home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /*
- HTTrack Website Copier, Offline Browser for Windows and Unix
- Copyright (C) Xavier Roche and other contributors
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
- modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2
- of the License, or any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- Important notes:
- - We hereby ask people using this source NOT to use it in purpose of grabbing
- emails addresses, or collecting any other private information on persons.
- This would disgrace our work, and spoil the many hours we spent on it.
- Please visit our Website: http://www.httrack.com
- */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* File: Subroutines */
- /* Author: Xavier Roche */
- /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
- /* Internal engine bytecode */
- // Fichier librairie .c
- #include "htslib.h"
- #include "htsbauth.h"
- /* specific definitions */
- #include "htsbase.h"
- #include "htsnet.h"
- #include "htsbauth.h"
- #include "htsthread.h"
- #include "htsnostatic.h"
- #include "htswrap.h"
- #include "htsmd5.h"
- #if HTS_WIN
- #include <direct.h>
- #else
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef HAVE_SYS_STAT_H
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- #endif
- #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H
- #include <unistd.h>
- #endif
- #endif
- #include <string.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #include <sys/timeb.h>
- #include <fcntl.h>
- // pour utimbuf
- #if HTS_WIN
- #include <sys/utime.h>
- #else
- #include <utime.h>
- #endif
- #include <sys/stat.h>
- /* END specific definitions */
- // Debugging
- #if _HTS_WIDE
- #endif
- /* variables globales */
- int _DEBUG_HEAD;
- FILE* ioinfo;
- SSL_CTX *openssl_ctx = NULL;
- #endif
- int IPV6_resolver = 0;
- /* dΘtection complΘmentaire */
- const char* hts_detect[] = {
- "archive",
- "background",
- "data", // OBJECT
- "dynsrc",
- "lowsrc",
- "profile", // element META
- "src",
- "swurl",
- "url",
- "usemap",
- "longdesc", // accessibility
- "xlink:href", // xml/svg tag
- ""
- };
- /* dΘtecter dΘbut */
- const char* hts_detectbeg[] = {
- "hotspot", /* hotspot1=..,hotspot2=.. */
- ""
- };
- /* ne pas dΘtcter de liens dedans */
- const char* hts_nodetect[] = {
- "accept-charset",
- "accesskey",
- "action",
- "align",
- "alt",
- "axes",
- "axis",
- "char",
- "charset",
- "cite",
- "class",
- "classid",
- "code",
- "color",
- "datetime",
- "dir",
- "enctype",
- "face",
- "height",
- "id",
- "lang",
- "language",
- "media",
- "method",
- "name",
- "prompt",
- "scheme",
- "size",
- "style",
- "target",
- "title",
- "type",
- "valign",
- "version",
- "width",
- ""
- };
- /* dΘtection de mini-code javascript */
- /* ALSO USED: detection based on the name: onXXX="<tag>" where XXX starts with upper case letter */
- const char* hts_detect_js[] = {
- "onAbort",
- "onBlur",
- "onChange",
- "onClick",
- "onDblClick",
- "onDragDrop",
- "onError",
- "onFocus",
- "onKeyDown",
- "onKeyPress",
- "onKeyUp",
- "onLoad",
- "onMouseDown",
- "onMouseMove",
- "onMouseOut",
- "onMouseOver",
- "onMouseUp",
- "onMove",
- "onReset",
- "onResize",
- "onSelect",
- "onSubmit",
- "onUnload",
- "style", /* hack for CSS code data */
- ""
- };
- const char* hts_main_mime[] = {
- "application",
- "audio",
- "image",
- "message",
- "multipart",
- "text",
- "video",
- ""
- };
- /* dΘtection "...URL=<url>" */
- const char* hts_detectURL[] = {
- "content",
- ""
- };
- /* tags o∙ l'URL doit Ωtre rΘΘcrite mais non capturΘe */
- const char* hts_detectandleave[] = {
- "action",
- ""
- };
- /* ne pas renommer les types renvoyΘs (souvent types inconnus) */
- const char* hts_mime_keep[] = {
- "application/octet-stream",
- "text/plain",
- ""
- };
- /* pas de type mime connu, mais extension connue */
- const char* hts_ext_dynamic[] = {
- "php3",
- "php",
- "php4",
- "php2",
- "cgi",
- "asp",
- "jsp",
- "pl",
- /*"exe",*/
- "cfm",
- "nsf", /* lotus */
- ""
- };
- /* types MIME
- note: application/octet-stream should not be used here
- */
- const char* hts_mime[][2] = {
- {"application/acad","dwg"},
- {"application/arj","arj"},
- {"application/clariscad","ccad"},
- {"application/drafting","drw"},
- {"application/dxf","dxf"},
- {"application/excel","xls"},
- {"application/i-deas","unv"},
- {"application/iges","isg"},
- {"application/iges","iges"},
- {"application/mac-binhex40","hqx"},
- {"application/mac-compactpro","cpt"},
- {"application/msword","doc"},
- {"application/msword","w6w"},
- {"application/msword","word"},
- {"application/mswrite","wri"},
- /*{"application/octet-stream","dms"},*/
- /*{"application/octet-stream","lzh"},*/
- /*{"application/octet-stream","lha"},*/
- /*{"application/octet-stream","bin"},*/
- {"application/oda","oda"},
- {"application/pdf","pdf"},
- {"application/postscript","ps"},
- {"application/postscript","ai"},
- {"application/postscript","eps"},
- {"application/powerpoint","ppt"},
- {"application/pro_eng","prt"},
- {"application/pro_eng","part"},
- {"application/rtf","rtf"},
- {"application/set","set"},
- {"application/sla","stl"},
- {"application/smil","smi"},
- {"application/smil","smil"},
- {"application/smil","sml"},
- {"application/solids","sol"},
- {"application/STEP","stp"},
- {"application/STEP","step"},
- {"application/vda","vda"},
- {"application/x-authorware-map","aam"},
- {"application/x-authorware-seg","aas"},
- {"application/x-authorware-bin","aab"},
- {"application/x-cocoa","cco"},
- {"application/x-csh","csh"},
- {"application/x-director","dir"},
- {"application/x-director","dcr"},
- {"application/x-director","dxr"},
- {"application/x-mif","mif"},
- {"application/x-dvi","dvi"},
- {"application/x-gzip","gz"},
- {"application/x-gzip","gzip"},
- {"application/x-hdf","hdf"},
- {"application/x-javascript","js"},
- {"application/x-koan","skp"},
- {"application/x-koan","skd"},
- {"application/x-koan","skt"},
- {"application/x-koan","skm"},
- {"application/x-latex","latex"},
- {"application/x-netcdf","nc"},
- {"application/x-netcdf","cdf"},
- /* {"application/x-sh","sh"}, */
- /* {"application/x-csh","csh"}, */
- /* {"application/x-ksh","ksh"}, */
- {"application/x-shar","shar"},
- {"application/x-stuffit","sit"},
- {"application/x-tcl","tcl"},
- {"application/x-tex","tex"},
- {"application/x-texinfo","texinfo"},
- {"application/x-texinfo","texi"},
- {"application/x-troff","t"},
- {"application/x-troff","tr"},
- {"application/x-troff","roff"},
- {"application/x-troff-man","man"},
- {"application/x-troff-me","ms"},
- {"application/x-wais-source","src"},
- {"application/zip","zip"},
- {"application/x-zip-compressed","zip"},
- {"application/x-bcpio","bcpio"},
- {"application/x-cdlink","vcd"},
- {"application/x-cpio","cpio"},
- {"application/x-gtar","tgz"},
- {"application/x-gtar","gtar"},
- {"application/x-shar","shar"},
- {"application/x-shockwave-flash","swf"},
- {"application/x-sv4cpio","sv4cpio"},
- {"application/x-sv4crc","sv4crc"},
- {"application/x-tar","tar"},
- {"application/x-ustar","ustar"},
- {"application/x-winhelp","hlp"},
- {"audio/midi","mid"},
- {"audio/midi","midi"},
- {"audio/midi","kar"},
- {"audio/mpeg","mp3"},
- {"audio/mpeg","mpga"},
- {"audio/mpeg","mp2"},
- {"audio/basic","au"},
- {"audio/basic","snd"},
- {"audio/x-aiff","aif"},
- {"audio/x-aiff","aiff"},
- {"audio/x-aiff","aifc"},
- {"audio/x-pn-realaudio","rm"},
- {"audio/x-pn-realaudio","ram"},
- {"audio/x-pn-realaudio","ra"},
- {"audio/x-pn-realaudio-plugin","rpm"},
- {"audio/x-wav","wav"},
- {"chemical/x-pdb","pdb"},
- {"chemical/x-pdb","xyz"},
- {"drawing/x-dwf","dwf"},
- {"image/gif","gif"},
- {"image/ief","ief"},
- {"image/jpeg","jpg"},
- {"image/jpeg","jpe"},
- {"image/jpeg","jpeg"},
- {"image/pict","pict"},
- {"image/png","png"},
- {"image/tiff","tiff"},
- {"image/tiff","tif"},
- {"image/svg+xml","svg"},
- {"image/svg-xml","svg"},
- {"image/x-cmu-raster","ras"},
- {"image/x-freehand","fh4"},
- {"image/x-freehand","fh7"},
- {"image/x-freehand","fh5"},
- {"image/x-freehand","fhc"},
- {"image/x-freehand","fh"},
- {"image/x-portable-anymap","pnm"},
- {"image/x-portable-bitmap","pgm"},
- {"image/x-portable-pixmap","ppm"},
- {"image/x-rgb","rgb"},
- {"image/x-xbitmap","xbm"},
- {"image/x-xpixmap","xpm"},
- {"image/x-xwindowdump","xwd"},
- {"model/mesh","msh"},
- {"model/mesh","mesh"},
- {"model/mesh","silo"},
- {"multipart/x-zip","zip"},
- {"multipart/x-gzip","gzip"},
- {"text/css","css"},
- {"text/html","html"},
- {"text/html","htm"},
- {"text/plain","txt"},
- {"text/plain","g"},
- {"text/plain","h"},
- {"text/plain","c"},
- {"text/plain","cc"},
- {"text/plain","hh"},
- {"text/plain","m"},
- {"text/plain","f90"},
- {"text/richtext","rtx"},
- {"text/tab-separated-values","tsv"},
- {"text/x-setext","etx"},
- {"text/x-sgml","sgml"},
- {"text/x-sgml","sgm"},
- {"text/xml","xml"},
- {"text/xml","dtd"},
- {"video/mpeg","mpeg"},
- {"video/mpeg","mpg"},
- {"video/mpeg","mpe"},
- {"video/quicktime","qt"},
- {"video/quicktime","mov"},
- {"video/x-msvideo","avi"},
- {"video/x-sgi-movie","movie"},
- {"x-conference/x-cooltalk","ice"},
- /*{"application/x-httpd-cgi","cgi"},*/
- {"x-world/x-vrml","wrl"},
- /* More from w3schools.com */
- { "application/envoy", "evy" },
- { "application/fractals", "fif" },
- { "application/futuresplash", "spl" },
- { "application/hta", "hta" },
- { "application/internet-property-stream", "acx" },
- { "application/msword", "dot" },
- { "application/olescript", "axs" },
- { "application/pics-rules", "prf" },
- { "application/pkcs10", "p10" },
- { "application/pkix-crl", "crl" },
- { "application/set-payment-initiation", "setpay" },
- { "application/set-registration-initiation", "setreg" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-excel", "xla" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-excel", "xlc" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-excel", "xlm" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-excel", "xls" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-excel", "xlt" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-excel", "xlw" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-pkicertstore", "sst" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-pkiseccat", "cat" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", "pot" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", "pps" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-powerpoint", "ppt" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-project", "mpp" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-works", "wcm" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-works", "wdb" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-works", "wks" },
- { "application/vnd.ms-works", "wps" },
- { "application/x-compress", "z" },
- { "application/x-compressed", "tgz" },
- { "application/x-internet-signup", "ins" },
- { "application/x-internet-signup", "isp" },
- { "application/x-iphone", "iii" },
- { "application/x-javascript", "js" },
- { "application/x-msaccess", "mdb" },
- { "application/x-mscardfile", "crd" },
- { "application/x-msclip", "clp" },
- { "application/x-msmediaview", "m13" },
- { "application/x-msmediaview", "m14" },
- { "application/x-msmediaview", "mvb" },
- { "application/x-msmetafile", "wmf" },
- { "application/x-msmoney", "mny" },
- { "application/x-mspublisher", "pub" },
- { "application/x-msschedule", "scd" },
- { "application/x-msterminal", "trm" },
- { "application/x-perfmon", "pma" },
- { "application/x-perfmon", "pmc" },
- { "application/x-perfmon", "pml" },
- { "application/x-perfmon", "pmr" },
- { "application/x-perfmon", "pmw" },
- { "application/x-pkcs12", "p12" },
- { "application/x-pkcs12", "pfx" },
- { "application/x-pkcs7-certificates", "p7b" },
- { "application/x-pkcs7-certificates", "spc" },
- { "application/x-pkcs7-certreqresp", "p7r" },
- { "application/x-pkcs7-mime", "p7c" },
- { "application/x-pkcs7-mime", "p7m" },
- { "application/x-pkcs7-signature", "p7s" },
- { "application/x-troff-me", "me" },
- { "application/x-x509-ca-cert", "cer" },
- { "application/x-x509-ca-cert", "crt" },
- { "application/x-x509-ca-cert", "der" },
- { "application/ynd.ms-pkipko", "pko" },
- { "audio/mid", "mid" },
- { "audio/mid", "rmi" },
- { "audio/mpeg", "mp3" },
- { "audio/x-mpegurl", "m3u" },
- { "image/bmp", "bmp" },
- { "image/cis-cod", "cod" },
- { "image/pipeg", "jfif" },
- { "image/x-cmx", "cmx" },
- { "image/x-icon", "ico" },
- { "image/x-portable-bitmap", "pbm" },
- { "message/rfc822", "mht" },
- { "message/rfc822", "mhtml" },
- { "message/rfc822", "nws" },
- { "text/css", "css" },
- { "text/h323", "323" },
- { "text/html", "stm" },
- { "text/iuls", "uls" },
- { "text/plain", "bas" },
- { "text/scriptlet", "sct" },
- { "text/webviewhtml", "htt" },
- { "text/x-component", "htc" },
- { "text/x-vcard", "vcf" },
- { "video/mpeg", "mp2" },
- { "video/mpeg", "mpa" },
- { "video/mpeg", "mpv2" },
- { "video/x-la-asf", "lsf" },
- { "video/x-la-asf", "lsx" },
- { "video/x-ms-asf", "asf" },
- { "video/x-ms-asf", "asr" },
- { "video/x-ms-asf", "asx" },
- { "x-world/x-vrml", "flr" },
- { "x-world/x-vrml", "vrml" },
- { "x-world/x-vrml", "wrz" },
- { "x-world/x-vrml", "xaf" },
- { "x-world/x-vrml", "xof" },
- /* Various */
- { "application/ogg", "ogg" },
- {"*","class"},
- {"",""}};
- // Reserved (RFC2396)
- #define CIS(c,ch) ( ((unsigned char)(c)) == (ch) )
- #define CHAR_RESERVED(c) ( CIS(c,';') \
- || CIS(c,'/') \
- || CIS(c,'?') \
- || CIS(c,':') \
- || CIS(c,'@') \
- || CIS(c,'&') \
- || CIS(c,'=') \
- || CIS(c,'+') \
- || CIS(c,'$') \
- || CIS(c,',') )
- //#define CHAR_RESERVED(c) ( strchr(";/?:@&=+$,",(unsigned char)(c)) != 0 )
- // Delimiters (RFC2396)
- #define CHAR_DELIM(c) ( CIS(c,'<') \
- || CIS(c,'>') \
- || CIS(c,'#') \
- || CIS(c,'%') \
- || CIS(c,'\"') )
- //#define CHAR_DELIM(c) ( strchr("<>#%\"",(unsigned char)(c)) != 0 )
- // Unwise (RFC2396)
- #define CHAR_UNWISE(c) ( CIS(c,'{') \
- || CIS(c,'}') \
- || CIS(c,'|') \
- || CIS(c,'\\') \
- || CIS(c,'^') \
- || CIS(c,'[') \
- || CIS(c,']') \
- || CIS(c,'`') )
- //#define CHAR_UNWISE(c) ( strchr("{}|\\^[]`",(unsigned char)(c)) != 0 )
- // Special (escape chars) (RFC2396 + >127 )
- #define CHAR_LOW(c) ( ((unsigned char)(c) <= 31) )
- #define CHAR_HIG(c) ( ((unsigned char)(c) >= 127) )
- #define CHAR_SPECIAL(c) ( CHAR_LOW(c) || CHAR_HIG(c) )
- // We try to avoid them and encode them instead
- #define CHAR_XXAVOID(c) ( CIS(c,' ') \
- || CIS(c,'*') \
- || CIS(c,'\'') \
- || CIS(c,'\"') \
- || CIS(c,'!') )
- //#define CHAR_XXAVOID(c) ( strchr(" *'\"!",(unsigned char)(c)) != 0 )
- #define CHAR_MARK(c) ( CIS(c,'-') \
- || CIS(c,'_') \
- || CIS(c,'.') \
- || CIS(c,'!') \
- || CIS(c,'~') \
- || CIS(c,'*') \
- || CIS(c,'\'') \
- || CIS(c,'(') \
- || CIS(c,')') )
- //#define CHAR_MARK(c) ( strchr("-_.!~*'()",(unsigned char)(c)) != 0 )
- // conversion Θventuelle / vers antislash
- #if HTS_WIN
- char* antislash(char* s) {
- char* buff;
- char* a;
- strcpybuff(buff,s);
- while(a=strchr(buff,'/')) *a='\\';
- return buff;
- }
- #endif
- // RΘcupΘration d'un fichier http sur le net.
- // Renvoie une adresse sur le bloc de mΘmoire, ou bien
- // NULL si un retour.msgeur (buffer retour.msg) est survenue.
- //
- // Une adresse de structure htsmsg peut Ωtre transmise pour
- // suivre l'Θvolution du chargement si le process a ΘtΘ lancΘ
- // en background
- htsblk httpget(char* url) {
- char adr[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; // adresse
- char fil[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2]; // chemin
- // sΘparer URL en adresse+chemin
- if (ident_url_absolute(url,adr,fil)==-1) {
- htsblk retour;
- memset(&retour, 0, sizeof(htsblk)); // effacer
- // retour prΘdΘfini: erreur
- retour.adr=NULL;
- retour.size=0;
- retour.msg[0]='\0';
- retour.statuscode=-1;
- strcpybuff(retour.msg,"Error invalid URL");
- return retour;
- }
- return xhttpget(adr,fil);
- }
- // ouvre une liaison http, envoie une requΦte GET et rΘceptionne le header
- // retour: socket
- int http_fopen(char* adr,char* fil,htsblk* retour) {
- // / GET, traiter en-tΩte
- return http_xfopen(0,1,1,NULL,adr,fil,retour);
- }
- // ouverture d'une liaison http, envoi d'une requΦte
- // mode: 0 GET 1 HEAD [2 POST]
- // treat: traiter header?
