Chip 2004 July
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DOS Batch File
133 lines
@echo off
if "%1"=="setNLS" goto DoNLS
rem called by AUTORUN.BAT as: "regional.bat 21" , then 21 is looked up,
rem and regional.bat is called again, this time as
rem "regional.bat setNLS HU 348 852 EGA hu hu208.kl /id:208"
rem then we get: language=HU; country_ID=348 ; codepage=852, display table=EGA
rem and finally: keyboard layout = Hungary with some special layout
if "%1"== "1" call %0 setNLS 51 HY 899 EGA6 HY
if "%1"== "2" call %0 setNLS 112 BE 849 EGA4 BL
if "%1"== "3" call %0 setNLS 56 NL 858 EGA BE
if "%1"== "4" call %0 setNLS 191 HR 852 EGA HR
if "%1"== "5" call %0 setNLS 208 DA 858 EGA DK
if "%1"== "6" call %0 setNLS 233 ET 775 EGA2 ET
if "%1"== "7" call %0 setNLS 246 FI 858 EGA SU
if "%1"== "8" call %0 setNLS 250 FR 858 EGA FR
if "%1"== "9" call %0 setNLS 268 KA 60853 EGA6 KA
if "%1"=="10" call %0 setNLS 276 DE 858 EGA GR
if "%1"=="11" call %0 setNLS 372 GA 858 EGA IR
if "%1"=="12" call %0 setNLS 380 IT 858 EGA IT
if "%1"=="13" call %0 setNLS 392 JA 932 --- JP
if "%1"=="14" call %0 setNLS 428 LV 775 EGA2 LV
if "%1"=="15" call %0 setNLS 578 NO 858 EGA NO
if "%1"=="16" call %0 setNLS 642 RO 852 EGA RO
if "%1"=="17" call %0 setNLS 724 ES 858 EGA SP
if "%1"=="18" call %0 setNLS 752 SV 858 EGA SV
if "%1"=="19" call %0 setNLS 792 TR 857 EGA TR TR440.KL /ID:440
if "%1"=="20" call %0 setNLS 826 EN 858 EGA UK
if "%1"=="21" call %0 setNLS 840 EN 858 EGA US
if "%1"=="22" call %0 setNLS 31 AZ 60258 EGA7 AZ
if "%1"=="23" call %0 setNLS 76 PT 858 EGA BR
if "%1"=="24" call %0 setNLS 76 PT 858 EGA BR BR274.KL /ID:274
if "%1"=="25" call %0 setNLS 124 FR 858 EGA CF
if "%1"=="26" call %0 setNLS 203 CS 852 EGA CZ CZ243.KL /ID:243
if "%1"=="27" call %0 setNLS 234 FO 858 EGA FO
if "%1"=="28" call %0 setNLS 300 EL 869 EGA5 GK GK220.KL /ID:220
if "%1"=="29" call %0 setNLS 300 EL 869 EGA5 GK
if "%1"=="30" call %0 setNLS 398 KK 58152 EGA7 KK
if "%1"=="31" call %0 setNLS 417 KY 58152 EGA7 KY
if "%1"=="32" call %0 setNLS --- ES 858 EGA LA
if "%1"=="33" call %0 setNLS 496 MN 58152 EGA7 MN
if "%1"=="34" call %0 setNLS 528 NL 858 EGA US
if "%1"=="35" call %0 setNLS 608 TL 858 EGA TL
if "%1"=="36" call %0 setNLS 620 PT 858 EGA PO
if "%1"=="37" call %0 setNLS 643 RU 808 EGA3 RU
if "%1"=="38" call %0 setNLS 703 SK 852 EGA SK
if "%1"=="39" call %0 setNLS 705 SL 852 EGA SI
if "%1"=="40" call %0 setNLS 840 EN 850 EGA DV
if "%1"=="41" call %0 setNLS 840 EN 858 EGA UX
if "%1"=="42" call %0 setNLS 860 UZ 62306 EGA7 UZ
if "%1"=="43" call %0 setNLS 70 BS 852 EGA BA
if "%1"=="44" call %0 setNLS 100 BG 872 EGA3 BG
if "%1"=="45" call %0 setNLS 100 BG 872 EGA3 BG BG241.KL /ID:241
if "%1"=="46" call %0 setNLS 124 FR 858 EGA CF CF501.KL /ID:501
if "%1"=="47" call %0 setNLS 300 EL 869 EGA5 GK GK459.KL /ID:459
if "%1"=="48" call %0 setNLS 348 HU 852 EGA HU
if "%1"=="49" call %0 setNLS 348 HU 852 EGA HU HU208.KL /ID:208
