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- Bugzero README
- Thank you for using Bugzero! We hope you find it useful.
- -----------
- Requirement
- -----------
- 1. Java SDK 1.3 or later. If you do not have Java SDK installed, please
- go to http://java.sun.com/j2se/downloads.html to download it. Make sure that
- you download the Standard Development Kit (SDK), instead of the Java Runtime
- Environment (JRE). After installation, you need add the java bin folder
- (such as c:\jdk1.3.1_04\bin) in the system path and add an environment
- variable JAVA_HOME pointing to the pathname where Java is installed
- (such as c:\jdk1.3.1_04).
- 2. A Java Servlet (or J2EE) server. If you do not have one, you can
- download the latest standard full binary Tomcat 4.1 (a zip, exe, or tar file)
- from apache.org (http://jakarta.apache.org/builds/jakarta-tomcat-4.0/release/).
- After installation, you can launch Tomcat by typing 'catalina run' in its
- bin directory. On Windows, a Tomcat service might be installed during
- the installation process. In such a case, you can also use this service
- to start tomcat. You should launch a browser and type in the url
- 'http://localhost:8080/' to test whether it worked or not.
- 3. A database. You should create a database user account and probably
- an empty database for Bugzero. For jdbc driver related issues, see faq.txt.
- 4. (Optional) An outgoing SMTP mail account for sending email notification.
- You need create a mail account for Bugzero.
- ------------
- Installation
- ------------
- 1. unzip bugzero.zip and extract the entire bugzero directory to your
- servlet engine's applications directory. If you do not know where is
- this directory, put bugzero in a temp directory.
- 2. on unix OS, cd to the directory bugzero/WEB-INF/ and type 'chmod +x setup'
- and 'chmod +x bin/bugzero' to make them executable.
- 3. run setup.cmd (or setup on unix),
- this setup program will guide you through all the system configurations
- related to the database, the email account, and the servlet engine.
- It will also tell you where to deploy Bugzero.
- -------------------
- Manual Installation
- -------------------
- If the setup program cannot be run because a graphic DISPLAY is not available,
- you can configure the system with the following manual steps:
- 1. Database server properties
- You need modify the file, bugzero/WEB-INF/classes/conf/db.properties
- a) set the database name, bugzero.database=databaseX
- here databaseX can be one of
- access, mssql, mysql, oracle, db2, postgresql, sybase, and pointbase.
- b) set the url, user, password of the corresponding databaseX.
- 2. JDBC driver
- For databases of Access and MySQL, JDBC driver is already provided and nothing
- need to do done. If you are using Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, etc, you need add
- the corresponding JDBC driver into the lib directory (bugzero/WEB-INF/lib).
- 3. Mail server properties
- You need modify the file, bugzero/WEB-INF/classes/conf/mail.properties
- mail.smtp.host=
- mail.smtp.from=
- mail.username=
- mail.password=
- Also modify the file, bugzero/WEB-INF/classes/template/email_body by
- replacing 'http://localhost:8080' with the real url where Bugzero is deployed.
- 4. Create tables
- Under bugzero/WEB-INF/bin directory, first run
- 'bugzero -test' to test the database connection. If it connects, then run
- -------------
- 'bugzero -admin whateverPassword' to create all the base tables as well as
- the administration account. The administration account is required for
- managing the project and user accounts through the web interface.
- (Optional) To create the demo project, run "bugzero -create demo".
- This will create the demo tables based on the project/demo_* files (included).
- 5. Create your project
- To manually create a project projectx, you must first have all the project
- files in place in bugzero/WEB-INF/classes/project. You can copy the demo project
- files demo_* to projectx_* and edit them accordingly. You might also need edit
- the person file. Since you have only 5 users, the best way is perhap to drop the
- demo project, and clean up everything (bugzero -drop demo, bugzero -drop all).
- Then run bugzero -admin whateverPassword, and bugzero -create projectx.
- This will create projectx.
- 6. Deploy to Servlet engine:
- Bugzero is deployed on a Servlet engine, you must
- a. Move the entire bugzero directory to your servlet engine's application
- directory. Possible locations of this directory are:
- Tomcat - .../webapps/
- WebLogic - .../config/mydomain/applications/
- WebSphere - .../AppServer/installableApps/
- b. After you dropped bugzero to the applications directory, Bugzero may
- be deployed automatically (depending on the server and configuration).
- c. For some servers such as WebSphere, you may need make a war file from
- the bugzero directory (to bugzero.war) and deploy this war file instead.
- To make the war file, go inside the bugzero directory and type (without '')
- 'jar cvfM ../bugzero.war .', the resulted bugzero.war is in the same
- directory where bugzero is located.
- --------------------
- Start Servlet Engine
- --------------------
- You should have
- 1. installed and configured Bugzero.
- 2. moved the bugzero directory to the servlet engine's applications directory.
- You can now start (restart) the servlet engine. Please launch a browser,
- and go to the url http://localhost:port/bugzero/
- you should see the welcome page.
- ---------
- Self Help
- ---------
- If you encounter a problem, there are two places you should look at first.
- One is the bugzero/WEB-INF/classes/log/bugzero.log file which records the runtime
- information. The other one is faq.txt which may have already listed your problem
- and had a solution.
- ---------
- Questions
- ---------
- Bugzero homepage: http://www.websina.com/bugzero/
- If you have any questions, mailto: dev@websina.com