- // waitconnect: attendre le connect()
- // note: dans retour, on met les params du proxy
- int http_xfopen(int mode,int treat,int waitconnect,char* xsend,char* adr,char* fil,htsblk* retour) {
- //htsblk retour;
- //int bufl=TAILLE_BUFFER; // 8Ko de buffer
- //char *p,*q;
- // retour prΘdΘfini: erreur
- if (retour) {
- retour->adr=NULL;
- retour->size=0;
- retour->msg[0]='\0';
- retour->statuscode=-5; // a priori erreur non fatale
- }
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("adr=%s\nfichier=%s\n",adr,fil);
- #endif
- // ouvrir liaison
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("CrΘation d'une socket sur %s\n",adr);
- #endif
- printf("..newhttp\n");
- #endif
- /* connexion */
- if (retour) {
- if ( (!(retour->req.proxy.active))
- ||
- (
- (strcmp(adr,"file://")==0)
- ||
- (strncmp(adr,"https://", 8)==0)
- )
- ) { /* pas de proxy, ou non utilisable ici */
- soc=newhttp(adr,retour,-1,waitconnect);
- } else {
- soc=newhttp(retour->req.proxy.name,retour,retour->req.proxy.port,waitconnect); // ouvrir sur le proxy α la place
- }
- } else {
- soc=newhttp(adr,NULL,-1,waitconnect);
- }
- // copier index socket retour
- if (retour) retour->soc=soc;
- /* Check for errors */
- if (soc == INVALID_SOCKET) {
- if (retour) {
- if (retour->msg) {
- if (!strnotempty(retour->msg)) {
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"Connect error");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // --------------------
- // court-circuit (court circuite aussi le proxy..)
- // LOCAL_SOCKET_ID est une pseudo-socket locale
- if (soc==LOCAL_SOCKET_ID) {
- retour->is_file=1; // fichier local
- if (mode==0) { // GET
- // Test en cas de file:///C|...
- if (!fexist(fconv(unescape_http(fil))))
- if (fexist(fconv(unescape_http(fil+1)))) {
- char tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- strcpybuff(tempo,fil+1);
- strcpybuff(fil,tempo);
- }
- // Ouvrir
- retour->totalsize=fsize(fconv(unescape_http(fil))); // taille du fichier
- retour->msg[0]='\0';
- if (retour->totalsize<0)
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"Unable to open local file");
- else if (retour->totalsize==0)
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"File empty");
- else {
- // Note: On passe par un FILE* (plus propre)
- //soc=open(fil,O_RDONLY,0); // en lecture seule!
- retour->fp=fopen(fconv(unescape_http(fil)),"rb"); // ouvrir
- if (retour->fp==NULL)
- else
- }
- retour->soc=soc;
- if (soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) {
- retour->statuscode=200; // OK
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"OK");
- guess_httptype(retour->contenttype,fil);
- } else if (strnotempty(retour->msg)==0)
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"Unable to open local file");
- return soc; // renvoyer
- } else { // HEAD ou POST : interdit sur un local!!!! (c'est idiot!)
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"Unexpected Head/Post local request");
- soc=INVALID_SOCKET; // erreur
- retour->soc=soc;
- return soc;
- }
- }
- // --------------------
- if (soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) {
- char rcvd[1100];
- rcvd[0]='\0';
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("Ok, connexion rΘussie, id=%d\n",soc);
- #endif
- // connectΘ?
- if (waitconnect) {
- http_sendhead(NULL,mode,xsend,adr,fil,NULL,NULL,retour);
- }
- if (soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) {
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("Attente de la rΘponse:\n");
- #endif
- // si GET (rΘception d'un fichier), rΘceptionner en-tΩte d'abord,
- // et ensuite le corps
- // si POST on ne rΘceptionne rien du tout, c'est aprΦs que l'on fera
- // une rΘception standard pour rΘcupΘrer l'en tΩte
- if ((treat) && (waitconnect)) { // traiter (attendre!) en-tΩte
- // RΘception de la status line et de l'en-tΩte (norme RFC1945)
- // status-line α rΘcupΘrer
- finput(soc,rcvd,1024);
- if (strnotempty(rcvd)==0)
- finput(soc,rcvd,1024); // "certains serveurs buggΘs envoient un \n au dΘbut" (RFC)
- // traiter status-line
- treatfirstline(retour,rcvd);
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("Status-Code=%d\n",retour->statuscode);
- #endif
- // en-tΩte
- // header // ** !attention! HTTP/0.9 non supportΘ
- do {
- finput(soc,rcvd,1024);
- #if HDEBUG
- printf(">%s\n",rcvd);
- #endif
- if (strnotempty(rcvd))
- treathead(NULL,NULL,NULL,retour,rcvd); // traiter
- } while(strnotempty(rcvd));
- //rcvsize=-1; // forCER CHARGEMENT INCONNU
- //if (retour)
- // retour->totalsize=rcvsize;
- } else { // si GET, on recevra l'en tΩte APRES
- //rcvsize=-1; // on ne connait pas la taille de l'en-tΩte
- if (retour)
- retour->totalsize=-1;
- }
- }
- }
- return soc;
- }
- // envoi d'une requΦte
- int http_sendhead(t_cookie* cookie,int mode,char* xsend,char* adr,char* fil,char* referer_adr,char* referer_fil,htsblk* retour) {
- char buff[8192];
- //int use_11=0; // HTTP 1.1 utilisΘ
- int direct_url=0; // ne pas analyser l'url (exemple: ftp://)
- char* search_tag=NULL;
- buff[0]='\0';
- // header Date
- //strcatbuff(buff,"Date: ");
- //time_gmt_rfc822(buff); // obtenir l'heure au format rfc822
- //sendc("\n");
- //strcatbuff(buff,buff);
- // possibilitΘ non documentΘe: >post: et >postfile:
- // si prΘsence d'un tag >post: alors executer un POST
- // exemple: http://www.someweb.com/test.cgi?foo>post:posteddata=10&foo=5
- // si prΘsence d'un tag >postfile: alors envoyer en tΩte brut contenu dans le fichier en question
- // exemple: http://www.someweb.com/test.cgi?foo>postfile:post0.txt
- search_tag=strstr(fil,POSTTOK":");
- if (!search_tag) {
- search_tag=strstr(fil,POSTTOK"file:");
- if (search_tag) { // postfile
- if (mode==0) { // GET!
- FILE* fp=fopen(unescape_http(search_tag+strlen(POSTTOK)+5),"rb");
- if (fp) {
- char line[1100];
- char protocol[256],url[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2],method[256];
- linput(fp,line,1000);
- if (sscanf(line,"%s %s %s",method,url,protocol) == 3) {
- // selon que l'on a ou pas un proxy
- if (retour->req.proxy.active)
- sprintf(buff,"%s http://%s%s %s\r\n",method,adr,url,protocol);
- else
- sprintf(buff,"%s %s %s\r\n",method,url,protocol);
- // lire le reste en brut
- fread(buff+strlen(buff),8000-strlen(buff),1,fp);
- }
- fclose(fp);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // Fin postfile
- if (strnotempty(buff)==0) { // PAS POSTFILE
- // Type de requΦte?
- if ((search_tag) && (mode==0)) {
- strcatbuff(buff,"POST ");
- } else if (mode==0) { // GET
- strcatbuff(buff,"GET ");
- } else { // if (mode==1) {
- if (!retour->req.http11) // forcer HTTP/1.0
- strcatbuff(buff,"GET "); // certains serveurs (cgi) buggent avec HEAD
- else
- strcatbuff(buff,"HEAD ");
- }
- // si on gΦre un proxy, il faut une Absolute URI: on ajoute avant http://www.adr.dom
- if ( retour->req.proxy.active && (strncmp(adr,"https://", 8) != 0) ) {
- if (!link_has_authority(adr)) { // default http
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("Proxy Use: for %s%s proxy %d port %d\n",adr,fil,retour->req.proxy.name,retour->req.proxy.port);
- #endif
- strcatbuff(buff,"http://");
- strcatbuff(buff,jump_identification(adr));
- } else { // ftp:// en proxy http
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("Proxy Use for ftp: for %s%s proxy %d port %d\n",adr,fil,retour->req.proxy.name,retour->req.proxy.port);
- #endif
- direct_url=1; // ne pas analyser user/pass
- strcatbuff(buff,adr);
- }
- }
- // on slash doit Ωtre prΘsent en dΘbut, sinon attention aux bad request! (400)
- if (*fil!='/') strcatbuff(buff,"/");
- {
- char tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- tempo[0]='\0';
- if (search_tag)
- strncatbuff(tempo,fil,(int) (search_tag - fil));
- else
- strcpybuff(tempo,fil);
- escape_check_url(tempo);
- strcatbuff(buff,tempo); // avec Θchappement
- }
- // protocole
- if (!retour->req.http11) { // forcer HTTP/1.0
- //use_11=0;
- strcatbuff(buff," HTTP/1.0\x0d\x0a");
- } else { // RequΦte 1.1
- //use_11=1;
- strcatbuff(buff," HTTP/1.1\x0d\x0a");
- }
- /* supplemental data */
- if (xsend) strcatbuff(buff,xsend); // Θventuelles autres lignes
- // tester proxy authentication
- if (retour->req.proxy.active) {
- if (link_has_authorization(retour->req.proxy.name)) { // et hop, authentification proxy!
- char* a=jump_identification(retour->req.proxy.name);
- char* astart=jump_protocol(retour->req.proxy.name);
- char autorisation[1100];
- char user_pass[256];
- autorisation[0]=user_pass[0]='\0';
- //
- strncatbuff(user_pass,astart,(int) (a - astart) - 1);
- strcpybuff(user_pass,unescape_http(user_pass));
- code64((unsigned char*)user_pass,(int)strlen(user_pass),(unsigned char*)autorisation,0);
- strcatbuff(buff,"Proxy-Authorization: Basic ");
- strcatbuff(buff,autorisation);
- strcatbuff(buff,H_CRLF);
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("Proxy-Authenticate, %s (code: %s)\n",user_pass,autorisation);
- #endif
- }
- }
- // Referer?
- if (referer_adr != NULL && referer_fil != NULL
- && strnotempty(referer_adr) && strnotempty(referer_fil)
- ) { // non vide
- if (
- (strcmp(referer_adr,"file://") != 0)
- &&
- ( /* no https referer to http urls */
- (strncmp(referer_adr, "https://", 8) != 0) /* referer is not https */
- ||
- (strncmp(adr, "https://", 8) == 0) /* or referer AND addresses are https */
- )
- ) { // PAS file://
- strcatbuff(buff,"Referer: ");
- strcatbuff(buff,"http://");
- strcatbuff(buff,jump_identification(referer_adr));
- strcatbuff(buff,referer_fil);
- strcatbuff(buff,H_CRLF);
- }
- }
- // HTTP field: referer
- else if (retour->req.referer[0] != '\0') {
- strcatbuff(buff,"Referer: ");
- strcatbuff(buff, retour->req.referer);
- strcatbuff(buff, H_CRLF);
- }
- // POST?
- if (mode==0) { // GET!
- if (search_tag) {
- char clen[256];
- sprintf(clen,"Content-length: %d"H_CRLF,(int)(strlen(unescape_http(search_tag+strlen(POSTTOK)+1))));
- strcatbuff(buff,clen);
- }
- }
- // gestion cookies?
- if (cookie) {
- char* b=cookie->data;
- int cook=0;
- int max_cookies=8;
- int max_size=2048;
- max_size+=strlen(buff);
- do {
- b=cookie_find(b,"",jump_identification(adr),fil); // prochain cookie satisfaisant aux conditions
- if (b) {
- max_cookies--;
- if (!cook) {
- strcatbuff(buff,"Cookie: ");
- strcatbuff(buff,"$Version=1; ");
- cook=1;
- } else
- strcatbuff(buff,"; ");
- strcatbuff(buff,cookie_get(b,5));
- strcatbuff(buff,"=");
- strcatbuff(buff,cookie_get(b,6));
- strcatbuff(buff,"; $Path=");
- strcatbuff(buff,cookie_get(b,2));
- b=cookie_nextfield(b);
- }
- } while( (b) && (max_cookies>0) && ((int)strlen(buff)<max_size));
- if (cook) { // on a envoyΘ un (ou plusieurs) cookie?
- strcatbuff(buff,H_CRLF);
- printf("Header:\n%s\n",buff);
- #endif
- }
- }
- // gΘrer le keep-alive (garder socket)
- if (retour->req.http11 && !retour->req.nokeepalive) {
- strcatbuff(buff,"Connection: Keep-Alive"H_CRLF);
- } else {
- strcatbuff(buff,"Connection: close"H_CRLF);
- }
- {
- char* real_adr=jump_identification(adr);
- //if ((use_11) || (retour->user_agent_send)) { // Pour le 1.1 on utilise un Host:
- if (!direct_url) { // pas ftp:// par exemple
- //if (!retour->req.proxy.active) {
- strcatbuff(buff,"Host: "); strcatbuff(buff,real_adr); strcatbuff(buff,H_CRLF);
- //}
- }
- //}
- // HTTP field: from
- if (retour->req.from[0] != '\0') { // HTTP from
- strcatbuff(buff,"From: ");
- strcatbuff(buff, retour->req.from);
- strcatbuff(buff, H_CRLF);
- }
- // PrΘsence d'un user-agent?
- if (retour->req.user_agent_send) { // ohh un user-agent
- char s[256];
- // HyperTextSeeker/"HTSVERSION
- sprintf(s,"User-Agent: %s"H_CRLF,retour->req.user_agent);
- strcatbuff(buff,s);
- // pour les serveurs difficiles
- strcatbuff(buff,"Accept: "
- "image/png, image/jpeg, image/pjpeg, image/x-xbitmap, image/svg+xml" /* Accepted */
- ", "
- "image/gif;q=0.9" /* also accepted but with lower preference */
- ", "
- "*/*;q=0.1" /* also accepted but with even lower preference */
- H_CRLF);
- if (strnotempty(retour->req.lang_iso)) {
- strcatbuff(buff,"Accept-Language: "); strcatbuff(buff,retour->req.lang_iso); strcatbuff(buff,H_CRLF);
- }
- strcatbuff(buff,"Accept-Charset: "
- "iso-8859-1" /* we prefer ISO-8859-1 */
- ", "
- "iso-8859-*;q=0.9" /* or ISO-8859-* */
- ", "
- "utf-8;q=0.66" /* UTF8 is also accepted */
- ", "
- "*;q=0.33" /* and any other charset */
- H_CRLF);
- if (retour->req.http11) {
- //strcatbuff(buff,"Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate, compress, identity"H_CRLF);
- if (gz_is_available && (!retour->req.range_used) && (!retour->req.nocompression))
- strcatbuff(buff,"Accept-Encoding: "
- "gzip" /* gzip if the preffered encoding */
- ", "
- "identity;q=0.9"
- H_CRLF);
- else
- strcatbuff(buff,"Accept-Encoding: identity"H_CRLF); /* no compression */
- #else
- strcatbuff(buff,"Accept-Encoding: identity"H_CRLF); /* no compression */
- #endif
- }
- } else {
- strcatbuff(buff,"Accept: */*"H_CRLF); // le minimum
- }
- /* Authentification */
- {
- char autorisation[1100];
- char* a;
- autorisation[0]='\0';
- if (link_has_authorization(adr)) { // ohh une authentification!
- char* a=jump_identification(adr);
- char* astart=jump_protocol(adr);
- if (!direct_url) { // pas ftp:// par exemple
- char user_pass[256];
- user_pass[0]='\0';
- strncatbuff(user_pass,astart,(int) (a - astart) - 1);
- strcpybuff(user_pass,unescape_http(user_pass));
- code64((unsigned char*)user_pass,(int)strlen(user_pass),(unsigned char*)autorisation,0);
- if (strcmp(fil,"/robots.txt")) /* pas robots.txt */
- bauth_add(cookie,astart,fil,autorisation);
- }
- } else if ( (a=bauth_check(cookie,real_adr,fil)) )
- strcpybuff(autorisation,a);
- /* On a une autorisation a donner? */
- if (strnotempty(autorisation)) {
- strcatbuff(buff,"Authorization: Basic ");
- strcatbuff(buff,autorisation);
- strcatbuff(buff,H_CRLF);
- }
- }
- }
- //strcatbuff(buff,"Accept-Language: en\n");
- //strcatbuff(buff,"Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1,*,utf-8\n");
- // CRLF de fin d'en tΩte
- strcatbuff(buff,H_CRLF);
- // donnΘes complΘmentaires?
- if (search_tag)
- if (mode==0) // GET!
- strcatbuff(buff,unescape_http(search_tag+strlen(POSTTOK)+1));
- }
- #if HDEBUG
- #endif
- if (_DEBUG_HEAD) {
- if (ioinfo) {
- fprintf(ioinfo,"[%d] request for %s%s:\r\n",retour->debugid,jump_identification(adr),fil);
- fprintfio(ioinfo,buff,"<<< ");
- fprintf(ioinfo,"\r\n");
- fflush(ioinfo);
- }
- } // Fin test pas postfile
- //
- // Callback
- if (hts_htmlcheck_sendhead != NULL) {
- int test_head=hts_htmlcheck_sendhead(buff, adr, fil, referer_adr, referer_fil, retour);
- if (test_head!=1) {
- deletesoc_r(retour);
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"Header refused by external wrapper");
- retour->soc=INVALID_SOCKET;
- }
- }
- #endif
- // Envoi
- if (sendc(retour, buff)<0) { // ERREUR, socket rompue?...
- //if (sendc(retour->soc,buff) != strlen(buff)) { // ERREUR, socket rompue?...
- deletesoc_r(retour); // fermer tout de mΩme
- // et tenter de reconnecter
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"Write error");
- retour->soc=INVALID_SOCKET;
- }
- // RX'98
- return 0;
- }
- // traiter 1ere ligne d'en tΩte
- void treatfirstline(htsblk* retour,char* rcvd) {
- char* a=rcvd;
- // exemple:
- // HTTP/1.0 200 OK
- if (*a) {
- // note: certains serveurs buggΘs renvoient HTTP/1.0\n200 OK ou " HTTP/1.0 200 OK"
- while ((*a==' ') || (*a==10) || (*a==13) || (*a==9)) a++; // Θpurer espaces au dΘbut
- if (strfield(a, "HTTP/")) {
- // sauter HTTP/1.x
- while ((*a!=' ') && (*a!='\0') && (*a!=10) && (*a!=13) && (*a!=9)) a++;
- if (*a != '\0') {
- while ((*a==' ') || (*a==10) || (*a==13) || (*a==9)) a++; // Θpurer espaces
- if ((*a>='0') && (*a<='9')) {
- sscanf(a,"%d",&(retour->statuscode));
- // sauter 200
- while ((*a!=' ') && (*a!='\0') && (*a!=10) && (*a!=13) && (*a!=9)) a++;
- while ((*a==' ') || (*a==10) || (*a==13) || (*a==9)) a++; // Θpurer espaces
- if ((strlen(a) > 1) && (strlen(a) < 64) ) // message retour
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,a);
- else
- infostatuscode(retour->msg,retour->statuscode);
- // type MIME par dΘfaut2
- strcpybuff(retour->contenttype,HTS_HYPERTEXT_DEFAULT_MIME);
- } else { // pas de code!
