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- Bugzero Frequently Asked Questions
- General Questions:
- Q: What are the system requirements?
- A: Bugzero utilizes your existing hardware and software, and can be integrated seamlessly
- with your current Java/J2EE and database systems. It is cross-platform and can be
- installed on Windows, Unix (Linux), iSeries (AS/400), and Mac operating systems.
- The server requires:
- 1. J2SE (JDK 1.3+)
- 2. A Java Servlet engine or J2EE application server such as
- Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic, WebSphere, Oracle 9iAS, iPlanet,
- Orion Server, JRun, Resin, and others. Bugzero needs only the
- Servlet container, no EJB container is required.
- 3. A backend database, such as MySQL, PostgreSql,
- Access, SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, and others.
- 4 An outgoing SMTP mail account (optional).
- Bugzero has to be installed on the same computer where the Servlet engine
- and JDK is installed. On the other hand, the database and SMTP server can be
- anywhere (either on the same computer or not).
- Bugzero is web-based, and so for end users, only a browser is required.
- Q: What are the supported database systems?
- A: Bugzero supports MySQL, PostgreSql, Access, SQL Server, Oracle, DB2,
- and PointBase. The following database systems are known to be currently in
- production use with Bugzero: MySQL 3.23, PostgreSql 7.1, Access 97/2000,
- SQL Server 7/2000, Oracle 8i, DB2 7.2, and Sybase ASE 12.0.
- If you use IBM iSeries (AS/400) DB2, you have to enable journaling for the database.
- You can do that with CRTJRNRCV (Create Journal Receiver), CRTJRN (Create Journal),
- and STRJRNPF (Start Journal Physical File).
- Q: What are the supported J2EE or servlet containers?
- A: Theoretically, Bugzero should run on all the available J2EE or Servlet engines.
- Bugzero has been tested on Tomcat 3.x and 4.x, JBoss 2.x and 3.0,
- WebLogic 6.x and 7.0, WebSphere 4.x and 5.0, Oracle 9iAS,
- iPlanet Web Server 6.0 and Application Server 6.5,
- Orion Server 1.5.2, JRun 4, and Resin 2.1.4.
- Bugzero needs only a servlet container, an EJB container is not required.
- Q: What are the supported Web browsers?
- A: Bugzero does not use Java Applet, Microsoft ActiveX, or any other Plugins.
- Bugzero does need Javascript. It has been tested on the following browsers:
- IE 5.x, IE 6.x, Mozilla 1.x, Phoenix 0.4+, Opera 6.0+, Netscape 4.7+.
- Other browsers should also work, but they have not been officially tested.
- Please note that, when attaching a file, if the browser encoded the multipart
- form data incorrectly, Bugzero will reject the data and you will see an error
- message. This may occur for the following browsers:
- MSIE 5.01; Windows NT 5.0
- Konqueror/3; Linux
- Konqueror/3.0.0-10; Linux
- The following problems have been reported, but normally they cannot be
- reproduced and they may never happen to you:
- With Netscape 4.79 on Solaris, the attachment page and the reports result
- pages do not display correctly. Version 7.0 apparently works fine.
- With Netscape 7.0, the graphic reports cannot be displayed if the Cache
- property is set to "Every time I view the page", set it to "When the page
- is out of date" solves the problem.
- With IE6, if the Bugzero host computer does not have a DOMAIN (i.e.,
- WORKGROUP setup), then you may need use its IP address, instead of the
- hostname, in the url. Otherwise, IE6 may not allow cookies.
- Q: Where to get the SQL Server 2000 JDBC driver?
- A: Because of licensing issues, we cannot package the driver. However, you
- can download it free from <a href="http://www.microsoft.com/sql/downloads/">www.microsoft.com</a>.
- Install it to any directory and find where these 3 jar files: msbase.jar,
- mssqlserver.jar and msutil.jar are located.
- During Bugzero's setup process, it will ask you the folder where they are located,
- and the program will copy them to the Bugzero lib folder.
- Q: Where to get the Oracle JDBC driver?
