10002 Converting the data to destination format...
10003 Generating a track...
10004 Time
10005 Second
10006 Millisecond
10007 Sample
10008 Frame
10009 Time code
10010 Start/End point
10011 Start pt./Range
10012 End pt./Range
10013 Same value was specified for both Min. and Max. values.
11000 An error occurred.
11001 An unknown error occurred.
11002 Not supported.
11003 The parameter is invalid.
11004 Canceled.
11006 Out of memory.
11007 The file could not be located.
11008 All or part of the path is invalid.
11009 The permitted number of open files was exceeded.
11010 The file could not be accessed.
11011 There was an attempt to use an invalid file handle.
11012 The current working directory cannot be removed.
11013 There are no more directory entries.
11014 There was an error trying to set the file pointer.
11015 There was a hardware error.
11016 SHARE.EXE was not loaded, or a shared region was locked.
11017 There was an attempt to lock a region that was already locked.
11018 The disk is full.
11019 The end of file was reached.
11020 The drive is not found.
11021 TOC information is not recognized.
11022 Drive information is not recognized.
11023 The drive is not supported.
11024 Tried to write into an archive opened for loading.
11025 Tried to read from an archive opened for storing.
11026 Invalid file format.
11027 Tried to read an object into an object of the wrong type.
11028 Tried to read an object with a different version of the class.
11029 An error occurred.
11030 This format is not supported.
11031 Could not open the specified playback device. \nYour sound card may not support the sample rate of \nthe data you are working with. If you are working in the 32-bit mode,\n your sound card may not support the specified bit depth for playback. \nThis error also may occur when the sound card is being used by another software.
11032 This plugin is not supported.
11033 Stereo plug-in. Use the New Window feature to output the data to a new window.
11034 The driver in the specified format is not installed on your PC.
11035 //QuickTime does not support sample rate higher than 48,000.
11036 RealMedia does not support sample rate higher than 44,100.
11037 Conversion failed.
11038 Specified file format is not supported.
11039 Specified sample rate is not supported.
11040 AspiManager is not installed.
11041 Non-supported version of AspiManager.
11042 You cannot edit the sound during the playback.
11043 Specified track does not exist.
11044 Multitrack object has been initialized.
11045 An error occurred. Please quit the application immediately.
11046 You cannot add any more tracks.
11047 UNDO transaction is already opened.
11048 UNDO operation is already started.
11049 UNDO operation is not opened yet.
11050 UNDO transaction is not opened yet.
11051 There is not enough disk space to write UNDO information.
11052 This format is not supported.
11053 The sound device is in use.
11054 No sound device is available.
11055 Stereo data is not supported.
11056 This format is not supported.
11057 Please select the track to listen.
11058 The Volume Control could not be launched.
11059 The number of selected tracks does not match\n specified record channels.
11060 To record the sound while playing it, select an empty track.
11061 Please select an empty track or select the time point where you want to start recording\n in the Multitrack Window.
11062 The necessary numbers of tracks are already specified.
11063 Could not open the recording device. \nYour sound card may not support the sample rate of \nthe data you are working with. If you are working in the 32-bit mode,\n your sound card may not support the specified bit depth for recording. \nThis error also may occur when the sound card is being used by another software.