- retour->statuscode=-1;
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"Unknown response structure");
- }
- } else { // euhh??
- retour->statuscode=-1;
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"Unknown response structure");
- }
- } else {
- if (*a == '<') {
- /* This is dirty .. */
- retour->statuscode=200;
- retour->keep_alive=0;
- strcpybuff(retour->msg, "Unknown, assuming junky server");
- strcpybuff(retour->contenttype,HTS_HYPERTEXT_DEFAULT_MIME);
- } else if (strnotempty(a)) {
- retour->statuscode=-1;
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"Unknown (not HTTP/xx) response structure");
- } else {
- /* This is dirty .. */
- retour->statuscode=200;
- retour->keep_alive=0;
- strcpybuff(retour->msg, "Unknown, assuming junky server");
- strcpybuff(retour->contenttype,HTS_HYPERTEXT_DEFAULT_MIME);
- }
- }
- } else { // vide!
- /*
- retour->statuscode=-1;
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"Empty reponse or internal error");
- */
- /* This is dirty .. */
- retour->statuscode=200;
- strcpybuff(retour->msg, "Unknown, assuming junky server");
- strcpybuff(retour->contenttype,HTS_HYPERTEXT_DEFAULT_MIME);
- }
- }
- // traiter ligne par ligne l'en tΩte
- // gestion des cookies
- void treathead(t_cookie* cookie,char* adr,char* fil,htsblk* retour,char* rcvd) {
- int p;
- if ((p=strfield(rcvd,"Content-length:"))!=0) {
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("ok, Content-length: dΘtectΘ\n");
- #endif
- sscanf(rcvd+p,LLintP,&(retour->totalsize));
- if (retour->totalsize == 0) {
- retour->empty = 1;
- }
- }
- else if ((p=strfield(rcvd,"Content-Disposition:"))!=0) {
- while(is_realspace(*(rcvd+p))) p++; // sauter espaces
- if ((int) strlen(rcvd+p)<250) { // pas trop long?
- char tmp[256];
- char *a=NULL,*b=NULL;
- strcpybuff(tmp,rcvd+p);
- a=strstr(tmp,"filename=");
- if (a) {
- a+=strlen("filename=");
- while(is_space(*a)) a++;
- //a=strchr(a,'"');
- if (a) {
- char *c=NULL;
- //a++; /* jump " */
- while((c=strchr(a,'/'))) /* skip all / (see RFC2616) */
- a=c+1;
- //b=strchr(a+1,'"');
- b=a+strlen(a)-1;
- while(is_space(*b)) b--;
- b++;
- if (b) {
- *b='\0';
- if ((int) strlen(a) < 200) { // pas trop long?
- strcpybuff(retour->cdispo,a);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((p=strfield(rcvd,"Last-Modified:"))!=0) {
- while(is_realspace(*(rcvd+p))) p++; // sauter espaces
- if ((int) strlen(rcvd+p)<64) { // pas trop long?
- //struct tm* tm_time=convert_time_rfc822(rcvd+p);
- strcpybuff(retour->lastmodified,rcvd+p);
- }
- }
- else if ((p=strfield(rcvd,"Date:"))!=0) {
- if (strnotempty(retour->lastmodified)==0) { /* pas encore de last-modified */
- while(is_realspace(*(rcvd+p))) p++; // sauter espaces
- if ((int) strlen(rcvd+p)<64) { // pas trop long?
- //struct tm* tm_time=convert_time_rfc822(rcvd+p);
- strcpybuff(retour->lastmodified,rcvd+p);
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((p=strfield(rcvd,"Etag:"))!=0) { /* Etag */
- if (retour) {
- while(is_realspace(*(rcvd+p))) p++; // sauter espaces
- if ((int) strlen(rcvd+p)<64) // pas trop long?
- strcpybuff(retour->etag,rcvd+p);
- else // erreur.. ignorer
- retour->etag[0]='\0';
- }
- }
- // else if ((p=strfield(rcvd,"Transfer-Encoding: chunked"))!=0) { // chunk!
- else if ((p=strfield(rcvd,"Transfer-Encoding:"))!=0) { // chunk!
- while(is_realspace(*(rcvd+p))) p++; // sauter espaces
- if (strfield(rcvd+p,"chunked")) {
- retour->is_chunk=1; // chunked
- //retour->http11=2; // chunked
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("ok, Transfer-Encoding: dΘtectΘ\n");
- #endif
- }
- }
- else if ((p=strfield(rcvd,"Content-type:"))!=0) {
- if (retour) {
- char tempo[1100];
- // Θviter les text/html; charset=foo
- {
- char* a=strchr(rcvd+p,';');
- if (a) { // extended information
- *a='\0';
- a++;
- while(is_space(*a)) a++;
- if (strfield(a, "charset")) {
- a += 7;
- while(is_space(*a)) a++;
- if (*a == '=') {
- a++;
- while(is_space(*a)) a++;
- if (*a == '\"') a++;
- while(is_space(*a)) a++;
- if (*a) {
- char* chs = a;
- while(*a && !is_space(*a) && *a != '\"' && *a != ';') a++;
- *a = '\0';
- if (*chs) {
- if (strlen(chs) < sizeof(retour->charset) - 2) {
- strcpybuff(retour->charset, chs);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- sscanf(rcvd+p,"%s",tempo);
- if (strlen(tempo) < sizeof(retour->contenttype) - 2) // pas trop long!!
- strcpybuff(retour->contenttype,tempo);
- else
- strcpybuff(retour->contenttype,"application/octet-stream-unknown"); // erreur
- }
- }
- else if ((p=strfield(rcvd,"Content-Range:"))!=0) {
- char* a=strstr(rcvd+p,"*/");
- if (a) {
- if (sscanf(a+2,LLintP,&retour->crange) != 1) {
- retour->crange=0;
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((p=strfield(rcvd,"Connection:"))!=0) {
- char* a = rcvd + p;
- while(is_space(*a)) a++;
- if (*a) {
- if (strfield(a, "Keep-Alive")) {
- if (!retour->keep_alive) {
- retour->keep_alive_max = 10;
- retour->keep_alive_t = 15;
- }
- retour->keep_alive = 1;
- } else {
- retour->keep_alive = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((p=strfield(rcvd,"Keep-Alive:"))!=0) {
- char* a = rcvd + p;
- while(is_space(*a)) a++;
- if (*a) {
- char* p;
- retour->keep_alive = 1;
- retour->keep_alive_max = 10;
- retour->keep_alive_t = 15;
- if ((p=strstr(a, "timeout="))) {
- p+=strlen("timeout=");
- sscanf(p, "%d", &retour->keep_alive_t);
- }
- if ((p=strstr(a, "max="))) {
- p+=strlen("max=");
- sscanf(p, "%d", &retour->keep_alive_max);
- }
- if (retour->keep_alive_max <= 1 || retour->keep_alive_t < 3) {
- retour->keep_alive = 0;
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((p=strfield(rcvd,"TE:"))!=0) {
- char* a = rcvd + p;
- while(is_space(*a)) a++;
- if (*a) {
- if (strfield(a, "trailers")) {
- retour->keep_alive_trailers=1;
- }
- }
- }
- else if ((p=strfield(rcvd,"Content-Encoding:"))!=0) {
- if (retour) {
- char tempo[1100];
- char* a = rcvd + p;
- while(is_space(*a)) a++;
- {
- char* a=strchr(rcvd+p,';');
- if (a) *a='\0';
- }
- sscanf(a,"%s",tempo);
- if (strlen(tempo)<64) // pas trop long!!
- strcpybuff(retour->contentencoding,tempo);
- else
- retour->contentencoding[0]='\0'; // erreur
- /* Check known encodings */
- if (retour->contentencoding[0]) {
- if (
- (strfield2(retour->contentencoding, "gzip"))
- || (strfield2(retour->contentencoding, "x-gzip"))
- /*
- || (strfield2(retour->contentencoding, "compress"))
- || (strfield2(retour->contentencoding, "x-compress"))
- */
- || (strfield2(retour->contentencoding, "deflate"))
- || (strfield2(retour->contentencoding, "x-deflate"))
- ) {
- retour->compressed=1;
- }
- }
- #endif
- }
- }
- else if ((p=strfield(rcvd,"Location:"))!=0) {
- if (retour) {
- if (retour->location) {
- while(is_realspace(*(rcvd+p))) p++; // sauter espaces
- if ((int) strlen(rcvd+p)<HTS_URLMAXSIZE) // pas trop long?
- strcpybuff(retour->location,rcvd+p);
- else // erreur.. ignorer
- retour->location[0]='\0';
- }
- }
- }
- else if ( ((p=strfield(rcvd,"Set-Cookie:"))!=0) && (cookie) ) { // ohh un cookie
- char* a = rcvd+p; // pointeur
- char domain[256]; // domaine cookie (.netscape.com)
- char path[256]; // chemin (/)
- char cook_name[256]; // nom cookie (MYCOOK)
- char cook_value[8192]; // valeur (ID=toto,S=1234)
- printf("set-cookie detected\n");
- #endif
- while(*a) {
- char *token_st,*token_end;
- char *value_st,*value_end;
- char name[256];
- char value[8192];
- int next=0;
- name[0]=value[0]='\0';
- //
- // initialiser cookie lu actuellement
- if (adr)
- strcpybuff(domain,jump_identification(adr)); // domaine
- strcpybuff(path,"/"); // chemin (/)
- strcpybuff(cook_name,""); // nom cookie (MYCOOK)
- strcpybuff(cook_value,""); // valeur (ID=toto,S=1234)
- // boucler jusqu'au prochain cookie ou la fin
- do {
- char* start_loop=a;
- while(is_space(*a)) a++; // sauter espaces
- token_st=a; // dΘpart token
- while((!is_space(*a)) && (*a) && (*a!=';') && (*a!='=')) a++; // arrΩter si espace, point virgule
- token_end=a;
- while(is_space(*a)) a++; // sauter espaces
- if (*a=='=') { // name=value
- a++;
- while(is_space(*a)) a++; // sauter espaces
- value_st=a;
- while( (*a!=';') && (*a)) a++; // prochain ;
- //while( ((*a!='"') || (*(a-1)=='\\')) && (*a)) a++; // prochain " (et pas \")
- value_end=a;
- //if (*a==';') { // finit par un ;
- // vΘrifier dΘbordements
- if ( (((int) (token_end - token_st))<200) && (((int) (value_end - value_st))<8000)
- && (((int) (token_end - token_st))>0) && (((int) (value_end - value_st))>0) ) {
- name[0]='\0';
- value[0]='\0';
- strncatbuff(name,token_st,(int) (token_end - token_st));
- strncatbuff(value,value_st,(int) (value_end - value_st));
- printf("detected cookie-av: name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"\n",name,value);
- #endif
- if (strfield2(name,"domain")) {
- strcpybuff(domain,value);
- }
- else if (strfield2(name,"path")) {
- strcpybuff(path,value);
- }
- else if (strfield2(name,"max-age")) {
- // ignorΘ..
- }
- else if (strfield2(name,"expires")) {
- // ignorΘ..
- }
- else if (strfield2(name,"version")) {
- // ignorΘ..
- }
- else if (strfield2(name,"comment")) {
- // ignorΘ
- }
- else if (strfield2(name,"secure")) { // ne devrait pas arriver ici
- // ignorΘ
- }
- else {
- if (strnotempty(cook_name)==0) { // noter premier: nom et valeur cookie
- strcpybuff(cook_name,name);
- strcpybuff(cook_value,value);
- } else { // prochain cookie
- a=start_loop; // on devra recommencer α cette position
- next=1; // enregistrer
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if (!next) {
- while((*a!=';') && (*a)) a++; // prochain
- while(*a==';') a++; // sauter ;
- }
- } while((*a) && (!next));
- if (strnotempty(cook_name)) { // cookie?
- printf("new cookie: name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" domain=\"%s\" path=\"%s\"\n",cook_name,cook_value,domain,path);
- #endif
- cookie_add(cookie,cook_name,cook_value,domain,path);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // transforme le message statuscode en chaεne
- HTSEXT_API void infostatuscode(char* msg,int statuscode) {
- switch( statuscode) {
- // Erreurs HTTP, selon RFC
- case 100: strcpybuff( msg,"Continue"); break;
- case 101: strcpybuff( msg,"Switching Protocols"); break;
- case 200: strcpybuff( msg,"OK"); break;
- case 201: strcpybuff( msg,"Created"); break;
- case 202: strcpybuff( msg,"Accepted"); break;
- case 203: strcpybuff( msg,"Non-Authoritative Information"); break;
- case 204: strcpybuff( msg,"No Content"); break;
- case 205: strcpybuff( msg,"Reset Content"); break;
- case 206: strcpybuff( msg,"Partial Content"); break;
- case 300: strcpybuff( msg,"Multiple Choices"); break;
- case 301: strcpybuff( msg,"Moved Permanently"); break;
- case 302: strcpybuff( msg,"Moved Temporarily"); break;
- case 303: strcpybuff( msg,"See Other"); break;
- case 304: strcpybuff( msg,"Not Modified"); break;
- case 305: strcpybuff( msg,"Use Proxy"); break;
- case 306: strcpybuff( msg,"Undefined 306 error"); break;
- case 307: strcpybuff( msg,"Temporary Redirect"); break;
- case 400: strcpybuff( msg,"Bad Request"); break;
- case 401: strcpybuff( msg,"Unauthorized"); break;
- case 402: strcpybuff( msg,"Payment Required"); break;
- case 403: strcpybuff( msg,"Forbidden"); break;
- case 404: strcpybuff( msg,"Not Found"); break;
- case 405: strcpybuff( msg,"Method Not Allowed"); break;
- case 406: strcpybuff( msg,"Not Acceptable"); break;
- case 407: strcpybuff( msg,"Proxy Authentication Required"); break;
- case 408: strcpybuff( msg,"Request Time-out"); break;
- case 409: strcpybuff( msg,"Conflict"); break;
- case 410: strcpybuff( msg,"Gone"); break;
- case 411: strcpybuff( msg,"Length Required"); break;
- case 412: strcpybuff( msg,"Precondition Failed"); break;
- case 413: strcpybuff( msg,"Request Entity Too Large"); break;
- case 414: strcpybuff( msg,"Request-URI Too Large"); break;
- case 415: strcpybuff( msg,"Unsupported Media Type"); break;
- case 416: strcpybuff( msg,"Requested Range Not Satisfiable"); break;
- case 417: strcpybuff( msg,"Expectation Failed"); break;
- case 500: strcpybuff( msg,"Internal Server Error"); break;
- case 501: strcpybuff( msg,"Not Implemented"); break;
- case 502: strcpybuff( msg,"Bad Gateway"); break;
- case 503: strcpybuff( msg,"Service Unavailable"); break;
- case 504: strcpybuff( msg,"Gateway Time-out"); break;
- case 505: strcpybuff( msg,"HTTP Version Not Supported"); break;
- //
- default: if (strnotempty(msg)==0) strcpybuff( msg,"Unknown error"); break;
- }
- }
- // identique au prΘcΘdent, sauf que l'on donne adr+fil et non url complΦte
- htsblk xhttpget(char* adr,char* fil) {
- T_SOC soc;
- htsblk retour;
- memset(&retour, 0, sizeof(htsblk));
- soc=http_fopen(adr,fil,&retour);
- if (soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) {
- http_fread(soc,&retour);
- DEBUG_W("xhttpget: deletehttp\n");
- #endif
- if (retour.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) deletehttp(&retour); // fermer
- retour.soc=INVALID_SOCKET;
- }
- return retour;
- }
- // variation sur un thΦme...
- // rΘceptionne uniquement un en-tΩte (HEAD)
- // retourne dans xx.adr l'adresse pointant sur le bloc de mΘmoire de l'en tΩte
- htsblk http_gethead(char* adr,char* fil) {
- T_SOC soc;
- htsblk retour;
- memset(&retour, 0, sizeof(htsblk));
- soc=http_xfopen(1,0,1,NULL,adr,fil,&retour); // HEAD, pas de traitement en-tΩte
- if (soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) {
- http_fread(soc,&retour); // rΘception en-tΩte
- DEBUG_W("http_gethead: deletehttp\n");
- #endif
- if (retour.soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) deletehttp(&retour); // fermer
- retour.soc=INVALID_SOCKET;
- }
- return retour;
- }
- // oui ca ressemble vachement α xhttpget - en Θtant sobre on peut voir LA diffΘrence..
- // lecture sur une socket ouverte, le header a dΘja ΘtΘ envoyΘ dans le cas de GET
- // il ne reste plus qu'α lire les donnΘes
- // (pour HEAD le header est lu ici!)
- void http_fread(T_SOC soc,htsblk* retour) {
- //int bufl=TAILLE_BUFFER; // 8Ko de buffer
- if (retour) retour->soc=soc;
- if (soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) {
- // fonction de lecture d'une socket (plus propre)
- while(http_fread1(retour)!=-1);
- soc=retour->soc;
- if (retour->adr==NULL) {
- if (strnotempty(retour->msg)==0)
- sprintf(retour->msg,"Unable to read");
- return ; // erreur
- }
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("Ok, donnΘes reτues\n");
- #endif
- return ;
- }
- return ;
- }
- // check if data is available
- int check_readinput(htsblk* r) {
- if (r->soc != INVALID_SOCKET) {
- fd_set fds; // poll structures
- struct timeval tv; // structure for select
- FD_ZERO(&fds);
- FD_SET(r->soc,&fds);
- tv.tv_sec=0;
- tv.tv_usec=0;
- select(r->soc + 1,&fds,NULL,NULL,&tv);
- if (FD_ISSET(r->soc,&fds))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- } else
- return 0;
- }
- // check if data is available
- int check_readinput_t(T_SOC soc, int timeout) {
- if (soc != INVALID_SOCKET) {
- fd_set fds; // poll structures
- struct timeval tv; // structure for select
- FD_ZERO(&fds);
- FD_SET(soc,&fds);
- tv.tv_sec=timeout;
- tv.tv_usec=0;
- select(soc + 1,&fds,NULL,NULL,&tv);
- if (FD_ISSET(soc,&fds))
- return 1;
- else
- return 0;
- } else
- return 0;
- }
- // lecture d'un bloc sur une socket (ou un fichier!)
- // >=0 : nombre d'octets lus
- // <0 : fin ou erreur
- HTS_INLINE LLint http_fread1(htsblk* r) {
- //int bufl=TAILLE_BUFFER; // taille d'un buffer max.
