{ None : dllName,
"ThreadingModel" : threadingModel,
else: # Remove any old InProcServer32 registrations
_remove_key(keyNameRoot + "\\InprocServer32")
if clsctx & pythoncom.CLSCTX_LOCAL_SERVER:
if pythoncom.frozen:
# If we are frozen, we write "{exe} /Automate", just
# like "normal" .EXEs do
exeName = win32api.GetShortPathName(sys.executable)
command = '%s /Automate' % (exeName,)
# Running from .py sources - we need to write
# 'python.exe win32com\server\localserver.py {clsid}"
exeName = _find_localserver_exe(1)
exeName = win32api.GetShortPathName(exeName)
pyfile = _find_localserver_module()
command = '%s "%s" %s' % (exeName, pyfile, str(clsid))
_set_string(keyNameRoot + '\\LocalServer32', command)
else: # Remove any old LocalServer32 registrations
_remove_key(keyNameRoot + "\\LocalServer32")
if pythonInstString:
_set_string(keyNameRoot + '\\PythonCOM', pythonInstString)
_remove_key(keyNameRoot + '\\PythonCOM')
if policy:
_set_string(keyNameRoot + '\\PythonCOMPolicy', policy)
_remove_key(keyNameRoot + '\\PythonCOMPolicy')
if dispatcher:
_set_string(keyNameRoot + '\\PythonCOMDispatcher', dispatcher)
_remove_key(keyNameRoot + '\\PythonCOMDispatcher')
if defIcon:
_set_string(keyNameRoot + '\\DefaultIcon', defIcon)
if addnPath:
_set_string(keyNameRoot + "\\PythonCOMPath", addnPath)
_remove_key(keyNameRoot + "\\PythonCOMPath")
if addPyComCat:
catids = catids + [ CATID_PythonCOMServer ]
# Set up the implemented categories
if catids:
regCat = _cat_registrar()
regCat.RegisterClassImplCategories(clsid, catids)
# set up any other reg values they might have
if other:
for key, value in other.items():
_set_string(keyNameRoot + '\\' + key, value)
if progID:
# set the progID as the most specific that was given to us
if verProgID:
_set_string(keyNameRoot + '\\ProgID', verProgID)
_set_string(keyNameRoot + '\\ProgID', progID)
# Set up the root entries - version independent.
if desc:
_set_string(progID, desc)
_set_string(progID + '\\CLSID', str(clsid))
# Set up the root entries - version dependent.
if verProgID:
# point from independent to the current version
_set_string(progID + '\\CurVer', verProgID)
# point to the version-independent one
_set_string(keyNameRoot + '\\VersionIndependentProgID', progID)
# set up the versioned progID
if desc:
_set_string(verProgID, desc)
_set_string(verProgID + '\\CLSID', str(clsid))
def GetUnregisterServerKeys(clsid, progID=None, verProgID=None, customKeys = None):
"""Given a server, return a list of of ("key", root), which are keys recursively
and uncondtionally deleted at unregister or uninstall time.
# remove the main CLSID registration
ret = [("CLSID\\%s" % str(clsid), win32con.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT)]
# remove the versioned ProgID registration
if verProgID:
ret.append((verProgID, win32con.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT))
# blow away the independent ProgID. we can't leave it since we just
# torched the class.
### could potentially check the CLSID... ?
if progID:
ret.append((progID, win32con.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT))
# The DCOM config tool may write settings to the AppID key for our CLSID
ret.append( ("AppID\\%s" % str(clsid), win32con.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT) )
# Any custom keys?
if customKeys:
ret = ret + customKeys
return ret
def UnregisterServer(clsid, progID=None, verProgID=None, customKeys = None):
"""Unregisters a Python COM server."""
for args in GetUnregisterServerKeys(clsid, progID, verProgID, customKeys ):
### it might be nice at some point to "roll back" the independent ProgID
### to an earlier version if one exists, and just blowing away the
### specified version of the ProgID (and its corresponding CLSID)
### another time, though...
### NOTE: ATL simply blows away the above three keys without the
### potential checks that I describe. Assuming that defines the
### "standard" then we have no additional changes necessary.
def GetRegisteredServerOption(clsid, optionName):
"""Given a CLSID for a server and option name, return the option value
keyNameRoot = "CLSID\\%s\\%s" % (str(clsid), str(optionName))
return _get_string(keyNameRoot)
def _get(ob, attr, default=None):
return getattr(ob, attr)
except AttributeError:
# look down sub-classes
bases = ob.__bases__
except AttributeError:
# ob is not a class - no probs.
return default
for base in bases:
val = _get(base, attr, None)
if val is not None:
return val
return default
def RegisterClasses(*classes, **flags):
quiet = flags.has_key('quiet') and flags['quiet']
debugging = flags.has_key('debug') and flags['debug']
for cls in classes:
clsid = cls._reg_clsid_
progID = _get(cls, '_reg_progid_')
desc = _get(cls, '_reg_desc_', progID)
spec = _get(cls, '_reg_class_spec_')
verProgID = _get(cls, '_reg_verprogid_')
defIcon = _get(cls, '_reg_icon_')
threadingModel = _get(cls, '_reg_threading_', 'both')
catids = _get(cls, '_reg_catids_', [])
options = _get(cls, '_reg_options_', {})
policySpec = _get(cls, '_reg_policy_spec_')
clsctx = _get(cls, '_reg_clsctx_')
tlb_filename = _get(cls, '_reg_typelib_filename_')
addPyComCat = not _get(cls, '_reg_disable_pycomcat_', 0)
addnPath = None
if debugging:
# If the class has a debugging dispatcher specified, use it, otherwise
# use our default dispatcher.
dispatcherSpec = _get(cls, '_reg_debug_dispatcher_spec_')
if dispatcherSpec is None:
dispatcherSpec = "win32com.server.dispatcher.DefaultDebugDispatcher"
# And remember the debugging flag as servers may wish to use it at runtime.
debuggingDesc = "(for debugging)"
options['Debugging'] = "1"
dispatcherSpec = _get(cls, '_reg_dispatcher_spec_')
debuggingDesc = ""
options['Debugging'] = "0"
if spec is None:
# Always write out path - the policy may or may not need it
scriptDir = os.path.split(sys.argv[0])[0]
if not scriptDir: scriptDir = "."
moduleName = cls.__module__
if moduleName == '__main__':
# Use argv[0] to determine the module name.
# Use the win32api to find the case-sensitive name
moduleName = os.path.splitext(win32api.FindFiles(sys.argv[0])[0][8])[0]
except (IndexError, win32api.error):
# Can't find the script file - the user must explicitely set the _reg_... attribute.
raise TypeError, "Can't locate the script hosting the COM object - please set _reg_class_spec_ in your object"
spec = moduleName + "." + cls.__name__
addnPath = win32api.GetFullPathName(scriptDir)
RegisterServer(clsid, spec, desc, progID, verProgID, defIcon,
threadingModel, policySpec, catids, options,
addPyComCat, dispatcherSpec, clsctx, addnPath)
if not quiet:
print 'Registered:', progID or spec, debuggingDesc
# Register the typelibrary
if tlb_filename:
tlb_filename = os.path.abspath(tlb_filename)
typelib = pythoncom.LoadTypeLib(tlb_filename)
pythoncom.RegisterTypeLib(typelib, tlb_filename)
if not quiet:
print 'Registered type library:', tlb_filename
extra = flags.get('finalize_register')
if extra:
def UnregisterClasses(*classes, **flags):
quiet = flags.has_key('quiet') and flags['quiet']
for cls in classes:
clsid = cls._reg_clsid_
progID = _get(cls, '_reg_progid_')
verProgID = _get(cls, '_reg_verprogid_')
customKeys = _get(cls, '_reg_remove_keys_')
unregister_typelib = _get(cls, '_reg_typelib_filename_') is not None
UnregisterServer(clsid, progID, verProgID, customKeys)
if not quiet:
print 'Unregistered:', progID or str(clsid)
if unregister_typelib:
tlb_guid = _get(cls, "_typelib_guid_")
if tlb_guid is None:
# I guess I could load the typelib, but they need the GUID anyway.
print "Have typelib filename, but no GUID - can't unregister"
major, minor = _get(cls, "_typelib_version_", (1,0))
lcid = _get(cls, "_typelib_lcid_", 0)
pythoncom.UnRegisterTypeLib(tlb_guid, major, minor, lcid)
if not quiet:
print 'Unregistered type library'
except pythoncom.com_error:
extra = flags.get('finalize_unregister')
if extra:
# Unregister info is for installers or external uninstallers.
# The WISE installer, for example firstly registers the COM server,
# then queries for the Unregister info, appending it to its
# install log. Uninstalling the package will the uninstall the server
def UnregisterInfoClasses(*classes, **flags):
ret = []
for cls in classes:
clsid = cls._reg_clsid_
progID = _get(cls, '_reg_progid_')
verProgID = _get(cls, '_reg_verprogid_')
customKeys = _get(cls, '_reg_remove_keys_')
ret = ret + GetUnregisterServerKeys(clsid, progID, verProgID, customKeys)
return ret
def UseCommandLine(*classes, **flags):
unregisterInfo = '--unregister_info' in sys.argv
unregister = '--unregister' in sys.argv
flags['quiet'] = flags.get('quiet',0) or '--quiet' in sys.argv
flags['debug'] = flags.get('debug',0) or '--debug' in sys.argv
if unregisterInfo:
return UnregisterInfoClasses(*classes, **flags)
if unregister:
UnregisterClasses(*classes, **flags)
RegisterClasses(*classes, **flags)
def RegisterPyComCategory():
""" Register the Python COM Server component category.
regCat = _cat_registrar()
regCat.RegisterCategories( [ (CATID_PythonCOMServer,
"Python COM Server") ] )
'Component Categories\\%s' % CATID_PythonCOMServer)
except win32api.error:
except pythoncom.error: # Error with the COM category manager - oh well.