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- ════════════════════════════
- T U R B O D S K 2 . 3
- ════════════════════════════
- (C) 1992-1995 Ciriaco García de Celis
- Grupo Universitario de Informática
- Apartado 6.062, Valladolid (Spain)
- Internet: ciri@gui.uva.es
- FidoNet: 2:341/21.8
- English of this file improved by:
- (C) 1993 Charlie Henze
- English
- TURBODSK is a Ram Disk controller for DOS and Windows 3 systems. This
- file contains information which is not available with online help. TURBODSK
- can dynamically allocate RAM to the disk. It requires DOS 2.0 or above;
- XMS 2.0+, EMS 3.2+, and conventional memory is supported. In spite of using
- EMS 3.2, TDSK can take advantage of the power of 386 and better systems
- and can run programs which make use of EMS memory, unlike most public
- domain RAM disks.
- An incorrect assignment of numeric parameters (except disk size), may
- make a disk malfunction. To avoid problems, follow the advice given by
- help (TDSK /?) or allow TURBODSK to determine the numeric parameters
- automatically.
- This program is FREEWARE and can be used without charge by individuals
- or corporations, although it is not allowed to charge something for the
- concept or it's usage. Distribution is only allowed to the shareware
- distribution companies who charge less than or equal to US $16 per disk
- (when 1 disk is requested). Individuals can distribute it but without
- charge.
- This program is provided "as is", without any explicit warranty. Use
- is free. Therefore, the author does not assume responsability for damages
- that may occur whether caused by bugs or incompatibility with any other
- software.
- Comparison between TURBODSK and the DOS RAM disks:
- (WINDOWS 3.1) (DR-DOS 6.0) v2.3
- ────────────────────────────────────
- Maximum size: 32 Mb 32 Mb 64 Mb
- Conventional memory support: Yes Yes Yes
- EMS support: Yes Yes Yes
- Extended memory drived by INT 15h: No Yes No
- XMS memory support: Yes No Yes
- Files can hold the root directory: 4-1024 4-512 1-65534
- Sector size supported: 128-1024 128-512 32-2048
- Dynamic memory allocation: No No Yes
- Cluster programmable size: No No Yes
- takes advantage of 32-but bus in 386+: No No Yes
- Conventional memory used (DOS 5.0): 1184-1232 2096-2608 432-608
- Data transfer rate (in Kb/sec) measured by KBSEC.C, on machines
- under MS-DOS 5.0, without any TSR's (except KEYB and DOSKEY). Sectors
- are 512 bytes-sized:
- ──────── ────────── ──────────
- 8088-8 MHz:
- + Conventional memory................ 563 573 573
- 286-12 MHz (0 WS):
- + XMS extended memory (1)............ 1980 4253 4253
- + Conventional memory................ 4169 4368 4368
- 386-25 MHz (without cache):
- + XMS extended memory (1)............ 6838 17105 17095
- + EMS expanded memory (1)(2)......... 1261 8308 14937
- + Conventional memory................ 7297 6525 14843
- 486-25 MHz (8 Kb internal cache):
- + XMS extended memory (1)............ 7370 10278 10278
- + EMS expanded memory (1)(2)......... 2533 7484 9631
- + Conventional memory................ 8256 8454 11664
- Total.................................. 40267 67348 87642
- Relative index......................... 45,9 76,8 100
- (1) HIMEM.SYS from MS-DOS 5.0 installed.
- (2) EMM386.EXE from MS-DOS 5.0 installed.
- + With /F is possible to select the number of FAT copies (1 by default),
- up to a maximum of 2.
- + With the /I option, it is possible to set the international telephonic
- code of any country to select the language used by TDSK. In this v2.3
- only the Spanish (Spain and Spanish language countries), German and
- English (the other nations) are used. If system is property configured
- (with COUNTRY order in config.sys) TURBODSK will use the correct
- language. /I=34, for example, forces the Spanish; /I=49 the German and
- /I=1 the English.
- + In DOS 5.0 it is possible to force the use of upper memory if loading
- with LOADHIGH, provided that the amount of memory requested does not
- exceed the available (in other case, conventional memory will allocate).
- + /M parameter switch output from color to monochrome (redirectable),
- while in CONFIG monochrome will be used by default.
- + /B parameter avoids to load TURBODSK if there is at least a hard disk
- available on the system.
- + After execution, an ERRORLEVEL code is returned with these meanings:
- 0: Disk not defined
- 255: Driver not installed from CONFIG.SYS
- 254: Incorrect drive letter indicated
- 253: Attempt to define inside Windows
- 252: Syntax error
- Other values below 128, are related to the handle used in both the
- extended or the expanded memory.
- With 4085 to 4087 cluster disks, the CHKDSK /F command (except in
- MS-DOS 3.3 and DR-DOS 6.0) are not able to correctly determine the FAT
- type of the disk. Additionally, it will report nonexistent errors, and
- will destroy stored data.
- If TURBODSK still should require too much memory, BITDISK can be used instead.
- It requires only 256 bytes instead of 408. Most probably this driver is the
- smallest resizeable ram disk controller in the world. However, its usage still
- has some downsides:
- + Only XMS is supported.
- + To save memory, some variables were placed directly into the code. This may
- lead to errors under protected mode. But under testage no errors concerning
- this point occured.
- + Some internal or undocumented features of MS-DOS were used. In most other
- MS-DOS compatible operating system these features still are supported:
- BITDISK was tested under MS-DOS 6.20, DR-DOS 6.0 and NOVELL-DOS 7.0, and
- no errors occured there.