- return http_xfread1(r,TAILLE_BUFFER);
- }
- // idem, sauf qu'ici on peut choisir la taille max de donnΘes α recevoir
- // SI bufl==0 alors le buffer est censΘ Ωtre de 8kos, et on recoit par bloc de lignes
- // en Θliminant les cr (ex: header), arrΩt si double-lf
- // SI bufl==-1 alors le buffer est censΘ Ωtre de 8kos, et on recoit ligne par ligne
- // en Θliminant les cr (ex: header), arrΩt si double-lf
- // Note: les +1 dans les malloc sont d√s α l'octet nul rajoutΘ en fin de fichier
- LLint http_xfread1(htsblk* r,int bufl) {
- int nl=-1;
- if (bufl>0) {
- if (!r->is_write) { // stocker en mΘmoire
- if (r->totalsize>0) { // totalsize dΘterminΘ ET ALLOUE
- if (r->adr==NULL) {
- r->adr=(char*) malloct((INTsys) r->totalsize + 1);
- r->size=0;
- }
- if (r->adr!=NULL) {
- // lecture
- nl = hts_read(r,r->adr + ((int) r->size),(int) (r->totalsize-r->size) ); /* NO 32 bit overlow possible here (no 4GB html!) */
- // nouvelle taille
- if (nl >= 0) r->size+=nl;
- if ((nl < 0) || (r->size >= r->totalsize))
- nl=-1; // break
- r->adr[r->size]='\0'; // caractΦre NULL en fin au cas o∙ l'on traite des HTML
- }
- } else { // inconnu..
- // rΘserver de la mΘmoire?
- if (r->adr==NULL) {
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("..alloc xfread\n");
- #endif
- r->adr=(char*) malloct(bufl + 1);
- r->size=0;
- }
- else {
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("..realloc xfread1\n");
- #endif
- r->adr=(char*) realloct(r->adr,(int)r->size+bufl + 1);
- }
- if (r->adr!=NULL) {
- // lecture
- nl = hts_read(r,r->adr+(int)r->size,bufl);
- if (nl>0) {
- // resize
- r->adr=(char*) realloct(r->adr,(int)r->size+nl + 1);
- // nouvelle taille
- r->size+=nl;
- // octet nul
- if (r->adr) r->adr[r->size]='\0';
- } // sinon on a fini
- #if HDEBUG
- else if (nl < 0)
- printf("..end read (%d)\n", nl);
- #endif
- }
- #if HDEBUG
- else printf("..-> error\n");
- #endif
- }
- // pas de adr=erreur
- if (r->adr==NULL) nl=-1;
- } else { // stocker sur disque
- char* buff;
- buff=(char*) malloct(bufl);
- if (buff!=NULL) {
- // lecture
- nl = hts_read(r,buff,bufl);
- // nouvelle taille
- if (nl > 0) {
- r->size+=nl;
- if ((INTsys)fwrite(buff,1,nl,r->out)!=nl) {
- r->statuscode=-1;
- strcpybuff(r->msg,"Write error on disk");
- nl=-1;
- }
- }
- if ((nl < 0) || ((r->totalsize>0) && (r->size >= r->totalsize)))
- nl=-1; // break
- // libΘrer bloc tempo
- freet(buff);
- } else
- nl=-1;
- if ((nl < 0) && (r->out!=NULL)) {
- fflush(r->out);
- }
- } // stockage disque ou mΘmoire
- } else if (bufl == -2) { // force reserve
- if (r->adr==NULL) {
- r->adr=(char*) malloct(8192);
- r->size=0;
- return 0;
- }
- return -1;
- } else { // rΘception d'un en-tΩte octet par octet
- int count=256;
- int tot_nl=0;
- int lf_detected=0;
- int at_begining=1;
- do {
- nl=-1;
- count--;
- if (r->adr==NULL) {
- r->adr=(char*) malloct(8192);
- r->size=0;
- }
- if (r->adr!=NULL) {
- if (r->size < 8190) {
- // lecture
- nl = hts_read(r,r->adr+r->size,1);
- if (nl>0) {
- // exit if:
- // lf detected AND already detected before
- // or
- // lf detected AND first character read
- if (*(r->adr+r->size) == 10) {
- if (lf_detected || (at_begining) || (bufl<0))
- count=-1;
- lf_detected=1;
- }
- if (*(r->adr+r->size) != 13) { // sauter caractΦres 13
- if (
- (*(r->adr+r->size) != 10)
- &&
- (*(r->adr+r->size) != 13)
- ) {
- // restart for new line
- lf_detected=0;
- }
- (r->size)++;
- at_begining=0;
- }
- *(r->adr+r->size)='\0'; // terminer par octet nul
- }
- }
- }
- if (nl >= 0) {
- tot_nl+=nl;
- if (!check_readinput(r))
- count=-1;
- }
- } while((nl >= 0) && (count>0));
- nl = tot_nl;
- }
- #if HDEBUG
- //printf("add to %d / %d\n",r->size,r->totalsize);
- #endif
- // nl == 0 may mean "no relevant data", for example is using cache or ssl
- if (r->ssl)
- return nl;
- else
- #endif
- return ((nl > 0) ? nl : -1); // ==0 is fatal if direct read
- }
- // teste une adresse, et suit l'Θventuel chemin "moved"
- // retourne 200 ou le code d'erreur (404=NOT FOUND, etc)
- // copie dans loc la vΘritable adresse si celle-ci est diffΘrente
- htsblk http_location(char* adr,char* fil,char* loc) {
- htsblk retour;
- int retry=0;
- int tryagain;
- // note: "RFC says"
- // 5 boucles au plus, on en teste au plus 8 ici
- // sinon abandon..
- do {
- tryagain=0;
- switch ((retour=http_test(adr,fil,loc)).statuscode) {
- case 200: break; // ok!
- case 301: case 302: case 303: case 307: // moved!
- // recalculer adr et fil!
- if (ident_url_absolute(loc,adr,fil)!=-1) {
- tryagain=1; // retenter
- retry++; // ..encore une fois
- }
- }
- } while((tryagain) && (retry<5+3));
- return retour;
- }
- // teste si une URL (validitΘ, header, taille)
- // retourne 200 ou le code d'erreur (404=NOT FOUND, etc)
- // en cas de moved xx, dans location
- // abandonne dΘsormais au bout de 30 secondes (aurevoir les sites
- // qui nous font poireauter 5 heures..) -> -2=timeout
- htsblk http_test(char* adr,char* fil,char* loc) {
- T_SOC soc;
- htsblk retour;
- //int rcvsize=-1;
- //char* rcv=NULL; // adresse de retour
- //int bufl=TAILLE_BUFFER; // 8Ko de buffer
- TStamp tl;
- int timeout=30; // timeout pour un check (arbitraire) // **
- // pour abandonner un site trop lent
- tl=time_local();
- loc[0]='\0';
- memset(&retour, 0, sizeof(htsblk)); // effacer
- retour.location=loc; // si non nul, contiendra l'adresse vΘritable en cas de moved xx
- //soc=http_fopen(adr,fil,&retour,NULL); // ouvrir, + header
- // on ouvre en head, et on traite l'en tΩte
- soc=http_xfopen(1,0,1,NULL,adr,fil,&retour); // ouvrir HEAD, + envoi header
- if (soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) {
- int e=0;
- // tant qu'on a des donnΘes, et qu'on ne recoit pas deux LF, et que le timeout n'arrie pas
- do {
- if (http_xfread1(&retour,0) < 0)
- e=1;
- else {
- if (retour.adr!=NULL) {
- if ((retour.adr[retour.size-1]!=10) || (retour.adr[retour.size-2]!=10))
- e=1;
- }
- }
- if (!e) {
- if ((time_local()-tl)>=timeout) {
- e=-1;
- }
- }
- } while (!e);
- if (e==1) {
- if (adr!=NULL) {
- int ptr=0;
- char rcvd[1100];
- // note: en gros recopie du traitement de back_wait()
- //
- // ----------------------------------------
- // traiter en-tΩte!
- // status-line α rΘcupΘrer
- ptr+=binput(retour.adr+ptr,rcvd,1024);
- if (strnotempty(rcvd)==0)
- ptr+=binput(retour.adr+ptr,rcvd,1024); // "certains serveurs buggΘs envoient un \n au dΘbut" (RFC)
- // traiter status-line
- treatfirstline(&retour,rcvd);
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("(Buffer) Status-Code=%d\n",retour.statuscode);
- #endif
- // en-tΩte
- // header // ** !attention! HTTP/0.9 non supportΘ
- do {
- ptr+=binput(retour.adr+ptr,rcvd,1024);
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("(buffer)>%s\n",rcvd);
- #endif
- if (strnotempty(rcvd))
- treathead(NULL,NULL,NULL,&retour,rcvd); // traiter
- } while(strnotempty(rcvd));
- // ----------------------------------------
- // libΘrer mΘmoire
- if (retour.adr!=NULL) { freet(retour.adr); retour.adr=NULL; }
- }
- } else {
- retour.statuscode=-2;
- strcpybuff(retour.msg,"Timeout While Testing");
- }
- DEBUG_W("http_test: deletehttp\n");
- #endif
- deletehttp(&retour);
- retour.soc=INVALID_SOCKET;
- }
- return retour;
- }
- // CrΘe un lien (http) vers une adresse internet iadr
- // retour: structure (adresse, taille, message si erreur (si !adr))
- // peut ouvrir avec des connect() non bloquants: waitconnect=0/1
- int newhttp(char* _iadr,htsblk* retour,int port,int waitconnect) {
- t_fullhostent fullhostent_buffer; // buffer pour resolver
- T_SOC soc; // descipteur de la socket
- char* iadr;
- // unsigned short int port;
- // si iadr="#" alors c'est une fausse URL, mais un vrai fichier
- // local.
- // utile pour les tests!
- //## if (iadr[0]!=lOCAL_CHAR) {
- if (strcmp(_iadr,"file://") != 0) { /* non fichier */
- SOCaddr server;
- int server_size=sizeof(server);
- t_hostent* hp;
- // effacer structure
- memset(&server, 0, sizeof(server));
- // tester un Θventuel id:pass et virer id:pass@ si dΘtectΘ
- iadr = jump_identification(_iadr);
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("gethostbyname\n");
- #endif
- // tester un Θventuel port
- if (port==-1) {
- char *a=jump_toport(iadr);
- if (retour->ssl)
- port=443;
- else
- port=80; // port par dΘfaut
- #else
- port=80; // port par dΘfaut
- #endif
- if (a) {
- char iadr2[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- int i=-1;
- iadr2[0]='\0';
- sscanf(a+1,"%d",&i);
- if (i!=-1) {
- port=(unsigned short int) i;
- }
- // adresse vΘritable (sans :xx)
- strncatbuff(iadr2,iadr,(int) (a - iadr));
- // adresse sans le :xx
- hp = hts_gethostbyname(iadr2, &fullhostent_buffer);
- } else {
- // adresse normale (port par dΘfaut par la suite)
- hp = hts_gethostbyname(iadr, &fullhostent_buffer);
- }
- } else // port dΘfini
- hp = hts_gethostbyname(iadr, &fullhostent_buffer);
- // Conversion iadr -> adresse
- // structure recevant le nom de l'h⌠te, etc
- //struct hostent *hp;
- if (hp == NULL) {
- #if DEBUG
- printf("erreur gethostbyname\n");
- #endif
- if (retour)
- if (retour->msg)
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"Unable to get server's address");
- }
- // copie adresse
- SOCaddr_copyaddr(server, server_size, hp->h_addr_list[0], hp->h_length);
- // make a copy for external clients
- retour->address_size = sizeof(retour->address);
- SOCaddr_copyaddr(retour->address, retour->address_size, hp->h_addr_list[0], hp->h_length);
- // memcpy(&SOCaddr_sinaddr(server), hp->h_addr_list[0], hp->h_length);
- // crΘer ("attachement") une socket (point d'accΦs) internet,en flot
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("socket\n");
- #endif
- DEBUG_W("socket\n");
- #endif
- soc=socket(SOCaddr_sinfamily(server), SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if (retour != NULL) {
- retour->debugid = HTS_STAT.stat_sockid++;
- }
- DEBUG_W("socket()=%d\n" _ (int) soc);
- #endif
- if (soc==INVALID_SOCKET) {
- if (retour)
- if (retour->msg)
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"Unable to create a socket");
- return INVALID_SOCKET; // erreur crΘation socket impossible
- }
- // bind this address
- if (retour != NULL && retour->req.proxy.bindhost[0] != '\0') {
- t_fullhostent bind_buffer;
- hp = hts_gethostbyname(retour->req.proxy.bindhost, &bind_buffer);
- if (hp == NULL ||
- bind(soc, (struct sockaddr *)hp->h_addr_list[0], hp->h_length) != 0) {
- if (retour)
- if (retour->msg)
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"Unable to bind the specificied server address");
- deletesoc(soc);
- }
- }
- // structure: connexion au domaine internet, port 80 (ou autre)
- SOCaddr_initport(server, port);
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("==%d\n",soc);
- #endif
- // connexion non bloquante?
- if (!waitconnect ) {
- unsigned long p=1; // non bloquant
- #if HTS_WIN
- ioctlsocket(soc,FIONBIO,&p);
- #else
- ioctl(soc,FIONBIO,&p);
- #endif
- }
- // Connexion au serveur lui mΩme
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("connect\n");
- #endif
- DEBUG_W("connect\n");
- #endif
- #if HTS_WIN
- if (connect(soc, (const struct sockaddr FAR *)&server, server_size) != 0) {
- #else
- if (connect(soc, (struct sockaddr *)&server, server_size) == -1) {
- #endif
- // bloquant
- if (waitconnect) {
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("unable to connect!\n");
- #endif
- if (retour)
- if (retour->msg)
- strcpybuff(retour->msg,"Unable to connect to the server");
- /* Close the socket and notify the error!!! */
- deletesoc(soc);
- }
- }
- DEBUG_W("connect done\n");
- #endif
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("connexion Θtablie\n");
- #endif
- // A partir de maintenant, on peut envoyer et recevoir des donnΘes
- // via le flot identifiΘ par soc (socket): write(soc,adr,taille) et
- // read(soc,adr,taille)
- } else { // on doit ouvrir un fichier local!
- // il sera gΘrΘ de la mΩme maniΦre qu'une socket (c'est idem!)
- soc=LOCAL_SOCKET_ID; // pseudo-socket locale..
- // soc sera remplacΘ lors d'un http_fopen() par un handle vΘritable!
- } // teste fichier local ou http
- return soc;
- }
- // couper http://www.truc.fr/pub/index.html -> www.truc.fr /pub/index.html
- // retour=-1 si erreur.
- // si file://... alors adresse=file:// (et coupe le ?query dans ce cas)
- int ident_url_absolute(char* url,char* adr,char* fil) {
- int pos=0;
- int scheme=0;
- // effacer adr et fil
- adr[0]=fil[0]='\0';
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("protocol: %s\n",url);
- #endif
- // Scheme?
- {
- char* a=url;
- while (isalpha((unsigned char)*a))
- a++;
- if (*a == ':')
- scheme=1;
- }
- // 1. optional scheme ":"
- if ((pos=strfield(url,"file:"))) { // fichier local!! (pour les tests)
- //!!p+=3;
- strcpybuff(adr,"file://");
- } else if ((pos=strfield(url,"http:"))) { // HTTP
- //!!p+=3;
- } else if ((pos=strfield(url,"ftp:"))) { // FTP
- strcpybuff(adr,"ftp://"); // FTP!!
- //!!p+=3;
- } else if (SSL_is_available && (pos=strfield(url,"https:"))) { // HTTPS
- strcpybuff(adr,"https://");
- #endif
- } else if (scheme) {
- return -1; // erreur non reconnu
- } else
- pos=0;
- // 2. optional "//" authority
- if (strncmp(url+pos,"//",2)==0)
- pos+=2;
- // (url+pos) now points to the path (not net path)
- //## if (adr[0]!=lOCAL_CHAR) { // adresse normale http
- if (!strfield(adr,"file:")) { // PAS file://
- char *p,*q;
- p=url+pos;
- // p pointe sur le dΘbut de l'adresse, ex: www.truc.fr/sommaire/index.html
- q=strchr(jump_identification(p),'/');
- if (q==0) q=strchr(jump_identification(p),'?'); // http://www.foo.com?bar=1
- if (q==0) q=p+strlen(p); // pointe sur \0
- // q pointe sur le chemin, ex: index.html?query=recherche
- // chemin www... trop long!!
- if ( ( ((int) (q - p)) ) > HTS_URLMAXSIZE) {
- //strcpybuff(retour.msg,"Path too long");
- return -1; // erreur
- }
- // recopier adresse www..
- strncatbuff(adr,p, ((int) (q - p)) );
- // *( adr+( ((int) q) - ((int) p) ) )=0; // faut arrΩter la fumette!
- // recopier chemin /pub/..
- if (q[0] != '/') // page par dΘfaut (/)
- strcatbuff(fil,"/");
- strcatbuff(fil,q);
- // simplifier url pour les ../
- fil_simplifie(fil);
- } else { // localhost file://
- char *p;
- int i;
- char* a;
- p=url+pos;
- if (*p == '/' || *p == '\\') { /* file:///.. */
- strcatbuff(fil,p); // fichier local ; adr="#"
- } else {
- if (p[1] != ':') {
- strcatbuff(fil,"//"); /* file://server/foo */
- strcatbuff(fil,p);
- } else {
- strcatbuff(fil,p); // file://C:\..
- }
- }
- a=strchr(fil,'?');
- if (a)
- *a='\0'; /* couper query (inutile pour file:// lors de la requΩte) */
- // filtrer les \\ -> / pour les fichiers DOS
- for(i=0;i<(int) strlen(fil);i++)
- if (fil[i]=='\\')
- fil[i]='/';
- }
- // no hostname
- if (!strnotempty(adr))
- return -1; // erreur non reconnu
- // nommer au besoin.. (non utilisΘ normalement)
- if (!strnotempty(fil))
- strcpybuff(fil,"default-index.html");
- // case insensitive pour adresse
- {
- char *a=jump_identification(adr);
- while(*a) {
- if ((*a>='A') && (*a<='Z'))
- *a+='a'-'A';
- a++;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // simplification des ../
- void fil_simplifie(char* f) {
- int i=0;
- int last=0;
- char* a;
- // Θliminer ../
- while (f[i]) {
- if (f[i]=='?') // query string: that's all, folks!
- break;
- if (f[i]=='/') {
- if (f[i+1]=='.')