11064 The component required to do this operation was not found.
11065 Files saved in AVI 2.0 format cannot be saved in AVI format. Please choose the other format and try again.
11066 Cannot change the video format; the video decoder was not found.
11067 This version does not support AVI 2.0.
11068 Wave files over 2GB in size cannot be saved.
11069 AVI files of this frame size are not supported by the Sony DV Codec and cannot be exported.
11100 Unknown error
11101 Undefined error
11102 File not defined.
11103 Invalid path
11104 The permitted number of open files was exceeded.
11105 The file could not be accessed.
11106 There was an attempt to use an invalid file handle.
11107 The current working directory cannot be removed.
11108 There are no more directory entries.
11109 There was an error trying to set the file pointer.
11110 There was a hardware error.
11111 SHARE.EXE was not loaded, or a shared region was locked.
11112 There was an attempt to lock a region that was already locked.
11113 The disk is full.
11114 The end of file was reached.
11200 An unknown error occurred.
11201 An unspecified error occurred.
11202 Tried to write into an archive opened for loading.
11203 Reached end of file while reading an object.
11204 Tried to read from an archive opened for storing.
11205 Invalid file format.
11206 Tried to read an object into an object of the wrong type.
11207 Tried to read an object with a different version of the class.
11300 Unknown error.
11301 The request failed because resources, such as a priority level, were already in use by another caller.
11302 The object is already initialized.
11303 The specified wave format is not supported.
11304 The buffer memory has been lost and must be restored.
11305 The buffer control (volume, pan, and so on) requested by the caller is not available.
11306 An undetermined error occurred inside the DirectSound subsystem.
11307 This function is not valid for the current state of this object.
11308 An invalid parameter was passed to the returning function.
11309 The object does not support aggregation.
11310 No sound driver is available for use, or the given GUID is not a valid DirectSound device ID.
11311 The requested COM interface is not available.
11312 Failed to this call because the other applications have higher priority.
11313 The DirectSound subsystem could not allocate sufficient memory to complete the caller's request.
11314 The caller does not have the priority level required for the function to succeed.
11315 The IDirectSound::Initialize method has not been called or has not been called successfully before other methods were called.
11316 The function called is not supported at this time.
11400 Default browser is not defined.\nPlease set the default browser.
11401 \StringFileInfo\040904b0\ProductVersion
20216 MS Sans Serif
20217 %d:%02d:%02d
20218 Splitting into channels...
20219 CUE-%04d
20220 SECTION-%04d
20221 TRACK-%02d
20222 LOOP
20232 Failed to load the file.
20233 Different file format.
20234 Different file version
20235 This file has been created in %s.It is saved in the invalid file format or the file is corrupted.
20236 Loading Multi-Track File... (%d/%d)
20237 Failed to convert the file.
20238 Seek has failed.
20239 Failed to load the marker information.
20240 Failed to load the track offset information.
20241 The file has been saved in the different version.\nDo you want to convert it ?
20242 All Sound Files
20243 All Files
20244 Failed to save the file.
20245 Cannot save the document; the document has more than two tracks.
20246 The file has been saved in the different format.\nDo you want to open the window in the saved format anyway?
20247 Do you want to perform mixdown with current pan and volume values?
20248 Cannot save the document with the same format.\nMixdown the file or use the Save As dialog to change the file format.
20249 This file is read-only.
20250 Saving multi-track file... (%d/%d)
20251 Invalid file name was specified.
20252 This file is being used in the other window. \nPlease specify the other name.
20253 Cannot save the document without valid sound data.
20254 Cannot convert the document in this format.
20255 Cannot save the file without video data.
20256 Cannot save the data in the same file as video data.
20257 You cannot save the sound data with current sample rate and/or bit depth in Click'N Edit Sound v1.x format.
20258 The file selected to attach is %s byte large.\nError may occur on the mail server.\nDo you want to send it anyway?
20259 Attached file is saved in %s native Format.\nDo you want to proceed?
20260 Default mailer has not been specified.
20261 The data you are trying to paste uses the different sound format. Do you want to convert it?
20262 Set the sampling rate between %dHz and %dHz.
20263 Failed to load the plug-in(s).
20264 Failed to load the effect(s).
20265 Film 24
20266 PAL 25
20267 NTSC 29.97
20268 NTSC 30
20269 The value must be the numeric value between %.3f and %d.
20270 to
20271 Please enter the value in between the allowed range.
20272 Invalid value was entered.
20273 Welcome to the fully functional, 30 day trial of MySoundStudio!
20274 All
20275 Name
20276 Track
20277 Start
20278 End
20279 Length
20280 Sound_
20281 Settings
20282 Set
20283 2,000 Hz
20284 8,000 Hz
20285 11,025 Hz
20286 22,050 Hz
20287 32,000 Hz
20288 44,100 Hz
20289 48,000 Hz
20290 96,000 Hz
20291 8 bit
20292 16 bit
20293 24 bit
20294 32 bit
20295 The specified folder does not exist. Create a new folder?
20296 Failed to create a new folder.
20297 Invalid folder name.
20298 Please locate the folder.
20299 Specified folder name is invalid.\nThe folder name can not contain \n\, /, :, ,, ;, *, ?, \,",", <, >, or |,\nnor it cannot be AUX, PRN, CON, or NUL.
