Chip 2004 July
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3,118 lines
FreeCom 0.82 patch level 3
List of commands and features of FreeCOM:
* ALIAS - Display or change an alias <#alias>
* BEEP - Issue a Beep <#beep>
* BREAK - Display or Set Extended Break Checking <#break>
* CALL - Call a Nested Batchfile or Program <#call>
* CANCEL - Terminate all scripts <#cancel>
* CD - Change current directory of a drive <#cd>
* CDD - Changes the current working directory <#cdd>
* CHDIR - Change current directory of a drive <#chdir>
* CLS - Clear screen <#cls>
* COPY - Copy one or more files to another location <#copy>
* CTTY - Change TTY (console) <#ctty>
* DATE - Display or set current date <#date>
* DEL - Delete files <#del>
* DIR - Displays the contents of the directory <#dir>
* DIRS - Display the directory stack <#dirs>
* ECHO - Displays a string onto screen <#echo>
* ENVIRONMENT_KEEP_FREE - keep free space in environment segment
* ERASE - Delete files <#erase>
* EXIT - Terminate shell <#exit>
* FEATURE_ALIASES - Command aliases <#feature_aliases>
* FEATURE_AUTO_REDIRECT_TO_CON - Autoswitch CON: to monitor
* FEATURE_BATCH - Batch script processing <#feature_batch>
* FEATURE_BOOT_KEYS - check for F5/F8 keys on startup if /P is
present <#feature_boot_keys>
* FEATURE_CALL_LOGGING - Startup logging <#feature_call_logging>
* FEATURE_DIRSTACK - Directory stack <#feature_dirstack>
* FEATURE_ENHANCED_INPUT - Enhanced command line editing
* FEATURE_HISTORY - Command line history <#feature_history>
* FEATURE_INSTALLABLE_COMMANDS - Installable Commands interface
(MUX-AE) <#feature_installable_commands>
* FEATURE_LAST_DIR - Change back to last directory <#feature_last_dir>
* FEATURE_LOAD_MESSAGES - Load messages permanently
* FEATURE_NLS - use DOS NLS <#feature_nls>
* FOR - Repeat a command <#for>
* GOTO - Goto label <#goto>
* HISTORY - Display command line history <#history>
* IF - Conditional execution of a command <#if>
* LOADFIX - Load an external program above the first 64KB memory
* LOADHIGH - Load an external program into high memory <#loadhigh>
* MD - make directory <#md>
* MEMORY - Display the internally used memory <#memory>
* MKDIR - Make directory <#mkdir>
* PATH - Display or set the search path <#path>
* PAUSE - Pauses batch file execution <#pause>
* POPD - Change back to the last pushed directory <#popd>
* PROMPT - Display or set the shell prompt <#prompt>
* PUSHD - Push the current working directory onto the directory
stack <#pushd>
* QUIT - Terminate the current script <#quit>
* RD - Remove directory <#rd>
* REM - Marks comments or remarks in batchfiles <#rem>
* REN - Rename files <#ren>
* RENAME - Rename files <#rename>
* RMDIR - Remove directory <#rmdir>
* SET - Display or set environment variables <#set>
* SHIFT - Shift the arguments of a batch script <#shift>
* TIME - Display or set current time <#time>
* TRUENAME - Display the true name of a file <#truename>
* TYPE - Display the contents of files <#type>
* VER - Display the version information about FreeCOM and DOS <#ver>
* VERIFY - Display or set verify level <#verify>
* VOL - Display the volume label of a drive <#vol>
* WHICH - Search and display the executable file of specified
commands <#which>
ALIAS - Display or change an alias
Requirements: FEATURE_ALIASES <#feature_aliases>
2. ALIAS /name/ '=' *[* ½string╗ *]*
The first format without any argument displays all defined aliases.
The second format assigns the specified /string/ to the alias with the
specified /name/. If the /string/ is empty, the named alias is removed.
Once an aliase is defined, a command line of the form: name { argument }
is replaced by: <> { argument }
This mechanism is called /alias expansion/, because the alias /name/
expands to the specified ½string╗. To prevent alias expansion the
command must be prefixed by one asterisk, e.g.: *name arguments
Example: 1
ALIAS <#alias> dir=dir /w
displays short directory listing from now on.
Example: 2
ALIAS <#alias>
displays all currently defined aliases, e.g.:
DIR <#dir>=dir /w
in this case.
Example: 3
ALIAS <#alias> dir=
removes the previously defined alias dir, thus, DIR <#dir> displays the
long output as by default again.
FEATURE_ALIASES - Command aliases
See also: ALIAS <#alias>
If defined on compilation of FreeCOM, command aliases are supported.
New aliases are _defined_ using the command:
ALIAS /name/ '=' ½string╗
Aliases are _removed_ using the command:
ALIAS /name/ '='
When FreeCOM is interpreting a command line, the command -- the very
first word -- is matched against all defined aliases. This word is
separated from its arguments by whitespaces and cannot contain any path
delimiters, such as backslashes or colons.
If the command matches an alias, the name is _substituted_ by the
½string╗associated to the aliases, e.g. by defining the alias ls by:
ALIAS <#alias> ls=dir /w/o
let FreeCOM interprete the command line:
C> ls /a
exactly as if one had typed in:
C> dir /w/o /a
To _prevent_ the alias expansion an asterisk is prefixed before the
command, e.g.:
C> *ls /a
really tries to execute the command:
ls /a
which usually is an external command.
Aliases may be used to _hide or re-place internal commands_, e.g.:
ALIAS <#alias> dir=xdir
effectively hides the internal command DIR <#dir> and will always
execute the -- usually -- external command XDIR.
Aliases _may be nested_, so if both alias definitions mentioned above
are in place, the command:
C> ls /a
is really executed as:
xdir /w/o /a
where the ls command is substituted by the command dir /w/o, then dir is
detected as alias, too, and hence replaced by xdir.
The same alias is _never substituted twice_, neither directly nor
transitively, so:
ALIAS <#alias> dir=dir /w
is allowed as well as:
ALIAS <#alias> ls=dir /w/o
ALIAS <#alias> dir=ls -l
command results in
ls ls -l /w/o
dir dir /w/o -l
As implied above, aliases are expanded when needed and /not/ when they
are defined.
Aliases are storred _for each instance of FreeCOM individually_ and are
inherited by secondary instances from the parent.
Compile-time options:
* ALIAS_DEFAULT_SIZE: The size reserved for all aliases per FreeCOM
instance. Default: 1024
BEEP - Issue a Beep
Requirements: CMD_BEEP
Issues a beep.
At this time FreeCOM supports audible beeps only.
BREAK - Display or Set Extended Break Checking
Requirements: CMD_BREAK
BREAK *[* ON | OFF *]*
Displays or sets the Extended Break status.
By pressing ^Break or ^C (Control-Break or Control-C) an user may signal
the currently running program to halt. Most programs will abort to the
prompt, but some may decide to just cancel the current action, but
remain active.
DOS checks for ^Break/^C (Control-Break or Crontrol-C) each time a
program issues a console input/output request. When Extended Break
checking is enabled (/ON/), DOS checks for ^Break each time a program
issues a request.
CALL - Call a Nested Batchfile or Program
See also: LOADFIX <#loadfix>, LOADHIGH <#loadhigh>
Optional requirements: FEATURE_KERNEL_SWAP_SHELL
1. CALL *[/Y]* /program/ *[* ½arguments╗ *]*
2. CALL *[/Y]* *[* */S* | */N* *]* /program/ *[* ½arguments╗ *]*
Calls a program or batch script.
If the /program/ is a batch script <#_appendix_batch>, that means it has
the extension .BAT, CALL <#call> nests the batch script within the
already running one. Without CALL <#call> the invoked batch script would
terminate all already running batch scripts.
If present, the arguments are passed unchanged to the invoked program.
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>.
* */S*: If /program/ is not a batch script, the external program is
executed by swapping FreeCOM out of memory. This process will
require more time, especially if FreeCOM is to be reloaded from a
floppy, some internal settings are lost, e.g. command line
history, but it will free as much memory as possible for the
external program.
This option and, thereby, this function is available only, if
FreeCOM had been compiled with some support for swapping.
* */N*: If /program/ is not a batch script, the external program is
executed directly, with swapping disabled. */N* superceeds */S*.
* */Y*: Enables tracemode during execution of the command.
Note: In the future to swap FreeCOM out of memory during the execution
of an external program will be the default behaviour.
CANCEL - Terminate all scripts
CANCEL *[* /n/ *]*
Terminates all currently active batch scripts and, if present, assigns
the specified number /n/ to the errorlevel.
/Note/: This command is a hidden internal command <#_appendix_hicmd>.
CD - Change current directory of a drive
See also: CDD <#cdd>, CHDIR <#chdir>, DIR <#dir>, DIRS <#dirs>, MD
<#md>, PUSHD <#pushd>, RD <#rd>
Requirements: CMD_CHDIR
Optional requirements: FEATURE_LAST_DIR <#feature_last_dir>
1. CD
2. CD *[* /drive/ ':' *]* /path/
3. CD '-'
CD <#cd> is 100% compatible with the CHDIR <#chdir> command; there is no
difference -- beside the spelling -- between them.
The first variant shows the current working directory <#_appendix_cwd>
as absolute path.
The second variant changes the current directory <#_appendix_currdir> of
the given drive. If no drive is specified on command line, the current
directory of the currently selected drive (disk) <#chgdrive> is changed.
This command does *not* change the currently selected drive in opposite
to CDD <#cdd>!
The third variant changes back into the last visited directory *and*
drive. The commands CD <#cd>, CHDIR <#chdir>, CDD <#cdd>, and PUSHD
<#pushd> save the current working directory before performing the
specified directory change; the command CD <#cd> '-' restores this saved
directory. This command is available only, if the feature LAST_DIR has
been enabled during the compilation of FreeCOM.
There are no options for this command.
Example: 1
CD <#cd> \freedos\help
Changes the current working directory of the currently selected drive to
the path \FREEDOS\HELP.
Example: 2
CD <#cd> c:\freedos\help
Changes the current directory of drive C:.
