7 You have successfully set up a recording, begin recording now.
8 Select Screen Region
9 Use the button below to select a specific region of the screen.
10 Save Movie
11 Please select a file name and a directory to save your movie.
12 Screen Recording Setup
13 Select the portion of the screen that you want to record
14 Select Window
15 Use the button below to select a window on the screen.
17 &Camtasia Recorder Help
2000 Hotkeys must be unique
2001 Unable to register Record/Pause hotkey
2002 Unable to register Stop hotkey
2003 Unable to register AutoPan hotkey
2004 Unable to register Hide hotkey
2005 Unable to register Zoom In hotkey
2006 Unable to register Zoom Out hotkey
2007 Unable to register Next Layout hotkey
2008 Unable to register Previous Layout hotkey
2009 Unable to register Show/Hide Layout hotkey
2010 Unable to register ScreenDraw hotkey
2011 Unable to register Mute hotkey
2012 Unable to launch the Camtasia Studio editor for editing.
2013 The file could not be added to the Camtasia Studio clip bin for editing.
10301 You must enter a valid software key.
10302 You must enter a valid name.
10303 Upgrade Notice
10304 Welcome!
10305 Unfortunately, your current Software Key will not work with this version. Upgrade today and get a new key.
10306 Purchase
10307 Order Online
10308 Order via Phone
10309 Purchase Upgrade
10312 Registration Wizard
10313 Thank you for purchasing @PRODUCT@.\n\nThe expiration period and purchase reminder screens have been removed.\n\n@PRODUCT@ has created a file called %s in the @PRODUCT@ directory. This file contains your software key information. Please print and save this file. Please do not lose this information.\n\nClick OK to view this file now.
10314 Thank you for trying a new version of @PRODUCT@!
10315 I would like to &upgrade @PRODUCT@ now
10316 NOTICE! All output will be branded with a 'Captured by @PRODUCT@' tag when the trial period expires.
10317 NOTICE! @PRODUCT@ will stop functioning when the trial period expires.
10324 Your %d day trial period has EXPIRED!\nAll output will be branded with a 'Captured by @PRODUCT@' tag until you purchase the product.
10325 Your %d day trial period has EXPIRED!\n@PRODUCT@ will not function until you purchase the product.
10331 %d days left
10332 To complete your purchase, contact our sales staff by phone (toll free USA only: +1 800-517-3001 or voice: +1 517-381-2300) or e-mail (@PRODUCTEMAIL@). Please provide the following code when you contact us: %s
10333 Enter Software Key
10401 Can't open link (%d)
10402 The file '%s' cannot be saved because the path is too long. Please use a shorter path.
10403 The file '%s' cannot be opened because the path is too long. Please use a shorter path.
10404 The file '%s' does not end with a valid extension. The extension must be one of the following: %s
10405 NOTE: When using long file names, the path you supply may be truncated by Windows causing your extension to be missing or invalid. If this is the case, please use a shorter path.
10406 Green
10407 Blue
10408 Red
10409 Initialize was not called before attempting to copy the registry data.\nIt is highly recommended that Initialize() be called before copying begins, otherwise damage to the registry may occur.\nDo you wish to continue?
10410 Registry Copy WARNING
10425 True
10426 False
10427 ?*<>/|"
10428 ?*<>/|":\
10429 enu
10431 Could not locate or start TSCHelp.exe\nOnline help will not be available
10432 Folder: %s does not exist.\n\nCreate Folder?
10433 Unable to create folder: %s
10434 Unable to launch browser: %d
10435 Could not locate help file: %s\nOnline help will not be available
10711 Did You Know...
10712 Tip of the Day
10713 Tool Tip
10714 &Show tip again
10715 &Show tips at startup
10716 Can't open the link:\n\n
10718 &Yes
10719 &No
15992 http://www.techsmith.com
15995 support@techsmith.com
15996 Camtasia Studio
16008 Save Diagnostics As
16016 Text File (*.txt)|*.txt||
16017 CamStudioDiag.txt
16018 Can't open file %s, error = %u
16019 You have less than 1 day left in your %d day trial period!
16020 You have %d days left in your %d day trial period.
16021 Please purchase %s today!
16022 Your %d day trial period has EXPIRED!
16023 Unable to launch because the full path could not be resolved.
16024 Unable to launch. The file '%s' was not found.
16031 Portions utilize Microsoft Windows Media Technologies.\nCopyright ⌐ 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation.\nAll rights reserved.\n\nPortions of this product were created using\nLEADTOOLS ⌐ 1991-1998, LEAD Technologies,Inc.\nALL RIGHTS RESERVED.\n\nThe GIF compression used in this software is\nlicensed under U.S. Patent No. 4,558,302 and\nforeign counterparts.