20300 Wave Mapper
20301 Primary Sound Driver
20302 Wave Mapper
20303 Sec(%3.1f-%3.1f)
20304 (%d-%d)
20305 Name has is not entered.
20306 &Undo Ctrl+Z
20307 &Undo %s Ctrl+Z
20308 Cut
20309 Paste
20310 Delete
20311 Trim
20312 Add Track
20313 Delete Track
20314 Move Track
20315 Copy Track
20316 Track Offset
20317 Level
20318 Volume
20319 Pan
20320 Effect
20321 Cue
20322 Section
20323 Loop
20324 Plug-in
20325 Track Name
20326 Attributes
20327 Import
20328 Reference Video File
20329 Properties
20330 Master Volume
20331 Record
20332 Import from CD Track
20333 *
20334 (Overwrite protected)
20335 Save As
20336 Save
20337 Open
20338 Mixer
20339 Not Found
20340 VST(&V)
20341 DMO(&M)
20342 DirectX(&D)
20343 MsgOpenProgress
20344 MsgUpdateProgress
20345 MsgCloseProgress
20346 Processing...
20347 Resampling the data...
20348 Controller
20349 Cue Point/Section/Loop List
20350 Selection
20351 Video Preview
20352 FFT Analysis
20353 Envelope
20354 Mixer
20355 Mixer Control
20356 Fade In/Out
20357 &Play Space
20358 &Record Ctrl+Space
20359 Stop(&T) Space
20360 Stop Playing(&T) Space
20361 Stop Recording(&T) Shift+Space
20362 Pau&se Shift+Space
20363 Re&sume Playing Shift+Space
20364 &Start Recording Ctrl+Space
20365 Record &While Playing
20366 &Loop
20367 Goto Selection(&J) Ctrl+J
20368 Goto Paused(&J) Ctrl+J
20369 &Preview
20370 &Stop
20371 Play
20372 Stop
20373 Do you want to delete it?
20374 Could not allocate the timer.
20375 Error while initializing.
20376 Failed to allocate memory.
20377 Not enough resource.
20378 ì─É╢`J}n╞╩ u ╔ ▀ Θ(&T) Shift+Space
20389 Cannot locate the video file %s.\nClick Yes to locate the video file which has moved.\nClick No if you don't need to view any video file.
20390 Cannot locate the video file %s
20391 Invalid video file: %s
20392 AVI File (*.avi)|*.avi|All video files|*.avi|All files (*.*)|*.*||
20393 Open Video File
20394 %s does not have any video track.
20395 Failed to open %s.
20396 Do you want to remove the video file information from %s?
20397 Unable to locate the video codec needed to display this video file (%s)
20398 avi
20399 Unable to load %s, as this file does not have any sound track.
20400 The path name is too long.
20401 Path on the temp file has been changed.\nThe change you made will become affective next time you restart the computer.
20402 Invalid path to the temp file; the default settings will be used instead.
20403 Import from CD Track
20404 There is no cue point set to all tracks.
20406 Day Remaining
20407 Days Remaining
20408 Expiration
20409 Archival Location
20410 Artist
20411 Engineer
20412 Keywords
20413 Cropped
20414 Commissioned
20416 Genre
20417 Source
20418 Source Form
20419 Software
20420 Subject
20421 Dots Per Inch
20422 Palette Setting
20423 Medium
20424 Technician
20425 Creation date
20426 Product
20427 Sharpness
20428 Dimensions
20429 Display Name
20430 Name
20431 Lightness
20432 DIB
20433 Copyright
20434 Processing...
20435 Failed to connect the plugin.
20436 This VST plugin is not supported.
20437 Warning
20438 Installation error has occurred.\nPlease install again.
20439 %d Days Remaining
20440 MySoundStudio trial version has expired.\nWe recommend you to purchase full product version of MySoundStudio.
20441 Import
20442 Open
20443 Save As
20444 Export
20445 There are not enough samples required for preview.
20446 Tool
20447 RealSystem(R) technology is provided under license from RealNetworks, Inc., copyright(C) 1995-2001 RealNetworks, Inc. and/or its suppliers. 2601 Elliott Avenue, Suite 1000, Seattle, Washington 98121, U.S.A. Patents Pending. All rights reserved. RealNetworks and RealSystem are registered trademarks of RealNetworks, Inc.
20448 Specified folder does not exist.\nPlease select another folder as the destination.
20449 One or more files with specified prefix already exist.\nDo you want to overwrite them?
20450 Please enter 500 or greater number value for the duration of silence.
20451 Do you want to purchase the product version now?
20452 Failed to upgrade to the product version.
20453 Cannot play back the audio stream: no audio hardware is available, or the hardware is not responding.
20454 Close
20455 You do not have permission to save in this directory. \nPlease choose a different folder.
20456 The MP3 settings are inappropriate for the current sound file. \nPlease push the details button and refine your MP3 settings.
