130 Edit\nUse these tasks to edit and enhance your project.
131 Show Storyboard
132 Import\nUse these tasks to import clips to your project.
133 Show or hide the task list\nShow/Hide Task List
134 Camtasia Studio Tips\nThese tasks display topics to help you use Camtasia Studio.
135 Error: No supported video stream found in %s
136 Import media
138 Drag a clip and drop it on the storyboard below.
139 Drag a video effect and drop it on a video clip on the storyboard below.
140 Zoom in on the timeline\nZoom In
141 Tracks
142 Zoom out on the timeline\nZoom Out
143 Drag a video transition and drop it between two video clips on the timeline below.
144 Error: Callout images not found.
145 Are you sure you wish to remove this Callout?
146 Insert transition after Clip %d (%s)
147 Click to edit the zoom level of the video.
148 Error: File no longer exists.
149 Camtasia Studio Help... F1
150 The custom callout you are trying to remove is currently in use on the timeline.
151 This feature has not been implemented yet.
152 You must select an existing video file.
153 "Unable to locate file "%s". Would you like to specify its new location?"
154 Create web menu...
155 Your project currently contains Hot Spots. The production profile you have selected will not render Hot Spots. Do you want to continue?
156 Show the timeline\nTimeline
157 Audio 1
158 Your project currently contains Hot Spots. The file format you have selected will not render Hot Spots. Do you want to continue?
159 Wave Files (*.wav)|*.wav||
160 Zoom-n-Pan
161 Remove item from storyboard\nDelete
162 Select Files and Projects to Batch Produce
163 Task List
164 Callouts
165 Tasks
166 Transitions
167 avi|mpg|mpeg|wmv
168 Audio 2
169 .avi;.mpg;.mpeg;.wmv
170 Produce your project as a video with a chosen format\nProduce Video As
171 An invalid file name was specified. A file name cannot contain any of the following characters:\n\/:*?"<>|
172 All Media Files (*.avi,*.mpg,*.mpeg,*.wmv,*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpg,*.wav,*.mp3,*.wma)|*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg;*.wav;*.mp3;*.wma;*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.wmv|Image Files (*.bmp,*.gif,*.jpg)|*.bmp;*.gif;*.jpg|Audio Files (*.wav,*.mp3,*.wma)|*.wav;*.mp3;*.wma|Video Files (*.avi,*.mpg,*.mpeg,*.wmv)|*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpeg;*.wmv||
173 The output file must have an extension of .exe
174 Clip bin:
175 Import media files into the current project\nImport Media Files
176 Import video files into the current project\nImport Video
177 Import audio files into the current project\nImport Audio
178 Import image files into the current project\nImport Image
179 tif|bmp|jpg|gif|png
180 mp3|wav|wma
181 An associated HTML file was not found for %s
182 %s already exists.\nDo you want to replace it?
183 Please specify a folder and file name
184 You must select an existing SMIL file.
185 You must select an existing RM file.
186 Video EXE File
187 Executable Files (*.exe)|*.exe||
188 Select Video File
189 Video Files (*.avi;*.swf;*.flv;*.camv;*.wmv;*.rm;*.mov)|*.avi;*.swf;*.camv;*.wmv;*.rm;*.mov|AVI Files (*.avi)|*.avi|Macromedia Flash (SWF) Files (*.swf)|*.swf|Macromedia Flash Video (FLV) Files (*.flv)|*.flv|Camtasia for RealPlayer Files (*.camv)|*.camv|Windows Media Video Files (*.wmv)|*.wmv|RealMedia Files (*.rm)|*.rm|QuickTime Files (*.mov)|*.mov||
190 Video Files (*.avi;*.rm)|*.avi;*.rm|AVI Files (*.avi)|*.avi|RealMedia Files (*.rm)|*.rm||
191 Zoom on the timeline to fit the window\nZoom to Fit
192 Packaging Video File
193 Switch the video preview to full screen mode\nFull Screen
194 Pack and Show failed: (%d)\n
195 Could not create XceedZip instance.
196 Select SMIL File
197 Display thumbnails for the clips in the clip bin\nThumbnails
198 Display details in the ClipBin\nDetails
199 SMIL Files (*.smil)|*.smil||
200 Select RealMedia File
201 RealMedia Files (*.rm)|*.rm||
202 Percent complete: %u
203 Warning: (%u) %s\nFile: %s
204 Skipping file %s\nReason: (%u) %s
205 Save Video Frame As
206 %s (Frame %s)