16042 Launch other Camtasia Studio tools\nLaunch other tools
32903 View or change watermark settings\nWatermark
32904 Add a watermark to the movie\nAdd Watermark
32908 Frame drawing tool\nFrame
32909 Highlight drawing tool\nHighlight
32910 Ellipse drawing tool\nEllipse
32911 Pen drawing tool\nPen
32912 Line drawing tool\nLine
32913 Arrow drawing tool\nArrow
32914 Stop drawing on the screen\nStop Drawing
32915 Set width for current drawing tool
32916 Set width for current drawing tool
32917 Set width for current drawing tool
32918 Set width for current drawing tool
32919 Set width for current drawing tool
32920 Set width for current drawing tool
32921 Set width for current drawing tool
32922 Set width for current drawing tool
32923 Set drawing tool color to Black\nBlack
32924 Set drawing tool color to Blue\nBlue
32925 Set drawing tool color to Cyan\nCyan
32926 Set drawing tool color to Green\nGreen
32927 Set drawing tool color to Yellow\nYellow
32928 Set drawing tool color to White\nWhite
32929 Set drawing tool color to Magenta\nMagenta
32930 Set drawing tool color to Red\nRed
32931 Draw using a translucent effect\nTranslucent
32932 Undo last drawing operation\nUndo
32978 Open this library
32979 Open this library
32980 Open this library
32981 Open this library
32982 Open this library
32983 Open this library
32984 Open this library
32985 Open this library
32986 Open a list of libraries
32988 Mute audio effects\nMute
32994 View or change ScreenDraw settings\nScreenDraw
32997 Set the shortcut Hotkeys for ScreenPad\nScreenPad Hotkeys
33009 Start the capture wizard\nCapture Wizard
40000 Please select a folder
40001 Please specify a file name
40002 Please specify an output folder
40003 Please specify a temporary folder
40004 An invalid file name was specified. A file name cannot contain any of the following characters: %s
40005 An invalid folder name was specified. A folder name cannot contain any of the following characters: %s
40006 Please specify an auto file name prefix
40007 The frame rate must be a whole number greater than zero.\n\nTo enter fractional values, enable the Time-lapse capture mode and use the Frame rate Setup dialog
40008 Edit Text Note
40009 Dimensions must be greater than zero and within the desktop dimensions
40010 The frame and scale values must be whole numbers greater than zero
40011 Choose a larger capture area
40012 Unable to save file. Temporary capture file does not exist!
40013 Unable to Save as temporary file
40014 Unable to set AVI file compression.\nYou may need to choose different AVI compression options.\nAlso, some AVI compressors require the captured region size to be a multiple of 160x120.
40015 Cancel will delete the current capture. Do you want to cancel and delete the capture?
40016 Capture Frame Rate
40017 <html>You are capturing only 1 frame per second.<br><br><font color="800000"><b>Important tips</b></font> for improving your capture rate:<br><br>- First, disable graphics hardware acceleration on Windows 2000, XP or later. See 'Help>Frequently Asked Questions' for more information.<br><br>- Use the 'Capture>Input' menu options to record a smaller area of the screen.<br><br>- Set your display to 256 colors using the Windows Control Panel 'Display' applet.</html>
40018 &Edit
40021 Clipboard image is larger than the selection area. Crop to selection area?
40022 Preview not available
40023 Preview selected file
40030 <html>You have just minimized this application to a system tray icon on the Windows taskbar. <BR><BR>Double click the tray icon to restore the application. Right click the tray icon to access the application menu items.</html>
40033 Unable to open the image file
40034 <html>Time-lapse capture mode allows you to capture at one frame rate and playback at a slower/faster rate. Time-lapse mode also supports very low capture and playback frame rates (e.g. one frame/10 minutes).<br><br><font size = "80"><b>NOTE:</b> Audio capture is disabled in time-lapse capture mode.</font></html>
40039 Left
40040 Center
40041 Right
40042 Top
40043 Middle
40044 Bottom
40045 Bold
40046 Italic
40047 Underline
40048 <html>If you are attempting to record a media player (e.g. Windows Media Player, RealOne Player, or QuickTime Player), it is recommended that you first disable the hardware acceleration setting in the media player. Refer to Help > Frequently Asked Questions for information on disabling hardware acceleration.</html>
57345 Ready
57346 Audio/video synchronization issues may result for longer movies (e.g. 5 minutes or longer)\nwhen using MPEG Layer-3 and 11,025 or 22,050 Hz sampling rates.\n\nConsider choosing MPEG Layer-3 audio attributes with a different sampling rate.