- if (f[i+2]=='.') // couper dernier rΘpertoire
- if (f[i+3]=='/') // Θviter les /tmp/..coolandlamedir/
- { // couper dernier rΘpertoire
- char tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- tempo[0]='\0';
- //
- if (!last) /* can't go upper.. */
- strcpybuff(tempo,"/");
- else
- strncpy(tempo,f,last+1);
- tempo[last+1]='\0';
- strcatbuff(tempo,f+i+4);
- strcpybuff(f,tempo); // remplacer
- i=-1; // recommencer
- last=0;
- }
- if (i>=0)
- last=i;
- else
- last=0;
- }
- i++;
- }
- // Θliminer ./
- while ( (a=strstr_limit(f,"./","?")) ) {
- char tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- tempo[0]='\0';
- strcpybuff(tempo,a+2);
- strcpybuff(a,tempo);
- }
- // delete all remaining ../ (potential threat)
- while ( (a=strstr_limit(f,"../","?")) ) {
- char tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- tempo[0]='\0';
- strcpybuff(tempo,a+3);
- strcpybuff(a,tempo);
- }
- }
- // fermer liaison fichier ou socket
- HTS_INLINE void deletehttp(htsblk* r) {
- DEBUG_W("deletehttp: (htsblk*) 0x%p\n" _ (void*) r);
- #endif
- /* Free OpenSSL structures */
- if (SSL_is_available && r->ssl_con) {
- SSL_shutdown(r->ssl_con);
- SSL_free(r->ssl_con);
- r->ssl_con=NULL;
- }
- #endif
- if (r->soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) {
- if (r->is_file) {
- if (r->fp)
- fclose(r->fp);
- r->fp=NULL;
- } else {
- if (r->soc!=LOCAL_SOCKET_ID)
- deletesoc_r(r);
- }
- }
- }
- // free the addr buffer
- // always returns 1
- HTS_INLINE int deleteaddr(htsblk* r) {
- if (r->adr != NULL) {
- freet(r->adr);
- r->adr = NULL;
- }
- if (r->headers != NULL) {
- freet(r->headers);
- r->headers = NULL;
- }
- return 1;
- }
- // fermer une socket
- HTS_INLINE void deletesoc(T_SOC soc) {
- if (soc!=INVALID_SOCKET && soc!=LOCAL_SOCKET_ID) {
- DEBUG_W("close %d\n" _ (int) soc);
- #endif
- #if HTS_WIN
- closesocket(soc);
- #else
- close(soc);
- #endif
- DEBUG_W(".. done\n");
- #endif
- }
- }
- /* Will also clean other things */
- HTS_INLINE void deletesoc_r(htsblk* r) {
- if (SSL_is_available && r->ssl_con) {
- SSL_shutdown(r->ssl_con);
- // SSL_CTX_set_quiet_shutdown(r->ssl_con->ctx, 1);
- SSL_free(r->ssl_con);
- r->ssl_con=NULL;
- }
- #endif
- if (r->soc!=INVALID_SOCKET) {
- deletesoc(r->soc);
- }
- }
- // renvoi le nombre de secondes depuis 1970
- HTS_INLINE TStamp time_local(void) {
- return ((TStamp) time(NULL));
- }
- // number of millisec since 1970
- HTSEXT_API HTS_INLINE TStamp mtime_local(void) {
- struct timeb B;
- ftime( &B );
- return (TStamp) ( ((TStamp) B.time * (TStamp) 1000)
- + ((TStamp) B.millitm) );
- #else
- // not precise..
- return (TStamp) ( ((TStamp) time_local() * (TStamp) 1000)
- + ((TStamp) 0) );
- #endif
- }
- // convertit un nombre de secondes en temps (chaine)
- void sec2str(char *st,TStamp t) {
- int j,h,m,s;
- j=(int) (t/(3600*24));
- t-=((TStamp) j)*(3600*24);
- h=(int) (t/(3600));
- t-=((TStamp) h)*3600;
- m=(int) (t/60);
- t-=((TStamp) m)*60;
- s=(int) t;
- if (j>0)
- sprintf(st,"%d days, %d hours %d minutes %d seconds",j,h,m,s);
- else if (h>0)
- sprintf(st,"%d hours %d minutes %d seconds",h,m,s);
- else if (m>0)
- sprintf(st,"%d minutes %d seconds",m,s);
- else
- sprintf(st,"%d seconds",s);
- }
- // idem, plus court (chaine)
- HTSEXT_API void qsec2str(char *st,TStamp t) {
- int j,h,m,s;
- j=(int) (t/(3600*24));
- t-=((TStamp) j)*(3600*24);
- h=(int) (t/(3600));
- t-=((TStamp) h)*3600;
- m=(int) (t/60);
- t-=((TStamp) m)*60;
- s=(int) t;
- if (j>0)
- sprintf(st,"%dd,%02dh,%02dmin%02ds",j,h,m,s);
- else if (h>0)
- sprintf(st,"%dh,%02dmin%02ds",h,m,s);
- else if (m>0)
- sprintf(st,"%dmin%02ds",m,s);
- else
- sprintf(st,"%ds",s);
- }
- // heure actuelle, GMT, format rfc (taille buffer 256o)
- void time_gmt_rfc822(char* s) {
- time_t tt;
- struct tm* A;
- tt=time(NULL);
- A=gmtime(&tt);
- if (A==NULL)
- A=localtime(&tt);
- time_rfc822(s,A);
- }
- // heure actuelle, format rfc (taille buffer 256o)
- void time_local_rfc822(char* s) {
- time_t tt;
- struct tm* A;
- tt=time(NULL);
- A=localtime(&tt);
- time_rfc822_local(s,A);
- }
- /* convertir une chaine en temps */
- struct tm* convert_time_rfc822(char* s) {
- struct tm* result;
- /* */
- char months[]="jan feb mar apr may jun jul aug sep oct nov dec";
- char str[256];
- char* a;
- /* */
- int result_mm=-1;
- int result_dd=-1;
- int result_n1=-1;
- int result_n2=-1;
- int result_n3=-1;
- int result_n4=-1;
- /* */
- NOSTATIC_RESERVE(result, struct tm, 1);
- if ((int) strlen(s) > 200)
- return NULL;
- strcpybuff(str,s);
- hts_lowcase(str);
- /* Θliminer :,- */
- while( (a=strchr(str,'-')) ) *a=' ';
- while( (a=strchr(str,':')) ) *a=' ';
- while( (a=strchr(str,',')) ) *a=' ';
- /* tokeniser */
- a=str;
- while(*a) {
- char *first,*last;
- char tok[256];
- /* dΘcouper mot */
- while(*a==' ') a++; /* sauter espaces */
- first=a;
- while((*a) && (*a!=' ')) a++;
- last=a;
- tok[0]='\0';
- if (first!=last) {
- char* pos;
- strncatbuff(tok,first,(int) (last - first));
- /* analyser */
- if ( (pos=strstr(months,tok)) ) { /* month always in letters */
- result_mm=((int) (pos - months))/4;
- } else {
- int number;
- if (sscanf(tok,"%d",&number) == 1) { /* number token */
- if (result_dd<0) /* day always first number */
- result_dd=number;
- else if (result_n1<0)
- result_n1=number;
- else if (result_n2<0)
- result_n2=number;
- else if (result_n3<0)
- result_n3=number;
- else if (result_n4<0)
- result_n4=number;
- } /* sinon, bruit de fond(+1GMT for exampel) */
- }
- }
- }
- if ((result_n1>=0) && (result_mm>=0) && (result_dd>=0) && (result_n2>=0) && (result_n3>=0) && (result_n4>=0)) {
- if (result_n4>=1000) { /* Sun Nov 6 08:49:37 1994 */
- result->tm_year=result_n4-1900;
- result->tm_hour=result_n1;
- result->tm_min=result_n2;
- result->tm_sec=max(result_n3,0);
- } else { /* Sun, 06 Nov 1994 08:49:37 GMT or Sunday, 06-Nov-94 08:49:37 GMT */
- result->tm_hour=result_n2;
- result->tm_min=result_n3;
- result->tm_sec=max(result_n4,0);
- if (result_n1<=50) /* 00 means 2000 */
- result->tm_year=result_n1+100;
- else if (result_n1<1000) /* 99 means 1999 */
- result->tm_year=result_n1;
- else /* 2000 */
- result->tm_year=result_n1-1900;
- }
- result->tm_isdst=0; /* assume GMT */
- result->tm_yday=-1; /* don't know */
- result->tm_wday=-1; /* don't know */
- result->tm_mon=result_mm;
- result->tm_mday=result_dd;
- return result;
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- /* sets file time. -1 if error */
- int set_filetime(char* file,struct tm* tm_time) {
- struct utimbuf tim;
- struct timeb B;
- B.timezone=0;
- ftime( &B );
- tim.actime=tim.modtime=mktime(tm_time) - B.timezone*60;
- #else
- // bogus time (GMT/local)..
- tim.actime=tim.modtime=mktime(tm_time);
- #endif
- return utime(file,&tim);
- }
- /* sets file time from RFC822 date+time, -1 if error*/
- int set_filetime_rfc822(char* file,char* date) {
- struct tm* tm_s=convert_time_rfc822(date);
- if (tm_s) {
- return set_filetime(file,tm_s);
- } else return -1;
- }
- int get_filetime_rfc822(char* file,char* date) {
- struct stat buf;
- date[0] = '\0';
- if (stat(file, &buf) == 0) {
- struct tm* A;
- time_t tt = buf.st_mtime;
- A=gmtime(&tt);
- if (A==NULL)
- A=localtime(&tt);
- time_rfc822(date, A);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // heure au format rfc (taille buffer 256o)
- HTS_INLINE void time_rfc822(char* s,struct tm * A) {
- if (A == NULL) {
- int localtime_returned_null=0;
- assert(localtime_returned_null);
- }
- strftime(s,256,"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT",A);
- }
- // heure locale au format rfc (taille buffer 256o)
- HTS_INLINE void time_rfc822_local(char* s,struct tm * A) {
- if (A == NULL) {
- int localtime_returned_null=0;
- assert(localtime_returned_null);
- }
- strftime(s,256,"%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S",A);
- }
- // conversion en b,Kb,Mb
- HTSEXT_API char* int2bytes(LLint n) {
- char** a=int2bytes2(n);
- char* buff;
- NOSTATIC_RESERVE(buff, char, 256);
- strcpybuff(buff,a[0]);
- strcatbuff(buff,a[1]);
- return concat(buff,"");
- }
- // conversion en b/s,Kb/s,Mb/s
- HTSEXT_API char* int2bytessec(long int n) {
- char* buff;
- char** a=int2bytes2(n);
- NOSTATIC_RESERVE(buff, char, 256);
- strcpybuff(buff,a[0]);
- strcatbuff(buff,a[1]);
- return concat(buff,"/s");
- }
- HTSEXT_API char* int2char(int n) {
- char* buffer;
- NOSTATIC_RESERVE(buffer, char, 32);
- sprintf(buffer,"%d",n);
- return concat(buffer,"");
- }
- // conversion en b,Kb,Mb, nombre et type sΘparΘs
- // limite: 2.10^9.10^6B
- /* See http://physics.nist.gov/cuu/Units/binary.html */
- #define ToLLint(a) ((LLint)(a))
- #define ToLLintKiB (ToLLint(1024))
- #define ToLLintMiB (ToLLintKiB*ToLLintKiB)
- #define ToLLintGiB (ToLLintKiB*ToLLintKiB*ToLLintKiB)
- #define ToLLintTiB (ToLLintKiB*ToLLintKiB*ToLLintKiB*ToLLintKiB)
- #define ToLLintPiB (ToLLintKiB*ToLLintKiB*ToLLintKiB*ToLLintKiB*ToLLintKiB)
- #endif
- typedef struct {
- char buff1[256];
- char buff2[32];
- char* buffadr[2];
- } strc_int2bytes2;
- HTSEXT_API char** int2bytes2(LLint n) {
- strc_int2bytes2* strc;
- NOSTATIC_RESERVE(strc, strc_int2bytes2, 1);
- if (n < ToLLintKiB) {
- sprintf(strc->buff1,"%d",(int)(LLint)n);
- strcpybuff(strc->buff2,"B");
- } else if (n < ToLLintMiB) {
- sprintf(strc->buff1,"%d,%02d",(int)((LLint)(n/ToLLintKiB)),(int)((LLint)((n%ToLLintKiB)*100)/ToLLintKiB));
- strcpybuff(strc->buff2,"KiB");
- }
- else if (n < ToLLintGiB) {
- sprintf(strc->buff1,"%d,%02d",(int)((LLint)(n/(ToLLintMiB))),(int)((LLint)(((n%(ToLLintMiB))*100)/(ToLLintMiB))));
- strcpybuff(strc->buff2,"MiB");
- } else if (n < ToLLintTiB) {
- sprintf(strc->buff1,"%d,%02d",(int)((LLint)(n/(ToLLintGiB))),(int)((LLint)(((n%(ToLLintGiB))*100)/(ToLLintGiB))));
- strcpybuff(strc->buff2,"GiB");
- } else if (n < ToLLintPiB) {
- sprintf(strc->buff1,"%d,%02d",(int)((LLint)(n/(ToLLintTiB))),(int)((LLint)(((n%(ToLLintTiB))*100)/(ToLLintTiB))));
- strcpybuff(strc->buff2,"TiB");
- } else {
- sprintf(strc->buff1,"%d,%02d",(int)((LLint)(n/(ToLLintPiB))),(int)((LLint)(((n%(ToLLintPiB))*100)/(ToLLintPiB))));
- strcpybuff(strc->buff2,"PiB");
- }
- #else
- else {
- sprintf(strc->buff1,"%d,%02d",(int)((LLint)(n/(ToLLintMiB))),(int)((LLint)(((n%(ToLLintMiB))*100)/(ToLLintMiB))));
- strcpybuff(strc->buff2,"MiB");
- }
- #endif
- strc->buffadr[0]=strc->buff1;
- strc->buffadr[1]=strc->buff2;
- return strc->buffadr;
- }
- #if HTS_WIN
- #else
- // ignore sigpipe?
- int sig_ignore_flag( int setflag ) { // flag ignore
- static int flag=0; /* YES, this one is true static */
- if (setflag>=0)
- flag=setflag;
- return flag;
- }
- #endif
- // envoi de texte (en tΩtes gΘnΘralement) sur la socket soc
- HTS_INLINE int sendc(htsblk* r, char* s) {
- int n, ssz = (int)strlen(s);
- #if HTS_WIN
- #else
- sig_ignore_flag(1);
- #endif
- #if HDEBUG
- write(0,s,ssz);
- #endif
- if (SSL_is_available && r->ssl) {
- n = SSL_write(r->ssl_con, s, ssz);
- } else
- #endif
- n = send(r->soc,s,ssz,0);
- #if HTS_WIN
- #else
- sig_ignore_flag(0);
- #endif
- return ( n == ssz ) ? n : -1;
- }
- // Remplace read
- int finput(int fd,char* s,int max) {
- char c;
- int j=0;
- do {
- //c=fgetc(fp);
- if (read(fd,&c,1)<=0) {
- c=0;
- }
- if (c!=0) {
- switch(c) {
- case 10: c=0; break;
- case 13: break; // sauter ces caractΦres
- default: s[j++]=c; break;
- }
- }
- } while((c!=0) && (j<max-1));
- s[j]='\0';
- return j;
- }
- // Like linput, but in memory (optimized)
- int binput(char* buff, char* s, int max) {
- int count = 0;
- int destCount = 0;
- // Note: \0 will return 1
- while(count < max && buff != NULL && buff[count] != '\0' && buff[count] != '\n') {
- if (buff[count] != '\r') {
- s[destCount++] = buff[count];
- }
- count++;
- }
- s[destCount] = '\0';
- // then return the supplemental jump offset
- return count + 1;
- }
- // Lecture d'une ligne (peut Ωtre unicode α priori)
- int linput(FILE* fp,char* s,int max) {
- int c;
- int j=0;
- do {
- c=fgetc(fp);
- if (c!=EOF) {
- switch(c) {
- case 13: break; // sauter CR
- case 10: c=-1; break;
- case 9: case 12: break; // sauter ces caractΦres
- default: s[j++]=(char) c; break;
- }
- }
- } while((c!=-1) && (c!=EOF) && (j<(max-1)));
- s[j]='\0';
- return j;
- }
- int linputsoc(T_SOC soc, char* s, int max) {
- int c;
- int j=0;
- do {
- unsigned char ch;
- if (recv(soc, &ch, 1, 0) == 1) {
- c = ch;
- } else {
- c = EOF;
- }
- if (c!=EOF) {
- switch(c) {
- case 13: break; // sauter CR
- case 10: c=-1; break;
- case 9: case 12: break; // sauter ces caractΦres
- default: s[j++]=(char) c; break;
- }
- }
- } while((c!=-1) && (c!=EOF) && (j<(max-1)));
- s[j]='\0';
- return j;
- }
- int linputsoc_t(T_SOC soc, char* s, int max, int timeout) {
- if (check_readinput_t(soc, timeout)) {
- return linputsoc(soc, s, max);
- }
- return -1;
- }
- int linput_trim(FILE* fp,char* s,int max) {
- int rlen=0;
- char* ls=(char*) malloct(max+2);
- s[0]='\0';
- if (ls) {
- char* a;
- // lire ligne
- rlen=linput(fp,ls,max);
- if (rlen) {
- // sauter espaces et tabs en fin
- while( (rlen>0) && ((ls[max(rlen-1,0)]==' ') || (ls[max(rlen-1,0)]=='\t')) )
- ls[--rlen]='\0';
- // sauter espaces en dΘbut
- a=ls;
- while((rlen>0) && ((*a==' ') || (*a=='\t'))) {
- a++;
- rlen--;
- }
- if (rlen>0) {
- memcpy(s,a,rlen); // can copy \0 chars
- s[rlen]='\0';
- }
- }
- //
- freet(ls);
- }
- return rlen;
- }
- int linput_cpp(FILE* fp,char* s,int max) {
- int rlen=0;
- s[0]='\0';
- do {
- int ret;
- if (rlen>0)
- if (s[rlen-1]=='\\')
- s[--rlen]='\0'; // couper \ final
- // lire ligne
- ret=linput_trim(fp,s+rlen,max-rlen);
- if (ret>0)
- rlen+=ret;
- } while((s[max(rlen-1,0)]=='\\') && (rlen<max));
- return rlen;
- }
- // idem avec les car spΘciaux
- void rawlinput(FILE* fp,char* s,int max) {
- int c;
- int j=0;
- do {
- c=fgetc(fp);
- if (c!=EOF) {
- switch(c) {
- case 13: break; // sauter CR
- case 10: c=-1; break;
- default: s[j++]=(char) c; break;
- }
- }
- } while((c!=-1) && (c!=EOF) && (j<(max-1)));
- s[j++]='\0';
- }
- //cherche chaine, case insensitive
- char* strstrcase(char *s,char *o) {
- while((*s) && (strfield(s,o)==0)) s++;
- if (*s=='\0') return NULL;
- return s;
- }
- // Unicode detector
- // See http://www.unicode.org/unicode/reports/tr28/
- // (sect Table 3.1B. Legal UTF-8 Byte Sequences)
- typedef struct {
- unsigned int pos;
- unsigned char data[4];
- } t_auto_seq;
- // char between a and b
- #define CHAR_BETWEEN(c, a, b) ( (c) >= 0x##a ) && ( (c) <= 0x##b )
- // sequence start
- #define SEQBEG ( inseq == 0 )
- // in this block
- #define BLK(n,a, b) ( (seq.pos >= n) && ((err = CHAR_BETWEEN(seq.data[n], a, b))) )
- #define ELT(n,a) BLK(n,a,a)
- // end
- #define SEQEND ((ok = 1))
- // sequence started, character will fail if error
- #define IN_SEQ ( (inseq = 1) )
- // decoding error
- #define BAD_SEQ ( (ok == 0) && (inseq != 0) && (!err) )
- // no sequence started
- #define NO_SEQ ( inseq == 0 )
- // is this block an UTF unicode textfile?