207 Callouts may not be added during transitions. Use the timeline to select a new position and then try again.
208 Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)|*.bmp||
209 Import Media ...
210 Open Camtasia Studio help\nCamtasia Studio Help
211 Display technical support information\nSupport
212 Are you sure you wish to remove all the Hot Spots?
213 &Delete
214 Hot Spots
215 Untitled
216 Image
217 Audio
218 Produce\nUse these tasks to produce your project as a video.
219 Please specify a valid file name, not a path or partial path name.
220 Path length must be less than %i characters long. Please specify a shorter path.
221 Please select a folder
222 This is a storage area for the clips you wish to use in your project. Drag your clips from the Clip Bin to the %s to incorporate them into your final project.
223 Storyboard
224 Batch Production File Selection
225 Use the Add Files/Projects... button to add a file or project to be produced.
226 Batch Production Profile Options
227 Choose between applying one set of production options to every file/project or applying different sets of production options for each file/project.
228 Batch Wizard Profile Select
229 For each file/project, choose which production profile you would like to apply.
230 Batch Wizard Output
231 Select a folder for the videos you are producing. Click the Finish button to produce your videos.
232 Untitled Profile
233 Create a Production Profile
234 Set the production profile name, description, and output format using the boxes below.
235 Transition:
236 Insert at
237 Zoom-n-Pan key frames may not be added during transitions. Use the timeline to select a new position and then try again.
238 Zoom-n-Pan key frames may not be added on top of each other. Use the timeline to select a new position and then try again.
242 The following files have invalid profiles selected:\n\n%s\nPlease choose a valid profile for each of these files
243 Please specify a file name
244 Select a folder
245 Fade In\nFade In
246 Fade Out\nFade Out
247 Volume Up\nVolume Up
248 Volume Down\nVolume Down
249 Replace with Silence\nReplace with Silence
250 Warning: You will not be able to see your Callouts while in Show Zoom Rectangle mode.
251 Delete Selected Audio\nDelete Selected Audio
252 Cannot find file %s - Please specify new location
253 Remove
254 Modify
255 &Add to Timeline
256 &Add to Storyboard
257 Audio clips can only be added while viewing the timeline. \nClick OK to switch to the timeline view and add the audio clips.
258 You must select a time that is over a video clip.
259 Use the Manage... button to add a new custom production profile.
260 A Callout with that file name already exists. Please select a different file.
261 You must enter a description for this callout.
262 Invalid left text indent. The left text indent must be less than %d.
263 Invalid right text indent. The right text indent must be less than %d.
264 Invalid top text indent. The top text indent must be less than %d.
265 Invalid bottom text indent. The top text indent must be less than %d.
266 Invalid text indents. The left and right indents must not overlap.
267 Invalid text indents. The top and bottom indents must not overlap.
268 Invalid X vector grow coordinate. The X vector grow coordinate must be less than %d.
269 Invalid Y vector grow coordinate. The Y vector grow coordinate must be less than %d.
270 Invalid image file.
271 Please specify a file name.
272 Please specify a folder and file name.
273 &Remove From Storyboard
274 Please select or create a production profile
275 The following project files contain Hot Spots, which will not be processed properly with the production profile you have selected:\n\n%s\n Do you want to continue with batch processing?
276 Invalid time specified in Goto Frame edit box. Please enter a valid time.
277 Dropping audio on the storyboard
278 Callouts allow you to add graphic annotations to your video. These are typically used to "call out" or draw attention to an important object or process being shown on the screen. Or, combined with text, they can give additional information. To begin, click Add Callout.
279 Audio clips can only be added while viewing the timeline. Camtasia Studio will switch to the timeline view and add the audio clips.
280 Camtasia Studio Tip
281 You cannot start a narration in the middle of a clip that is already on the Audio 2 track.
282 "%s" is not a valid output file name because it is a source file in the current project.\n\nPlease specify a different file name.
283 %s is not a valid file for batch production.
284 Please enter a time greater than 0:00:00.00 and less than %s.
285 You need to be running Windows XP and using Microsoft Common Controls 6.0 or higher to use this feature.
286 You must click the Profile Manager button and add at least one profile before continuing.
287 Error: Camtasia Studio does not support 1 or 4 bit bitmaps.
288 Png files are not supported.\nCould not open %s.
289 Splitting the last frame of a clip is not a valid action.
290 Splitting a transition is not a valid action.
291 Splitting a clip during a callout is not a valid action.
292 Extending the frame of a clip during a callout is not a valid action.
293 Extending a frame of a transition is not a valid action.
294 Clips cannot be cut to a length of less than one frame.
295 This project file contains an invalid version number.
296 You cannot hide an audio track that you are currently editing.
297 The program has detected one or more files on your system that may interfere with the proper functioning of Camtasia Studio. If you are having stability problems with Camtasia Studio, please contact support@techsmith.com for assistance.