- A: Oracle JDBC driver comes with Oracle, the file is classes12.zip. For Oracle 8i,
- the file is located in the folder ../Ora81/jdbc/lib. Please note that, for
- oracle 8.16 or ealier, you need downloaded a updated version of classes12.zip.
- Q: What jdbc driver should I use for DB2?
- A: The DB2 driver comes with the database, the file is db2java.zip under the
- folder /SQLLIB/java.
- Note that, even if the database is on the same local machine, it is better
- to use COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.net.DB2Driver, not COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.app.DB2Driver
- The url is jdbc:db2://database_hostname/bugzero_db, where database_hostname
- can be localhost.
- Q: Can Bugzero be installed in a virtual host environment?
- A: Yes. Bugzero is completely self-contained and can be installed in a virtual host
- environment within a hosting company that supports Java servlet/jsp and database
- access. You may want manually configure the database properties and upload the
- entire bugzero package to your virtual host's application directory. You need
- then run 'bugzero -admin passwd' to create the base tables.
- Q: Can I run Tomcat as an NT service for Bugzero (on windows)?
- A: Yes, you can. Bugzero is now completely self contained and does not
- require any modifications of the classpath. So, to Bugzero, there is no
- difference whether you launch tomcat with the NT service or with the command.
- Q: What is the HTTP port number of my application server?
- A: The HTTP port number of an application server is configurable. Below is the
- default HTTP port numbers of some application servers:
- Tomcat (JBoss): 8080 (see server.xml)
- WebLogic: 7001 (see config.xml)
- WebSphere: 9080 (server-cfg.xml)
- Oracle 9iAS: 8888 (see default-web-site.xml)
- iPlanet: 80 (see server.xml)
- Orion Server: 80 (see default-web-site.xml)
- JRun: admin (8000), default (8100), samples (8200) (see jrun.xml)
- Resin: 8080 (see resin.conf)
- Q: How to deploy Bugzero on IBM WebSphere 4/5?
- A: You can deploy Bugzero with the WebSphere administration console.
- First, cd to the bugzero directory and type 'jar ../bugzero.war .'.
- And then move the resulted bugzero.war to WebSphere's installableApps
- directory and use the administration console to deploy bugzero.war.
- Feature Related:
- Q: How can I add more user groups?
- A: You can add group by editing the group.properties file in the data/conf folder.
- Note that, group admin and guest are preloaded.
- Q: Can Bugzero cc email to people?
- A: Yes, there is a cc email field on the create and edit bug page. One can cc multiple
- people. The email addresses should be seperated with ";".
- Q: The hype-link in the bug notification email does not work.
- A: The link in the email is created based on the file /data/template/email_body.
- You need modify this file by replacing 'http://localhost:8080' to the real url
- where Bugzero is deployed. After doing that, you need restart your servlet engine.
- Q: How can I always send notification email to the original submitter?
- A: You need modify edit.jsp by restoring the submitter email block in the file
- (it was commented out by default).
- For most of the cases, restart servlet container is not needed.
- Q: I do not have a smtp mail server, can I disable sending email?
- A: Yes, you can disable Bugzero sending email by setting (in the file mail.properties):
- mail.mailer.disabled=true
- Please note that, by default, email notification is enabled and if you do not either
- disable it or set up the mail account, you will notice some exceptions in the log
- file.
- Q: Can I change the project name of an existing project?
- A: Yes. The project name which is actually seen by the end users is now different from
- the project ID. While the ID of an existing project can not be changed, the name can
- be changed at runtime by using the administration interface. The change will be seen
- immediately to the end users.
- Q: Does Bugzero accept bug reports submitted through email?
- A: Yes. Bugzero has an advanced parsing capability for inbound emails. Email bug
- submission can either modify an existing bug(s) or create a new bug. It has
- a spam-filter and can also handle email attachment.
- Q: Can Bugzero be integrated with CVS source control system?
- A: Yes. Bugzero can be integrated with CVS version control system through our email API.
- You need configure your CVS such that the loginfo will be sent to an email address set
- up for this purpose. Detail instruction is available upon request.