Example: 3
Assuming the current working directory is \FREEDOS\HELP and the
currently selected drive is C:. CD <#cd>
Example: 3
The command sequence, provided the first two worked successfully:
CD <#cd> ..
CD <#cd> -
changes first into the directory \FREEDOS\HELP, then into its parent
directory, which is \FREECOM. And finally CD <#cd> - changes back to
\FREEDOS\HELP, because this was the previous directory before previous
CD <#cd>-like command.
Because CD <#cd> - saves the previous directory, too, any subsequent: CD
<#cd> -
will switch between these two directories; until another directory is
changed to.
CDD - Changes the current working directory
See also: CD <#cd>, DIR <#dir>, MD <#md>, PUSHD <#pushd>, RD <#rd>
Requirements: CMD_CDD
1. CDD
2. CDD *[* /drive/ ':' *]* /path/
3. CDD '-'
The behaviour of CDD <#cdd> is similiar to the CD <#cd> command, but it
always changes both the currently selected drive and the current
directory, thus, it changes the current working directory.
For further details please see the CD <#cd> command.
CHDIR - Change current directory of a drive
This command is 100% compatible to CD <#cd>, please see there
CLS - Clear screen
See also: ECHO <#echo>, TYPE <#type>
Requirements: CMD_CLS
Clears the screen and resets the character colours to white on black.
COPY - Copy one or more files to another location
See also: DEL <#del>, REN <#ren>
Requirements: CMD_COPY
1. COPY *[{* /option/ *}]* /source/ *[{* /option/ *}]* /target/ *[{*
/option/ *}]*
Copies the source file into the target file. See also: \REF{wildcards}
Before parsing its command line COPY <#copy> parses any /option/
specified by the environment variable *COPYCMD*.
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>.
* */A* see below
* */B*: Specifies the mode, in which the file is copied, */A* forces
ASCII and */B* forces binary mode.
These options do alter the mode of the file immediately preceeding
them and all following ones, until changed again.
In binary mode the file is copied and nothing is changed at all.
In ASCII mode COPY <#copy> takes special care about linefeeds /
newline characters and the end-of-line character.
o On read, the newline characters, which are a sequence of two
different bytes in DOS, are transformed into a single
character, as known from Unix-style systems. On write, this
single character is transformed into the two-byte sequence.
So, if both files are copied with different modes, newline
characters are transformed into either way.
o If the end-of-file character is found on read, the remaining
contents of the file is ignored. On write, such character is
appended after the last character has been written.
By default, files are copied in binary mode, whereas devices, e.g.
CON:, are copied in ASCII mode, but no end-of-file is appended.
* /source/: The source file.
If more than one source file is specified, the target must be a
* /target/: The target of the COPY <#copy> process.
If target is a directory, the destination file is placed into this
directory, but with the same filename as the source file.
If exactly one source is specified, but no target, target defaults
to just ., which represant the current directory.
CTTY - Change TTY (console)
Requirements: CMD_CTTY
CTTY /device/
With this command the console device can be changed. A console device
performs all basic input and output operations. This change is more
complete than IO-redirections <#_appendix_redirection>, because latter
one might not catch all output, for instance the error messages. See
example 3 below.
Because the console is a bidirectional virtual device, meaning it is to
perform input *and* output, the specified /device/ must not a
unidirectional device, such as PRN.
To specify a second argument on the command line of FreeCOM has the same
*Attention*: This command is to effect the whole system, not only
FreeCOM itself; so the effect of CTTY <#ctty> does not only depend on
the implementation status of FreeCOM, but on the DOS kernel, too.
Also, some programs access the screen or keyboard directly, rather than
using the DOS functions; these programs are *not* effected by CTTY <#ctty>.
Example: 1
CTTY <#ctty> aux
Changes the console to the /AUX:/ device, which is usually the first
serial communication port COM1:. If this line is connected to a terminal
or a terminal emulator, the system can be controlled from the terminal
by now.
Example: 2
CTTY <#ctty> nul
any command sequence
CTTY <#ctty> con
The first command discards any output. If a program attempts any input
operation, it gets none. Some programs may not handle such situation
So, any output, even error messages, are discarded during the command
The second command changes the console back to the screen/keyboard pair.
To display a string onto screen or read from keybord the usual
I/O-redirections <#_appendix_redirection> may be used, for instance:
* ECHO <#echo> This line appears on the screen >CON
* PAUSE <#pause> <CON
This PAUSE <#pause> command will get its input even within the
"CTTY <#ctty> nul" environment.
DATE - Display or set current date
See also: TIME <#time>
Requirements: CMD_DATE
1. DATE *[* */D* *]*
2. DATE *[* */D* *]* /date/
The first variant displays the current system date, then enters a loop
prompting the user for a new date. The loop terminates, if the user
entered a valid new date or just pressed the ENTER key.
The second variant does not display the current date and tries to change
the date to the specified /date/. On success the command terminates,
otherwise enters the loop explained above.
The individual portions of a date may be separated by at least: dots .,
forward slashes / or dashes -. Other nationally used characters may be
supported, too.
DATE <#date> will support partial formats:
* A /single numnber/: specifies the day only.
* /Two numbers/: specifies the day and the month in the order used
by the national date format, which is MM/DD for American and
Japanese and DD/MM for European format.
* /Three numbers/: specifies a full date including day, month and
year in the order suitable for the national date format, which is:
o MM/DD/[CC]YY: for American,
o DD/MM/[CC]YY: for European and
o [CC]YY/MM/DD: for Japanese format.
If the year portion is less than 100, the century is assumed to be
1900, if it is greater or equal than 80; otherwise the century is
/Note/: Some European countries introduced the so-called business
date in 1996 or so, which is the same as the Japanese format; it
makes sorting of literal dates a lot easier. If FreeCOM will or
will not support it, will depend on the NLS used by DOS.
Symbolical names of monthes are not support (yet).
All options must precced any argument.
*/D* prevents from prompting the user.
1. In variant 1, the date is displayed only.
2. In variant 2, the date is tried to be changed, but the loop is not
entered on failure.
Example: 1
DATE <#date> /D
Just display the current system date.
Example: 3
DATE <#date> 2/1/00
Sets the current date to 1st February of 2000.
DEL - Delete files
See also: DIR <#dir>
Requirements: CMD_DELETE
DEL *[{* /options/ | /pattern/ *}]*
Deletes files, if /pattern/ matches a directory, all files within this
directory are deleted.
When all files are to be deleted, a warning prompt is issued.
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>.
* */P*: Prompts the user before delete a file.
* */V*: Displays, which files are deleted.
Example: 1
Deletes the files FILE1.EXT and FILE2.EXT.
Example: 2
DEL <#del> /P *.bak
Deletes all files with extension BAK, but prompts the user for each
single file before deleting it.
Example: 3
DEL <#del>.
Deletes all files within the current directory.
DIR - Displays the contents of the directory
See also: CHDIR <#chdir>, MKDIR <#mkdir>, RMDIR <#rmdir>
Requirements: CMD_DIR
DIR *[{* /options/ | /pattern/ *}]*
DIR <#dir> displays the contents of direcories and/or the attributes of
files, whatever the /pattern/ specifies. If no /pattern/ is specified on
command line, the current working directory is displayed. The actual
information displayed depends on the specified options and is explained
A /pattern/ may contain wildcards <#_appendix_wildcards>, which are
expanded against both files and directories. To specify a directory is
essentially equal to write: directory\*.*.
Unlike options patterns are performed in sequence, that means that if
two patterns are specified, first all entries matching the first one,
then all entries matching the second one are displayed; instead of to
display the matching entries intermixed.
Before parsing its command line DIR <#dir> parses any /option/ specified
by the environment variable *DIRCMD*.
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>.
* */A*: (All) Wildcards are matched against System and Hidden files,
* */A***: (Attribute) Wildcards are matched against files with
selected attributes set or clear. The argument of the */A* option
is a sequence of:
o *?* meaning: attribute *?* must be set, or
o *-?* meaning: attribute *?* must not be set.
The following attributes, the *?* above, are supported:
o *R* for: read-only,
o *H* for: hidden,
o *S* for: system,
o *D* for: directory, and
o *A* for: archive.
If the same attribute is specified twice within the same */A*
option, the last one superceeds previous ones; if more than one
*/A* option is specified, the last one superceeds all previous ones.
* */B*: (Bare) Displays the lines with the information of files and
directories only. The ones displaying the volume label, the serial
number, totals etc. are suppressed. In combination with */S* the
absolute path of the files is displayed.
* */L*: (Lower-case) Filenames are displayed in lower-case letters
rather than capitol ones.
* */O*: (Order default) is a synonym of */ONG*.
* */O***: (Order) Sort the entries displayed in a specific order.
The following sort orders are supported:
o *D* sort by last modification *d*ate (earliest first)
o *E* sort by file *e*xtension
o *G* *g*roup directories first
o *N* sort by file *n*ame
o *S* sort by size (smallest first)
o *U* do not sort (*u*nsorted)
Each sort order, except *U*, may be prefixed by a hyphen to
reverse the sort order. *U* effectively cancels any previous
setting or specified sort order, e.g. to override an */O* option
from the *DIRCMD* environment variable.
If the same sort order is specified twice within the same */O*
option, the last one superceeds previous ones; if more than one
*/O* option is specified, the last one superceeds all previous ones.
*Warning*: The entries are cached within memory before displaying
them; if FreeCOM runs short on memory, to sort is disabled
completely or the entries are sorted in chunks only.
* */P*: (Page) Page the output -- pause the display after issuing
one screen-full.
* */S*: (Subdirectories) Recursively display directories.
* */W*: (Wide) Displays five filenames per line and suppress the
information about the file size, date etc.
* */Y*: (Year) Displays a 4-digit year, rather than just two digits.
* */4*: (4digit Year) is a synonym of */Y*.
Example: 1
DIR <#dir>
Displays the contents of the current directory, but ignore System and
Hidden files. The output may look like this:
Example: 2
DIR <#dir> a* bb* *.txt
First displays all files, that begin with the letter A; then all files,
that begin with two letters B, are displayed and at last all files with
the extension TXT.