- // 0 : no
- // 1 : yes
- // -1: don't know
- int is_unicode_utf8(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int size) {
- t_auto_seq seq;
- unsigned int i;
- int is_utf=-1;
- seq.pos=0;
- for(i=0 ; i < size ; i++) {
- unsigned int ok=0;
- unsigned int inseq=0;
- unsigned int err=0;
- seq.data[seq.pos]=buffer[i];
- /**/ if ( SEQBEG && BLK(0,00,7F) && IN_SEQ && SEQEND ) { }
- else if ( SEQBEG && BLK(0,C2,DF) && IN_SEQ && BLK(1,80,BF) && SEQEND ) { }
- else if ( SEQBEG && ELT(0,E0 ) && IN_SEQ && BLK(1,A0,BF) && BLK(2,80,BF) && SEQEND ) { }
- else if ( SEQBEG && BLK(0,E1,EC) && IN_SEQ && BLK(1,80,BF) && BLK(2,80,BF) && SEQEND ) { }
- else if ( SEQBEG && ELT(0,ED ) && IN_SEQ && BLK(1,80,9F) && BLK(2,80,BF) && SEQEND ) { }
- else if ( SEQBEG && BLK(0,EE,EF) && IN_SEQ && BLK(1,80,BF) && BLK(2,80,BF) && SEQEND ) { }
- else if ( SEQBEG && ELT(0,F0 ) && IN_SEQ && BLK(1,90,BF) && BLK(2,80,BF) && BLK(3,80,BF) && SEQEND ) { }
- else if ( SEQBEG && BLK(0,F1,F3) && IN_SEQ && BLK(1,80,BF) && BLK(2,80,BF) && BLK(3,80,BF) && SEQEND ) { }
- else if ( SEQBEG && ELT(0,F4 ) && IN_SEQ && BLK(1,80,8F) && BLK(2,80,BF) && BLK(3,80,BF) && SEQEND ) { }
- else if ( NO_SEQ ) { // bad, unknown
- return 0;
- }
- /* */
- /* Error */
- if ( BAD_SEQ ) {
- return 0;
- }
- /* unicode character */
- if (seq.pos > 0)
- is_utf=1;
- /* Next */
- if (ok)
- seq.pos=0;
- else
- seq.pos++;
- /* Internal error */
- if (seq.pos >= 4)
- return 0;
- }
- return is_utf;
- }
- void map_characters(unsigned char* buffer, unsigned int size, unsigned int* map) {
- unsigned int i;
- memset(map, 0, sizeof(unsigned int) * 256);
- for(i = 0 ; i < size ; i++) {
- map[buffer[i]]++;
- }
- }
- // le fichier est-il un fichier html?
- // 0 : non
- // 1 : oui
- // -1 : on sait pas
- // -2 : on sait pas, pas d'extension
- int ishtml(const char* fil) {
- const char *a;
- // patch pour les truc.html?Choix=toto
- if ( (a=strchr(fil,'?')) ) // paramΦtres?
- a--; // pointer juste avant le ?
- else
- a=fil+strlen(fil)-1; // pointer sur le dernier caractΦre
- if (*a=='/') return -1; // rΘpertoire, on sait pas!!
- //if (*a=='/') return 1; // ok rΘpertoire, html
- while ( (*a!='.') && (*a!='/') && ( a > fil)) a--;
- if (*a=='.') { // a une extension
- char fil_noquery[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- char* b;
- fil_noquery[0]='\0';
- a++; // pointer sur extension
- strncatbuff(fil_noquery,a,HTS_URLMAXSIZE);
- b=strchr(fil_noquery,'?');
- if (b)
- *b='\0';
- return ishtml_ext(fil_noquery); // retour
- } else return -2; // indΘterminΘ, par exemple /truc
- }
- // idem, mais pour uniquement l'extension
- int ishtml_ext(const char* a) {
- int html=0;
- //
- if (strfield2(a,"html")) html = 1;
- else if (strfield2(a,"htm")) html = 1;
- else if (strfield2(a,"shtml")) html = 1;
- else if (strfield2(a,"phtml")) html = 1;
- else if (strfield2(a,"htmlx")) html = 1;
- else if (strfield2(a,"shtm")) html = 1;
- else if (strfield2(a,"phtm")) html = 1;
- else if (strfield2(a,"htmx")) html = 1;
- //
- // insuccΦs..
- else {
- switch(is_knowntype(a)) {
- case 1:
- html = 0; // connu, non html
- break;
- case 2:
- html = 1; // connu, html
- break;
- default:
- html = -1; // inconnu..
- break;
- }
- }
- return html;
- }
- // error (404,500..)
- HTS_INLINE int ishttperror(int err) {
- switch (err/100) {
- case 4: case 5: return 1;
- break;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // retourne le pointeur ou le pointeur + offset si il existe dans la chaine un @ signifiant
- // une identification
- HTSEXT_API char* jump_identification(char* source) {
- char *a,*trytofind;
- if (strcmp(source, "file://") == 0)
- return source;
- // rechercher dernier @ (car parfois email transmise dans adresse!)
- // mais sauter ftp:// Θventuel
- a = jump_protocol(source);
- trytofind = strrchr_limit(a, '@', strchr(a,'/'));
- return (trytofind != NULL)?trytofind:a;
- }
- HTSEXT_API char* jump_normalized(char* source) {
- if (strcmp(source, "file://") == 0)
- return source;
- source = jump_identification(source);
- if (strfield(source, "www") && source[3] != '\0') {
- if (source[3] == '.') { // www.foo.com -> foo.com
- source += 4;
- } else { // www-4.foo.com -> foo.com
- char* a = source + 3;
- while(*a && ( isdigit(*a) || *a == '-') ) a++;
- if (*a == '.') {
- source = a + 1;
- }
- }
- }
- return source;
- }
- static int sortNormFnc(const void * a_, const void * b_) {
- char** a = (char**) a_;
- char** b = (char**) b_;
- return strcmp(*a+1, *b+1);
- }
- HTSEXT_API char* fil_normalized(char* source, char* dest) {
- char lastc = 0;
- int gotquery=0;
- int ampargs=0;
- int i,j;
- char* query=NULL;
- for(i=j=0 ; source[i] != '\0'; i++) {
- if (!gotquery && source[i] == '?')
- gotquery=ampargs=1;
- if (
- (!gotquery && lastc == '/' && source[i] == '/') // foo//bar -> foo/bar
- ) {
- }
- else {
- if (gotquery && source[i] == '&') {
- ampargs++;
- }
- dest[j++] = source[i];
- }
- lastc = source[i];
- }
- dest[j++] = '\0';
- /* Sort arguments (&foo=1&bar=2 == &bar=2&foo=1) */
- if (ampargs > 1) {
- char** amps = malloct(ampargs * sizeof(char*));
- char* copyBuff = NULL;
- int qLen=0;
- assertf(amps != NULL);
- gotquery = 0;
- for(i=j=0 ; dest[i] != '\0'; i++) {
- if ( (gotquery && dest[i] == '&') || ( !gotquery && dest[i] == '?') ) {
- if (!gotquery) {
- gotquery=1;
- query = &dest[i];
- qLen = (int)strlen(query);
- }
- assertf(j < ampargs);
- amps[j++] = &dest[i];
- dest[i] = '\0';
- }
- }
- assertf(j == ampargs);
- /* Sort 'em all */
- qsort(amps, ampargs, sizeof(char*), sortNormFnc);
- /* Replace query by sorted query */
- copyBuff = malloct(qLen + 1);
- assertf(copyBuff != NULL);
- copyBuff[0] = '\0';
- for(i = 0 ; i < ampargs ; i++) {
- if (i == 0)
- strcatbuff(copyBuff, "?");
- else
- strcatbuff(copyBuff, "&");
- strcatbuff(copyBuff, amps[i] + 1);
- }
- assert((int)strlen(copyBuff) <= qLen);
- strcpybuff(query, copyBuff);
- /* Cleanup */
- freet(amps);
- freet(copyBuff);
- }
- return dest;
- }
- #define endwith(a) ( (len >= (sizeof(a)-1)) ? ( strncmp(dest, a+len-(sizeof(a)-1), sizeof(a)-1) == 0 ) : 0 );
- HTSEXT_API char* adr_normalized(char* source, char* dest) {
- /* not yet too aggressive (no com<->net<->org checkings) */
- strcpybuff(dest, jump_normalized(source));
- return dest;
- }
- #undef endwith
- // find port (:80) or NULL if not found
- // can handle IPV6 addresses
- HTSEXT_API char* jump_toport(char* source) {
- char *a,*trytofind;
- a = jump_identification(source);
- trytofind = strrchr_limit(a, ']', strchr(source, '/')); // find last ] (http://[3ffe:b80:1234::1]:80/foo.html)
- a = strchr( (trytofind)?trytofind:a, ':');
- return a;
- }
- // strrchr, but not too far
- char* strrchr_limit(char* s, char c, char* limit) {
- if (limit == NULL) {
- char* p = strrchr(s, c);
- return p?(p+1):NULL;
- } else {
- char *a=NULL, *p;
- for(;;) {
- p=strchr((a)?a:s, c);
- if ((p >= limit) || (p == NULL))
- return a;
- a=p+1;
- }
- }
- }
- // strrchr, but not too far
- char* strstr_limit(char* s, char* sub, char* limit) {
- if (limit == NULL) {
- return strstr(s, sub);
- } else {
- char* pos = strstr(s, sub);
- if (pos != NULL) {
- char* farpos = strstr(s, limit);
- if (farpos == NULL || pos < farpos)
- return pos;
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- // retourner adr sans ftp://
- HTS_INLINE char* jump_protocol(char* source) {
- int p;
- // scheme
- // "Comparisons of scheme names MUST be case-insensitive" (RFC2616)
- if ((p=strfield(source,"http:")))
- source+=p;
- else if ((p=strfield(source,"ftp:")))
- source+=p;
- else if ((p=strfield(source,"https:")))
- source+=p;
- else if ((p=strfield(source,"file:")))
- source+=p;
- // net_path
- if (strncmp(source,"//",2)==0)
- source+=2;
- return source;
- }
- // codage base 64 a vers b
- void code64(unsigned char* a,int size_a,unsigned char* b,int crlf) {
- int i1=0,i2=0,i3=0,i4=0;
- int loop=0;
- unsigned long int store;
- int n;
- const char _hts_base64[] = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";
- while(size_a-- > 0) {
- // 24 bits
- n=1;
- store = *a++;
- if (size_a-- > 0) { n=2; store <<= 8; store |= *a++; }
- if (size_a-- > 0) { n=3; store <<= 8; store |= *a++; }
- if (n==3) {
- i4=store & 63;
- i3=(store>>6) & 63;
- i2=(store>>12) & 63;
- i1=(store>>18) & 63;
- } else if (n==2) {
- store<<=2;
- i3=store & 63;
- i2=(store>>6) & 63;
- i1=(store>>12) & 63;
- } else {
- store<<=4;
- i2=store & 63;
- i1=(store>>6) & 63;
- }
- *b++ = _hts_base64[i1];
- *b++ = _hts_base64[i2];
- if (n>=2)
- *b++ = _hts_base64[i3];
- else
- *b++ = '=';
- if (n>=3)
- *b++ = _hts_base64[i4];
- else
- *b++ = '=';
- if (crlf && ( ( loop += 3 ) % 60) == 0 ) {
- *b++ = '\r';
- *b++ = '\n';
- }
- }
- *b++='\0';
- }
- // remplacer " par " etc..
- // buffer MAX 1Ko
- #define strcmpbeg(a, b) strncmp(a, b, strlen(b))
- HTSEXT_API void unescape_amp(char* s) {
- while(*s) {
- if (*s=='&') {
- char* end=strchr(s,';');
- if ( end && (((int) (end - s)) <= 8) ) {
- unsigned char c=0;
- // http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml-modularization/dtd_module_defs.html
- if (strcmpbeg(s, "") == 0) {
- int num=0;
- if ( (s[2] == 'x') || (s[2] == 'X')) {
- if (sscanf(s+3, "%x", &num) == 1) {
- c=(unsigned char)num;
- }
- } else {
- if (sscanf(s+2, "%d", &num) == 1) {
- c=(unsigned char)num;
- }
- }
- } else if (strcmpbeg(s, " ")==0)
- c=32; // hack - c=160;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "¡")==0)
- c=161;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "¢")==0)
- c=162;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "£")==0)
- c=163;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "¤")==0)
- c=164;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "¥")==0)
- c=165;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "¦")==0)
- c=166;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "§")==0)
- c=167;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "¨")==0)
- c=168;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "©")==0)
- c=169;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ª")==0)
- c=170;
- //else if (strcmpbeg(s, "«")==0)
- // c=171;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "¬")==0)
- c=172;
- //else if (strcmpbeg(s, "")==0)
- // c=173;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "®")==0)
- c=174;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "¯")==0)
- c=175;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "°")==0)
- c=176;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "±")==0)
- c=177;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "²")==0)
- c=178;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "³")==0)
- c=179;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "´")==0)
- c=180;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "µ")==0)
- c=181;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "¶")==0)
- c=182;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "·")==0)
- c=183;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "¸")==0)
- c=184;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "¹")==0)
- c=185;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "º")==0)
- c=186;
- //else if (strcmpbeg(s, "»")==0)
- // c=187;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "¼")==0)
- c=188;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "½")==0)
- c=189;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "¾")==0)
- c=190;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "¿")==0)
- c=191;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "À")==0)
- c=192;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Á")==0)
- c=193;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Â")==0)
- c=194;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ã")==0)
- c=195;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ä")==0)
- c=196;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Å")==0)
- c=197;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Æ")==0)
- c=198;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ç")==0)
- c=199;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "È")==0)
- c=200;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "É")==0)
- c=201;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ê")==0)
- c=202;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ë")==0)
- c=203;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ì")==0)
- c=204;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Í")==0)
- c=205;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Î")==0)
- c=206;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ï")==0)
- c=207;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ð")==0)
- c=208;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ñ")==0)
- c=209;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ò")==0)
- c=210;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ó")==0)
- c=211;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ô")==0)
- c=212;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Õ")==0)
- c=213;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ö")==0)
- c=214;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "×")==0)
- c=215;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ø")==0)
- c=216;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ù")==0)
- c=217;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ú")==0)
- c=218;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Û")==0)
- c=219;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ü")==0)
- c=220;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Ý")==0)
- c=221;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "Þ")==0)
- c=222;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ß")==0)
- c=223;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "à")==0)
- c=224;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "á")==0)
- c=225;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "â")==0)
- c=226;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ã")==0)
- c=227;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ä")==0)
- c=228;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "å")==0)
- c=229;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "æ")==0)
- c=230;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ç")==0)
- c=231;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "è")==0)
- c=232;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "é")==0)
- c=233;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ê")==0)
- c=234;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ë")==0)
- c=235;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ì")==0)
- c=236;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "í")==0)
- c=237;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "î")==0)
- c=238;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ï")==0)
- c=239;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ð")==0)
- c=240;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ñ")==0)
- c=241;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ò")==0)
- c=242;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ó")==0)
- c=243;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ô")==0)
- c=244;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "õ")==0)
- c=245;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ö")==0)
- c=246;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "÷")==0)
- c=247;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ø")==0)
- c=248;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ù")==0)
- c=249;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ú")==0)
- c=250;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "û")==0)
- c=251;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ü")==0)
- c=252;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ý")==0)
- c=253;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "þ")==0)
- c=254;
- else if (strcmpbeg(s, "ÿ")==0)
- c=255;
- //
- else if (strcmpbeg(s,"&")==0)
- c='&';
- else if (strcmpbeg(s,">")==0)
- c='>';
- else if (strcmpbeg(s,"«")==0)
- c='\"';
- else if (strcmpbeg(s,"<")==0)
- c='<';
- else if (strcmpbeg(s," ")==0)
- c=' ';
- else if (strcmpbeg(s,""")==0)
- c='\"';
- else if (strcmpbeg(s,"»")==0)
- c='\"';
- else if (strcmpbeg(s,"")==0)
- c='-';
- else if (strcmpbeg(s,"˜")==0)
- c='~';
- // remplacer?
- if (c) {
- char buff[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- buff[0]=(char) c;
- strcpybuff(buff+1,end+1);
- strcpybuff(s,buff);
- }
- }
- }
- s++;
- }
- }
- // remplacer %20 par ' ', | par : etc..
- // buffer MAX 1Ko
- HTSEXT_API char* unescape_http(char* s) {
- char* tempo;
- int i,j=0;
- for (i=0;i<(int) strlen(s);i++) {
- if (s[i]=='%') {
- i++;
- tempo[j++]=(char) ehex(s+i);
- i++; // sauter 2 caractΦres finalement
- }
- /*
- NON a cause de trucs comme /home/0,1837,1|7|1173|Content,00.html
- else if (s[i]=='|') { // exemple: file:///C|Program%20Files...
- tempo[j++]=':';
- }
- */
- else
- tempo[j++]=s[i];
- }
- tempo[j++]='\0';
- return tempo;
- }
- // unescape in URL/URI ONLY what has to be escaped, to form a standard URL/URI
- HTSEXT_API char* unescape_http_unharm(char* s, int no_high) {
- char* tempo;
- int i,j=0;
- for (i=0;i<(int) strlen(s);i++) {
- if (s[i]=='%') {
- int nchar=(char) ehex(s+i+1);
- int test = ( CHAR_RESERVED(nchar)
- || CHAR_DELIM(nchar)
- || CHAR_UNWISE(nchar)
- || CHAR_LOW(nchar) /* CHAR_SPECIAL */
- || CHAR_XXAVOID(nchar)
- || (
- (no_high)
- &&
- CHAR_HIG(nchar)
- )
- );
- if (!test) {
- tempo[j++]=(char) ehex(s+i+1);
- i+=2;
- } else {
- tempo[j++]='%';
- }
- }
- /*
- NON a cause de trucs comme /home/0,1837,1|7|1173|Content,00.html
- else if (s[i]=='|') { // exemple: file:///C|Program%20Files...
- tempo[j++]=':';
- }
- */
- else
- tempo[j++]=s[i];
- }
- tempo[j++]='\0';
- return tempo;
- }
- // remplacer " par %xx etc..
