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- swsubst - CDS manipulator
- swsubst { option | command } [ arguments ]
- Valid _o_p_t_i_o_n_s are: /h /? /# /! /a /f /k /t /_ /d /x and
- /o
- Valid _c_o_m_m_a_n_d_s are: /m /c /j /u /q /s /r /l /n /w
- Instead of the name _s_w_s_u_b_s_t the following names alter the
- default setting of _s_w_s_u_b_s_t _j_o_i_n _s_u_b_s_t _m_k_d_i_r _c_h_d_i_r _q_u_e_r_y
- _s_w_a_p _w_h_i_c_h _-_j_o_i_n _-_m_k_d_i_r _-_c_h_d_i_r _-_q_u_e_r_y _-_s_w_a_p _d_r_v_l_i_s_t _m_c_b_-
- _l_i_s_t _-_w_h_i_c_h
- _s_w_s_u_b_s_t is designed to manipulate the CDS ( D S is access-
- able. By renaming or by copying of the executable
- swsubst.exe to one of the above mentioned file names one
- command switch is automatically inserted right after the
- executable's name, e.g. "query /a c:+net" is equal to
- "swsubst /q /a c:+net". Only _j_o_i_n and _s_u_b_s_t have an addi-
- tional meaning by restricting _s_w_s_u_b_s_t to conform to the
- DOS standard tools with the same name.
- Unnecessary options, or options which has no meaning with
- the invoked command, are scanned and ignored.
- A path specification can be logical or physical. The drive
- specification of a physical drive means that drive, which
- got that letter while booting. The logical drive specfica-
- tion is the one typed on the command line, e.g. after the
- command "SUBST C: E:FREEDOS", the logical drive specifica-
- tion "C:" is the physical "E:", that means, if the DOS
- Prompt says: "C:>", that is the "original" directory
- "E:FREEDOS". The "original" drive "C" is no longer avail-
- able.
- In order to remove that limitation a leading dash '-'
- indicates a physical path. So after "SUBST D: C:RCE" the
- logical drive "D:" will point into "E:FREEDOSRCE", whereas
- after "SWSUBST D: -C:RCE" drive "D:" points into "C:RCE".
- _N_o_t_e_: If a physical path is not fully qualified, it will
- be qualifed according to the logical current working
- directory.
- Drive specifications are also enhanced:
- Where only a drive specification is expected, a single
- letter acts a drive letter as well as a full-qualified
- path.
- Besides these methods, it is possible to specify a drive
- specification by the name of its driver or its volume
- label. Driver names are specified with ":*:", where "*"
- 22 May 1995 1
- stands for the up to eight characters long name. Because
- one driver may handle several drives, a number can be
- specified, like ":#:*:", where "#" stands for the zero-
- based number and "*" for the driver name. _N_o_t_e_: Not all
- drivers have a name.
- The search for a volume label is activated by using "::*:"
- or ":-:*:", where "*" stands for the volume label and the
- optional dash '-' causes to temporarily release SUBST and
- JOIN relations.
- While scanning, the drives are searched in the order: A:,
- B:, ... If one drive does not respond, it is ignored.
- The names are case-insensitive and are matched, that rthe
- characters specified with "*" must lead the name, e."g.:
- ":1:stac:os" means: The path ".br And "-:-:hd_c:\foomns:
- the path "FOOBAR" on the physical drive, which voelume
- label starts with "HD_C". _N_o_t_e_: The dash '-' within the
- colons ":-:" stands for: "retrieve the physical drive let-
- ter", whereas the dash '-' before the first colon stands
- for "treat the following path as a physical one".
- special names
- _j_o_i_n _s_w_s_u_b_s_t to act like the standard JOIN. See
- the help page for join.
- _s_u_b_s_t _s_w_s_u_b_s_t to act like the standard SUBST. See
- the help page for subst.
- _m_k_d_i_r and _-_m_k_d_i_r add the /m command.