392 QuickTime v6.0 or later and the Macromedia Flash Video Exporter included with\nFlash MX 2004 Professional are required to produce Macromedia Flash Video (FLV) files.\n\nPlease install the latest QuickTime for Windows available at www.apple.com\quicktime.\nIMPORTANT: Include the QuickTime Authoring component when you install QuickTime.\n\nPlease contact Macromedia or visit www.macromedia.com for information about obtaining\nthe Macromedia Flash Video Exporter.
393 Camtasia Studio
394 Software\%s\%s\%s
395 Codec Configuration
396 The selected file format requires QuickTime v4.1 or later.\n\nPlease install the latest QuickTime for Windows available at www.apple.com\quicktime.\nIMPORTANT: Include the QuickTime Authoring component when you install QuickTime.
397 RealMedia (RM) format support files are not present.\nPlease install the RealMedia support from your product media,\nor install Camtasia with streaming media support from www.techsmith.com.
406 Unable to set AVI file compression.\nYou may need to choose different AVI compression options.\nAlso, some AVI compressors require the captured region size to be a multiple of 160x120.
407 Unable to save file: %s.\n\nMedia Player or some other application may have this file open.\nPlease close any application using this file, then hit Retry.
408 AVI files retain the highest quality and are editable by Camtasia Studio or other video editing programs. AVI files can also be converted into almost any other file format. These features make AVI files the ideal format for your original high quality recordings.\n\nCamtasia Studio uses the TechSmith Screen Capture Codec (TSCC) as the default video compressor. However, you can choose to use any available Windows AVI video codec, including the standard MS-RLE and MS Video 1 codecs that come with Windows.
409 The animated GIF format allows you to publish short tutorials and product demonstrations on the web that play back in any browser on any computer platform.\n\nCamtasia Studio creates highly optimized animated GIF files that are as small as possible. However, there are practical limits on the length of GIF animations, since they must be downloaded entirely before they play in a browser. Note that GIF animations do not contain audio, and they are limited to 256 colors.
410 Macromedia Flash (SWF) is a cross-platform movie file format that plays on any computer that supports the Flash Player. It is ideal for publishing your movies on the web.\n\nCamtasia Studio creates highly compressed SWF files. However, there are practical limits on the length of SWF movies.
411 Camtasia Studio supports two streaming file formats for RealPlayer: "Camtasia for RealPlayer" and "RealMedia".\n\nThe Camtasia for RealPlayer file format uses the Camtasia for RealPlayer Plugin to stream video with perfect lossless quality. The audio stream is encoded with standard RealAudio codecs. Choose this option for content with few color gradients, low motion, and where the highest video quality is required.
412 Camtasia Studio supports two streaming file formats for RealPlayer: "Camtasia for RealPlayer" and "RealMedia".\n\nThe RealMedia streaming file format uses the standard RealVideo and RealAudio codecs. Choose this file format for "real world" video content with many color gradients, high motion, and where lossy video quality is acceptable.
413 QuickTime is a cross-platform movie file format with many video and audio compression options. QuickTime movies playback in the standard Apple QuickTime Player on Windows and Mac computers.\n\nNOTE: You must have QuickTime installed (including the QuickTime Authoring component) to produce QuickTime files. Depending on the compression options choosen, QuickTime movies made with Camtasia Studio may not be playable on QuickTime players prior to version 4.0.
414 The WMV file format is the latest Microsoft streaming file format. WMV files play in Microsoft's Windows Media Player. A variety of audio and video compressors are available, including the Windows Media Screen video codec which is optimized for screen recordings.
415 <html>Macromedia Flash (SWF) is a cross-platform movie file format that plays on any computer that supports the Flash Player. It is ideal for publishing your movies on the web.<BR><BR>Camtasia Studio creates highly compressed SWF files. However, there are practical limits on the length of SWF movies.</html>
416 Creating Macromedia Flash movies
418 An invalid file name was specified. A file name cannot contain any of the following characters:\n
419 Unable to launch movie player (0x%X) for "%s".\n\nThere may be no application associated with the given file name extension.\nPlease install the latest version of Windows Media Player to correct this.