Example: 3
DIR <#dir> /w a* b*
DIR <#dir> a* /w b*
DIR <#dir> a* b* /w
Because the position of options is not significant, all these examples
behave the same way and display the matching files in /wide/ or also
called /short/ form, which may look like this:
DIRS - Display the directory stack
See also: CD <#cd>, CHDIR <#chdir>, POPD <#popd>, PUSHD <#pushd>
Requirements: CMD_DIRS
Displays all directories stacked with the PUSHD <#pushd> command.
ECHO - Displays a string onto screen
See also: TYPE <#type>
Requirements: CMD_ECHO
1. ECHO *[* ON | OFF *]*
2. ECHO ½string╗
3. ECHO.
When executing a batch script each line is displayed to the console
before executing it by default. The first variant of ECHO <#echo>
enables or disables this behaviour. To disable echoing the commands is
equal to prefix each line of a batch script with the Ad-symbol @.
If ECHO <#echo> is invoked with no argument at all, the current echo
status is displayed.
When entered on an interactive command line the echo status controls
whether or not the PROMPT <#prompt> string is displayed.
The second variant displays the specified ½string╗.
Note: Because of variant 1 ½string╗ may not expand to the single words
ON or OFF without another character.
The third variant displays an empty line. No space must be placed
between the dot and ECHO <#echo>.
Example: 1
ECHO <#echo>
Displays the current echo status, e.g. responding:
ECHO <#echo> is on
Example: 2
@ECHO <#echo> OFF
Disables the echo status. Because the Ad-sign @ disables the echo status
right for this line, this command disable echoing all the next lines of
a batch script and is not echoed to the console itself. It is,
therefore, best placed in the first line of a batch script.
Example: 3
ECHO <#echo> Just a text
Displays Just a text
FEATURE_ENHANCED_INPUT - Enhanced command line editing
See also: FEATURE_FILENAME_COMPLETION <#feature_filename_completion>,
FEATURE_HISTORY <#feature_history>
If enabled on compilation of FreeCOM, enhanced command line editing
features are activated. Otherwise, FreeCOM uses the default buffered
input DOS API function #0A.
If this feature is disabled, neither command line history nor filename
completion is available.
Besides the other features various key bindings recognized, which are
listed in the general FreeCOM documentation.
ERASE - Delete files
This command is 100% compatible to DEL <#del>, please see there
EXIT - Terminate shell
Terminates the currently running shell, unless FreeCOM had been started
with the */P* option. In this case, EXIT <#exit> works like CANCEL
FEATURE_AUTO_REDIRECT_TO_CON - Autoswitch CON: to monitor
If defined on compilation of FreeCOM and if FreeCOM is to terminate
although it is forbidden -- e.g. by passing the */P* option when
executing FreeCOM --, the console is changed to the keyboard/monitor
pair automatically after some insuccessful prompts to reboot the system.
Compile-time options:
* FEATURE_AUTO_REDIRECT_TO_CON <#feature_auto_redirect_to_con>: How
many loops may pass before switching the console CON: to the
monitor. Default: 5.
FEATURE_BATCH - Batch script processing
Requirements: IMPLICIT
The batch script processing is always enabled.
Compile-time options:
* BATCH_NESTLEVEL_MIN: Minimal supported batch nesting level.
Default: 5
ENVIRONMENT_KEEP_FREE - keep free space in environment segment
If defined on compilation of FreeCOM, FreeCOM tries to keep the unused
space in the environment segment equal to or greater than
ENVIRONMENT_KEEP_FREE <#environment_keep_free>. The default value is 256.
FEATURE_BOOT_KEYS - check for F5/F8 keys on startup if /P is present
If defined on compilation of FreeCOM, FreeCOM waits three seconds on
startup, if the */P* switch is present. If during this time a key has
been pressed, |F5| will bypass AUTOEXEC.BAT execution and |F8| will
enable trace mode.
|F5| is equal to to pass the */D* switch <FreeCOM.html#-cmdline> to
|F8| is equal to to pass the */Y* switch <FreeCOM.html#-cmdline> to
FEATURE_INSTALLABLE_COMMANDS - Installable Commands interface (MUX-AE)
If defined on compilation of FreeCOM, calls to the Installable Commands
API are made before executing any command. The API is situated at
MUX-AE, the Multiplexer interrupt 0x2F function 0xAE.
The interface is documented elsewhere, for instance RBIL (Ralph Brown's
interrupt list).
If defined on compilation of FreeCOM, FreeCOM uses the information
retrievable by the currently active DOS NLS using the API functions #65.
These information influence:
* the format displaying time and date information,
* the characters to delimit items in lists,
* the currency string and display format,
* how to up- (and supported by some NLS only) to lower-case characters,
* how to sort characters.
FEATURE_CALL_LOGGING - Startup logging
If defined on compilation of FreeCOM, all startups of a FreeCOM instance
is logged into a file.
The drive the logfile is created on can be changed at run-time with the
external tool PTCHLDRV.
Compile-time options:
* LOG_FILE: The name of the logfile. Default: C:\FreeCom.log
Requirements: FEATURE_ENHANCED_INPUT <#feature_enhanced_input>
If defined on compilation of FreeCOM and if the enhanced command line
editing is activated as well, the tabulatur key binding becomes available.
When the tabulator key is pressed, the word the cursor is located on
actually or is immediately preceeding is separated and tried to match
against files, like a DIR <#dir> command would do, e.g. when hitting tab
at the command line:
bar\f_ some arguments
-- where the underscore _ is to mark the location of the cursor and is
/no/ actual character -- causes FreeCOM to try to locate any files or
directories matching the filename pattern bar\f*.*.
If none is found, a beep is issued to indicate that error and the
command line remains unchanged.
Otherwise as many characters are appended to the filename as are the
same for all found matches, e.g.:
1. if exactly one match was found, its name is appened.
2. if, for example, the files or directories: FOO, FUU.TXT or FUU are
present in the directory BAR, no character is appened, because
there are no equal characters following the already present f
3. if, for example, the files or directories: FOO, FOO.TXT or
FOO1.TXT are present in the directory BAR, the two characters OO
are appened, because all found matches share these two characters
immediately following the already present characers. Hence, the
command line is expanded to:
bar\FOO_ some arguments
Please note that the case of all characters will match the case of
the retrieved filenames.
In addition, because in the cases 2 and 3 the file completion was not
complete because more than one match was found, a beep is issued. In
this situation to hit the tabulator key a second time, without an
intervueing other key press, causes to display all available matches,
but keeps the command line unchanged otherwise.
If exactly one filename match was found, hence the file completion was
complete, and if the found match is a directory, a backslash is appended
to. This allows to walk into deep levels of directories speededly.
If the cursor had been placed, for instance, under the backslash in
above mentioned command line, the full string bar\f had been tried to be
completed as well. This behaviour differs from other implementations.
Compile-time options:
* FILE_SEARCH_MODE: Filemode passed to the DOS API to aquire
matching directory entries. Default: Read-Only, Archive, Directory
FEATURE_DIRSTACK - Directory stack
See also: DIRS <#dirs>, POPD <#popd>, PUSHD <#pushd>
This feature is automatically enabled, if PUSHD <#pushd> is enabled.
The directory stack pushes and pops directories on demand via the
commands PUSHD <#pushd> and POPD <#popd>. DIRS <#dirs> displays all
pushed directories.
Please see the documentation of the mentioned commands.
Compile-time options:
* DIRSTACK_DEFAULT_SIZE: The amount of bytes reserved to store items
of the directory stack. Default: 256
FEATURE_HISTORY - Command line history
See also: HISTORY <#history>
Requirements: FEATURE_ENHANCED_INPUT <#feature_enhanced_input>
If enabled on compilation of FreeCOM and the enhanced command line
editing is acivated as well, the command line history becomes available.
When commands are enterred manually on the command line prompt of
FreeCOM, old command lines are storred in the history and can be
retrieved later using the key bindings of F3, F1 and the cursor Up and
Down keys.
Without the command line history at most one line is cached.
The command:
HISTORY <#history>
displays all cached command lines.
The command:
HISTORY /number/
resizes the amount of bytes reserved to cache command lines to /number/
bytes. Doing so all cached command lines are deleted.
Each instance of FreeCOM maintains its own command line history, which
is initially inherited from the particular parent instance, if any.
Compile-time options:
* HISTORY_DEFAULT_SIZE: The amount of bytes reserved initially.
Default: 256
FEATURE_LAST_DIR - Change back to last directory
See also: CD <#cd>, CDD <#cdd>, CHDIR <#chdir>, POPD <#popd>, PUSHD <#pushd>
If defined on compilation of FreeCOM, every change of the current
directory using an internal command records the previous directory and
enables the /-/ shortcut for CD <#cd>, CDD <#cdd> and CHDIR <#chdir>.
C> CD <#cd> \
C> CD <#cd> freedos\bin
C> CD <#cd> -
C> CD <#cd> -
The first CD <#cd> command changes into the root direcotry, the second
into the directory \FREEDOS\BIN, any subsequent CD <#cd> - commands will
change between the root directory and \FREEDOS\BIN.
FOR - Repeat a command
Requirements: CMD_FOR
FOR '%' /letter/ IN '(' *{* /word/ | /pattern/ *}* ')' DO ½any command╗
Executes ½any command╗ for several values assigned to the variable
/letter/. The values are read strictly left to right from the /word/s
and /pattern/s enclosed in parenthises; where /pattern/s are words
containing wildcards and are replaced by all matching filenames.
Any occurence of a percent sign % and the specified letter is replaced
by the current value of the FOR <#for> loop. /Note:/ The letter is
case-sensitively matched!
*Warning #1*: Unlike most commands I/O-redirections
<#_appendix_redirection> are passed forth to the command instead of to
apply them to FOR <#for> itself, e.g.:
FOR <#for> %a IN (*.*) DO ECHO <#echo> %a >q
repeatedly executes the ECHO <#echo> command with the redirection >q,
hence, effectively overwriting the file each time.