- // buffer MAX 1Ko
- HTSEXT_API void escape_spc_url(char* s) {
- x_escape_http(s,2);
- }
- // smith / john -> smith%20%2f%20john
- HTSEXT_API void escape_in_url(char* s) {
- x_escape_http(s,1);
- }
- // smith / john -> smith%20/%20john
- HTSEXT_API void escape_uri(char* s) {
- x_escape_http(s,3);
- }
- HTSEXT_API void escape_uri_utf(char* s) {
- x_escape_http(s,30);
- }
- HTSEXT_API void escape_check_url(char* s) {
- x_escape_http(s,0);
- }
- // same as escape_check_url, but returns char*
- HTSEXT_API char* escape_check_url_addr(char* s) {
- char* adr;
- escape_check_url(adr = concat(s,""));
- return adr;
- }
- // strip all control characters
- HTSEXT_API void escape_remove_control(char* s) {
- unsigned char* ss = (unsigned char*) s;
- while(*ss) {
- if (*ss < 32) { /* CONTROL characters go away! */
- char tmp[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- strcpybuff(tmp, ss+1);
- strcpybuff(ss, tmp);
- } else {
- ss++;
- }
- }
- }
- HTSEXT_API void x_escape_http(char* s,int mode) {
- while(*s) {
- int test=0;
- if (mode == 0)
- test=(strchr("\" ",*s)!=0);
- else if (mode==1) {
- test = ( CHAR_RESERVED(*s)
- || CHAR_DELIM(*s)
- || CHAR_UNWISE(*s)
- || CHAR_MARK(*s));
- }
- else if (mode==2)
- test=(strchr(" ",*s)!=0); // n'escaper que espace
- else if (mode==3) { // Θchapper que ce qui est nΘcessaire
- test = (
- || CHAR_XXAVOID(*s) );
- }
- else if (mode==30) { // Θchapper que ce qui est nΘcessaire
- test = (
- CHAR_LOW(*s)
- || CHAR_XXAVOID(*s) );
- }
- if (test) {
- char buffer[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*3];
- int n;
- n=(int)(unsigned char) *s;
- strcpybuff(buffer,s+1);
- sprintf(s,"%%%02x",n);
- strcatbuff(s,buffer);
- }
- s++;
- }
- }
- HTS_INLINE int ehexh(char c) {
- if ((c>='0') && (c<='9')) return c-'0';
- if ((c>='a') && (c<='f')) c-=('a'-'A');
- if ((c>='A') && (c<='F')) return (c-'A'+10);
- return 0;
- }
- HTS_INLINE int ehex(char* s) {
- return 16*ehexh(*s)+ehexh(*(s+1));
- }
- // concat, concatΦne deux chaines et renvoi le rΘsultat
- // permet d'allΘger grandement le code
- // il faut savoir qu'on ne peut mettre plus de 16 concat() dans une expression
- typedef struct {
- char buff[16][HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2*2];
- int rol;
- } concat_strc;
- char* concat(const char* a,const char* b) {
- concat_strc* strc;
- NOSTATIC_RESERVE(strc, concat_strc, 1);
- strc->rol=((strc->rol+1)%16); // roving pointer
- strcpybuff(strc->buff[strc->rol],a);
- if (b) strcatbuff(strc->buff[strc->rol],b);
- return strc->buff[strc->rol];
- }
- // conversion fichier / -> antislash
- char* __fconv(char* a) {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<(int) strlen(a);i++)
- if (a[i]=='/') // convertir
- a[i]='\\';
- return a;
- }
- char* fconcat(char* a,char* b) {
- return __fconv(concat(a,b));
- }
- char* fconv(char* a) {
- return __fconv(concat(a,""));
- }
- #endif
- /* / et \\ en / */
- char* __fslash(char* a) {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<(int) strlen(a);i++)
- if (a[i]=='\\') // convertir
- a[i]='/';
- return a;
- }
- char* fslash(char* a) {
- return __fslash(concat(a,""));
- }
- // conversion minuscules, avec buffer
- char* convtolower(char* a) {
- concat_strc* strc;
- NOSTATIC_RESERVE(strc, concat_strc, 1);
- strc->rol=((strc->rol+1)%16); // roving pointer
- strcpybuff(strc->buff[strc->rol],a);
- hts_lowcase(strc->buff[strc->rol]); // lower case
- return strc->buff[strc->rol];
- }
- // conversion en minuscules
- void hts_lowcase(char* s) {
- int i;
- for(i=0;i<(int) strlen(s);i++)
- if ((s[i]>='A') && (s[i]<='Z'))
- s[i]+=('a'-'A');
- }
- // remplacer un caractΦre d'une chaεne dans une autre
- HTS_INLINE void hts_replace(char *s,char from,char to) {
- char* a;
- while ((a=strchr(s,from))!=NULL) {
- *a=to;
- }
- }
- // caractΦre espace, guillemets, CR, LF etc..
- #define is_space(c) (strchr(" \"\x0d\x0a\x09'",c)!=NULL)
- #define is_realspace(c) (strchr(" \x0d\x0a\x09\x0c",c)!=NULL)
- */
- /*
- HTS_INLINE int is_space(char c) {
- if (c==' ') return 1; // spc
- if (c=='"') return 1; // quote
- if (c==10) return 1; // lf
- if (c==13) return 1; // cr
- if (c=='\'') return 1; // quote
- //if (c=='`') return 1; // backquote << non
- if (c==9) return 1; // tab
- return 0;
- }
- */
- // caractΦre espace, CR, LF, TAB
- /*
- HTS_INLINE int is_realspace(char c) {
- if (c==' ') return 1; // spc
- if (c==10) return 1; // lf
- if (c==13) return 1; // cr
- if (c==9) return 1; // tab
- return 0;
- }
- */
- // deviner type d'un fichier local..
- // ex: fil="toto.gif" -> s="image/gif"
- void guess_httptype(char *s,const char *fil) {
- get_httptype(s,fil,1);
- }
- // idem
- // flag: 1 si toujours renvoyer un type
- void get_httptype(char *s,const char *fil,int flag) {
- if (ishtml(fil)==1)
- strcpybuff(s,"text/html");
- else {
- const char *a=fil+strlen(fil)-1;
- while ( (*a!='.') && (*a!='/') && (a>fil)) a--;
- if (*a=='.' && strlen(a) < 32) {
- int ok=0;
- int j=0;
- a++;
- while( (!ok) && (strnotempty(hts_mime[j][1])) ) {
- if (strfield2(hts_mime[j][1],a)) {
- if (hts_mime[j][0][0]!='*') { // Une correspondance existe
- strcpybuff(s,hts_mime[j][0]);
- ok=1;
- }
- }
- j++;
- }
- if (!ok) if (flag) sprintf(s,"application/%s",a);
- } else {
- if (flag) strcpybuff(s,"application/octet-stream");
- }
- }
- }
- // get type of fil (php)
- // s: buffer (text/html) or NULL
- // return: 1 if known by user
- int get_userhttptype(int setdefs,char *s,const char *ext) {
- char** buffer=NULL;
- NOSTATIC_RESERVE(buffer, char*, 1);
- if (setdefs) {
- *buffer=s;
- return 1;
- } else {
- if (s)
- s[0]='\0';
- if (!ext)
- return 0;
- if (*buffer) {
- char search[1024];
- char* detect;
- sprintf(search,"\n%s=",ext); // php=text/html
- detect=strstr(*buffer,search);
- if (!detect) {
- sprintf(search,"\n%s\n",ext); // php\ncgi=text/html
- detect=strstr(*buffer,search);
- }
- if (detect) {
- detect=strchr(detect,'=');
- if (detect) {
- detect++;
- if (s) {
- char* a;
- a=strchr(detect,'\n');
- if (a) {
- strncatbuff(s,detect,(int) (a - detect));
- }
- }
- return 1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // renvoyer extesion d'un type mime..
- // ex: "image/gif" -> gif
- void give_mimext(char *s,char *st) {
- int ok=0;
- int j=0;
- s[0]='\0';
- while( (!ok) && (strnotempty(hts_mime[j][1])) ) {
- if (strfield2(hts_mime[j][0],st)) {
- if (hts_mime[j][1][0]!='*') { // Une correspondance existe
- strcpybuff(s,hts_mime[j][1]);
- ok=1;
- }
- }
- j++;
- }
- // wrap "x" mimetypes, such as:
- // application/x-mp3
- // or
- // application/mp3
- if (!ok) {
- int p;
- char* a=NULL;
- if ((p=strfield(st,"application/x-")))
- a=st+p;
- else if ((p=strfield(st,"application/")))
- a=st+p;
- if (a) {
- if ((int)strlen(a) >= 1) {
- if ((int)strlen(a) <= 4) {
- strcpybuff(s,a);
- ok=1;
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // extension connue?..
- // 0 : non
- // 1 : oui
- // 2 : html
- int is_knowntype(const char *fil) {
- int j=0;
- if (!fil)
- return 0;
- while(strnotempty(hts_mime[j][1])) {
- if (strfield2(hts_mime[j][1],fil)) {
- if (strfield2(hts_mime[j][0],"text/html"))
- return 2;
- else
- return 1;
- }
- j++;
- }
- // Known by user?
- return (is_userknowntype(fil));
- }
- // extension : html,gif..
- char* get_ext(const char *fil) {
- char* fil_noquery;
- const char *a=fil+strlen(fil)-1;
- NOSTATIC_RESERVE(fil_noquery, char, HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2);
- while ( (*a!='.') && (*a!='/') && (a>fil)) a--;
- if (*a=='.') {
- char* b;
- fil_noquery[0]='\0';
- a++; // pointer sur extension
- strncatbuff(fil_noquery,a,HTS_URLMAXSIZE);
- b=strchr(fil_noquery,'?');
- if (b)
- *b='\0';
- return concat(fil_noquery,"");
- }
- else
- return "";
- }
- // known type?..
- // 0 : no
- // 1 : yes
- // 2 : html
- // setdefs : set mime buffer:
- // file=(char*) "asp=text/html\nphp=text/html\n"
- int is_userknowntype(const char *fil) {
- char mime[1024];
- if (!fil)
- return 0;
- if (!strnotempty(fil))
- return 0;
- mime[0]='\0';
- get_userhttptype(0,mime,fil);
- if (!strnotempty(mime))
- return 0;
- else if (strfield2(mime,"text/html"))
- return 2;
- else
- return 1;
- }
- // page dynamique?
- // is_dyntype(get_ext("foo.asp"))
- int is_dyntype(const char *fil) {
- int j=0;
- if (!fil)
- return 0;
- if (!strnotempty(fil))
- return 0;
- while(strnotempty(hts_ext_dynamic[j])) {
- if (strfield2(hts_ext_dynamic[j],fil)) {
- return 1;
- }
- j++;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // types critiques qui ne doivent pas Ωtre changΘs car renvoyΘs par des serveurs qui ne
- // connaissent pas le type
- int may_unknown(const char* st) {
- int j=0;
- // types mΘdia
- if (may_be_hypertext_mime(st, "")) {
- return 1;
- }
- while(strnotempty(hts_mime_keep[j])) {
- if (strfield2(hts_mime_keep[j],st)) { // trouvΘ
- return 1;
- }
- j++;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // -- Utils fichiers
- // pretty print for i/o
- void fprintfio(FILE* fp,char* buff,char* prefix) {
- char nl=1;
- while(*buff) {
- switch(*buff) {
- case 13: break;
- case 10:
- fprintf(fp,"\r\n");
- nl=1;
- break;
- default:
- if (nl)
- fprintf(fp,prefix);
- nl=0;
- fputc(*buff,fp);
- }
- buff++;
- }
- }
- /* Le fichier existe-t-il? (ou est-il accessible?) */
- int fexist(char* s) {
- struct stat st;
- memset(&st, 0, sizeof(st));
- if (stat(s, &st) == 0) {
- if (S_ISREG(st.st_mode)) {
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /* Taille d'un fichier, -1 si n'existe pas */
- /* fp->_cnt ne fonctionne pas sur toute les plate-formes :-(( */
- /* Note: NOT YET READY FOR 64-bit */
- INTsys fsize(char* s) {
- FILE* fp;
- if (strnotempty(s)==0) // nom vide: erreur
- return -1;
- fp=fopen(fconv(s),"rb");
- if (fp!=NULL) {
- INTsys i;
- fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END);
- #ifdef HTS_FSEEKO
- i=ftello(fp);
- #else
- i=ftell(fp);
- #endif
- fclose(fp);
- return i;
- } else return -1;
- }
- INTsys fpsize(FILE* fp) {
- INTsys oldpos,size;
- if (!fp)
- return -1;
- #ifdef HTS_FSEEKO
- oldpos=ftello(fp);
- #else
- oldpos=ftell(fp);
- #endif
- fseek(fp,0,SEEK_END);
- #ifdef HTS_FSEEKO
- size=ftello(fp);
- fseeko(fp,oldpos,SEEK_SET);
- #else
- size=ftell(fp);
- fseek(fp,oldpos,SEEK_SET);
- #endif
- return size;
- }
- /* root dir, with ending / */
- typedef struct {
- char path[1024+4];
- int init;
- } hts_rootdir_strc;
- HTSEXT_API char* hts_rootdir(char* file) {
- static hts_rootdir_strc strc = {"", 0};
- //NOSTATIC_RESERVE(strc, hts_rootdir_strc, 1);
- if (file) {
- if (!strc.init) {
- strc.path[0]='\0';
- strc.init=1;
- if (strnotempty(file)) {
- char* a;
- strcpybuff(strc.path,file);
- while((a=strrchr(strc.path,'\\'))) *a='/';
- if ((a=strrchr(strc.path,'/'))) {
- *(a+1)='\0';
- } else
- strc.path[0]='\0';
- }
- if (!strnotempty(strc.path)) {
- if( getcwd( strc.path, 1024 ) == NULL )
- strc.path[0]='\0';
- else
- strcatbuff(strc.path,"/");
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- } else if (strc.init)
- return strc.path;
- else
- return "";
- }
- HTSEXT_API hts_stat_struct HTS_STAT;
- //
- // return number of downloadable bytes, depending on rate limiter
- // see engine_stats() routine, too
- // this routine works quite well for big files and regular ones, but apparently the rate limiter has
- // some problems with very small files (rate too high)
- LLint check_downloadable_bytes(int rate) {
- if (rate>0) {
- TStamp time_now;
- TStamp elapsed_useconds;
- LLint bytes_transfered_during_period;
- LLint left;
- // get the older timer
- int id_timer = (HTS_STAT.istat_idlasttimer + 1) % 2;
- time_now=mtime_local();
- elapsed_useconds = time_now - HTS_STAT.istat_timestart[id_timer];
- // NO totally stupid - elapsed_useconds+=1000; // for the next second, too
- bytes_transfered_during_period = (HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV-HTS_STAT.istat_bytes[id_timer]);
- left = ((rate * elapsed_useconds)/1000) - bytes_transfered_during_period;
- if (left <= 0)
- left = 0;
- return left;
- } else
- }
- //
- // 0 : OK
- // 1 : slow down
- #if 0
- int HTS_TOTAL_RECV_CHECK(int var) {
- return 1;
- /*
- {
- var = min(var,32);
- Sleep(250);
- } else if (HTS_STAT.HTS_TOTAL_RECV_STATE==2) {
- var = min(var,256);
- Sleep(100);
- } else {
- var/=2;
- if (var<=0) var=1;
- Sleep(50);
- }
- }
- */
- return 0;
- }
- #endif
- // Lecture dans buff de size octets au maximum en utilisant la socket r (structure htsblk)
- // >0 : data received
- // == 0 : not yet data
- // <0 : no more data or error
- HTS_INLINE int hts_read(htsblk* r,char* buff,int size) {
- int retour;
- // return read(soc,buff,size);
- if (r->is_file) {
- DEBUG_W("read(%p, %d, %d)\n" _ (void*) buff _ (int) size _ (int) r->fp);
- #endif
- if (r->fp)
- retour=(int)fread(buff,1,size,r->fp);
- else
- retour=-1;
- } else {
- DEBUG_W("recv(%d, %p, %d)\n" _ (int) r->soc _ (void*) buff _ (int) size);
- if (r->soc==INVALID_SOCKET)
- printf("!!WIDE_DEBUG ERROR, soc==INVALID hts_read\n");
- #endif
- //HTS_TOTAL_RECV_CHECK(size); // Diminuer au besoin si trop de donnΘes reτues
- if (SSL_is_available && r->ssl) {
- retour = SSL_read(r->ssl_con, buff, size);
- if (retour <= 0) {
- int err_code = SSL_get_error(r->ssl_con, retour);
- if (
- (err_code == SSL_ERROR_WANT_READ)
- ||
- (err_code == SSL_ERROR_WANT_WRITE)
- )
- {
- retour = 0; /* no data yet (ssl cache) */
- } else {
- retour = -1; /* eof or error */
- }
- }
- } else {
- #endif
- retour=recv(r->soc,buff,size,0);
- }
- if (retour > 0) // compter flux entrant
- }
- #endif
- DEBUG_W("recv/read done (%d bytes)\n" _ (int) retour);
- #endif
- return retour;
- }
- // -- Gestion cache DNS --
- // 'RX98
- // 'capsule' contenant uniquement le cache
- t_dnscache* _hts_cache(void) {
- t_dnscache* cache;
- NOSTATIC_RESERVE(cache, t_dnscache, 1);
- return cache;
- }
- // free the cache
- static void hts_cache_free_(t_dnscache* cache) {
- if (cache != NULL) {
- if (cache->n != NULL) {
- hts_cache_free_(cache->n);
- }
- freet(cache);
- }
- }
- void hts_cache_free(t_dnscache* cache) {
- if (cache != NULL) {
- hts_cache_free_(cache->n);
- cache->n = NULL;
- }
- }
- // lock le cache dns pour tout opΘration d'ajout
- // plus prudent quand plusieurs threads peuvent Θcrire dedans..
- // -1: status? 0: libΘrer 1:locker
- /*
- Simple lock function for cache
- Return value: always 0
- Parameter:
- 1 wait for lock (mutex) available and lock it
- 0 unlock the mutex
- [-1 check if locked (always return 0 with mutex)]
- -999 initialize
- */
- int _hts_lockdns(int i) {
- static PTHREAD_LOCK_TYPE hMutex;
- return htsSetLock(&hMutex,i);
- }
- #else
- int _hts_lockdns(int i) {
- int l=0;
- if (i>=0)
- l=i;
- return l;
- }
- #endif
- // routine pour le cache - retour optionnel α donner α chaque fois
- // NULL: nom non encore testΘ dans le cache
- // si h_length==0 alors le nom n'existe pas dans le dns
- t_hostent* _hts_ghbn(t_dnscache* cache,char* iadr,t_hostent* retour) {
- // attendre que le cache dns soit prΩt
- while(_hts_lockdns(-1)); // attendre libΘration
- _hts_lockdns(1); // locker
- while(1) {
- if (strcmp(cache->iadr,iadr)==0) { // ok trouvΘ
- if (cache->host_length>0) { // entrΘe valide
- if (retour->h_addr_list[0])
- memcpy(retour->h_addr_list[0], cache->host_addr, cache->host_length);
- retour->h_length=cache->host_length;
- } else if (cache->host_length==0) { // en cours
- _hts_lockdns(0); // dΘlocker
- return NULL;
- } else { // erreur dans le dns, dΘja vΘrifiΘ
- if (retour->h_addr_list[0])
- retour->h_addr_list[0][0]='\0';
- retour->h_length=0; // erreur, n'existe pas
- }
- _hts_lockdns(0); // dΘlocker
- return retour;
- } else { // on a pas encore trouvΘ
- if (cache->n!=NULL) { // chercher encore
- cache=cache->n; // suivant!
- } else {
- _hts_lockdns(0); // dΘlocker
- return NULL; // non prΘsent
- }
- }
- }
- }
- // tester si iadr a dΘja ΘtΘ testΘ (ou en cours de test)
- // 0 non encore
- // 1 ok
- // 2 non prΘsent
- int hts_dnstest(char* _iadr) {
- char* iadr;
- t_dnscache* cache=_hts_cache(); // adresse du cache
- // sauter user:pass@ Θventuel
- strcpybuff(iadr,jump_identification(_iadr));
- // couper Θventuel :
- {
- char *a;
- if ( (a=jump_toport(iadr)) )
- *a='\0';
- }
- #if HTS_WIN
- if (inet_addr(iadr)!=INADDR_NONE) // numΘrique
- #else
- if (inet_addr(iadr)!=(in_addr_t) -1 ) // numΘrique
- #endif
- return 1;
- while(_hts_lockdns(-1)); // attendre libΘration
- _hts_lockdns(1); // locker
- while(1) {
- if (strcmp(cache->iadr,iadr)==0) { // ok trouvΘ
- _hts_lockdns(0); // dΘlocker
- return 1; // prΘsent!