420 Unable to launch movie player (0x%X) for "%s".\n\nThere may be no application associated with the given file name extension.\nPlease install the latest version of RealPlayer to correct this.
426 Only the following file types are allowed\n\nMacromedia Flash (*.swf)\nWindows Bitmap (*.bmp)\nCompuServ GIF (*.gif)\nJPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg)
427 Only the following file types are allowed\n\nWindows Bitmap (*.bmp)\nCompuServ GIF (*.gif)\nJPEG (*.jpg, *.jpeg)
436 The project file '%s' does not contain valid project data.
437 An error was encoundered saving the project file '%s'
439 Camtasia Studio Project (*.camproj)|*.camproj||
440 Save changes to Untitled.camproj?
441 Save changes to the project file %s?
443 Save the current project with a new name\nSave Project As
446 Project
447 Status
448 Start Time
449 End Time
450 Source
451 Destination
454 Set program options\nOptions
465 Specify the parameters for a zoom/pan rectangle.
487 Play/Pause the video preview\nPlay/Pause
488 Stop the video preview\nStop
490 Seek to previous clip on the storyboard/timeline\nGoto previous clip
492 Seek to the previous frame\nGoto previous frame
493 Seek to the next frame\nGoto next frame
494 Finished
509 Video
510 Audio 1
511 Audio 2
512 Zoom
513 Transitions
514 Callouts
527 Show or hide the audio 2 track
528 Show or hide the callouts track
529 Show or hide the zoom-n-pan track
535 Show or hide the video's audio track
544 Macromedia Flash Video (FLV) is a cross-platform streaming file format that plays in Flash Player 7 or later and can be streamed from the Flash Communication Server. FLV files can be used by Flash authors to optimize delivery of long videos.\n\nNOTE: QuickTime v6.0 or later and the Macromedia Flash Video Exporter included with Flash MX 2004 Professional are required to produce FLV files. The Macromedia Flash authoring tool must be used to create a SWF file that plays the FLV video file.
545 Macromedia Flash Video Files (*.flv)|*.flv||
547 Are you sure you wish to remove this Zoom-n-Pan effect?
548 Video
600 Video Production Options
601 To begin, select a video file format or create/use a Custom Production Profile.
602 AVI Encoding Options
603 Select the settings for saving your video. The Automatic settings preserve the highest quality for your produced video.
604 Macromedia Flash Encoding Options
605 Select the settings for saving your movie. The Automatic settings preserve the highest quality for your produced movie.
606 Select the settings for saving your video. The Automatic settings preserve the highest quality for your produced video.
607 Animated GIF Encoding Options
608 RealMedia Encoding Options
609 Choose the target audience bitrate and audio/video quality. Select SureStream to target audiences at more than one bitrate.
610 Camtasia RealPlayer Plugin Encoding Options
611 Select the settings for saving your video. Choose the target audience bitrate and audio, and video options.
612 QuickTime Encoding Options
613 Select the settings for saving your movie. Click on the Audio and Video Setup buttons to configure the Audio and Video of the MOV file.
614 Windows Media Encoding Options
615 Select the profile that best describes the content you are encoding. To create a new profile or remove an old one, click Manage.
616 Macromedia Flash Video Encoding Options
617 Select the settings for saving your Video.
618 Video Information
619 Record additional information about the video. AVI and streaming media files may contain optional information about the video.