*Warning #2*: Due the syntactical problem that the FOR <#for> variable
is specified as '%' /letter/, which is also a legal start of an
environment variable, the following kludge had been included to support
FOR <#for> and its special variables:
* You can use as many percent character as you wish as long as you
use exactly the same number for a particular FOR <#for> variable.
* Before any environment variables are expanded, the command line is
checked for the skeleton specified within the synopsis (there must
not be specified no redirection between the FOR <#for> and DO
keywords), if it is found, the FOR <#for> command is executed
/without/ expanding any environment variables -- they get expanded
each time the command is invoked.
* *Known Bug*: Otherwise any environment variables are expanded and,
if it happens that a valid FOR <#for> command is found now, the
environment variables within the command are expanded a second
time. In this case the I/O redirections are applied to FOR <#for>,
too, instead of passing them forth to the command.
* FOR <#for> commands as part of the command of CALL <#call>, IF
<#if>, and FOR <#for> itself are never found before expanding the
environment variables.
*Warning #3*: Due a bug in MS COMMAND (BugID #1050) the right
parenthesis *must* be followed by at least one whitespace, this allows
the "/feature/" to embed such characters within the words and patterns,
FOR <#for> %a in (a()a b()b) DO command
executes the command two times, first replacing %a by a()a, second by b()b.
Example: 1
FOR <#for> %z IN (*.*) DO copy %a a:
Performs a COPY <#copy> xyz A: command for each file in the current
directory. Its behaviour is equal to COPY <#copy> *.* A:
Example: 2
FOR <#for> %z IN (a?b*.TXT) DO CALL <#call> batch arg %z
Executes the batch script batch.bat for each file matching the pattern
A?B*.TXT located in the current directory. Within the script, the
automatic variable /%1/ always expands to the constant argument /arg/,
whereas /%2/ expands to the filename of the current loop.
Example: 3
FOR <#for> %a IN (1 2 3 4 5) DO ECHO <#echo> %a
Is equal to the command sequence:
ECHO <#echo> 1
ECHO <#echo> 2
ECHO <#echo> 3
ECHO <#echo> 4
ECHO <#echo> 5
Because these words do /not/ contain no wildcards, they are /not/
matched as filenames.
Example: 4
FOR <#for> %g IN (1 2 3*) DO ECHO <#echo> %g
Performs the commands:
ECHO <#echo> 1
ECHO <#echo> 2
and the ECHO <#echo> command for each file in the current directory,
that has no extension and which name starts with the digit three.
GOTO - Goto label
Requirements: CMD_GOTO
GOTO *[* ':' *]* /label/
Normally all commands of a batch script are executed in the sequence in
which they are appear with the script. GOTO <#goto> controls the command
flow by unconditionally jumping to the specified /label/; the commands
following that label will be executed then. A label is written as a
colon in the first column of a line and the name of the label
immediately behind. If FreeCOM hits a label in the normal flow, it is
ignored completely, even any redirection characters are ignored.
The /label/ must be located in the same script file as the GOTO <#goto>
itself, if it appears more than once, the first occurance takes precedence.
Conditional jumps can be contructed with help of the IF <#if> command,
see example 2.
Example: 1
GOTO <#goto> ende
Jumps the to label :ende
Example: 2
IF <#if> "%1"=="" GOTO <#goto> emptyCommandLine
Jumps to label :emptyCommandLine, if no argument had been passed to the
batch script. For instance:
@ECHO <#echo> OFF
IF <#if> "%1"=="" GOTO <#goto> error
REM <#rem> do something sane here
GOTO <#goto> ende
ECHO <#echo> You must pass an argument to me!
HISTORY - Display command line history
Requirements: FEATURE_HISTORY <#feature_history>
2. HISTORY /number/
The first format without any argument displays all cached command lines.
The second format resizes the memory pre-allocated for the command line
history cache to /number/ bytes.
IF - Conditional execution of a command
1. IF *[* NOT *]* EXIST /file/ ½command╗
2. IF *[* NOT *]* ERRORLEVEL /number/ ½command╗
3. IF *[* NOT *]* /string/ '==' /word/ ½command╗
4. IF *[* NOT *]* /quoted-string/ '==' /quoted-string/ ½command╗
Conditionally executes the specified ½command╗. If the keyword NOT is
specified, the condition is negated, meaning, the ½command╗ is executed,
if the condition evaluates to false.
The first condition evaluates to true, if the specified /file/ exists.
Wildcards are supported. On local file systems one can test for
character devices, too.
The second variant evaluates to true, if the errorlevel is currently
assigned to a number greater or equal than the specified /number/.
Errorlevels are assigned when external commands terminates or via CANCEL
<#cancel> or QUIT <#quit>.
The third and four ones are true, when the left string is
case-sensitively equal to the string on the right side of the double
equal sign. Either side may be quoted by double quotes, though, if the
right side is /not/ quoted, the first word is tested only.
Example: 1
IF <#if> NOT EXIST c:\command.com ECHO <#echo> There is no COMMAND.COM
in C:\
Executes the ECHO <#echo> command, if a file C:\COMMAND.COM does /not/
Example: 2
IF <#if> EXIST c:\fdos\nul GOTO <#goto> have_fdos_directory
Branch the interpretation of the batch script to the label, if the file
C:\FDOS\NUL exists. Because the filename NUL corresponds to the
character device NUL:, which always exists, this test may be used to
probe for the existance of the path C:\FDOS, because all character
devices are virtually present in every directory of local filesystems.
Example: 3
IF <#if> %1==name ECHO <#echo> First argument is "name"
ECHO <#echo> is executed, if the first argument of the current batch
script is /"name"/ (without the quotes). %1 may expand to any string,
even with embedded whitespaces, but without an embedded double equal
sign. Also, metacharacters included within the argument are evaluated.
Example: 4
IF <#if> "%1"=="first name" ECHO <#echo> First argument is "first name"
ECHO <#echo> is executed, if the first argument of the current batch
script is /"first name"/ (without the quotes). %1 may expand to any
string, even with embedded whitespaces or an embedded double equal sign
or metacharacters.
FEATURE_LOAD_MESSAGES - Load messages permanently
If enabled on compilation of FreeCOM, the */MSG* becomes available.
If this option is present, when an instance of FreeCOM is created, the
FreeCOM messages are loaded into memory permanently. Otherwise, the
messages are loaded on demand and are removed from memory when an
external command is executed, in order to conserve memory.
This feature may help to run FreeCOM on disk- and floppyless boxes.
LOADFIX - Load an external program above the first 64KB memory
See also: CALL <#call>, LOADHIGH <#loadhigh>
LOADFIX /program/ *[{* /argument/ *}]*
Loads and executes an exepacked program, that would abort execution with
the error message "Packed file corrupt" otherwise.
/Attention:/ This command is not available in the XMS-only variant of
LOADFIX <#loadfix> program.exe
LOADHIGH - Load an external program into high memory
See also: CALL <#call>, LOADFIX <#loadfix>
LOADHIGH *[{* /option/ *}]* /program/ *[{* /argument/ *}]*
Loads and executes an external program in high memory, also called UMB.
This command is used to load TSRs, such mouse drivers, into the upper
memory to conserve the conventional memory for programs.
LOADHIGH <#loadhigh> lmouse.com
MD - make directory
See also: CD <#cd>, MKDIR <#mkdir>, RD <#rd>
Requirements: CMD_MKDIR
MD /path/
Creates a directory of the specified name /path/. Any parent directories
must already exist.
Example: 1
MD <#md> C:\1
Creates the directory 1 in the root directory of drive C:.
Example: 2
MKDIR <#mkdir> C:\1\2\3
Creates the directory 3 in the directory \1\2 of drive C:. If the
directory C:\1\2 does not exist, yet, the command fails.
MEMORY - Display the internally used memory
Requirements: CMD_MEMORY
Displays the useage of internal memory of FreeCOM. Note: The internals
of FreeCOM are currently under heavy construction, the actual output
might vary heavily from this example.
MEMORY <#memory>
may display this:
Environment segment : max 1200 bytes; free 8 bytes
Context segment : max 2304 bytes; free 2252 bytes
Aliases : limit 1024 bytes, current 5 bytes, 0 items
History : limit 256 bytes, current 34 bytes, 2 items
Directory stack: limit 256 bytes, current 5 bytes, 0 items
Last dir cache : used 0 bytes, 0 items
Swapinfo : used 0 bytes, 0 items
Heap : free 482080 bytes
* The Environment segment is the storage area, the environment
variables are storred in. It may be changed passing the */E*
option to FreeCOM.
* FreeCOM stores several internal information into the Context
segment; the aliases - modified by the ALIAS <#alias> command -,
the history - displayed using the HISTORY <#history> command,
accessed by pressing the cursor Up/Down keys on command line -,
the directory stack - displayed with the DIRS <#dirs> command and
accessed using the PUSHD <#pushd> and POPD <#popd> commands -, the
last directory - accessed with the CD <#cd> - command -, and,
finally, some internal command used by the low-level swap
interface of FreeCOM.
* The heap is the storage area FreeCOM can allocated memory from
itself. This value is useful for FreeCOM developers mostly.
* max specifies the maximum amount of bytes allocatable within this
storage area.
* free specifies the unused bytes within this storage area.
* limit specifies the maximum amount of bytes allocatable for the
particular information within the area.
* current specifies the amount of bytes currently allocated for the
particular information.
* items specifies the number of items storred for the particular
information, e.g. how many directories have been pushed onto the
stack using PUSHD <#pushd>.
MKDIR - Make directory
This command is 100% compatible to MD <#md>, please see there
PATH - Display or set the search path
Requirements: CMD_PATH
2. PATH *[* '=' *]* *{* /path/ *:* ';' *}*
3. PATH;
Displays or assigns a new search path.
The first variant displays the currently active search path.
The second one assigns the specified paths to the search path. The
leading equal sign, if present, is ignored.
The third variant empties the search path.
When FreeCOM searches for an external command or a batch script, which
has no path specified, it is search for in all the directories specified
in the search path. If the current directory . is not mentioned in the
search path, it is searched through first.
