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- @REM This is the set up script used to configure Bugzero system.
- @echo off
- title Bugzero System Setup
- SET CLASSPATH=.;data;classes
- if not exist data (
- if not exist classes (
- @echo on
- echo Can not find the data or classes directory
- echo Make sure this setup program is run in the same directory it is located.
- @echo off
- pause
- exit
- ))
- @REM Lines below enable this CMD to be run within dev environment
- if exist lib/classes SET CLASSPATH=%CLASSPATH%;lib/classes
- @REM add other jar or zip files inside lib
- set _LIBJARS=
- for %%i in (lib\*.*) do call bin\cpappend.bat %%i
- @echo on
- @REM If java is not in your path, specify the absolute path to java here
- @REM check the java version
- java -version
- java -cp "%CLASSPATH%" com.websina.install.InstallManager
- @echo off
- IF %ERRORLEVEL% LEQ 1 goto okey
- @echo on
- @echo ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- @echo You might not have Java installed or java is not in your system path.
- @echo Please install J2SE (JDK1.3 or later) from java.sun.com and add the bin
- @echo folder where the java command is located in the PATH.
- @echo Please read README for more details.
- @echo off
- pause
- :okey