620 Video Size
621 Select the size of the video to produce.
622 Produce Video
623 Select a folder and file name for the video you are producing. Click the Finish button to produce your video.
624 Edit a Production Profile
625 Change the production profile name, description and output format using the boxes below
626 Name
627 Start Time
628 Clip
629 Zoom Speed
637 Name
639 Start Time
641 Stop Time
643 Clip
645 Shape
647 Text
650 Are you sure you wish to remove all Callouts?
651 Are you sure you wish to remove all Zoom-n-Pan effects?
680 Record the screen\nLaunch the recording wizard to record the screen
681 Import video\nImport video into the clip bin
682 Import audio\nImport audio into the clip bin
683 Import images\nImport images into the clip bin
685 Voice Narration...\nAdd or edit voice narration
686 Edit Audio...\nEdit audio 1 or audio 2 track
687 Transitions...\nAdd or edit transitions between video clips
688 Callouts...\nAdd or edit video callouts
689 Flash Hot Spots...\nAdd or edit Flash Hot Spots
690 Zoom-n-Pan...\nAdd or edit zoom-n-pan key frames
691 Produce video as...\nStart the production wizard to produce the current project
692 Create CD menu...\nLaunch Camtasia MenuMaker to create a CD menu
693 Create web menu...\nLaunch Camtasia Theater to create a web menu
694 Batch production...\nStart the batch production wizard to produce multiple files or projects
695 How to record your screen\nLaunch help topic on how to record your screen
696 How to edit clips\nLaunch help topic on how to edit clips
697 How to add voice narration\nLaunch help topic on how to add voice narration
698 How to save and share videos\nLaunch help topic on how to save and share videos
720 Media\Studio\SWF\%MovName%_controller.swf
721 %MovName%_config.xml
722 csMovieFPS
723 Media Files (*.swf;*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif)|*.swf;*.bmp;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.gif|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
755 <html>QuickTime is a cross-platform movie file format with a wide selection of video and audio compressors. QuickTime movies playback in the standard Apple QuickTime player on Windows and Mac computers.<BR><BR><font color="FF0000"><b>IMPORTANT</b></font>: Be sure to include the QuickTime Authoring component when you install QuickTime.<BR><BR><font color="FF0000"><b>NOTE</b></font>: Depending on the compression options choosen, QuickTime (*.mov) movies made with Camtasia may not be playable on QuickTime players prior to version 4.0.</html>
756 Converting to QuickTime
757 Video length:
758 Audio length:
759 Flattening movie:
760 Canceling movie:
761 Completed
762 An error occurred initializing the QuickTime library for the selected file format (MOV or FLV).\n\nPlease install the latest QuickTime for Windows available at\n www.apple.com\quicktime.\n\nIMPORTANT: Be sure to include the QuickTime Authoring component when you install QuickTime.
763 The selected file format (MOV or FLV) requires the QuickTime Authoring component to be installed.\n\nPlease install the latest QuickTime for Windows available at\n www.apple.com\quicktime.\n\nIMPORTANT: Be sure to include the QuickTime Authoring component when you install QuickTime.
764 The codec(s) in this profile no longer exist on this system. Please choose or create a different profile.\n\nInstalling a new version of Microsoft's Windows Media Encoder may have replaced the codecs used\nin this profile with a newer version. Please choose a profile which uses codecs supported by the version\nof Windows Media Encoder you have installed. You can use the 'Manage...' button to Remove profiles\nwhich are no longer supported.
765 Select a Media File
766 The file %s was not found.
767 File not found
768 Please select another file.
769 Only Flash (SWF) files are allowed for remote preload movie files.
770 Error
771 Select an Image File
772 Error reading from file\n%s
773 Error writing to file\n%s
774 Error %d occurred with file\n%s
775 Access denied to file.
776 Error %d occurred with a file.
777 The TechSmith EnSharpen QuickTime video codec is not installed.\n\nPlease re-install Camtasia Studio to install the TechSmith EnSharpen QuickTime video codec.
778 Producing a Macromedia Flash Video (FLV) file requires the TechSmith EnSharpen QuickTime video codec to be installed.\n\nPlease re-install Camtasia Studio to install the TechSmith EnSharpen QuickTime video codec.
779 Exporting movie:
780 Export completed
781 Export canceled
782 Exporting FLV movie
783 Export progress:
784 To create Macromedia Flash Video (FLV) files, the Macromedia Flash Video Exporter\nincluded with Flash MX 2004 Professional must be installed.\n\nPlease contact Macromedia or visit www.macromedia.com for information about obtaining\nthe Macromedia Flash Video Exporter.
785 Select the 'Screen Recording Codec' video encoding method\nfor most Camtasia Studio content.\n\nTo create smaller files and/or reduce the data rate:\n1. Reduce the video Frames per second\n2. Increase the video Keyframe interval\n3. Reduce the audio Bitrate
792 Save Audio As
802 %s could not be imported into the clip bin.
805 Windows Media Profiles
806 Please install Microsoft's Windows Media Encoder from www.microsoft.com to use this feature
807 Camtasia Studio default Windows Media profiles cannot be directly edited.\nUse the Manage button and import the Camtasia Studio default profile as a new Windows Media profile.\nThe Camtasia Studio default profiles are located in the Camtasia Studio install folder.
808 Hot Spots may not be added during transitions. Use the timeline to select a new position and then try again.
809 &Remove From Timeline
811 Camtasia Studio 2.0 requires Microsoft DirectX Version 8.1 or later.\nCurrently detected version: %s\nVisit http://www.microsoft.com/directx to get the latest version.