- _c_h_d_i_r and _-_c_h_d_i_r add the /c command.
- _q_u_e_r_y and _-_q_u_e_r_y add the /q command.
- _s_w_a_p and _-_s_w_a_p add the /s command.
- _w_h_i_c_h and _-_w_h_i_c_h add the /w command.
- _-_j_o_i_n adds the /j command.
- _d_r_v_l_i_s_t adds the /r command.
- _m_c_b_l_i_s_t adds the /l command.
- Any other name defaults to the /u command.
- /? and /h
- Display a help screen.
- /# Causes _s_w_s_u_b_s_t to display the statistic about
- JOIN'ed drives, when it dumps the CDS table. It
- displays the number of JOIN'ed drives according to
- the CDS and the number retrieved fromout DOS inter-
- nal data structures. When these differ, it's possi-
- ble, that the system will not work correctly.
- If this option is used twice, it cancels the effect
- of the previous one. It also cancels the effect of
- /!
- /! This option displays the JOIN'ed drive statistic
- under the CDS table and updates the internal
- 22 May 1995 2
- number, if both differ.
- When this option is given twice, the second is
- ignored.
- /a After the given command has been processed success-
- fully, the CDS table should be printed. If the com-
- mand itself orders to dump the CDS table, it is
- displayed only once.
- This options also causes to display unused entries.
- A second /a option cancels the effect of the previ-
- ous one.
- /f There is a little space within the device drivers,
- where their names can be stored. Normally the part
- of the name from the frist available byte up to the
- first non-printable charchater forms the name. If
- this option is given, the whole name is displayed,
- non-printable characters are displayed in a hex-
- adecimal manner, like , where ?? are the two hex-
- adecimal numbers for that value.
- A second /f option cancels the effect of the previ-
- ous one.
- /_ Normally only a subset of the 16 available flags
- are displayed. This option enables a little map,
- where the named flags: Networked, Physical, Joined,
- Substed, and Hidden are marked with their capital
- letter, if they are set; the others will be dis-
- played as a plus '+'. If a flag is not set, its
- positions is overwritten by a dash '-'.
- A second /_ cancels the effect of the previous one.
- /k Causes _s_w_s_u_b_s_t to create the path if necessary,
- e.g. whren invoking the command "swsubst /k f:
- c:\foo" _N_o_t_e_: This feature is disabled by default!
- This o.ption cancels the effect of a previous /t and
- /k
- /t Causes _s_w_s_u_b_s_t to test, if the desired paths are
- available, if not the command is aborted.
- This option cancels the effect of a previous /t and
- /k
- /d This is not really a options and is for use only
- with the commands /j and /u and acts like a /d as
- the second argument.
- The second /d cancels the effect of a previous one.
- /o=# This option is also for the commands /u and /j only
- and overwrites the fromout the path-argument deter-
- mined backslash offset. Use with caution!
- A second option will overwrite a previous one.
- The number # must be within the range 0..66 and can
- be given in C notation. That means, if the number
- 22 May 1995 3
- starts with either "0x" or "0X", the rest will be
- treated hexadecimal, if the number starts with "0",
- the rest will be treated octal, and if the number
- starts with a number from "1" to "9", it's treated
- decimal. When # is zero, this option is disabled
- and the backslash offset is determined fromout the
- path argument.
- This option is needed to use network paths, which
- normally do not conform to the DOS path specifiac-
- tion.
- /x=?? This option specifies the drives, which are
- excluded while searching for the drive of a volume
- label via the enhanced "::*:" drive specification.
- Each Option cancels the effect of a previous one
- and /x= excludes no drive.
- This option is very useful to exclude the floppy
- drives, because scanning them with no floppy loaded
- uses an huge amount of time.
- /m This command accepts any number of arguments, which
- are treated as path specifications. Those will be
- created along with the full path to them.