Example: 1
PATH <#path> c:\fdos\bin;c:\tools;d:\others\bin;bin
If FreeCOM is to execute an external program, e.g. XCOPY, FreeCOM will
search for the program in the following directories in the specified
order, the first program file found is executed:
1. the current directory
5. BIN
Note: Because the last directory specification is a relative one, rather
than an absolute one, the program is searched for in the sub-directory
BIN of the current directory.
PAUSE - Pauses batch file execution
Requirements: CMD_PAUSE
2. PAUSE ½string╗
Pauses the batch file execution until a key is pressed.
PAUSE <#pause> prompts the user with the specified string or, if none is
specifed, "Press any key to proceed"
Example: 1
PAUSE <#pause>
Just pauses the execution.
Example: 2
PAUSE <#pause> Execution paused, press any key to proceed ...
Pauses execution displaying this string.
Example: 3
PAUSE <#pause> >nul
Pauses execution, but does not display any prompt.
POPD - Change back to the last pushed directory
See also: CD <#cd>, CDD <#cdd>, DIRS <#dirs>, POPD <#popd>
Requirements: CMD_CDD, CMD_POPD
2. POPD '*'
The first variant changes the current directory back to the one, in
which the last PUSHD <#pushd> command was executed.
The second one clears all entries of the directory stack, but does not
change the current directory.
PROMPT - Display or set the shell prompt
Requirements: CMD_PROMPT
PROMPT *[* '=' *]* /prompt/
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>.
Example: 1
PUSHD - Push the current working directory onto the directory stack
See also: CD <#cd>, CDD <#cdd>, DIRS <#dirs>, POPD <#popd>
Requirements: CMD_CDD, CMD_PUSHD
PUSHD /directory/
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>.
Example: 1
QUIT - Terminate the current script
QUIT *[* /n/ *]*
Terminates the current active batch script and, if present, assigns the
specified number /n/ to the errorlevel.
/Note/: This command is a hidden internal command <#_appendix_hicmd>.
RD - Remove directory
See also: CD <#cd>, MD <#md>, RMDIR <#rmdir>
Requirements: CMD_RMDIR
RD /path/
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>.
Example: 1
REM - Marks comments or remarks in batchfiles
Requirements: CMD_REM
REM ½string╗
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>.
Example: 1
REN - Rename files
See also: RENAME <#rename>
Requirements: CMD_RENAME
REN /source/ /destination/
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>.
Example: 1
RENAME - Rename files
This command is 100% compatible to REN <#ren>, please see there
RMDIR - Remove directory
This command is 100% compatible to RD <#rd>, please see there
SET - Display or set environment variables
Requirements: CMD_SET
1. SET *[{* /option/ *}]*
2. SET *[{* /option/ *}]* /variable/ '=' ½string╗
The first variant (without any argument) displays all the currently
defined environment variables in the format (without any whitespaces
before or after the equal sign): /name/ '=' ½value╗
The second variant assigns a new value ½string╗ to the specified
/variable/. If the /variable/ already exists, the old value is
overwritten without notice; otherwise it is newly created.
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>. All options must
preceed the assigment, if present.
* */C*: forces to keep the exact case of the letters of the variable
name; by default all letters are uppercased to keep compatibly.
* */I*: has been temporarily included to the SET <#set> command to
allow an easy way to display the current size of the environment
segment, because it is one of the most frequently reported, but
not reproduceable bug report. Once this option has been
encountered, all the remaining command line is ignored.
* */P*: Prompts the user with the specified ½string╗ and assigns the
user's input to the /variable/. If no input is made, hence, one
taps just ENTER, an empty value is assigned to the /variable/,
which is then removed from the environment.
SHIFT - Shift the arguments of a batch script
Requirements: CMD_SHIFT
Shifts the arguments of a batch script one position up (first variant)
or down (second variant).
Within a batch script the automatic variables %0 through %9 are replaced
by the script name and the first nine arguments. This can be imagined as
a window to ten arguments of the script. SHIFT <#shift> will allow to
move this window of ten arguments towards its end (up) or its start (down).
After SHIFT <#shift> has been executed, the former %0 is hidden and
inaccessable, %1 became %0, %2 became %1 a.s.o, %9 became %8 and the
formerly hidden tenth argument became %9.
SHIFT <#shift> DOWN reverses one SHIFT <#shift> command.
SHIFT <#shift> can be called as many times as wanted, SHIFT <#shift>
DOWN won't allow to underflow the very first argument.
Example: 1
If the batch script B.BAT:
@ECHO <#echo> OFF
ECHO <#echo> 0: %0
ECHO <#echo> 1: %1
ECHO <#echo> 2: %2
had been executed using:
B.BAT 1 2 3 4
it displays:
If a SHIFT <#shift> command had been inserted as second line, the same
call displays:
TIME - Display or set current time
See also: DATE <#date>
Requirements: CMD_TIME
1. TIME *[* */T* *]*
2. TIME *[* */T* *]* /time/
Variant 1 displays the current time, then enters a loop prompting the
user to enter a new time. The loops terminates when a valid time had
entered or the user just pressed the ENTER key.
Variant 2 does not display the current time, but tries to change the
current time to the specified /time/, on failure the loop as explained
above is entered.
The individual portions of a time may be sperated by at least: dots .,
colons : and forward slashes /. Other nationally used characters may be
supported, too. If a certain number of portions are specified:
1. error,
2. hour:minute; seconds and hundreds default to zero,
3. hour:minute:seconds; hundreds defaults to zero,
4. hour:minute:seconds.hundreds;
5. more than 4 portions result in an error.
Separated by no, one or more whitespaces the am/pm modifiers may follow
optionally. If present they alter the given time as follows:
* AM: if hour is equal to 12, it becomes 0 (midnight).
* PM: f hour is greater than 12, it is incremented by 12.
All options must preceed any arguments.
*/T*: prevents from prompting the user.
1. In variant 1, the time is displayed only.
2. In variant 2, the time is tried to be changed, but the loop is not
entered on failure.
Example: 1
TIME <#time> /T
Just displays the current time.
Example: 2
TIME <#time> 18:2
Sets the current system time to 6:02 PM.
TRUENAME - Display the true name of a file
Requirements: CMD_TRUENAME
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>.
Example: 1
TYPE - Display the contents of files
See also: DIR <#dir>, ECHO <#echo>
Requirements: CMD_TYPE
TYPE *{* /pattern/ *}*
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>.
Example: 1
VER - Display the version information about FreeCOM and DOS
Requirements: CMD_VER
VER *[{* /option/ *}]*
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>.
Example: 1
VERIFY - Display or set verify level
Requirements: CMD_VERIFY
VERIFY *[* ON | OFF *]*
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>.
Example: 1
VOL - Display the volume label of a drive
See also: DIR <#dir>
VOL *[* /drive/ *]*
Unless stated otherwise all options of this command do follow the
standard rules for options <#_appendix_options>.
Example: 1
WHICH - Search and display the executable file of specified commands
Requirements: CMD_WHICH
WHICH *[{* /command/ *}]*
Searches for the specified command(s) the same way as if it would be
specified on command line as command itself. If an executable file is
found, its path is displayed in this format:
/command/ ½tab╗ /path/
The ½tab╗ stands for the tabulator character (ASCII 9).
If the command is not found only the /command/ part, but neither a
/path/ nor the ½tab╗ is displayed.
Internal commands, installable commands and aliases are not found.
Example: 1
WHICH <#which> which
Returns a file or nothing, because WHICH <#which> is an internal command.
Example: 2
WHICH <#which> command
Could display for instance:
command C:\COMMAND.COM
Please note that command is the string "command" and no placeholder.
Current Directory
The current directory is the default directory of a drive.
DOS stores a default directory for each drive. When a path is specified
with a drive specification only, such as D:, it is completed with this
default directory of that drive to construct the absolute path
<#_appendix_abspath> to be used.
Current Working Direcory
In opposite to the current directory the current /working/ directory is
the absolute path <#_appendix_abspath> constructed out of the currently
selected drive <#chgdrive> and current directory <cd> of that drive.
Path Specification
In DOS an absolute path is constructed out of several components:
1. drive,
2. directory,
3. filename, and
4. file extension.
like this: D:\DIR1\DIR2\FILENAME.EXT.
The drive is a single letter from A through Z followed by a colon :.
The remaining part of a path consists of similiar components delimited
by a single backslash \. The last component is also called filename.
Each of these components may be formed of a name, up to eight characters
long, and an extension, up to three characters long. Both parts are
delimited by a single dot .. Although the extension may be absent, the
filename must have at least one character.
Note: The term /filename/ is not limited to /files/ in the usual sense,
but may apply to any name visible in a directory, such as subdirectories
and volume labels, as well.
To ease the way to enter a path the user may specify a relative path,
rather than an absolute one. In such path one or more components may be
* If no drive is specified, what means that no colon is specified,
the path is prefixed by the currently selected drive <#chgdrive>.
* If the directory is not prefixed by the backslash or no directory
is specified at all, the current directory <#_appendix_currdir> of
the drive is inserted right behind the colon.
* Some programs may append an absent extension to the very last
filename component.
Examples, assume the current directories of
*Drive* *Current Directory*
The currently selected drive is C:.
1. C:\
The root directory of drive C:.
2. .
The current working directory, ergo: C:\FREEDOS\HELP.
3. ..
The parent directory, ergo: C:\FREEDOS.
4. D:
The current directory of drive D:, ergo: D:\TEMP.
5. D:.
The current directory of drive D:, ergo: D:\TEMP.
6. D:..
The parent directory of drive D:, ergo: D:\.
7. ..\BIN
Because there is neither a drive nor a leading backslash, both the
currently selected drive and the current directory of that drive
is inserted before the given path, ergo: C:\FREEDOS\HELP\..\BIN.
The embedded component .. has the same meaning as when specified
alone: /parent directory/, though, here in the context of the
directory C:\FREEDOS\HELP\. That means that the final absolute
path is: C:\FREEDOS\BIN.