813 Are you sure you wish to remove this Hot Spot?
814 You cannot start a narration in the very end of a clip or the timeline.
815 Potential Conflict Detected
1000 Play or pause the video preview\nPlay
1001 Stop the video preview\nStop
1003 Seek to previous clip\nPrevious Clip
1004 Seek to next clip\nNext Clip
1005 Step backward\nStep Backward
1006 Step forward\nStep Forward
1007 Play or pause the video preview\nPause
1009 Detach/Attach the video preview\nDetach/Attach the video preview
1010 Switch to fullscreen mode\nSwitch to fullscreen mode
1087 Changes the font size of the selection\nFont Size
1088 Changes the font of the selection\nFont
1089 This is not a valid number.
1090 The number must be between 1 and 1638.
1091 Makes the selection italic (toggle)\nItalic
1092 Formats the selection with a color\nColor
1093 Formats the selection with a continuous underline (toggle)\nUnderline
1094 Left-justifies paragraph\nAlign Left
1095 Center-justifies paragraph\nCenter
1096 Right-justifies paragraph\nAlign Right
1097 Inserts a period\nPeriod
1098 Inserts a space\nSpace
1099 Deletes the previous character\nBackspace
1100 Inserts a new line\nNew Line
1101 Pen\nPen
1102 Edit text\nEdit Text
1103 Inserts a tab\nTab
1104 Makes the selection bold (toggle).\nBold
1105 Inserts a bullet on this line\nBullets
1259 Undo the last action\nUndo
1260 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
1261 Error: No codec available to render this file (%s).
1273 &1 Second Transition
1274 &2 Second Transition
1275 &3 Second Transition
1276 &4 Second Transition
1277 &5 Second Transition
1278 File Name
10200 Unable to find a suitable codec to compress the audio stream.\nYou will not be able to record audio.
10201 Unable to find a suitable codec to decompress the audio stream.\nYou will not be able to hear the audio.
10202 Unable to open
10203 The file couldn't be read, indicating a corrupt file or an unrecognized format.
10204 The file could not be opened because of insufficient memory.
10205 A disk error occurred while reading the file.
10206 A disk error occurred while opening the file.
10207 AVI file class not registered.
10208 Unable to find a suitable codec
10209 to decompress the video stream.\n You will not be able to view the movie.
10210 Could not open an audio or a video stream in the file\n%s.
10211 The buffer is too small to contain the selected filter.
10212 The stream header is currently in use.
10213 The stream header was not prepared by the acmStreamPrepareHeader function.
10214 The user chose the Cancel button or the Close command on the System menu to close the dialog box.
10215 The audio line reference is invalid.
10216 The control reference is invalid.
10217 The value is invalid.
10218 No error occurred.
10219 The hmxobj parameter specifies an invalid device identifier.
10220 The multimedia driver enable failed.
10221 The mixer device is already allocated.
10222 The mixer handle is invalid.
10223 No mixer device is available for the object specified.
10224 A memory allocation error occurred.
10225 The mixer function is not supported.
10226 The value is out of range.
10227 One or more flags are invalid.
10228 One or more parameters are invalid.
10229 The mixer is being used simultaneously on another thread.
10230 The specified alias can not be found.
10231 A registry entry is invalid.
10232 The registry key was not found.
10233 The registry could not be read.
10234 Error writing to the registry.
10235 Cannot delete the registry key.
10236 The registry value was not found.
10237 The driver does not call DriverCallback.
10238 Not all data was returned.
10239 An unspecified error occurred.
10240 NOTE: DV AVI files are currently not supported.
10301 You must enter a valid software key.
10302 You must enter a valid name.
10303 Upgrade Notice
10304 Welcome!
10305 Unfortunately, your current Software Key will not work with this version. Upgrade today and get a new key.
10306 Purchase
10307 Order Online
10308 Order via Phone
10309 Purchase Upgrade
10312 Registration Wizard
10313 Thank you for purchasing @PRODUCT@.\n\nThe expiration period and purchase reminder screens have been removed.\n\n@PRODUCT@ has created a file called %s in the @PRODUCT@ directory. This file contains your software key information. Please print and save this file. Please do not lose this information.\n\nClick OK to view this file now.