- /c This command accepts exactly one argument. This
- argument is treated as a path specification, which
- is made with the /k command. If this was success-
- ful, the current working directory and the current
- disk will be set to that path.
- /j This acts like _J_O_I_N without the restrictions.
- There are two formats:
- 1) dr ( /d | - )
- which will release any existing SUBST or JOIN rela-
- tion of the logical drive dr and is equal to " -
- _s_w_s_u_b_s_t tries to determine the settings of this
- physical drive while boot time.
- 2) dr1 [
- which will release any exising SUBST or JOIN rela-
- tion of the logical drive dr1 and joins it into the
- path of drive dr2 optional dash indicates a physi-
- cal path. A logical path will be transformed into a
- physical by the DOS call _t_r_u_e_n_a_m_e path is only
- upper-cased and fully qualified. To omit this, too,
- a second dash must be placed in front the optional
- one. _N_o_t_e_: Drives starting with two backslashes
- "\\" are treated as networked drives and preceed
- the path with one dash automatically.
- When DOS displays a path, it can skip some charac-
- ters. This is called backslash offset for networked
- paths by _s_w_s_u_b_s_t for sure, the /o is offered and
- the offset can be altered manually.
- /u Is equal to /j
- 22 May 1995 4
- /q This command test the drive flags, if they are set
- according to the specified flags. The syntax is
- equal to set drive flags mode '=' and the flags
- "ON" and "OFF" are not allowed.
- _s_w_s_u_b_s_t returns the result to the calling process
- via the errorlevel. An errorlevel of zero indi-
- cates, that the flags are set equally; an error-
- level greater than zero indicates, that they arn't.
- /r This command accept up to one argument. It enables
- to display and search in the device driver chain.
- The chain is displayed, when the command has no
- additional argument, or when the argument is either
- '+' or '-'.
- The output looks like:
- CON <<D>> ANSI
- MSCD001 <<D>> SGCDU
- EMMXXXX0 <<D>> EMM386
- COM1
- LPT1
- LPT2
- The names left of the "<< >>" are the driver names,
- the character within the "<< >>" is the MCB type,
- and the names right of the "<< >>" are the names of
- the file. Latter is a favour of the routine, which
- has been loaded the driver, so it might be missed.
- The MCB type itself was invented with DOS version
- 4.
- The search is activated, when the additional argu-
- ment is neither '+' nor searched, too. For matching
- an leading '+' or '-' is stripped.
- The errorlevel is set to zero, if the search was
- successful, otherwise to a value greater than zero.
- /l This command accept up to one argument. It enables
- to display and search in the MCB ( C B displayed,
- when the command has no additional argument, or
- when the argument is either '+' or '-'.
- The output looks like:
- 0x0264 M 0x01e4 nam=SD sys:data
- 0x0265 D 0x0048 nam=HIMEM drv=XMSXXXX0
- sys:device_driver
- 0x02ae D 0x00c3 nam=EMM386 drv=EMMXXXX0
- sys:device_driver
- 0x0372 F 0x0082 nam=ilegiert sys:FILES
- 0x03f5 X 0x0005 sys:FCBS
- 0x03fb B 0x0020 sys:BUFFERS
- 22 May 1995 5
- 0x041c L 0x002c sys:LASTDRIVE
- 0x041d A 0x0000 own#0x5c3a
- 0x0449 M 0x0004 nam=SC sys:code
- 0x044e M 0x0003 own=COMMAND
- 0x0452 M 0x00bc nam=COMMAND
- 0x050f M 0x0040 nam=arameter env=COMMAND
- 0x0550 M 0x001d env=SWSUBST
- 0x056e M 0x020f nam=sgcdu
- 0x077e M 0x03de nam=MSCDEX
- 0x0b5d M 0x1aa3 nam=SWSUBST
- 0x2601 Z 0x79fd sys:free sys:end_of_chain
- 0x9fff M 0x1159 nam=SC sys:code
- 0xb159 M 0x0107 nam=SD sys:data
- 0xb15a D 0x0106 nam=ANSI drv=CON sys:device_driver
- 0xb261 M 0x0003 sys:free
- 0xb265 M 0x0598 sys:free
- 0xb7fe M 0x2002 nam=SC sys:code
- 0xb7ff M 0x2000 nam=SM sys:memory
- 0xd801 M 0x07d5 nam=SMARTDRV
- 0xdfd7 Z 0x1028 sys:free sys:end_of_chain
- The elements have the following meaning, from left
- to right:
- + The address of the MCB. It's hexadezimal, and
- always preceeded by "0x".
