40017 Filling listbox requires a valid Login Id and Password
40018 Filling listbox failed:\nSQLState: '%s'\n SQL Server Error: %ld\n%s
40019 Connection failed:\nSQLState: '%s'\nSQL Server Error: %ld\n%s\n
40020 &Server:
40021 (Default)
40022 Unknown Translator
40023 Select Log File
40024 Log Files(*.log)|*.log|All Files(*.*)|*.*|
40025 Query Logging Threshold field must be numeric
40026 At %s the following query executed in %lu milliseconds
40027 Error %d occurred. No description was returned by server '%s'.
40114 07001Wrong number of parameters
40115 07006Restricted data type attribute violation
40116 07S01Invalid use of default parameter
40117 08001Client unable to establish connection
40118 08004Server rejected the connection
40119 08S01Connection failure
40120 21S01Insert value list does not match column list
40121 21S02Degree of derived table does not match column list
40122 22001String data, right truncation
40123 22002Indicator variable required but not supplied
40124 22003Numeric value out of range
40125 22018Invalid character value for cast specification.
40126 22007Invalid date format
40127 22007Invalid time format
40128 22007Invalid timestamp format
40129 22026String data, length mismatch
40130 24000Invalid cursor state
40131 25000Invalid transaction state
40132 28000Invalid authorization specification
40133 28000Invalid authorization specification; Access to selected database has been denied
40134 28000Invalid authorization specification; Language specified is not supported
40135 34000Invalid cursor name
40136 42000Syntax error or access violation
40137 3C000Duplicate cursor name
40138 HY018Server declined cancel request
40140 IM006Packet size change not supported by server, default used
40141 IM008Dialog failed
40142 IM009Unable to load translation DLL
40143 IM009Translation module is not valid
40144 HY000General error
40146 HY000The stored procedure required to complete this operation could not be found on the server (they were supplied with the ODBC setup disk for the SQL Server driver). Please contact your system administrator.