10314 Thank you for trying a new version of @PRODUCT@!
10315 I would like to &upgrade @PRODUCT@ now
10316 NOTICE! All output will be branded with a 'Captured by @PRODUCT@' tag when the trial period expires.
10317 NOTICE! @PRODUCT@ will stop functioning when the trial period expires.
10324 Your %d day trial period has EXPIRED!\nAll output will be branded with a 'Captured by @PRODUCT@' tag until you purchase the product.
10325 Your %d day trial period has EXPIRED!\n@PRODUCT@ will not function until you purchase the product.
10331 %d days left
10332 To complete your purchase, contact our sales staff by phone (toll free USA only: +1 800-517-3001 or voice: +1 517-381-2300) or e-mail (@PRODUCTEMAIL@). Please provide the following code when you contact us: %s
10333 Enter Software Key
10401 Can't open link (%d)
10402 The file '%s' cannot be saved because the path is too long. Please use a shorter path.
10403 The file '%s' cannot be opened because the path is too long. Please use a shorter path.
10404 The file '%s' does not end with a valid extension. The extension must be one of the following: %s
10405 NOTE: When using long file names, the path you supply may be truncated by Windows causing your extension to be missing or invalid. If this is the case, please use a shorter path.
10406 Green
10407 Blue
10408 Red
10409 Initialize was not called before attempting to copy the registry data.\nIt is highly recommended that Initialize() be called before copying begins, otherwise damage to the registry may occur.\nDo you wish to continue?
10410 Registry Copy WARNING
10425 True
10426 False
10427 ?*<>/|"
10428 ?*<>/|":\
10429 enu
10431 Could not locate or start TSCHelp.exe\nOnline help will not be available
10432 Folder: %s does not exist.\n\nCreate Folder?
10433 Unable to create folder: %s
10434 Unable to launch browser: %d
10435 Could not locate help file: %s\nOnline help will not be available
10711 Did You Know...
10712 Tip of the Day
10713 Tool Tip
10714 &Show tip again
10715 &Show tips at startup
10716 Can't open the link:\n\n
10718 &Yes
10719 &No
10900 Unable to save file: %s.\n\nMedia Player or some other application may have this file open.\nPlease close any application using this file, then hit Retry.
15992 http://www.techsmith.com
15995 support@techsmith.com
15996 Camtasia Studio
16008 Save Diagnostics As
16016 Text File (*.txt)|*.txt||
16017 CamStudioDiag.txt
16018 Can't open file %s, error = %u
16019 You have less than 1 day left in your %d day trial period!
16020 You have %d days left in your %d day trial period.
16021 Please purchase %s today!
16022 Your %d day trial period has EXPIRED!
16023 Unable to launch because the full path could not be resolved.
16024 Unable to launch. The file '%s' was not found.
16031 Portions utilize Microsoft Windows Media Technologies.\nCopyright ⌐ 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation.\nAll rights reserved.\n\nPortions of this product were created using\nLEADTOOLS ⌐ 1991-1998, LEAD Technologies,Inc.\nALL RIGHTS RESERVED.\n\nThe GIF compression used in this software is\nlicensed under U.S. Patent No. 4,558,302 and\nforeign counterparts.
16042 Launch other Camtasia Studio tools\nLaunch other tools
16050 Launch Converter for Camtasia Studio\nConverter for Camtasia Studio
16063 Camtasia &Studio
16064 Camtasia &Recorder
16065 Camtasia &Producer
16066 Camtasia &Effects
16067 Camtasia &MenuMaker
16068 Camtasia P&layer
16069 Camtasia &Theater
16070 &Converter for Camtasia Studio
16080 Display technical support information\nSupport
16081 Open Frequently Asked Questions web page\nFrequently Asked Questions
16082 View Camtasia Studio Quick Start Videos\nQuick Start Videos
16083 Check for product upgrades\nCheck for Upgrade
16084 Visit the TechSmith website for more product information\nTechSmith on the web
16085 Open TechSmith home page\nTechSmith Home
16086 Open Camtasia Studio home page\nCamtasia Studio Home
16087 Send feedback to TechSmith\nSend Feedback
16088 Discover other TechSmith products\nTechSmith Products
16089 Display program information\nAbout Camtasia Studio
16090 Purchase Camtasia Studio\nPurchase
16091 Enter software key\nEnter Key
16100 &Support...
16101 &Frequently Asked Questions
16102 &Quick Start Videos
16103 Check for &Upgrade
16104 &TechSmith on the Web
16105 &TechSmith Home
16106 &Camtasia Studio Home
16107 &Send Feedback
16108 TechSmith &Products
16109 &About Camtasia Studio
16110 &Purchase Camtasia Studio...