- Runtime Errors:
- Q: The graphic report failed to be displayed and exceptions occurred.
- A: On Linux or Unix OS, an exception is thrown by the Java AWT toolkit when it
- can not make a connection to an X11 server. The exception can be something like
- "Can't connect to X11 window server using ':0.0' as the value of the DISPLAY variable".
- If your OS has graphics support, you need make sure that the local X11 is running,
- and the DISPLAY variable is correctly set.
- If you are on a unix server that does not provide a graphical user environment,
- there are three alternatives:
- 1. Sun JDK 1.4 Headless mode
- If you are using JDK 1.4, then you can use the Headless graphics mode to launch
- the server, ie, you can add a java argument of -Djava.awt.headless=true.
- Note that, it seems the presense of X11 runtime libraries is still needed, that
- is, an X11 environment must be installed into the system, but the X11 server
- itself need not be started. For example, for RedHat Linux, the minimum set
- of X11 packages needed is:
- * XFree86
- * XFree86-libs
- 2. Virtual X11 Frame Buffer (Xvfb)
- For JDK 1.3, the headless mode is not available. If you do not have X11 sever,
- you can install a lightweight Xvfb (XFree86-Xvfb package).
- In your server launch script (such as tomcat.sh), add the following lines:
- if [ -f /usr/X11R6/bin/Xvfb ]; then
- /usr/X11R6/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1x1x8 > /dev/null 2>&1 &
- fi
- export DISPLAY=:1.0
- 3. Pure Java AWT (PJA)
- Another alternative is PJA. For more detail and to download the software, go to
- http://www.eteks.com/pja/en/.
- Q: After I login, it takes me to the same page, what is going on?
- A: Bugzero uses session to store temporary data, you need enable
- 'Allow per-session cookies (not stored)' for Bugzero to work.
- For IE5, the Cookies section is under
- Tools menu - Internet Options - Security - Custom Level.
- For IE6, it is under
- Tools menu - Internet Options - Privacy
- For Netscape, it is under
- Edit - Preferences - Advanced
- For Mozilla, it is under
- Edit - Preferences - Privacy & Security - Cookies
- Note that, for later versions of Bugzero, it should explicitly inform you so.
- Q: When I switch project, it always fall back to the HOME page and display the
- bug list of the previous project.
- A: This is a browser caching problem, check your browser's caching status.
- For IE 5.5 or later: Tools - Internet Options - General -
- Temporary Internet files - Settings
- and select "Automatically" or "Every visit to the page"
- For Netscape Versions 4 or later or Mozilla 1.x:
- Edit - Preferences - Advanced - Cache,
- and select "When the page is out of date" or
- "Every time ...".
- Q: What is this COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception?
- [IBM][JDBC Driver] CLI0616E Error opening socket. SQLSTATE=08S01
- A: This happens if the DB2 JDBC Applet Server is not running. You need start
- this service.
- Q: What is this COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.DB2Exception?
- [IBM][JDBC Driver] CLI0637E QUERY cannot be found
- A: This is a known bug in the JDBC driver in DB2 PF5, it occurs when a SQL
- statement contains TAB or new-line characters. You need upgrade the
- JDBC driver.
- Q: With MySQL, when attaching a file, I got
- java.lang.IllegalArgumentException:
- Packet is larger than max_allowed_packet from server configuration of 1048576 bytes
- A: This happens when the file you are trying to attach has a size larger than the
- max packet size of your mysql server. You need set max_allowed_packet=12M
- for [mysqld] (the default is 1M). The mysql configuration file is my.cnf.
- Note that, after the modification, you need restart mysqld as well as your
- servlet engine.
- Q: Sybase, error when creating tables:
- The column default_project in table person does not allow null values.
- A: With Sybase, by default, it may not allow null values in string columns
- (like VARCHAR, TEXT, etc). In that case, you will have the above error. The
- solution is to change this default value for a database using "isql" by issuing
- the following command:
- sp_dboption db_name, "allow nulls by default", true
- Here, "db_name" is your database name.