Path specifications that do not conform to above mentioned format lead
to various different behaviour of the various programs, because there is
no standard to scan, parse and interprete such patterns. Problems include:
* multiple backslashes,
* multiple dots,
* multiple colons, or a colon at a position unequal to two,
* The current directory . or parent directory .. special directories
in the context of a root directory, such as C:\., C:\.., or
Note: The special directories . and .. are no phantom directories or
virtual entries, but standard entries of every directory except the root
directories. These entries help crash recovery tools, such as CHKDSK or
SCANDISK, to find errors within the directory structure and restore it
to a valid file tree. Therefore a common assumption that a tripple dot
... directory means /parent-of-parent/ is incorrect, though, might be
supported by certain programs.
Standard Rules for Options
Options are prefixed by one forward slash "/", the following character
identifies the option and is called option character, for instance: */A*
Some commands do accept long option names, where a complete word
identifies the option rather than a single character, e.g. */MSG*.
Some option may be used in conjunction with an argument. The argument is
appended to the option with one colon ":" or one equal sign "=", for
instance: */A:hr* or */P=fdexec.bat*.
Multiple options /without/ argument maybe merged together as a single
option with or without embedded slashes, e.g. */WS* or */W/S*, instead
of */W /S*.
However, because some commands do accept long option names, the way with
embedded slashes is more secure and is recommended therefore.
An option with argument may be the last one of such merged options.
Options without arguments enable or disable certain features. Therefore,
those options are sometimes called /boolean/ options or flags.
Boolean options may be optionally prefixed by a plus "+" or minus "-"
sign. So, the boolean option *O* can be written in three ways:
1. */+O*: The option is enabled.
2. */-O*: The option is disabled.
3. */O*: (neither plus nor minus sign) The option is toggled or
flipped; this means if the option is enabled currently, it is
disabled; but if it is disabled currently, it is enabled.
Without user invention a boolean option is disabled by default, so both
*/+O* and */O* behave the same most of the time. However, some commands
allow the user to change the default settings of certain options, e.g.
COPY <#copy> and DIR <#dir>.
I/O Redirection
In DOS the standard input and output can be redirected to a file or
another device; however, although it is common to use these I/O streams
today, some programmers cowardly ignore them for reasons of speed or
program size.
If the *input* stream is redirected to a file or device, instead of
polling the keyboard and request the user to interactively enter
characters via the keyboard, those characters are read from the file or
device. Usually these programs terminate when the file has been read
If the *output* stream is redirected to a file or device, instead of
issuing the information onto screen, it is dumped into the file or
device. Per convention each program has two output streams: one (called
standard output) to issue normal information and one (called standard
error output) for error messages the user should not miss.
Redirections are specified on command line and effect exactly that
command invoked herein, regardless if the command is an external or
internal one, an alias or batch script. The utter exception is the FOR
<#for> command, which requires that the redirection is to apply to the
command specified behind the DO keyword rather than FOR <#for> itself.
If more than one redirection is specified on the command line and they
effect the same stream (input, output, or error), the rightmost one
superceed any previous one.
Redirections are syntactically specified like this:
/operator/ /target/
/operator/ *::=* '<' | '>' *[* '>' *]* *[* '&' *[* '>' *]* *]*
/target/ *::=* /file/ | /device/
Although it is not relevant where the redirections are placed on the
command line, it is common praxis to place them at the end of it.
The /operators/ have the following meaning:
Operator Redirection
< Input stream
> Output stream; target file is overwritten
>> Output stream; output is appended to target, if it already exists
>& Output and error stream; target file is overwritten
>>& Output and error stream; output is appended to target, if it already
>&> Error stream; target file is overwritten
>>&> Error stream; output is appended to target, if it already exists
Example: 1
cmd <in1 <in2
Input stream is redirected to file IN2, because it is the rightmost one.
Example: 2
cmd <in >&out
Input stream is redirected to file IN, output and error streams are
joined together and redireced into file OUT. If the file OUT already
exists, the old contents is discarded and replaced by the new one;
otherwise, the OUT is created anew.
Example: 3
cmd <in >>&out
As example 2, but instead of replacing the contents of OUT, if the file
already exists, the new information is appended to the end of the file.
Example: 4
FOR <#for> %a IN (*.*) DO ECHO <#echo> %a >out
As mentioned earlier, FOR <#for> is an exception and passes forth the
redirections to each invocation of the command specified right of the DO
keyword. So this examples overwrites the output file each time the ECHO
<#echo> command is performed, thus, instead of creating a file list,
only the last found file is recorded into OUT.
Example: 5
IF <#if> EXIST out DEL <#del> out
FOR <#for> %a IN (*.*) DO ECHO <#echo> %a >>out
This sequence eliminate the problem, the IF <#if> command is required to
actually replace the file rather than appending the file list to the
probably existent file.
Another form of redirection is *piping*. Hereby, the output stream of
one command is connected to the input stream of another command. Pipes
can combine any number of commands this way. Because DOS is no
multitasking system, pipes are simulated by spawning the first command
with an output redirection capturing the issued information into a
temporary file and then the second command with an input redirection
from that very same temporary file, on completation of the second
command the temporary file is deleted.
Example: 1
cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3
Which is similiar to this sequence:
cmd1 >%TEMP%\t1
cmd2 <%TEMP%\t1 >%TEMP%\t2
DEL <#del> %TEMP%\t1
cmd3 <%TEMP%\t2
DEL <#del> %TEMP%\t2
Example: 2
The first and last command can have an input or output redirection
respectively, like so:
cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3 <in >out
Which is similiar to this sequence:
cmd1 >%TEMP%\t1 <in
cmd2 <%TEMP%\t1 >%TEMP%\t2
DEL <#del> %TEMP%\t1
cmd3 <%TEMP%\t2 >out
DEL <#del> %TEMP%\t2
Example: 3
The error stream can be piped as well:
cmd1 |& cmd2 | cmd3
Which is similiar to this sequence:
cmd1 >&%TEMP%\t1
cmd2 <%TEMP%\t1 >%TEMP%\t2
DEL <#del> %TEMP%\t1
cmd3 <%TEMP%\t2
DEL <#del> %TEMP%\t2
Here only the error messages of cmd1 are passed into cmd2; the error
messages of both cmd2 and cmd3 are issued to the screen.
Nested redirections
Batch scripts or when external programs invoke other programs or another
shell, redirections may be nested, e.g.:
Consider the batch file BATCH.BAT:
@ECHO <#echo> OFF
ECHO <#echo> 1
ECHO <#echo> 2 >out_2
ECHO <#echo> 3
which is invoked via:
BATCH >out_1
When the script BATCH gets executed, the actual output stream is
redirected to the file OUT_1. Therefore the output of the first ECHO
<#echo> command is redirected into this file.
Because the second ECHO <#echo> command has its own output redirection,
its output is redirected into the file OUT_2. On completion of ECHO
<#echo> the redirection is closed and the former one is restored.
What causes that the output of the third ECHO <#echo> command is
redirected into OUT_1 again.
Hidden Internal Commands
There are some special internal commands, that are not directly visible
nor accessable. They are hidden because of two main purposes:
1. Many of them are of internal nature and should not used by the user.
2. They are extensions to the normal batch language and may,
therefore, clash with a particular installation. To prevent this
clash those commands are hidden by default and can be made
directly accessable via the ICMD command.
Hidden internal commands can be access by prefixing the command with
::=. This token usually specifies a label within the batch language,
given the nature of the labels, they may be comments as well. Due to the
latter variant, most non-FreeCOM shells won't see the ::=, hence, ignore
those commands.
For example: C> ::=CANCEL <#cancel> 30
cancels (terminates) all currently active batch files and assigns /30/
to the current errorlevel.
1. Introduction <#-intro>
2. FreeCOM Command Line Syntax - Useage, Switches and Options
3. Environment Variables <#-envvars>
4. Internal Commands <#-icmds>
5. User Prompt <#-userprompt>
1. Command Line Syntax <#-cmdline-syntax>
2. Command Line Editing <#-cmdline-editing>
6. Features of FreeCOM <#-features>
7. Status of FreeCOM / To-do List <#-status>
8. Appendix <#-appendix>
1. Compile FreeCOM - sample <#-compile>
2. Download <#-download>
3. CVS Resources <#-cvs-tags>
4. EBNF <#-ebnf>
FreeCOM is a:
* *C*ommand *L*ine *I*nterface,
* (user) shell and/or
* COMMAND.COM replacement
for DOS. It has been spawned as part of FreeDOS
<http://www.freedos.org>, a project that aims to implement a GNU GPL'ed
The main duty of FreeCOM is to prompt the user to enter commands
<#-userprompt>, which are interpreted, processed directly by FreeCOM or
executed as executable files.
Those commands processed by FreeCOM directly are called /Internal
Commands/ <#-icmds>.
Non-internal commands, which cannot be processed by FreeCOM directly,
are called /External Commands/, because FreeCOM will search for files
equally named as typed-in.
Besides to implement certain commands FreeCOM offers some features
Command Line Syntax, Useage, Switches and Options
COMMAND.COM *[* /path/ *[* /console/ *]* *]* *[{* /option/ *}]* *[* '/'
*(* K | C *)* ½commandline╗ *]*
If present, the first non-option argument specifies the location in
which FreeCOM resides. This location is later stored in the environment
variable COMSPEC. Since DOS3+ this option is no longer necessary to find
the shell invoked during the boot process, but it may be used to let the
system boot a primary shell from one location, but use a shell of the
same version from a different location later on.
One shallt not point to a RAMdisk at this time, because FreeCOM needs to
reload certain information relatively early during execution, before
AUTOEXEC.BAT had been executed, in which, normally, FreeCOM is copied
into the RAMdisk.
For convinience FreeCOM checks, if at the given location a FreeCOM
exists *and* is accessable, if not, the given location is ignored. Also,
the standard requires to specify a path only, but FreeCOM accepts an
absolute filename, so accepting that FreeCOM is not necessarily named
The second non-option argument, if present, specifies the console
FreeCOM shall enable. This setting is system-wide and is not limited to
FreeCOM or just this particular process tree. In its result, this
argument is identical to the CTTY <cmd.html#ctty> command.
FreeCOM knows the following options:
* */?*: Issues a help screen, then exists.
* */!*: Enable/disable debugging support, if compiled to FreeCOM.
