3 Windows 2000 MultiLanguage Version can only be installed on English Windows 2000.\nBuildnumbers have to match.
4 Installation completed successfully.
5 Installation Complete
6 One or more errors occurred during installation.\nPlease see %1\MUISETUP.LOG for more information.
7 LOG: No languages found in MUI.INF
8 LOG: Unable to set user default.
9 The default user language you have selected\nis not valid. Please select a new one.
10 Invalid Default Setting
11 Language Support Not Installed
12 Language support for %1 is not installed.\nMenus and dialogs will become unreadable when you switch to this language.\nPlease install the appropriate Language Group files from the Regional Options control panel.
13 LOG: Error reading directory list.
14 LOG: Error copying files.
15 LOG: Error updating registry.
16 LOG: Error deleting files.
17 LOG: %1 was not installed.%
18 It is already installed.
19 It is not listed in MUI.INF
20 LOG: %1 was not uninstalled.%
21 It is not installed.
22 LOG: Administrator privileges are required to install MultiLanguage files.
23 LOG: Language is not supported.\nInstall the appropriate Language Group files from the Regional Options control panel.
24 LOG: %1 was not set as the default. It is not installed.\nDefault set to %2.
38 muisetup [/h] [/i langid(s)] [/u langid(s)] [/d langid]\n\n/h(elp) or /?:Display help window.\n\n/i(nstall) langid(s):Install one or more languages.\n\n/u(ninstall) langid(s):Uninstall one or more languages.\n\n/d(efault) langid:Set the user default language.\n\n/r: No reboot message.\n\n/s: No Installation Complete message.\n\nFor the /i, /u, and /d options, langids should be entered in\n4-digit hexdecimal values. For example: 0407 (German); 0411 (Japanese).
39 Detecting installed Language Group(s)
40 Windows 2000 MultiLanguage Version Setup is checking %1
41 Unable to create file
42 Unable to run Regional Options control panel applet
43 MultiLanguage File Installation
44 Windows 2000 MultiLanguage Version Setup is already running
46 Windows 2000 MultiLanguage Setup can only be run on Windows 2000
47 It is recommended that you restart the computer for the new settings to take effect.\n\nDo you want to restart the computer now?
48 Changes to the Menus and dialogs language will not take effect until you logoff and logon again.
49 Windows 2000 was unable to change the Menus and dialogs language for other users of this machine.
50 Setup was unable to install Internet Explorer MultiLanguage Files
51 Setup was unable to register the Internet Explorer MultiLanguage Files
52 Installing %1 Internet Explorer MultiLanguage Files
53 Uninstalling %1 Internet Explorer MultiLanguage Files
54 Chinese (Simplified)
55 Chinese (Traditional)
56 Unable to install Language Group files for one or more selected Menus and dialogs languages.\n\n Do you want to reselect the Menus and dialogs languages?
57 Windows 2000 MultiLanguage Version CD
58 Installing MultiLanguage Files
59 Installing Language Group Files
60 Windows 2000 MultiLanguage Version Setup cannot be run from a client of Terminal Server. \n\n Please run MUISETUP.EXE from the Terminal Server console.
61 Uninstallation completed successfully.
62 Uninstallation Complete
63 Windows 2000 MultiLanguage Version cannot be installed on this platform.
64 LOG: It cannot be installed on this platform\n
65 The version of MUISETUP.EXE for Intel platforms cannot be run on a Windows 2000 Alpha platform.
66 Please insert
67 into the CD-ROM drive
68 Installation requires %1!I64d! Kbytes in you system drive, but there are only %3!I64d! Kbytes available.\n\n
69 Insufficient Disk Space
70 You have uninstalled current UI language. You must restart the computer.\n\nDo you want to restart the computer now?