- + The type of the MCB. It might be a space.
- + The number of associated paragraphs. It's also
- always hexadecimal and preceeded by "0x". This num-
- ber will be displayed only, if the argument "+" has
- been given.
- + A *guess*, what this MCB is for. This can be any
- combination of the following items:
- ++ nam=???. The name of the loaded program, which
- is read directly out of this MCB.
- ++ env=???. The name of the program, which owns
- this MCB as its environment.
- ++ drv=???. The name of the driver, which owns this
- MCB.
- ++ own=???. The name of the program, which owns
- this MCB.
- ++ sys:???. This is memory controlled by the sys-
- tem. "???" stands for the type of data stored
- there. A special meaning has "sys:end_of_chain",
- what indicates the last MCB in the chain.
- The names need not be stored within the MCB; if
- there should be a name, these items are substituted
- by an item of the format: "*#0x????", where "*"
- stands for the item type (the first three charac-
- ters), and "????" stands for the 4-digit hexadezi-
- mal value of the owner's MCB.
- The output is designed as input for programs.
- Therefore the elements contains no spaces itselfs
- and each MCB is printed on its own line. Because
- _s_w_s_u_b_s_t tries to determine a sub-chain within a
- 22 May 1995 6
- MCB, these sub-chains are indented. But this can
- lead into false entries. This is shown at the
- beginning of the above example (s. 0x041d).
- The above example contains two MCBs marked with
- "sys:end_of_chain". This behaviour bases on the
- way later DOS versions manage the memory by divid-
- ing into two chains; one in the conventional mem-
- ory, the other in the UMBs.
- The search is activated, when the additional argu-
- ment is neither '+' nor character is an '+', the
- name determined fromout the MCBs (which follows the
- "nam=" item in the MCB chain display) must only
- start with the argument. For matching an leading
- '+' or '-' is stripped.
- The errorlevel is set to zero, if the search was
- successful, otherwise to a value greater than zero.
- /s This command requires two arguments. Both are logi-
- cal drive specifications, which are simply swapped.
- /n This command is closely related to /s entries
- within the CDS, but tries to swap their unit number
- of the device driver. This requires, that both
- drives share the same device driver. That is the
- only way to swap the floppies, for some reason.
- If there is no argument to this command, it tries
- to identify both floppies and swaps them; otherwise
- two arguments must be specified, which are to be
- swapped. _C_a_u_t_i_o_n_: Better do not use this command
- on hard disks.
- This swap will not be resetted, neither by the com-
- mands - -- and /d nor by directly manipulating the
- drive flags, e.g. "X:=OFF" or "X:=ON". Them must be
- swapped again or the computer must be rebooted.
- /w This command requires one argument, treats it as a
- drive specification and translates it into the
- drive letter. This will returned via the error-
- level.
- An errorlevel between 65 (ASCII 'A') and 90 (ASCII
- 'Z') indicates OK and the drive letter itself;
- whereas a errorlevel of zero indicates, that there
- is no such drive; and other errorlevels indicate an
- error.
