Chip 2003 December
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Text File
237 lines
//replacement regular expressions
var expUpToPage = /^.*page/i;
var expAOrB = /(a|b)$/i;
var lessonCompleted = false;
var currentLessonPage;
var popupWindowContents = "";
var popupWin = null;
var isNav = (document.all) ? false: true;
var childRef;
if(parent.frames.lessonFrame != null)
childRef = eval("parent.frames.lessonFrame");
//Called by User in Lesson Page, used to retrieve the MODULE name to be written to the title area
function txtModuleName()
return objLessonModule.moduleName;
//Called by User in Lesson Page, used to retrieve the CopyRight statement
function txtCopyRight()
var theReturn = (copyright != "") ? copyright: " ";
return theReturn;
//Called by User in Lesson Page, used to retrieve the PAGE name to be written to the subtitle area
function txtTitleLabel()
var pageNum = getPageNum();
var theReturn;
if(pageNum <= topPage)
theReturn = (pageNum < objLessonModule.pages.length) ? objLessonModule.pages[pageNum].pageName: "Registration";
theReturn = "Registration";
return theReturn;
//OBJECT: Lesson Object created by USER in inc_ModuleInfo
function objLesson(txtModuleName)
this.moduleName = txtModuleName;
this.pages = new Array();
this.theStatus = "incomplete";
this.getStatus = checkStatus;
this.setCurrentPageCompletion = compPage;
this.addPage = setPage;
this.isCompleted = false;
//OBJECT: Lesson Page Object created by USER in inc_ModuleInfo
function objLessonPage(idxNumber, txtPageName)
this.pageNumber = idxNumber;
this.pageName = txtPageName;
this.linkPage = "page" + idxNumber;
this.isCompleted = false;
return this;
//Called by objLesson(): addPage() method to create a Page
function setPage(idxIndex, txtPageName)
this.pages[this.pages.length] = new objLessonPage(idxIndex, txtPageName);
//Called by objLesson(): getStatus(), returns "completed"/"incomplete" depending upon whether or not the Lesson is completed
function checkStatus()
var iterator;
var theResult = "";
var theTest = true;
for(iterator = 0; iterator < this.pages.length; iterator++)
theTest = false;
this.isCompleted = theTest;
this.theStatus = (theTest) ? "completed": this.theStatus;
lessonCompleted = true;
return this.theStatus;
//Called by objLesson(): setCurrentPageCompletion(), used to set individual page completion to True
function compPage()
var pageNum = getPageNum();
if(pageNum < this.pages.length)
this.pages[pageNum].isCompleted = true;
return true;
//Called by User in Lesson Page, used to write the "page number of pages" images
function writePageInfo()
var txtPageInfo = " ";
var currentPage = getPageNum();
if((currentPage <= topPage)&&(currentPage > 0))
txtPageInfo = 'Page ' + currentPage + ' of ' + topPage;
//Called by writeLink(), writeOutlineInfo(), showMenu(), txtTitleLabel(), compPage(), writePageInfo(), used to determine current page number
function getPageNum()
var pageNum;
if(parent.frames.lessonFrame != null)
pageNum = (expUpToPage.test(parent.frames.lessonFrame.location.href)) ? parseInt(parent.frames.lessonFrame.location.href.replace(expUpToPage, "")): objLessonModule.pages.length;
pageNum = 0;
return pageNum;
//Called by User in Lesson Page, used to write navigation links
function writeLink(linkDisplay)
var theHREF;
var pageNum = getPageNum();
var theDir = linkDisplay.toLowerCase();
if(theDir == "back")
if(pageNum > 0)
theHREF = "<a href=\"./page" + (pageNum - 1) + ".html\" class='titleLink'>Back</a>";
theHREF = " ";
if(pageNum == topPage)
theHREF = "<a href=\"./finish.html\" class='pageLink'>Next</a>";
if(pageNum < topPage)
theHREF = "<a href=\"./page" + (pageNum + 1) + ".html\" class='pageLink'>Next</a>";
theHREF = " ";
//Called by User in Lesson Page, used to write lesson outline
function writeOutlineInfo()
var theReturn = '';
var pageNum = getPageNum();
if(pageNum == 0)
var thePage;
var arrReturn = new Array();
arrReturn[arrReturn.length] = "<b>Contents</b><ul>";
for(thePage = 0; thePage < objLessonModule.pages.length; thePage++)
if(thePage == 0)
arrReturn[arrReturn.length] = objLessonModule.pages[thePage].pageName;
arrReturn[arrReturn.length] = '<a href="page' + thePage + '.html">' + objLessonModule.pages[thePage].pageName + "</a>";
theReturn = arrReturn.join("<li>") + "</ul>";
return theReturn;
//Called by User in Lesson Page, used to create and open Menu popupWindow
function showMenu()
var pageNum = getPageNum();
var htmlHeader = "<br clear='all'>\n<table width='90%' border=0 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0 align='center' class='popupTable'>\n<tr>\n" +
"<td bgcolor='#336699' class='popupTitle'>\n";
var htmlTween = "</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td valign='middle'>\n";
var arrReturn = new Array();
var thePage;
for(thePage = 0; thePage < objLessonModule.pages.length; thePage++)
arrReturn[arrReturn.length] = "<a href=\"#\" onclick=\"opener.childRef.location.href='page" + thePage + ".html';\">" + objLessonModule.pages[thePage].pageName + "</a>";
var theMenu = arrReturn.join("<br>") + "<br clear='all'>";
var htmlFooter = "</td></tr><tr><td align='right'><a href='javascript: window.close();'>Close Window</a> </td>\n</tr>\n</table>";
var theHeight = 90 + ((topPage + 1) * 14);
if(theHeight > 600)
theHeight = 600;
window.popupWindowContents = htmlHeader + "Contents" + htmlTween + theMenu + htmlFooter;
window.setTimeout("openPopup(400, " + theHeight + ")", 500);
return true;
//Called by <array>.Sort(), used to sort arrays of objects by 'name'
function byName(a, b)
var anew = a.term.toLowerCase();
var bnew = b.term.toLowerCase();
if (anew < bnew)
return -1;
if (anew > bnew)
return 1;
return 0;
//Called by showMenu(), showActPopup(), showMainGlossary(), showGlossaryPopup(), used to open the popupWindow
function openPopup(widthVal, heightVal)
var x, y, wdt, hgt;
wdt = (widthVal) ? widthVal: 340;
hgt = (heightVal) ? heightVal: 300;
x = ((window.screen.width - wdt) / 2);
y = ((window.screen.height - hgt) / 2);
x = (x < 0) ? 0: x;
y = (y < 0) ? 0: y;
window.popupWin = window.open('popupWin.html', 'PopupWindow', 'toolbar=no,status=no,menubar=no,resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,location=no,top=' + y + ',left=' + x + ',width=' + wdt + ',height=' + hgt);
return true;
//Called by showMenu(), showActPopup(), showMainGlossary(), showGlossaryPopup(), used to close an open popupWindow
function closePopup()
if(window.DefWin == null)
if(window.opener != null)
if(window.opener.location != null)
window.DefWin = window.opener.DefWin;
if(window.DefWin != null)
window.DefWin = null;
window.DefWin = null;
if(window.DefWin != null)
window.DefWin = null;
return true;
//Called by writeTermHTML(), used to generate a random link name
function getRandom(low, high)
var range = high - low + 1;
return Math.floor(Math.random() * range) + low;
//Called by User in frame pages, used to indicate that this script has loaded
var isLessonLoaded = true;