2 Setup has not been completed successfully. Are you sure you want to exit?\n\nClick OK to exit, or click Cancel to return to setup.
3 Installing Components
4 Rolling Back Components
5 Installing %s.
6 Rolling Back %s.
7 Purge Cache
8 Rollback needs to purge your dllcache directory in order to ensure that your system remains in a consistent state. This can take 20 minutes or longer. Click OK to let setup purge your cache for you, or click cancel if you want to do it yourself later.
9 To purge your cache manually, run 'sfc.exe /PURGECACHE'.
10 Setup has been canceled. Please wait while changes to the system are rolled back.\n\nClick OK to continue.
13 %s Setup
23 Fatal Setup Error
24 Error occurred while loading setup resource library.\n
25 Error occurred while loading setup .INI file.\n
26 Error occurred while loading EULA file.\n
27 Error occurred while loading strings from the resource library.\n
28 %s is already installed on the version of Windows that you are running. Setup cannot update the system. For more information about updating %s on your system, see the download page relating to this release of %s on the web page %s.
29 Error occurred while loading setup engine library.\n
30 You must have administrator privileges to install or rollback this software.\n\nPlease contact your system administrator for more information.\n
31 Error occurred while creating setup wizard.\n
32 Error occurred while creating wizard page.\n
33 Error occurred while loading wizard page resources.\n
34 An error occurred while trying to extract a file from the .CAB file.\n
35 Another instance of setup is already running. Please exit the duplicate instance before running setup.\n
36 An error occurred while checking for duplicate instances of Setup.\n
37 An error occurred while loading the odbcconf library.\n
38 An error occurred while building the setup job list.\n
39 Missing Dependency
40 This product requires Microsoft Distributed COM for Windows 95 (DCOM95) to be installed on the system. You must install DCOM95 before installing this product. For more information please visit the website http://www.microsoft.com/com.
44 %s (Build number cannot be determined)
45 This product requires Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.01 sp2 or greater. Please exit setup and install the latest Microsoft Internet Explorer.
46 This product requires Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 5. Please exit setup and install the latest Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack.
47 Unsupported System
48 This setup does not support installing on systems with terminal services enabled.
49 This setup does not support installing on MultiLanguage versions of the operating system.
50 You must enable "install mode" to install this product on a machine with terminal services enabled. Refer to your "terminal services" documentation for more information.
51 This setup does not support installing on this operating system.
52 Close
53 Task
54 Drive
55 Required Space (MB)
56 Free Space (MB)
57 Microsoft Data Access Components cannot be rolled back. Setup has detected that a different version of Microsoft Data Access Components is installed on the machine.