if "%1"=="50" call %0 setNLS 352 IS 858 EGA IS
if "%1"=="51" call %0 setNLS 352 IS 858 EGA IS IS161.KL /ID:161
if "%1"=="52" call %0 setNLS 440 LT 775 EGA2 LT LT210.KL /ID:210
if "%1"=="53" call %0 setNLS 440 LT 775 EGA2 LT
if "%1"=="54" call %0 setNLS 470 MT 853 EGA MT MT166.KL /ID:166
if "%1"=="55" call %0 setNLS 470 MT 853 EGA MT
if "%1"=="56" call %0 setNLS 616 PL 852 EGA PL
if "%1"=="57" call %0 setNLS 616 PL 852 EGA PL PL214.KL /ID:214
if "%1"=="58" call %0 setNLS 642 RO 852 EGA RO RO446.KL /ID:446
if "%1"=="59" call %0 setNLS 792 TR 857 EGA TR
if "%1"=="60" call %0 setNLS 826 EN 858 EGA UK UK168.KL /ID:168
if "%1"=="61" call %0 setNLS 804 UK 848 EGA4 UR UR465.KL /ID:465
if "%1"=="62" call %0 setNLS 804 UK 848 EGA4 UR
if "%1"=="63" call %0 setNLS 804 TT 59234 EGA7 TT
if "%1"=="64" call %0 setNLS 8 SQ 852 EGA SQ SQ448.KL /ID:448
if "%1"=="65" call %0 setNLS 8 SQ 852 EGA SQ
if "%1"=="66" call %0 setNLS 124 FR 858 EGA CF CF445.KL /ID:445
if "%1"=="67" call %0 setNLS 203 CS 852 EGA CZ
if "%1"=="68" call %0 setNLS --- EO 853 EGA EO EO166.KL /ID:166
if "%1"=="69" call %0 setNLS --- EO 853 EGA EO
if "%1"=="70" call %0 setNLS 250 FR 858 EGA FR FR120.KL /ID:120
if "%1"=="71" call %0 setNLS 276 DE 858 EGA GR GR453.KL /ID:453
if "%1"=="72" call %0 setNLS 380 IT 858 EGA IT IT142.KL /ID:142
if "%1"=="73" call %0 setNLS 428 LV 775 EGA2 LV LV455.KL /ID:455
if "%1"=="74" call %0 setNLS 440 LT 775 EGA2 LT LT211.KL /ID:211
if "%1"=="75" call %0 setNLS 440 LT 775 EGA2 LT LT212.KL /ID:212
if "%1"=="76" call %0 setNLS 440 LT 775 EGA2 LT LT456.KL /ID:456
if "%1"=="77" call %0 setNLS 807 MK 872 EGA3 MK
if "%1"=="78" call %0 setNLS 643 RU 808 EGA3 RU RU443.KL /ID:443
if "%1"=="79" call %0 setNLS 891 SR 872 EGA3 SR
if "%1"=="80" call %0 setNLS 891 SR 872 EGA3 SR SR450.KL /ID:450
if "%1"=="81" call %0 setNLS 756 FR 858 EGA SF
if "%1"=="82" call %0 setNLS 756 DE 858 EGA SG
if "%1"=="83" call %0 setNLS 826 GD 858 EGA GA
if "%1"=="84" call %0 setNLS 840 EN 858 EGA LH
if "%1"=="85" call %0 setNLS 840 EN 858 EGA RH
goto end
set nlslabel=end
for %%x in ( 80286 80386 ) do if "%cputype%"=="%%x" set nlslabel=loadkeyb
if not "%6"=="" %fdosroot%\bin\KEYB /U
if exist %fdosroot%\NLS\LOCALIZE.%3 set lang=%3
set uniqueID=%2
rem Latin America has no codepage number; Japan has no CPI file
if "%4"=="---" goto %nlslabel%
if "%5"=="---" goto %nlslabel%
if not exist %fdosroot%\bin\%5.CPI goto %nlslabel%
%fdosroot%\bin\MODE CON CP PREP=((%4) %fdosroot%\bin\cpi\%5.CPI)
%fdosroot%\bin\MODE CON CP SEL=%4
goto %nlslabel%
if "%6"=="" goto end
set keybfile=KEYBOARD.SYS
if not exist %fdosroot%\bin\%KEYBFILE% set keybfile=
set kblayout=%6
for %%x in ( %fdosroot%\bin\key\%7 ) do if exist %%x set keybfile=%7
if "%keybfile%"=="" set keybfile=%kblayout%.KL
if "%keybfile%"=="%7" shift
set keybrest=%7 %8 %9
%fdosroot%\bin\keyb %kblayout%,,%fdosroot%\bin\key\%keybfile% %keybrest%
goto end
set nlslabel=