- Q: Sybase, error when dropping tables:
- ... command not allowed within multi-statement transaction.
- A: If you encounter this error, issue the following commands at the Sybase command
- line:
- use db_name
- go
- sp_dboption db, "ddl in tran", true
- go
- Or, use "isql" to issue the following command:
- sp_dboption db_name, "ddl in tran", true
- Here, "db_name" is your database name.
- Q: I am using Tomcat 4.1.14, when run Bugzero, sometimes I got a blank page.
- What happened?
- A: This is an issue with Tomcat 4.1+ using the CoyoteConnector. The problem
- can be fixed by replacing CoyoteConnector to HttpConnector. Specifically, in
- tomcat's conf/server.xml file, you alter
- <Connector className="org.apache.coyote.tomcat4.CoyoteConnector"
- ...
- to
- <Connector className="org.apache.catalina.connector.http.HttpConnector"
- ...
- You need restart Tomcat for the change to take effect.
- Q: Is there a potential zip file classloading problem with Tomcat?
- A: Yes, if you add a zip file in the WEB-INF/lib folder, Tomcat may not load this zip
- file into the classpath. The problem can be solved by renaming the zip extention to
- jar (you do not need unzip and jar the file, just need rename it).
- The above could cause problems if you use Oracle or DB2 databases since both their
- jdbc drivers are packaged into a zip file. If such a problem occurs, please rename
- classes12.zip to classes12.jar or db2java.zip to db2java.jar.
- Q: When login, I got the following exception:
- java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError
- at com.websina.bean.Person.login(Person.java)
- A: This is a very misleading error. The real cause of this is the log file
- bugzero.log is not writable (.../bugzero/WEB-INF/classes/log/bugzero.log).
- This happens only on Unix/Linux OS where the owner of the application server
- process is different from the log file owner. You need make this file writable to
- this process owner and probably restart server.
- Before you get this error, when you first time log on to Bugzero from the
- browser, you should get something like:
- java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError: java.lang.RuntimeException:
- .....log/bugzero.log (Access is denied)
- at com.websina.util.log.Log.(Log.java) .....
- and subsequent login results NoClassDefFoundError.
- Q: What are these javamail Exceptions (NoSuchProviderException) and what is the cause?
- A: You may see Exceptions like these when Bugzero tries to send email notification:
- javax.mail.NoSuchProviderException: smtp
- or
- javax.activation.UnsupportedDataTypeException: no object DCH for MIME type text/plain
- These error messages are produced by JavaMail and are completely misleading.
- The root casue of the error is a mis-matched pair of mail.jar and activation.jar or
- a version confliction of these two jars. Bugzero packaged a version of mail.jar
- and activation.jar, and if the servlet engine has its mail jars added in the system
- classpath, problem may arise. A simple solution is to remove Bugzero's mail.jar
- and activation.jar from the WEB-INF/lib directory.
- Miscellaneous:
- Q: Which PostgreSQL binary data type can Bugzero use?
- A: PostgreSQL has two binary data types, OID and bytea.
- By default, Bugzero uses PostgreSQL bytea for its binary columns. This works only
- for PostgreSQL 7.2 or later. For Version 7.1, you need modify the file db.properties
- by setting postgresql.LONGBINARY to OID instead of bytea.
- Q: Can the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 JDBC driver be used on SQL Server 7?
- A: The SQL Server 2000 JDBC driver downloaded from Microsoft supports only the
- SQL Server 2000. If you use it on the SQL Server 7, you will get something like:
- java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]This version of
- the JDBC driver only supports Microsoft SQL Server 2000. You can either upgrade
- to SQL Server 2000 or possibly locate another version of the driver.
- If you cannot find a free JDBC driver for SQL Server 7, you can create a data source
- (DSN) that points to your SQL Server 7 and then use the jdbc-odbc driver for the
- DSN. But before you launch the Bugzero setup program, you need modify the file
- db.properties. See comments inside the file.
- -------------------------------------------------
- Bugzero homepage: http://www.websina.com/bugzero/
- For questions: mailto: dev@websina.com