* */Y*: Enables trace/single step mode. This mode is deaktivated
when the user prompt has been reached.
* */D*: Disables to parse AUTOEXEC.BAT, even if the */P* option is
present. This switch is usually set by the kernel, when F5 had
been pressed during bootup.
* */F*: Enables autofail of Critical Errors; then instead of
displaying the Abort/Retry/Ignore/Fail dialog, Critical Errors are
automatically answered with Fail.
* */P*: Installs a primary copy of FreeCOM. Such instance:
1. cannot be terminated with the EXIT <cmd.html#exit> command.
2. executes the AUTOEXEC.BAT script before any other command.
The */P* option may have an argument to specify an alternate name
for the AUTOEXEC script, e.g.: */P:FDAUTO.BAT*.
* */E*: Sets another size of the environment segment, in which all
the environment variables are stored, e.g.: */E:1024*.
* */L*: Sets the size of the internal command buffer. /Note/: This
option is ignored currently, the internal buffer always defaults
to 512 bytes.
* */U* Sets the size of the internal user input buffer. /Note/: This
option is ignored currently. The input buffer always defaults to
255 bytes, which is the maximum.
* */LOW*: Forces to load FreeCOM low. /Note/: Currently this option
has no effect, because no part of FreeCOM is loaded high.
* */MSG*: Installs the message server. /Note/: Because the message
server is not used nowadays, this option forces to permanently
load FreeCOM's messages into memory.
* */SWAP*: Toggles, if to default to swapping or not; due to
different default values of this /internal/ flag, it is
recommended to always prefix the option with '|+|' to enable or
'|-|' to disable swapping.
The options */K* and */C* are special cases and do not behave as normal
options does. They are exclusive and all characters at the right side of
such option (except an optional argument sign) specify a command to
execute, e.g.: /C DIR <cmd.html#dir> /s, /C=DIR <cmd.html#dir> /s, and
/CDIR /s do behave exactly the same and execuate the command DIR
<cmd.html#dir> /s.
If these options are used in conjunction with the */P* option, the
AUTOEXEC.BAT script is executed prior executing the specified command.
In opposite to */K* the */C* option does not enter the interactive shell
prompt after executing the specified command unless the */P* options is
present, too.
Boolean options, which can only be /enabled/ or /disabled/, may be
prefixed by '|+|' to enable or '|-|' to disable it.
Environment Variables
Environment variables can be freely assigned using the SET
<cmd.html#set> command, e.g. executing:
SET <cmd.html#set> var1=tecxsgk;jsdgsdflfsjdflkasjf/lasjflas
assigns this nonsense to the variable var1. Later on, the value of the
variable can be used by writing: %var1%, thus, writing the name of the
variable enclosed without whitespace by two percent signs. *Warning*:
Environment variables are expanded fully into plain text before the
command line is furtherly parsed. If a variable contains an odd number
of quotes, the remaining command line must contain the closing quote in
order to operate properly. Also see this:
SET <cmd.html#set> var=text del
IF <cmd.html#if> text==%var% GOTO <cmd.html#goto> label
The second line looks uninteresting, but once the environment variable
has been expanded the line has morphed into:
IF <cmd.html#if> text==text del GOTO <cmd.html#goto> label
not that funny anymore, because the IF <cmd.html#if> command interpretes
only the string text==text as condition, but del GOTO <cmd.html#goto>
label is executed as command.
FreeCOM uses a number of environment variables for its own purpose.
* *COMSPEC*: FreeCOM loads some information on demand, these data
are stored in the FreeCOM executable. The value of this
environment variable contains the filename FreeCOM shall use. The
contents can be changed with the SET <cmd.html#set> command.
* *DIRCMD*: The user may define default values for the DIR
<cmd.html#dir> command. Any options specified within DIRCMD are
prefixing any entered ones, so to say FreeCOM behaves as if the
user always types:
DIR <cmd.html#dir> %DIRCMD% ½other arguments╗
This variable must be changed using the SET <cmd.html#set> command.
* *COPYCMD*: This variable contains default options for the COPY
<cmd.html#copy> command.
* *PROMPT <cmd.html#prompt>*: FreeCOM prompts the user to enter
commands to run, the prompt can be customized by changing the
contents of this variable.
This variable can be changed using the SET <cmd.html#set> or the
PROMPT <cmd.html#prompt> commands. Latter one includes a detailed
description of the format of the prompt string.
* *PATH <cmd.html#path>*: When FreeCOM is to execute an external
command and this one does not contain no path, FreeCOM searched
for the command in a number of paths. These ones are enumerated by
the PATH <cmd.html#path> environment variable.
This variable can be changed using the SET <cmd.html#set> or the
PATH <cmd.html#path> commands. Latter one includes a detailed
description of the format of the search path.
There are a number of automatic variables that do not follow the above
mentioned syntax and which contents is automatically generated. Unlike
the normal variables these automatic variables are constructed of
exactly two characters, the first one is a single percent sign and the
second one the variable identifier:
* *%?*: expands to the current errorlevel, which is the exit code of
the previously executed external command.
* *%0*: in batch scripts only: is the name of the script currently
* *%1* through *%9*: in batch scripts only: are the first through
nineth argument passed to the currently executed batch script. If
less than nine arguments had been passed to the script, they
return an empty string. To access the tenth argument please refer
to the SHIFT <cmd.html#shift> command.
* FOR <cmd.html#for> *%v* IN (...) DO ½any command╗: *%v* may use
any letter, the FOR <cmd.html#for> command creates a new variable,
which is valid in the ½any command╗ following the DO keyword.
* *%%*: Is no real variable, but expands to a single percent sign.
Because automatic variables have one percent sign only, it sometimes
lead to confusion within the FOR <cmd.html#for> command, e.g. in:
SET <cmd.html#set> adam=eva
FOR <cmd.html#for> %a in (*.*) DO echo %adam% %a
%adam is interpreted as [%a]dam.
Internal Commands
Internal commands will be processed by FreeCOM directly, they are
available to the user without presence of any external files, in fact
they hide External Commands named equally.
The synopsises of the internal commands <cmd.html> are described in a
style derived from EBNF <#-ebnf>.
User Prompt
FreeCOM knows two modes:
1. Interactive, and
2. batch processing.
The second one performs batch scripts, which are more or less a sequence
of commands written to a file. Such files may contain any external
commands, internal commands and calls to other batch files as well.
In interactive mode FreeCOM prompts the user to enter a command, the
line is interpreted, parsed and, finally, either rejected because of an
error or executed.
Command Line Syntax
FreeCOM accepts the following command line:
*[* ':' *]* *[* '?' *]* *[* '@' *]* *[* '*' *]* *{* /command/ *[{*
/argument/ | /redirection/ *}]* *:* '|' *}*
/redirection/ *::=* *(* '<' | '>' | '>>' *)* /filename/
The first optional ? must not be mixed up with the command ?!
The colon marks the line as label, which causes to let FreeCOM ignore
the line completely as no interpretation is tried on this line, neiter
are any redirections <cmd.html#_appendix_redirection> created.
The ? forces FreeCOM to enable the trace mode for this line. In trace
mode FreeCOM prompts the user wether to execute the resulting command.
The optional @ disables the echo status for this line. If the echo
status is enabled, the line is displayed right before it is executed;
see ECHO <cmd.html#echo> for more details.
The asterisk * is available only, if aliases are compiled into FreeCOM;
if present, the alias expansion <#-features> is skipped.
If commands are chained with the | symbols, those commands are to be
executed as a /pipe/. For instance the command line:
cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3
forms a pipe consisting of the three individual commands cmd1, cmd2, and
cmd3, where the standard output stream of cmd1 is connected to the
standard input stream of cmd2 and the output of cmd2 to the input of
cmd3. /Note:/ Because DOS is no multitasking environment, pipes are
simulated with file and the three-command pipe will look like this:
cmd1 >%TEMP%\cmd###1.tmp
cmd2 <%TEMP%\cmd###1.tmp >%TEMP%\cmd###2.tmp
cmd3 <%TEMP%\cmd###2.tmp
The files are temporary ones and will be removed as soon as they are no
longer required, meaning the tempfile #1 is removed after cmd2
terminates and tempfile #2 upon termination of cmd3.
Redirections tie the standard input or output stream to a file or
device, for instance:
cmd arg >outfile
redirects the standard input stream of cmd to the file infile and the
standard output stream to outfile. The double output redirection
specifies to append to an existing file rather than overwriting it.
Command Line Editing
FreeCOM offers two methods to interactively enter command lines:
1. standard input, and
2. enhanced input.
The first one just calls a DOS function, whereas the second one
processes each key for its own. Which method FreeCOM uses is defined at
compile time.
If the echo state is enabled, the user is /prompted/ with the PROMPT
<cmd.html#prompt> string; otherwise no visible or audible prompt is
issued to indicate an user activity request.
In either mode the ENTER key terminates the editing and lets FreeCOM
start to interprete the entered line.
The *standard input* mode does neither support command line history,
except the last command line in some circumstances, nor file completion.
The following keys have a special meaning:
Key Meaning
F1 Get next character from last line, if available
F3 Get last line, if available
F5 Place current line in last-line buffer and restart editing on a blank
F6 Insert the pseudo-character /End-of-file/
backspace delete character to the left
cursor left delete character to the left
cursor right Get next character from last line, if available
The *enhanced input* mode does support command line history and file
completion. The following keys have a special meaning:
Key Meaning
F1 Get next character from last line, if available
F3 Get last line, if available
F5 Place current line in last-line buffer and restart editing on a blank
backspace delete character to the left
cursor down Replace the current input line with the previous line from
the history
cursor left move cursor one character one position to the left
cursor right Move cursor one position to the right; at the end of the
line get next character from last line, if available
cursor up Replace the current input line with the next line from the
delete Deletes the character on the cursor
end Moves the cursor to the end of the line
ESC Clear current line
home moves the cursor to the beginning of the line
insert Switch between insert and overwrite mode
TAB Take the current word for a file and try to complete it
^C Clear current line and enable echo state. The echo state is enabled
to ensure the user gets to know he is on the command line of FreeCOM
rather than stuck in a non-interruptable program.