57616 Play this video file
57617 Play this video file
57618 Play this video file
57619 Play this video file
57620 Play this video file
57621 Play this video file
57622 Play this video file
57623 Play this video file
57632 Erase the selection\nErase
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Display program info, version and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quit the application; prompts to save documents\nExit
57666 Open Camtasia Recorder Help\nCamtasia Recorder Help
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
60672 Copy selected library item\nCopy Item
60673 Paste the clibpoard contents into the library\nPaste Item
60674 Remove selected item from the library\nRemove Item
60675 Display both icons and names\nIcons and Names
60676 Display only icons\nIcons Only
60677 Display only names\nNames Only
60678 Display one column of items\nSingle column
60679 Create a new library\nNew Library
60680 Open an existing library\nOpen Library
60681 Close the active library\nClose Library
60682 Change item's icon\nChange Icon
60683 Activate this library\nActivate Library
60684 Edit item's icon\nEdit Icon
60685 Add selected object(s) to library\nAdd To Library
60686 Show or hide the library bar\nToggle LibraryBar
60704 Close all the objects on the screen\nClose All Objects
60705 Refresh all the objects on the screen\nRefresh All Objects
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents
61202 Restore the window to normal size
61203 Activate Task List
61204 North
61205 North-East
61206 East
61207 South-East
61208 South
61209 South-West
61210 West
61211 North-West
61212 Could not open the watermark file named "%s".\nPlease change the current watermark file path or disable the watermark.
61214 <html>The Live Output option allows %s to appear as a standard video capture device for use as a video source by applications like streaming media encoders, video conferencing and web-cam applications.<br><br><t></html>
61216 <html>Single Frame capture mode lets you to capture one frame at a time. Use the record button like a camera shutter button to capture frame by frame. Single Frame capture can be used to create a "slide show" style movie. This option works well with the Time-lapse capture mode available in the <b>Tools > Options > AVI</b> dialog.</html>
61217 <html>Quick Capture mode captures the screen as efficiently as possible. Enable this option to obtain a higher capture frame rate for smoother higher quality recordings. Alternatively, at a given capture frame rate, enable Quick Capture mode to use less system resources.<br><br><font size = "80"><b>WARNING:</b> Quick Capture mode may not always record screen changes that occur without user interaction (e.g. web page animations).</font></html>
61218 AutoZoom automatically applies a smooth pan and zoom transition effect whenever you change zoom levels.\n\nThe AutoZoom transition effect is added to your capture, but does not show on screen when it is applied.
61221 Software\%s\%s\%s
61223 There is no audio input device on this system.\nYou need a sound card with a microphone input.
61230 TechSmith\Camtasia Studio\2.0
61231 Camtasia Recorder
61232 Camtasia Recorder
61241 Camtasia Recorder Tip
61242 Minimizing Camtasia
61245 About Live Output
61246 About AutoZoom
61247 Capturing Single Frames
61248 Using Quick Capture
61249 About Time-Lapse Capture
61251 This is an old Camtasia library file. You must update it to the latest version to use it.\n\nTo update by overwriting the existing library file, click Yes.\nTo update by saving as a different library file, click no.
61252 Please specify a name
61253 Invalid characters in name
61254 Invalid width entered
61255 Invalid height entered
61256 F12 key not allowed on Windows NT4, 2000, or XP
61257 Cannot update file. This library is read-only.
61258 Updating this library file will make it incompatible with earlier versions of Camtasia.\n\nDo you wish to continue?
61259 You entered an invalid Horizonal Scale. It must be a whole integer between 10 and 600.
61260 You entered an invalid Vertical Scale. It must be a whole integer between 10 and 600.
61261 ScreenPad Hotkeys
61262 <html>You can set up hot keys to cycle through Layouts by right mouse clicking inside the Layouts window and choosing ScreenPad Hotkeys from the popup menu. </html>
61263 <html>Text added using the Image Edit Text tool will become part of the image, and cannot be edited using other text editing options in Camtasia </html>
61264 Text Editing
61265 Folder: %s does not exist.\n\nCreate Folder?
61266 Unable to create folder: %s
61273 Windows Default
61274 Custom Format
61275 Please enter a custom date format to continue.
61276 Please enter a custom time format to continue.
61293 Disabling display acceleration during recording will cause your screen to blank temporarily before and after recording. However, it will result in much smoother recordings with higher capture frame rates and lower processor usage.\n\nAlternatively, you can disable display acceleration system-wide using the Windows Control Panel 'Display' applet. This avoids blanking the screen before and after recording. However, some applications need display acceleration enabled to run properly (e.g. video games). Camtasia Studio's video editor works best with display acceleration enabled.\n\nNote that disabling display acceleration is often neccesary to record videos from a media player such as Windows Media Player, RealPlayer or QuickTime Player.
61296 Disabling hardware acceleration
61298 This feature is only available in Windows 2000/XP or higher.
61299 Are you sure you want to delete the current video capture?
61300 Cound not create the Annotation Catalog
61301 Outdated Comctl32.dll
61302 This program works best with version 4.71 or later of the Windows common controls (comctl32.dll).<BR><BR>You can install a newer version of comctl32.dll by installing Microsoft's Internet Explorer version 4.0 or later, or by upgrading to Windows 98/2000
61303 System Stamp Options
61304 Caption Options
61305 Unable to save file: %s.\n\nMedia Player or some other application may have this file open.\n\nPlease close any application using this file, then hit Retry.\nOr, use Cancel to choose another file name.
61306 "Use default recording device
61307 Unable to delete file: %s.\n\n
61308 The "After save, edit the video" option is enabled, but the Camtasia Studio editor is not currently running.\n\nWould you like to start the Camtasia Studio editor now?