20457 MySoundStudio is in use by %s and couldn't be started.
20458 MySoundStudio is in use by another user and couldn't be started.
32771 Show the video preview window.
32772 Show or hide the video preview.\nVideo Preview
32773 Settings.\nSettings
32780 Start or stop playing the track.\nPlay/Stop
32781 Perform sound recording.\nRecord
32782 Pause or cancel playing and recording the sound.\nPause
32783 Play the selected sound track(s) repeatedly.\nLoop
32784 Record While Playing\nRecord While Playing
32785 Launch Volume Control\nLaunch Volume Control
32786 ì─É╢`J}n╞╩ u ╔ ▀ Θ\nì─É╢`J}n╞╩ u ╔ ▀ Θ
32787 Import an existing file into the current track.\nImport
32788 Export\nExport
32789 Delete selected data\nDelete
32790 Trim the selection.\nTrim
32791 Add new track to the document.\nAdd Track
32792 Remove the selected track(s).\nDelete Track
32793 Zoom in the time ruler.\nZoom In
32794 Zoom in the amplitude.\nZoom In Amplitude
32795 Zoom out the time ruler.\nZoom Out
32796 Zoom out the amplitude.\nZoom Out Amplitude
32797 Adjust the document view size so that it fits to the screen.\nFit to Screen
32798 Show or hide the time ruler\nTime Ruler
32799 Show or hide track name.\nTrack Name
32800 Show or hide the selection range.\nSelection Start/End
32801 Show or hide the controller.\nController
32802 Show or hide the cue point/section list.\nCuePoint/Section
32803 Change the unit of the time ruler.\nRuler Units
32804 Change the level of the selection.\nLevel
32805 Add the specified gain to the amplitude in the selection.\nDC Offset
32806 Adjust the gain of the amplitude in the selection so that its peak level matches to the specified value.\nNormalize
32807 Invert the data in the selected range.\nReverse
32808 Decrease the high frequency value on the selection.\nSmoothing
32809 Mute the selection.\nMute
32810 Apply graphic equalizer to the selection.\nGraphic EQ
32811 Apply FFT equalizer to the selection.\nFFT EQ
32812 Compress the amplitude in the selection.\nCompressor
32813 Reduce noise in the selection.\nNoiseReduction
32814 Apply the delay effect to the selection.\nDelay
32815 Apply the reverb effect to the selection.\nReverb
32816 Change the sound pitch in the selection.\nPitchShift
32817 Stretch or compress the sound duration while maintaining its pitch.\nTimeStretch
32818 Fade in/out the selection using the curve you design.\nFade In/Out
32819 Apply envelope to the selection using the curve you design.\nEnvelope
32820 Allow you to design the pan and volume curve, and process mixing.\nMixer
32821 Apply modulation effect on the selection. \nModulator
32822 Apply flanger effect on the selection. \nFlanger
32823 Apply Lo-Fi effect on the selection.\nLo-Fi
32824 Change sampling rate and bit depth.\nAttributes
32825 Generate Frequency Modulation.\nFM Sound
32826 Generate Sine/Square/Triangle Wave.\nTone
32827 Generate Silence.\nSilence
32828 Generate Noise.\nNoise
32832 Show or hide the FFT Analysis window.\nFFT Analysis
32834 Show or hide frame number.\nFrame Number
32835 Show or hide track control.\nTrack Control
32836 Show or hide video track.\nVideo Track
32837 Move the cursor to the start of the track.\nGoto Start
32838 Move the cursor to the end of the track.\nGoto End
32839 Move to zero-cross point.\nGoto Zero Cross
32845 Show or hide the spectrum.\nSpectrum
32846 Show or hide the Cue Point/Section/Loop List\nCue Point/Section/Loop List
32859 Insert a cue point to the position where the cursor is located.\nNew CuePoint
32860 New Section
32861 Insert a section into the selected range.\nNew Section
32865 Delete markers\nDelete markers
32866 Edit markers\nEdit markers
32884 Frame Animation.\nFrame Animation
32886 Perform sound recording.\nRecord
32888 Loop.\nLoop
32890 Undo
32905 Move to the selection.\nGoto Selection
32913 Set or display the properties of the document.\nProperty
32914 Go to DigiOn web site\nDigiOn on www
32915 Insert a loop into the selected range.\nNew Loop
32916 Go to DigiOn Sound Park web site\nDigiOn Sound Park on WWW