16111 &Enter Software Key...
16121 Version %s - %s
32778 Save the active document\nSave
32781 Package your video as an EXE\nPack and Show
32782 Split video into two clips\nSplit
32783 Save the current frame as an image file\nSave Frame As
32784 Cut selected region out of the video\nCut Selection
32785 Extend the current frame for a specified duration\nExtend Frame
32788 Add or edit voice narration\nVoice Narration
32789 Add or edit video callouts\nCallouts
32790 Add or edit transitions between video clips\nTransitions
32791 Add or edit Flash Hot Spots\nFlash Hot Spots
32793 Produce multiple videos all at once\nBatch Production
32794 Show the storyboard\nStoryboard
32795 Arrange icons in the ClipBin by name\nArrange by Name
32796 Arrange icons in the ClipBin by date\nArrange by Date
32797 Arrange the icons in the ClipBin into groups\nShow in Groups
32798 Arrange icons in the ClipBin by type\nArrange by Type
32799 Arrange icons in the ClipBin by size\nArrange by size
32800 Purchase Camtasia Studio\nPurchase
32801 Enter a software key\nEnter Key
32803 Open TechSmith home page\nTechSmith home page
32804 Open Camtasia Studio home page\nCamtasia Studio home page
32805 Send feedback to TechSmith\nSend Feedback
32806 Discover other TechSmith products\nTechSmith Products
32807 Open Frequently Asked Questions web page\nFAQ
32808 View the properties for this file\nProperties
32809 Launch Camtasia Recorder to record your screen\nCamtasia Recorder
32810 Launch Camtasia MenuMaker to create a CD menu\nCamtasia MenuMaker
32811 Launch Camtasia Player to preview an AVI\nCamtasia Player
32812 Launch Camtasia Theater to create a web menu\Camtasia Theater
32814 Begin a new project\nNew Project
32815 Open an existing project\nOpen Project
32816 Save the current project\nSave Project
32818 Play/Pause the video preview\nPlay/Pause
32819 Seek to the beginning of the storyboard/timeline\nBeginning
32820 Seek to the end of the storyboard/timeline\nEnd
32821 Seek to next clip on the storyboard/timeline\nGoto next clip
32822 Open Camtasia Studio Help\nCamtasia Studio Help
32823 Display technical support information\nSupport
32824 Check for product upgrades\nCheck for upgrade
32825 Arrange clips in the ClipBin by name\nArrange by Name
32826 Arrange icons in the ClipBin by date\nArrange by Date
32827 Display program information, version number and copyright\nAbout Camtasia Studio
32828 Show zoom rectangles instead of zooming in the video preview\nShow Zoom Rectangles
32829 Shrink video to fit inside player window\nShrink to Fit
32830 Launch other Camtasia Studio tools\nLaunch other tools
32833 Add or edit zoom-n-pan key frames\nZoom-n-Pan
32838 Play/Pause the video preview\nPlay/Pause
32840 Sort the clips in the clip bin by name\nSort by Name
32841 Sort the clips in the clip bin by size\nSort by Size
32842 Sort the clips in the clip bin by type\nSort by Type
32843 Sort the clips in the clip bin by dimensions\nSort by Dimensions
32844 Sort the clips in the clip bin by duration\nSort by Duration
32845 Arrange the clips in the clip bin into groups\nShow in Groups
32860 Edit audio or audio 2 track\nEdit Audio
32878 Show or hide the Hot Spots track
32882 Add selected files to Timeline/Storyboard
32889 Save the current timeline's audio as a wave file\nSave Audio As
32890 Add selected items to Timeline/Storyboard
32908 Launch the recording wizard to record the screen\nRecord the Screen
57344 Camtasia Studio
57345 Ready
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57620 Open this document
57621 Open this document
57622 Open this document
57623 Open this document
57624 Open this document
57625 Open this document
57626 Open this document
57627 Open this document
57628 Open this document
57629 Open this document
57630 Open this document
57631 Open this document
57665 Exit the application\nExit
59136 EXT
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the main toolbar\nShow/Hide Toolbar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nShow/Hide the Status Bar
59411 Display details for the clips in the clip bin\nDetails
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
61202 Restore the window to normal size
61203 Activate Task List
61445 Callouts allow you to add graphic annotations to your video. These are typically used to "call out" or draw attention to an important object or process being shown on the screen. Or, combined with text, they can give additional information. To begin, click Add Callout.