Features of FreeCOM
FreeCOM implements the following features:
* <cmd.html_aliases>FEATURE_ALIASES <cmd.html#feature_aliases> -
Command aliases
* <cmd.html_auto_redirect_to_con>FEATURE_AUTO_REDIRECT_TO_CON
<cmd.html#feature_auto_redirect_to_con> - Autoswitch CON: to monitor
* <cmd.html_batch>FEATURE_BATCH <cmd.html#feature_batch> - Batch
script processing
* <cmd.html_boot_keys>FEATURE_BOOT_KEYS <cmd.html#feature_boot_keys>
- check for F5/F8 keys on startup if /P is present
* <cmd.html_call_logging>FEATURE_CALL_LOGGING
<cmd.html#feature_call_logging> - Startup logging
* <cmd.html_dirstack>FEATURE_DIRSTACK <cmd.html#feature_dirstack> -
Directory stack
* <cmd.html_enhanced_input>FEATURE_ENHANCED_INPUT
<cmd.html#feature_enhanced_input> - Enhanced command line editing
* <cmd.html_filename_completion>FEATURE_FILENAME_COMPLETION
<cmd.html#feature_filename_completion> - Filename completion
* <cmd.html_history>FEATURE_HISTORY <cmd.html#feature_history> -
Command line history
* <cmd.html_installable_commands>FEATURE_INSTALLABLE_COMMANDS
<cmd.html#feature_installable_commands> - Installable Commands
interface (MUX-AE)
* <cmd.html_last_dir>FEATURE_LAST_DIR <cmd.html#feature_last_dir> -
Change back to last directory
* <cmd.html_load_messages>FEATURE_LOAD_MESSAGES
<cmd.html#feature_load_messages> - Load messages permanently
* <cmd.html_nls>FEATURE_NLS <cmd.html#feature_nls> - use DOS NLS
Status of FreeCOM
FreeCOM's development currently targets the v1.0 version, which is to
provide all functionality (features) of commonly known COMMAND.COMs at
minimum, but probably at the cost of optimization and performance.
The To-Do list:
Feature Target
Swapping without any supporting secondary programs (KSSF.COM and
INT-2E backdoor v0.90
Wildcards for REN <cmd.html#ren>, same filename pattern matching code
for REN <cmd.html#ren>, COPY <cmd.html#copy> and DIR <cmd.html#dir> v0.93
DIR <cmd.html#dir> /O and DIR <cmd.html#dir> /A v0.93
IF <cmd.html#if> /I v0.85
Input/output functions to replace <stdio.h> by <io.h> (aka replace
FILE*-based I/O by handle-based one) v0.95 <#-todo1>
Strict error recognition, probably _doserrno based v0.97 <#-todo1>
Support for DOS=HIGH v0.90
Code sharing of modules v0.91
Full support for DOS NLS pre v0.95
Redirection in conjunction with Swapping v0.90
Optimize FreeCOM for size >= v1.0
Other swap storage areas, e.g. XMS and EMS post v1.0 <#-todo2>
Long filenames post v1.0
internal commands <#-icmds> mostly done <#-icmds>
Aliases: ALIAS <cmd.html#alias> done
Command line history: HISTORY <cmd.html#history> done
Directory stack: DIRS <cmd.html#dirs>, PUSHD <cmd.html#pushd>, and POPD
<cmd.html#popd> done
MUX-AE interface done
Enhanced command line editing, file completion <#-cmdline-editing> done
Last directory recognition: CD <cmd.html#cd>, CDD <cmd.html#cdd>, PUSHD
<cmd.html#pushd> done
Control Break handler done
Critical Error handler done
IF <cmd.html#if> ERRORLEVEL H/<letter>/ done (v0.83?48)
* I/O replacement shallt preceed error reporting correction as some
failures are impossible to detect without work-arounds with the
<stdio.h> functions.
* If I get contributions after v0.90, those portion may be added
Compile FreeCOM - sample
Due to heavy request, there is a sample description how to compile
FreeCOM in ten steps <build48.html>.
FreeCOM can be downloaded from SourceForge in several ways and packages:
1. source code files from the CVS repository <#-cvs-tags>
2. tarball and pre-compiled packages from anonymous FTP <#-download-ftp>
3. tarball and pre-compiled packages via HTTP <#-download-http>
4. tarball and one pre-compiled package as file release
Resources accessable via anonymous FTP
SourceForge closed the FTP - Services, therefore an alternate location
had been created at:
ftp://ftp-fd.inf.fh-rhein-sieg.de/pub/freedos/local/FreeCOM. It contains
the very same packages available at the HTTP location below.
Resources accessable via HTTP
http://freedos.sourceforge.net/freecom/packages/ contains several
variants of tarballs and pre-compiled packages of FreeCOM. The files
immediately located in the directory contain the most current major
release of FreeCOM, whereas the subdirectories include Beta releases of
the upcoming release.
The packages themselves include:
file name contents
COM###.ZIP or Com###Beta##.ZIP tarball (the source code tree without CVS
BINARY.ZIP the most commonly used pre-compiled FreeCOM with almost any
feature, but debugging enabled.
This release uses standard swapping mechanisms!
XMSSWAP.ZIP the most commonly used pre-compiled FreeCOM with almost any
feature, but debugging enabled.
This release uses XMS-Only swapping mechanism!
PLAINEDT.ZIP As BINARY.ZIP but using the plain command line editor of
the kernel instead of the enhanced one
DEBUG.ZIP As BINARY.ZIP with debugging support enabled.
This variant is a lot larger than the standard release and can generate
lots of output.
LOCALIZE.ZIP As BINARY.ZIP but targetted at maintainers of a language
description file (*.LNG).
SUPPL.ZIP the SUPPL library required for linking FreeCOM precompiled for
use with Turbo C++ v1.01
DOCS.ZIP a package with these HTML documents
File Releases on SourceForge
On SourceForge <http://sourceforge.net/file/?group_id=5109> so-called
/File Releases/ can be created. The file release section of the FreeCOM
module contains a source ZIP and a binary ZIP file, they are equal to
the tarball and the BINARY.ZIP on the anon FTP space respectively.
Unlike the FTP space, old versions are kept, but no Beta versions or
side branches.
CVS Resources
On SourceForge <http://sourceforge.net/project/?group_id=5109> a short
description of how to access the CVS repository is located. Following
those instructions will download the main trunk of the specified module
of the repository, e.g.:
cvs -z6 co freecom
downloads the MAIN trunk, also called HEAD, of FreeCOM.
Alternatively the WebCVS -- follow the Browse CVS link there -- might be
helpful in order to download a handful of files.
However, CVS allows to branch the development of a module at some point
from the main trunk into side trees. On these branches the module can be
developed further, new features can be added etc., without disturbing
the main trunk (and therefore the primary release) of the module. When
the side development proved its worthiness, the changes are merged into
the main trunk and, hence, becomes part of the primary release.
Branches are marked by tags, though, unlike normal tags branch tags
automatically evolve with the file, what means that when a file from a
specific branch is updated, the branch tag automatically move from the
current version of the file to the new one.
To check out a branch, create a new directory, change within it and
cvs -z6 co -r tag freecom
, where tag is the name of the branch you want to download. /Note/: It
is not advisable to use the same directory to manage files for two
different branches.
The FreeCOM module has the following /active/ branches:
Tag Meaning
expExec Stack-based execution context implementation
expSpawn Module based FreeCOM, bases on expRes branch
The FreeCOM module has the following /obsoleted/ branches:
Tag Meaning
expRes Resource management implementation.
Finally merged into trunk as of 2001/03/10
Documents encode the synopsis of the commands with operators derived
from EBNF (*E*xtended *B*ackus-*N*aur *F*ormula).
Type setting
Depending on different meanings characters are set into various shapes:
Name Meaning Example
terminal characters to be enterred on command line or displayed by the
computer;EBNF: "terminal symbols" ECHO <cmd.html#echo>
'string' The quotes remove the metafunction of the enclosed characters
in order to specify EBNF operators as terminal symbols. EBNF: "terminal
symbols" '|'
*bold* operators that constructs portions together; EBNF: "operators" *|*
/italic/ placeholders for arguments, which are explained in the
description; EBNF: "non-terminal symbols" /varname/
The EBNF uses the following operators:
Symbol Meaning
*|* alternative; use either left or right token
*()* parenthizes enclose tokens limiting the range of *|*
*[]* brackets enclose optional tokens, thus, they may appear zero or one
time; they also limit the range of *|*
*{}* curly brackets enclose repitive tokens, which may appear one or
more times; they also limit the range of *|*
*{ : }* as the normal curly brackets, but any repitive tokens are
delimited by the token(s) right of the colon; for instance:
*{* /file/ *:* '+' *}*
is the same as:
/file/ *[{* '+' /file/ *}]*
and applies to:
* /file/
* /file/ + /file/
* /file/ + /file/ + /file/
* /file/ + /file/ + /file/ + /file/
* ...
*½ ╗ * is a placeholder for an arbitary string of terminal symbols,
which further syntax is described by the enclosed text in English
natural language.
*::=* assigns a meaning (right side) to a non-terminal symbol (left
side); for instance
DIR <cmd.html#dir> *[ {* /option/ *|* /filespec/ *} ]*
/option/ *::=* / *(* A *|* B *|* C *)*
Any occurance -- only one here -- of /option/ on the right side of an
*::=* or where no *::=* is present at all is to be replaced by the right
side of /option/*::=*.
Unless modified by above mentioned operators a sequence of tokens
specifies that each token must be present exactly one time in exactly
that order.
Note: For the sake of clearness, spaces are inserted between tokens.
These spaces do *not* mean that a space is allowed at this place! Also,
the fact that no *_* is present does *not* mean that at this place is
none allowed. It is assumed that the reader will find the places where
optional spaces are valid either by "doing" or by reading the examples.
Copyright 2000-2001 ⌐ Steffen Kaiser - current maintainer of FreeCOM
Elvis - The VI clone <ftp://ftp.cs.pdx.edu/pub/elvis/>