40147 HY000Unknown token received from SQL Server
40148 HY000Operation not allowed while results are pending
40149 HY000Unable to load communication module. Driver has not been correctly installed.
40150 HY000Communication module is not valid. Driver has not been correctly installed.
40151 HY000Warning: Partial insert/update. The insert/update of a text or image column(s) did not succeed.
40152 HY000Connection is busy with results for another command
40153 HY000Failure during closing of connection
40154 HY000Protocol error in TDS stream
40155 HY000TDS buffer length too large
40156 HY000Non-default parameter not allowed after default parameter
40157 HY001Memory allocation failure
40158 07009Invalid Descriptor Index
40159 HY003Invalid application buffer type
40160 HY008Operation canceled
40161 HY009Invalid use of null pointer
40162 HY010Function sequence error
40163 HY011Operation invalid at this time
40164 HY015No cursor name available
40165 HY090Invalid string or buffer length
40166 HY091Invalid descriptor field identifier
40167 HY092Invalid attribute/option identifier
40168 07009Invalid parameter number
40169 HY021Inconsistent descriptor information
40170 HY021Invalid scale value
40171 HY096Invalid information type
40172 HY104Invalid precision value
40173 HY105Invalid parameter type
40174 HY106Fetch type out of range
40175 HY107Row value out of range
40176 HY109Invalid cursor position
40177 HY111Invalid bookmark value
40178 HYC00Optional feature not implemented
40179 HYT00Timeout expired
40180 08003Connection does not exist
40184 HY019Non-character and non-binary data sent in pieces
40190 07005Prepared statement is not a cursor-specification
40192 HY020Attempt to concatenate to a null or default value
40193 HY000Too many columns in select list
40194 HY016Cannot modify an implementation row descriptor
40195 HY004Invalid SQL data type
40197 22015Interval field overflow
40198 HY007Associated statement is not prepared
40199 HY024Invalid attribute value
40201 HY000Connection is not enabled for BCP
40202 HY000Unable to derive parameter information for a temporary stored procedure.
40203 HY000ODBCBCP/Driver version mismatch
40205 HY000Unicode conversion failed
40206 HY000Cannot insert or update columns from multiple tables.
40207 HY108First parameter in {rpc command represents stored procedure return value and has to be defined as output parameter
40208 HY109{rpc command is automaticly prepared, prepare is not needed
40209 HY110When executing {rpc command user is required to Set Parameter Information for all parameters
40210 HY111{rpc commands can not use server side cursors
40212 HY000Attempt to bulk-copy a NULL value into a Server column which does not accept NULL values
40224 HY000Attempt to bulk-copy an oversized column to the SQL Server
40227 HY000All bound columns are read-only
40228 HY000Cannot initialize SSPI package
40229 HY000Cannot generate SSPI context
40233 HY000The row length exceeds SQL Server's maximum allowable size
40234 HY000Unicode conversion failed. Code page of server not on client
40237 HY000An old netlib (%s) has been detected. Please delete it and restart the application.
40238 HY000Unable to resolve column level collations. Bulk-copy cannot continue.
40350 25S11Enlistment is not possible due to pending transaction
40351 25S12Distributed transaction error
40400 01000General warning
40401 01000Ongoing transaction has been committed
40402 01000The catalog stored procedures installed on server %s are version %s; version %02d.%02d.%4.4d or later is required to support IDBSchemaRowset. Please contact your system administrator and ask them to run instcat.sql
40403 01000Access to database configured in the DSN has been denied. Default used.
40404 01000Language configured in the DSN is not supported. Default used.
40405 01000Procedure executed with 'EXEC'. No output parameters returned.
40406 01000An error has occurred during an attempt to access the log file, logging disabled.
40407 01000Connected to backup server
40408 01000SQL Debugging disabled
40409 01000Translation options conflict with client/server character sets
40410 01004String data, right truncation
40450 01S00Invalid connection string attribute
40451 01S01Error in row
40452 01S02Option value changed
40453 01S02Packet size change not honored by server, server size used
40454 01S02Packet size changed
40455 01S02Cursor type changed
40456 01S02Cursor concurrency changed
40457 01S02Login timeout changed
40458 01001Cursor operation conflict
40459 01S05Cancel treated as FreeStmt/Close
40460 01S06Attempt to fetch before the result returned the first rowset
40461 01S07Fractional truncation
40500 Data Source Name
40501 Driver
40502 Server
40503 Login ID
40504 Password
40505 AppName
40506 WorkStation ID
40509 Database
40510 Language
40550 Unknown NetErr.
40551 Insufficient memory.
40552 Access denied.
40553 Connection is busy.
40554 Connection broken.
40555 Connection limit exceeded.
40556 Specified SQL server not found.
40557 The network has not been started.
40558 Insufficient network resources.
40559 Network is busy.
40560 Network access denied.
40561 General network error. Check your network documentation.
40562 Incorrect connection mode.
40563 Name not found in directory service.
40564 Invalid connection.
40565 Error reading or writing network data.
40566 Too many open file handles.
40567 SQL Server does not exist or access denied.
40568 SSL Security error.
40569 SQL Server requires Encryption On.
40570 Encryption not supported on SQL Server.
40601 HY000The data source can not be used, because it DBMS version is less than 6.5.0.
40603 The requested properties cannot be supported.
40604 Operation Canceled
40605 Nested variants are not supported as parameters.
40606 At least one parameter contained a type that was not supported.
40607 Unable to determine parameter type for at least one variant parameter.
40608 Cannot start transaction because more than one connection is in use.
40609 Cannot create new connection because in manual or distributed transaction mode.
40610 Cannot start transaction while in firehose mode.
40611 HY000The data source can not be used, because it is not a Microsoft SQL Server.
40612 ITransaction::Commit or ITransaction::Abort was called, and object is in a zombie state.
40613 Cannot start transaction while in fastload mode.
40614 IRowset interfaces are not supported on a fastload rowset.
40616 The precision is invalid.
40617 The scale is invalid.
40618 Deferred prepare could not be completed.
40619 42000Parameter Information cannot be derived from SQL statements with sub-select queries. Set parameter information before preparing command.
40620 Unable to read stream data because ACCESSORDER is sequential and the column has already been passed.
40621 Some columns could not be retrieved because ACCESSORDER is sequential and the columns have already been passed.
40622 HY000Unexpected server side behavior.
40623 Failed to load library sqlxmlx.dll. Please make sure it is properly installed and registered.
40624 Property IRowsetFastLoad cannot be set optional.
40625 01000Warning:Firehose rowsets cannot be preserved.
40626 42000Parameter Information cannot be derived from SQL statements. Set parameter information before preparing command.
40627 HY000Invalid input parameter values. Check the status values for detail.
40628 At least one parameter can not be derived from the binding info. Set parameter information first.
40629 Sequential stream cannot be created for uncommitted text or image data.