- } else { // on a pas encore trouvΘ
- if (cache->n!=NULL) { // chercher encore
- cache=cache->n; // suivant!
- } else {
- _hts_lockdns(0); // dΘlocker
- return 2; // non prΘsent
- }
- }
- }
- }
- HTSEXT_API t_hostent* vxgethostbyname(char* hostname, void* v_buffer) {
- t_fullhostent* buffer = (t_fullhostent*) v_buffer;
- /* Clear */
- fullhostent_init(buffer);
- /* Protection */
- if (!strnotempty(hostname)) {
- return NULL;
- }
- /*
- Strip [] if any : [3ffe:b80:1234:1::1]
- The resolver doesn't seem to handle IP6 addresses in brackets
- */
- if ((hostname[0] == '[') && (hostname[strlen(hostname)-1] == ']')) {
- char tempo[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- tempo[0]='\0';
- strncatbuff(tempo, hostname+1, strlen(hostname)-2);
- strcpybuff(hostname, tempo);
- }
- {
- #if HTS_INET6==0
- /*
- ipV4 resolver
- */
- t_hostent* hp=gethostbyname(hostname);
- if (hp!=NULL) {
- if ( (hp->h_length) && ( ((unsigned int) hp->h_length) <= buffer->addr_maxlen) ) {
- memcpy(buffer->hp.h_addr_list[0], hp->h_addr_list[0], hp->h_length);
- buffer->hp.h_length = hp->h_length;
- return &(buffer->hp);
- }
- }
- #else
- /*
- ipV6 resolver
- */
- /*
- int error_num=0;
- t_hostent* hp=getipnodebyname(hostname, AF_INET6, AI_DEFAULT, &error_num);
- oops, deprecated :(
- */
- struct addrinfo* res = NULL;
- struct addrinfo hints;
- memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
- if (IPV6_resolver == 1) // V4 only (for bogus V6 entries)
- hints.ai_family = PF_INET;
- else if (IPV6_resolver == 2) // V6 only (for testing V6 only)
- hints.ai_family = PF_INET6;
- else // V4 + V6
- hints.ai_family = PF_UNSPEC;
- hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
- hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP;
- if (getaddrinfo(hostname, NULL, &hints, &res) == 0) {
- if (res) {
- if ( (res->ai_addr) && (res->ai_addrlen) && (res->ai_addrlen <= buffer->addr_maxlen) ) {
- memcpy(buffer->hp.h_addr_list[0], res->ai_addr, res->ai_addrlen);
- buffer->hp.h_length = res->ai_addrlen;
- freeaddrinfo(res);
- return &(buffer->hp);
- }
- }
- }
- if (res) {
- freeaddrinfo(res);
- }
- #endif
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- // cache dns interne α HTS // ** FREE A FAIRE sur la chaine
- t_hostent* hts_gethostbyname(char* _iadr, void* v_buffer) {
- char iadr[HTS_URLMAXSIZE*2];
- t_fullhostent* buffer = (t_fullhostent*) v_buffer;
- t_dnscache* cache=_hts_cache(); // adresse du cache
- t_hostent* hp;
- /* Clear */
- fullhostent_init(buffer);
- strcpybuff(iadr,jump_identification(_iadr));
- // couper Θventuel :
- {
- char *a;
- if ( (a=jump_toport(iadr)) )
- *a='\0';
- }
- // effacer structure de retour, crΘer nouvelle
- /*
- memset(&host, 0, sizeof(t_hostent));
- host.h_addr_list=he;
- he[0]=NULL;
- he[1]=NULL;
- host.h_length=0;
- */
- cache->iadr[0]='*';
- cache->iadr[1]='\0';
- /* get IP from the dns cache */
- hp = _hts_ghbn(cache, iadr, &buffer->hp);
- if (hp) {
- if (hp->h_length>0)
- return hp;
- else
- return NULL; // entrΘe erronΘe (erreur DNS) dans le DNS
- } else { // non prΘsent dans le cache dns, tester
- t_dnscache* c=cache;
- while(c->n) c=c->n; // calculer queue
- DEBUG_W("gethostbyname\n");
- #endif
- #if HDEBUG
- printf("gethostbyname (not in cache)\n");
- #endif
- {
- unsigned long inetaddr;
- #if HTS_WIN
- if ((inetaddr=inet_addr(iadr))==INADDR_NONE) {
- #else
- if ((inetaddr=inet_addr(iadr))==(in_addr_t) -1 ) {
- #endif
- printf("resolving (not cached) %s\n",iadr);
- #endif
- hp=vxgethostbyname(iadr, buffer); // calculer IP host
- } else { // numΘrique, convertir sans passer par le dns
- buffer->hp.h_addr_list[0]=(char*) &inetaddr;
- buffer->hp.h_length=4;
- hp=&buffer->hp;
- }
- }
- DEBUG_W("gethostbyname done\n");
- #endif
- cache->n=(t_dnscache*) calloct(1,sizeof(t_dnscache));
- if (cache->n!=NULL) {
- strcpybuff(cache->n->iadr,iadr);
- if (hp!=NULL) {
- memcpy(cache->n->host_addr, hp->h_addr_list[0], hp->h_length);
- cache->n->host_length=hp->h_length;
- } else {
- cache->n->host_addr[0]='\0';
- cache->n->host_length=0; // non existant dans le dns
- }
- cache->n->n=NULL;
- return hp;
- } else { // on peut pas noter, mais on peut renvoyer le rΘsultat
- return hp;
- }
- } // retour hp du cache
- }
- #else
- HTS_INLINE t_hostent* hts_gethostbyname(char* iadr, t_fullhostent* buffer) {
- t_hostent* retour;
- DEBUG_W("gethostbyname (2)\n");
- #endif
- printf("blocking method gethostbyname() in progress for %s\n",iadr);
- #endif
- retour=vxgethostbyname(jump_identification(iadr), );
- DEBUG_W("gethostbyname (2) done\n");
- #endif
- return retour;
- }
- #endif
- // --- Tracage des mallocs() ---
- //#define htsLocker(A, N) htsLocker(A, N)
- #define htsLocker(A, N) do {} while(0)
- static mlink trmalloc = {NULL,0,0,NULL};
- static int trmalloc_id=0;
- static PTHREAD_LOCK_TYPE* mallocMutex = NULL;
- static void hts_meminit(void) {
- //if (mallocMutex == NULL) {
- // mallocMutex = calloc(sizeof(*mallocMutex), 1);
- // htsLocker(mallocMutex, -999);
- //}
- }
- void* hts_malloc(size_t len) {
- void* adr;
- hts_meminit();
- htsLocker(mallocMutex, 1);
- fassert(len > 0);
- adr = hts_xmalloc(len, 0);
- htsLocker(mallocMutex, 0);
- return adr;
- }
- void* hts_calloc(size_t len,size_t len2) {
- void* adr;
- hts_meminit();
- fassert(len > 0);
- fassert(len2 > 0);
- htsLocker(mallocMutex, 1);
- adr = hts_xmalloc(len, len2);
- htsLocker(mallocMutex, 0);
- memset(adr, 0, len * len2);
- return adr;
- }
- void* hts_strdup(char* str) {
- size_t size = str ? strlen(str) : 0;
- char* adr = (char*) hts_malloc(size + 1);
- fassert(adr != NULL);
- strcpy(adr, str ? str : "");
- return adr;
- }
- void* hts_xmalloc(size_t len,size_t len2) {
- mlink* lnk = (mlink*) calloc(1,sizeof(mlink));
- fassert(lnk != NULL);
- fassert(len > 0);
- fassert(len2 >= 0);
- if (lnk) {
- void* r = NULL;
- int size, bsize = sizeof(t_htsboundary);
- if (len2)
- size = len * len2;
- else
- size = len;
- size += ((bsize - (size % bsize)) % bsize); /* check alignement */
- r = malloc(size + bsize*2);
- fassert(r != NULL);
- if (r) {
- * ( (t_htsboundary*) ((char*) r ) )
- = * ( (t_htsboundary*) ( (char*) r + size + bsize ) )
- = htsboundary;
- ((char*) r) += bsize; /* boundary */
- lnk->adr = r;
- lnk->len = size;
- lnk->id = trmalloc_id++;
- lnk->next = trmalloc.next;
- trmalloc.next = lnk;
- return r;
- } else {
- free(lnk);
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- void hts_free(void* adr) {
- mlink* lnk = &trmalloc;
- int bsize = sizeof(t_htsboundary);
- fassert(adr != NULL);
- if (!adr) {
- return;
- }
- htsLocker(mallocMutex, 1);
- while(lnk->next != NULL) {
- if (lnk->next->adr == adr) {
- mlink* blk_free=lnk->next;
- fassert(blk_free->id != -1);
- fassert( * ( (t_htsboundary*) ( (char*) adr - bsize ) ) == htsboundary );
- fassert( * ( (t_htsboundary*) ( (char*) adr + blk_free->len ) ) == htsboundary );
- lnk->next=lnk->next->next;
- free((void*) blk_free);
- //blk_free->id=-1;
- free((char*) adr - bsize);
- htsLocker(mallocMutex, 0);
- return;
- }
- lnk = lnk->next;
- fassert(lnk->next != NULL);
- }
- free(adr);
- htsLocker(mallocMutex, 0);
- }
- void* hts_realloc(void* adr,size_t len) {
- int bsize = sizeof(t_htsboundary);
- len += ((bsize - (len % bsize)) % bsize); /* check alignement */
- if (adr != NULL) {
- mlink* lnk = &trmalloc;
- htsLocker(mallocMutex, 1);
- while(lnk->next != NULL) {
- if (lnk->next->adr==adr) {
- {
- mlink* blk_free=lnk->next;
- fassert(blk_free->id != -1);
- fassert( * ( (t_htsboundary*) ( (char*) adr - bsize ) ) == htsboundary );
- fassert( * ( (t_htsboundary*) ( (char*) adr + blk_free->len ) ) == htsboundary );
- }
- adr = realloc((char*) adr - bsize, len + bsize * 2);
- fassert(adr != NULL);
- lnk->next->adr = (char*) adr + bsize;
- lnk->next->len = len;
- * ( (t_htsboundary*) ( (char*) adr ) )
- = * ( (t_htsboundary*) ( (char*) adr + len + bsize) )
- = htsboundary;
- htsLocker(mallocMutex, 0);
- return (char*) adr + bsize;
- }
- lnk = lnk->next;
- fassert(lnk->next != NULL);
- }
- htsLocker(mallocMutex, 0);
- }
- return hts_malloc(len);
- }
- mlink* hts_find(char* adr) {
- char* stkframe = (char*) &stkframe;
- mlink* lnk = &trmalloc;
- int bsize = sizeof(t_htsboundary);
- fassert(adr != NULL);
- if (!adr) {
- return NULL;
- }
- htsLocker(mallocMutex, 1);
- while(lnk->next != NULL) {
- if (adr >= lnk->next->adr && adr <= lnk->next->adr + lnk->next->len) { /* found */
- htsLocker(mallocMutex, 0);
- return lnk->next;
- }
- lnk = lnk->next;
- }
- htsLocker(mallocMutex, 0);
- {
- int depl = (int) (adr - stkframe);
- if (depl < 0) depl = -depl;
- //fassert(depl < 512000); /* near the stack frame.. doesn't look like malloc but stack variable */
- return NULL;
- }
- }
- // check the malloct() and calloct() trace stack
- void hts_freeall(void) {
- int bsize = sizeof(t_htsboundary);
- while(trmalloc.next) {
- printf("* block %d\t not released: at %d\t (%d\t bytes)\n",trmalloc.next->id,trmalloc.next->adr,trmalloc.next->len);
- #endif
- if (trmalloc.next->id != -1) {
- free((char*) trmalloc.next->adr - bsize);
- }
- }
- }
- #endif
- // -- divers //
- // cut path and project name
- // patch also initial path
- void cut_path(char* fullpath,char* path,char* pname) {
- path[0]=pname[0]='\0';
- if (strnotempty(fullpath)) {
- if ((fullpath[strlen(fullpath)-1]=='/') || (fullpath[strlen(fullpath)-1]=='\\'))
- fullpath[strlen(fullpath)-1]='\0';
- if (strlen(fullpath)>1) {
- char* a;
- while( (a=strchr(fullpath,'\\')) ) *a='/'; // remplacer par /
- a=fullpath+strlen(fullpath)-2;
- while( (*a!='/') && ( a > fullpath)) a--;
- if (*a=='/') a++;
- strcpybuff(pname,a);
- strncatbuff(path,fullpath,(int) (a - fullpath));
- }
- }
- }
- // -- Gestion protocole ftp --
- #if HTS_WIN
- int ftp_available(void) {
- return 1;
- }
- #else
- int ftp_available(void) {
- return 1; // ok!
- //return 0; // SOUS UNIX, PROBLEMES
- }
- #endif
- int hts_dgb_init = 0;
- FILE* hts_dgb_init_fp = NULL;
- static void hts_dgb(char* msg);
- HTSEXT_API void hts_debug(int level) {
- hts_dgb_init = level;
- if (hts_dgb_init > 0) {
- hts_dgb("hts_debug() called");
- }
- }
- static void hts_dgb(char* msg) {
- if (hts_dgb_init > 0) {
- if (hts_dgb_init_fp == NULL) {
- #ifdef _WIN32_WCE
- hts_dgb_init_fp = fopen("\\Temp\\hts-debug.txt", "wb");
- #else
- hts_dgb_init_fp = fopen("hts-debug.txt", "wb");
- #endif
- if (hts_dgb_init_fp != NULL) {
- fprintf(hts_dgb_init_fp, "* Creating file\r\n");
- }
- }
- if (hts_dgb_init_fp != NULL) {
- fprintf(hts_dgb_init_fp, "%s\r\n", msg);
- fflush(hts_dgb_init_fp);
- }
- }
- }
- HTSEXT_API int hts_init(void) {
- static int hts_init_ok = 0;
- hts_dgb("entering hts_init()"); /* debug */
- /* Ensure external modules are loaded */
- hts_dgb("calling htspe_init()"); /* debug */
- htspe_init();
- /* MD5 Auto-test */
- {
- char digest[32 + 2];
- unsigned char* atest = (unsigned char*)"MD5 Checksum Autotest";
- digest[0] = '\0';
- domd5mem(atest, strlen(atest), digest, 1); /* a42ec44369da07ace5ec1d660ba4a69a */
- if (strcmp(digest, "a42ec44369da07ace5ec1d660ba4a69a") != 0) {
- int fatal_broken_md5 = 0;
- assertf(fatal_broken_md5);
- }
- }
- hts_dgb("initializing default wrappers"); /* debug */
- if (!hts_init_ok) {
- hts_init_ok = 1;
- // default wrappers
- htswrap_init();
- htswrap_add("init",htsdefault_init);
- htswrap_add("free",htsdefault_uninit);
- htswrap_add("start",htsdefault_start);
- htswrap_add("change-options",htsdefault_chopt);
- htswrap_add("end",htsdefault_end);
- htswrap_add("check-html",htsdefault_checkhtml);
- htswrap_add("loop",htsdefault_loop);
- htswrap_add("query",htsdefault_query);
- htswrap_add("query2",htsdefault_query2);
- htswrap_add("query3",htsdefault_query3);
- htswrap_add("check-link",htsdefault_check);
- htswrap_add("pause",htsdefault_pause);
- htswrap_add("save-file",htsdefault_filesave);
- htswrap_add("link-detected",htsdefault_linkdetected);
- htswrap_add("transfer-status",htsdefault_xfrstatus);
- htswrap_add("save-name",htsdefault_savename);
- htswrap_add("send-header",htsdefault_sendheader);
- htswrap_add("receive-header",htsdefault_receiveheader);
- }
- hts_dgb("initializing SSL"); /* debug */
- /*
- Initialize the OpensSSL library
- */
- if (!openssl_ctx && SSL_is_available) {
- if (SSL_load_error_strings) SSL_load_error_strings();
- SSL_library_init();
- ///if (SSL_load_error_strings) SSL_load_error_strings();
- //if (ERR_load_crypto_strings) ERR_load_crypto_strings();
- // if (ERR_load_SSL_strings) ERR_load_SSL_strings(); ???!!!
- // OpenSSL_add_all_algorithms();
- openssl_ctx = SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method());
- if (!openssl_ctx) {
- fprintf(stderr, "fatal: unable to initialize TLS: SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method)\n");
- abortLog("unable to initialize TLS: SSL_CTX_new(SSLv23_client_method)");
- assertf("unable to initialize TLS" == NULL);
- }
- }
- #endif
- /* Init vars and thread-specific values */
- hts_dgb("initializing variables"); /* debug */
- hts_initvar();
- /* initialiser structcheck */
- // structcheck_init(1);
- hts_dgb("ending hts_init()"); /* debug */
- return 1;
- }
- HTSEXT_API int hts_uninit(void) {
- hts_cache_free(_hts_cache());
- hts_freevar();
- /* htswrap_free(); */
- return 1;
- }
- // defaut wrappers
- void __cdecl htsdefault_init(void) {
- }
- void __cdecl htsdefault_uninit(void) {
- hts_freevar();
- }
- int __cdecl htsdefault_start(void* opt) {
- return 1;
- }
- int __cdecl htsdefault_chopt(void* opt) {
- return 1;
- }
- int __cdecl htsdefault_end(void) {
- return 1;
- }
- int __cdecl htsdefault_checkhtml(char* html,int len,char* url_adresse,char* url_fichier) {
- return 1;
- }
- int __cdecl htsdefault_loop(void* back,int back_max,int back_index,int lien_n,int lien_tot,int stat_time,hts_stat_struct* stats) { // appelΘ α chaque boucle de HTTrack
- return 1;
- }
- char* __cdecl htsdefault_query(char* question) {
- return "";
- }
- char* __cdecl htsdefault_query2(char* question) {
- return "";
- }
- char* __cdecl htsdefault_query3(char* question) {
- return "";
- }
- int __cdecl htsdefault_check(char* adr,char* fil,int status) {
- return -1;
- }
- void __cdecl htsdefault_pause(char* lockfile) {
- while (fexist(lockfile)) {
- Sleep(1000);
- }
- }
- void __cdecl htsdefault_filesave(char* file) {
- }
- int __cdecl htsdefault_linkdetected(char* link) {
- return 1;
- }
- int __cdecl htsdefault_xfrstatus(void* back) {
- return 1;
- }
- int __cdecl htsdefault_savename(char* adr_complete,char* fil_complete,char* referer_adr,char* referer_fil,char* save) {
- return 1;
- }
- int __cdecl htsdefault_sendheader(char* buff, char* adr, char* fil, char* referer_adr, char* referer_fil, htsblk* outgoing) {
- return 1;
- }
- int __cdecl htsdefault_receiveheader(char* buff, char* adr, char* fil, char* referer_adr, char* referer_fil, htsblk* incoming) {
- return 1;
- }
- // end defaut wrappers
- // Fin