- without any command switch
- In that case the arguments decide, what command is
- invoked:
- without arguments
- This will dump the CDS table onto screen:
- 22 May 1995 7
- H 0000:0000 NET .... PHYS ..... HIDDEN \H.1.br
- ==>.MSCD001 .<== _NP------H-------_
- Number of JOIN'ed drives per CDS 0 per flag: 0 =>
- seems OK
- Line 1 from left to right:
- + logical drive letter
- + far address of DPB
- + NETWORKED flag set
- + JOINED flag not set
- + PHYSICAL flag set
- + SUBST flag not set
- + HIDDEN flag set
- + physical path. The double quote marks the _b_a_c_k_-
- _s_l_a_s_h _o_f_f_s_e_t characters to the left are not visi-
- ble. If the path points to "A:" or "B:" and the
- unit number has been changed, for example by com-
- mand /n the string " => X:" is appended, where 'X'
- stands for the possible drive letter this path
- points to.
- Line 2:
- + driver name. The "==>..<==" are not part of the
- name.
- + full set of flags. Caused by the /_ options. The
- "_" surrounding the flags does not effect the val-
- ues.
- Line 3:
- JOIN'ed drives statistic: both numbers are equal,
- so there schould be no error.
- Unless the /a options is enabled, only used and the
- last entries are displayed.
- one argument: either - or --
- - will remove all SUBST and JOIN relations by
- invoking the command "/u dr: /d" on all such
- drives;
- -- does the same but for all not networked drives.
- set drive flags
- This requires exacly one argument in the syntax: dr
- - means: unset or is not set; + = other flags.
- The following flags are available: OFF switch the
- drive OFF, it is no more accessable; ON switch a
- drive ON (This is _N_O_T the reversal of OFF, but the
- invoking of the command "/u dr: /d".); PHYSICAL
- JOIN NETWORK SUBST HIDDEN refer to the associated
- flag; and a number between 0 and 15 refers to the
- bit.
- All flags but ON can be abbreviate down to a single
- letter.
- 22 May 1995 8
- in all other cases
- is the command /u assumed.
- subst, join.
- o A relative physical path is qualified by logical
- components.
- o Sometimes the manipulation by the non-standard pos-
- sibilities fails; then either the system locks up
- or a harmless 'Cannot find *.*' error message beeps
- up.
- o To turn ON a drive is the opposit of turning it
- OFF. For local hard disks this works; for device
- driver driven drives sometimes; and for CD-ROMs
- seldom.
- o Works on MS-DOS compatibles only, but doesn't
- check, if it is.
- o This program does some error checking, but much
- could be valid, but locks the system in several
- cases.
- o Several commands, like /s /u /j 32 bit access and
- the ability to hold the permanent swap file of
- Microsoft Windows 3+ on the used drives.
- swsubst /w ::HD_e:
- Checks, if an hard disk with a label starting with
- "HD_E" is currently available via a logical drive
- letter. The result can be checked with:
- swsubst /w ::hd_e:
- if errorlevel 91 goto error
- if errorlevel 90 echo Drive Z:
- if errorlevel 89 echo Drive Y:
- if errorlevel 65 echo Drive A:
- if errorlevel 1 goto error
- if not errorlevel 1 echo No volume with label HD_E
- found!
- With 4DOS e.g.:
- iff %? .LE. 90 .AND. %? .GE. 65 then
- echo Drive %@char[%?]
- elseiff errorlevel 1 then
- echo error
- else
- echo There is no volume with label HD_E
- 22 May 1995 9
- endiff
- swsubst /s e ::HD_e:
- Swap the drive currently accessable via the logical
- drive letter E: and the drive with the label
- "HD_E". Doing so can ensure, that the drive "HD_E"
- is always accessable via the drive letter E:.
- _N_o_t_e_: Have a look at the Known Bugs section!
- Steffen Kaiser
- Mittelstra'ae 112/B115
- 53757 Sankt Augustin - Menden
- Deutschland - Germany
- e-mail: Steffen.Kaiser@@FH-Rhein-Sieg.DE
- 22 May 1995 10