Chip 2004 July
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DOS Batch File
200 lines
@echo off
if [%errorlevel%]==[] goto error
if [%_CWD%]==[] goto error
if "%cdrom%"=="C:" goto error2
if "%cdrom%"=="c:" goto error2
if "%step6%"=="√" goto end
goto begin
rem #1: Bootsector
rem #2: Search bootup files
rem -2a: comfile (comspec/shell/command interpreter, command.com)
rem -2b: autofile (bootup automation script, autoexec.bat)
rem -2c: cfgfile (device driver loading script, [fd]config.sys)
rem #3: Create bootup files
rem #4: Translate programs and install them
rem #5: Clean up
set fdosdir=%_CWD%
if "%bootsrc%"=="" set path=%fdosdir%;%path%
if "%bootsrc%"=="diskette" set path=%fdosdir%;%path%
REM ctty nul
cdd %fdosdir%
ren localize.txt localize.%lang%
if exist %fdosdir%\INSTBASE\freedos.log set GUI_inst=true
for %%x in ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) DO set step%%x=Θ
set comfile=%fdosdir%\BIN\command.com
goto infomenu
if exist %fdosroot%\nls\localize.%lang% set nlspath=%fdosroot%\nls
if exist a:\freedos\localize.%lang% set nlspath=a:\freedos
ctty con
for %%x in ( 0 1 2 ) do localize 3.%%x
for %%x in ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) do if "%step%%x%"=="√" localize 4.%%x
for %%x in ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) do if "%step%%x%"=="Θ" localize 5.%%x
REM ctty nul
%fdosroot%\bin\sleep 1
for %%x in ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) do if "%step%%x%"=="Θ" goto step%%x
goto end
set step1=√
set copycmd=/y
rem Create Bootsector
%fdosdir%\bin\SYS %fdosdir% c: c:\fdosboot.bin BOOTONLY
copy %fdosdir%\bin\kernel32.sys c:\kernel.sys
REM set iofiles=c:\io.sys c:\dosplus.sys c:\drbios.sys c:\drdos.sys c:\ibmbio.com c:\winboot.sys
REM for %%x in ( %iofiles% ) do if exist %%x goto metadual
goto infomenu
set nlspath=%fdosdir%
ren localize.txt localize.%lang%
goto step2a
set comfile=%fdosdir%\command.com
IF EXIST C:\command.com goto step2b
set comfile=c:\command.com
goto step2b
echo @echo off > %fdosdir%\fdauto.bat
for %%x in ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ) do localize 2.%%x >> %fdosdir%\fdauto.bat
set autofile=%fdosdir%\fdauto.bat
if exist c:\autoexec.bat goto step2c
rem Moving file and adjusting %autofile%
copy %fdosdir%\fdauto.bat c:\autoexec.bat
if exist c:\autoexec.bat del %fdosdir%\fdauto.bat
if exist c:\autoexec.bat set autofile=c:\autoexec.bat
goto step2c
set cpugen=3
set nlspath=%fdosdir%
echo !SET dosdir=%fdosdir%> c:\fdconfig.sys
if not exist c:\config.sys ren c:\fdconfig.sys config.sys
for %%x in ( c:\config.sys c:\fdconfig.sys ) do if exist %%x set cfgfile=%%x
set step2=√
goto infomenu
CDD %fdosdir%\NLS
if exist makecmd.bat call makecmd.bat
if not exist command.com copy %comspec% command.com
if not exist xmsswap.com copy command.com xmsswap.com
set copycmd=/y
IF NOT EXIST %comfile% copy command.com %comfile%
set step3=√
goto infomenu
set nlspath=%fdosdir%
echo !SET lang=%lang% >> %cfgfile%
for %%x in ( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ) DO LOCALIZE 0.%%x >> %cfgfile%
goto sub4_%cpugen%86
copy %fdosdir%\NLS\command.com %comfile%
for %%x in ( 1 2 3 ) DO LOCALIZE 0.%cpugen%%%x >> %cfgfile%
rem swap FreeCOM (non-XMS version!) to harddisk when using CALL /S prog.exe
ECHO 1?SHELLHIGH=%fdosdir%\bin\KSSF.COM %comfile% /K %autofile% >> %cfgfile%
REM for %%x in ( 1 ) DO LOCALIZE 2.%cpugen%%%x >> %autofile%
set step4=√
goto infomenu
copy %fdosdir%\NLS\xmsswap.com %comfile%
for %%x in ( 1 2 ) DO LOCALIZE 0.%cpugen%%%x >> %cfgfile%
ECHO 1?DEVICE=%fdosdir%\BIN\FDXMS286.SYS >> %cfgfile%
ECHO 1?SHELL=%comfile% /K %autofile% >> %cfgfile%
ECHO 2?SHELL=%comfile% /D /K SET PATH=%fdosdir%\bin >> %cfgfile%
REM for %%x in ( 1 ) DO LOCALIZE 2.%cpugen%%%x >> %autofile%
goto sub4keyb
copy %fdosdir%\NLS\xmsswap.com %comfile%
set umb_list=NOEMS
rem UMB_list is mostly VMware specific, but should hardly harm on real machines.
rem Areas not explicitly included are being taken care of by the auto-scan.
if not "%color%"=="Mono" set umb_list=NOEMS I=B000-B7FF I=DC00-EBFF I=C800-C8FF
for %%x in ( 1 2 3 ) DO LOCALIZE 0.%cpugen%%%x >> %cfgfile%
ECHO 12?DEVICE=%fdosdir%\BIN\HIMEM.EXE >> %cfgfile%
ECHO 2?DEVICE=%fdosdir%\BIN\EMM386.EXE %umb_list% >> %cfgfile%
ECHO ;1?DEVICE=%fdosdir%\bin\atapicdd.sys /D:FDCD0001 >> %cfgfile%
ECHO 12?SHELLHIGH=%comfile% /K %autofile% >> %cfgfile%
ECHO 3?SHELLHIGH=%comfile% /D /K set path=%fdosdir%\bin >> %cfgfile%
for %%x in ( 1 ) DO LOCALIZE 2.%cpugen%%%x >> %autofile%
set umb_list=
goto sub4keyb
set step4=√
if "%keybfile%"=="" goto infomenu
CDD %fdosdir%\bin\key
keyfiles %keybfile%
if not exist %keybfile% keyfiles %keybfile%
cdd -
REM if not exist %fdosdir%\bin\KEY\%keybfile% %fdosdir%\bin\KEY\kblayout.exe -C %keybfile% -d %fdosdir%\bin\KEY
REM if exist %fdosdir%\bin\KEY\%keybfile%
echo LH KEYB %kblayout%,,%fdosdir%\bin\KEY\%keybfile% %keybrest% >> %autofile%
goto infomenu
if exist %fdosroot%\nls\localize.%lang% set nlspath=%fdosroot%\nls
if exist a:\freedos\localize.%lang% set nlspath=a:\freedos
REM localize 7.4 %cfgfile%, %autofile%, %comfile% >> %autofile%
for %%x in ( 0 1 2 1 ) do localize 7.%%x >> %autofile%
goto step5a
set step5=√
if not exist %fdosdir%\bin\ctmouse.exe goto infomenu
localize 3.3
REM ctty nul
if errorlevel 5 goto infomenu
copy /y %fdosdir%\bin\ctmouse.exe %fdosdir%\bin\mouse.exe
for %%x in ( %fdosdir%\bin\ctmouse\ctm-%lang%.exe ) do if exist %%x copy /y %fdosdir%\bin\mouse.exe
ECHO MOUSE >> %autofile%
ctty con
goto infomenu
ctty con
set step6=√
alias boot=%fdosdir%\bin\SYS C: C: BOOTONLY
for %%x in ( 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) do localize 4.%%x
for %%x in ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ) do localize 6.%%x
md %fdosdir%\temp
cd \
cd %fdosdir%
echo Type NO (+ENTER) to not install bootsector,
set /P instboot=or press just ENTER to DO install bootsector
if not "%instboot%"=="" goto clean_up
%fdosdir%\bin\SYS C: C: BOOTONLY
goto clean_up
set temp=%fdosdir%\temp
set tmp=%fdosdir%\temp
set path=%fdosdir%\bin
set nlspath=%fdosdir%\NLS
for %%x in ( 1 2 3 4 5 6 ) do set step%%x=
for %%x in ( files disksrc bootsrc cputype cdname loadbat cdrom findfile ) DO set %%x=
for %%x in ( instmode menu1_nr menu2_nr opt form_opt instparm autofile key ) DO set %%x=
for %%x in ( config cfgfile gui_inst comfile languages fdosroot color display ) DO set %%x=
goto end