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Text File | 2000-02-22 | 7.5 KB | 1,019 lines |
- #LID 1033 1 1017
- April
- August
- December
- February
- Friday
- I
- I'd
- I'll
- I'm
- I've
- January
- July
- June
- March
- Monday
- November
- October
- Saturday
- September
- Sunday
- Thursday
- Tuesday
- Wednesday
- a
- ability
- able
- about
- above
- access
- accordance
- according
- account
- accused
- across
- act
- action
- actually
- added
- address
- advice
- after
- again
- against
- ago
- agree
- agreed
- agreement
- all
- allow
- almost
- alone
- along
- already
- also
- although
- always
- am
- among
- an
- and
- another
- answer
- any
- anybody
- anyone
- anything
- anyway
- appeared
- apply
- appropriate
- are
- area
- areas
- around
- arrange
- article
- articles
- as
- ask
- asked
- asking
- assume
- at
- attention
- available
- away
- back
- bad
- bank
- base
- basic
- basically
- basis
- be
- became
- because
- become
- becomes
- been
- before
- began
- begin
- beginning
- begun
- behind
- being
- believe
- below
- beside
- besides
- best
- better
- between
- beyond
- big
- bigger
- biggest
- bit
- black
- blue
- body
- both
- bottom
- breath
- bridge
- bring
- broken
- brother
- brought
- business
- but
- buy
- by
- call
- called
- came
- can
- can't
- cannot
- care
- carried
- case
- cases
- caught
- cause
- certain
- certainly
- chair
- chance
- change
- choice
- choose
- circle
- circumstances
- city
- class
- clear
- clearly
- close
- closed
- clothes
- code
- cold
- come
- comes
- coming
- commercial
- commission
- committee
- common
- communications
- company
- competent
- complete
- conditions
- consider
- considered
- continue
- continued
- contract
- control
- copy
- corner
- cost
- could
- couldn't
- country
- couple
- course
- court
- covered
- cross
- crowd
- current
- cut
- daily
- dark
- data
- date
- day
- days
- dead
- deal
- dear
- death
- decided
- deep
- degree
- department
- described
- desk
- determine
- did
- didn't
- different
- digit
- direct
- direction
- directly
- dispute
- disputing
- distance
- distant
- do
- does
- doesn't
- doing
- dollar
- dollars
- domestic
- don't
- done
- door
- double
- doubt
- down
- during
- duty
- each
- early
- earth
- easier
- easiest
- easy
- effect
- either
- else
- end
- energy
- enough
- ensure
- entered
- enterprise
- entire
- entity
- entry
- equipment
- establish
- established
- even
- evening
- ever
- every
- everybody
- everyone
- everything
- evidence
- exactly
- example
- except
- existence
- existing
- expect
- expected
- experience
- extent
- extra
- eye
- eyes
- face
- fact
- fair
- family
- far
- fast
- father
- fear
- feel
- feeling
- feet
- fell
- felt
- few
- field
- fields
- figure
- file
- files
- fill
- filled
- final
- financial
- find
- fine
- finish
- finished
- fire
- first
- five
- floor
- follow
- followed
- following
- food
- foot
- for
- force
- foreign
- form
- forth
- forward
- foster
- found
- four
- fraction
- free
- freedom
- friend
- friends
- from
- front
- full
- fully
- further
- future
- gate
- gave
- general
- generally
- generate
- get
- gets
- getting
- girl
- girls
- give
- given
- glad
- glass
- go
- goes
- going
- gone
- good
- goods
- got
- government
- great
- greater
- green
- ground
- group
- groups
- guess
- gun
- guy
- had
- hadn't
- half
- hand
- hands
- happened
- happy
- hard
- hardly
- has
- hat
- have
- haven't
- having
- he
- he'd
- head
- heads
- hear
- heard
- heart
- heat
- heavy
- held
- help
- her
- here
- hers
- herself
- high
- him
- himself
- his
- history
- hold
- hole
- home
- hood
- hope
- hot
- hour
- hours
- house
- houses
- how
- however
- huge
- human
- hundred
- hung
- idea
- if
- imagine
- immediately
- importance
- important
- in
- include
- includes
- including
- indicate
- information
- inside
- instead
- interest
- interested
- international
- into
- investment
- involved
- is
- isn't
- issue
- it
- its
- itself
- job
- join
- just
- keep
- keeping
- kept
- kind
- knew
- know
- known
- knows
- laid
- land
- large
- last
- late
- later
- law
- laws
- lay
- learn
- learned
- least
- leave
- left
- legal
- less
- let
- let's
- letter
- level
- life
- light
- like
- likely
- limited
- line
- lines
- list
- listen
- little
- live
- living
- long
- longer
- look
- looked
- looking
- looks
- lose
- lost
- lot
- love
- low
- lower
- lowest
- machine
- made
- maintain
- major
- make
- makes
- making
- man
- manner
- many
- mark
- market
- material
- materials
- matter
- matters
- may
- maybe
- me
- mean
- means
- meant
- measure
- measures
- media
- meet
- meeting
- men
- mentioned
- merely
- message
- met
- middle
- might
- mighty
- mile
- miles
- million
- mind
- mine
- minor
- minute
- minutes
- miss
- moment
- money
- month
- months
- more
- morning
- most
- mother
- mouth
- move
- moved
- much
- multiple
- must
- my
- myself
- name
- national
- natural
- nature
- near
- nearly
- necessary
- need
- needed
- neither
- never
- new
- news
- next
- night
- no
- nobody
- non
- none
- nor
- normal
- not
- note
- notes
- nothing
- notice
- noticed
- now
- number
- numbers
- of
- off
- offer
- office
- often
- old
- on
- once
- one
- ones
- only
- open
- opened
- operation
- opportunity
- or
- order
- origin
- original
- originating
- other
- others
- otherwise
- ought
- our
- out
- outside
- over
- own
- paid
- panel
- paper
- paragraph
- part
- particular
- parties
- parts
- party
- passed
- past
- path
- pause
- pay
- people
- perfect
- perhaps
- period
- person
- personal
- personality
- persons
- phone
- picture
- piece
- place
- places
- plan
- play
- please
- point
- police
- poor
- position
- possible
- possibly
- power
- present
- president
- press
- pretty
- print
- private
- probably
- problem
- procedure
- procedures
- process
- procurement
- producer
- production
- program
- project
- property
- protect
- protection
- provide
- provided
- provision
- provisions
- public
- publication
- pulled
- purpose
- purposes
- pursuant
- push
- put
- question
- questions
- quick
- quickly
- quiet
- quietly
- quite
- ran
- rate
- rather
- re
- reach
- reached
- read
- ready
- real
- really
- reason
- reasonable
- reasons
- receive
- received
- red
- referred
- regarding
- related
- release
- released
- releasing
- relevant
- remember
- remembered
- repeat
- replied
- reply
- report
- reports
- request
- requested
- require
- required
- requirements
- respect
- rest
- return
- returned
- returns
- review
- rich
- right
- rights
- road
- room
- round
- rule
- rules
- run
- running
- safe
- said
- same
- sat
- save
- saw
- say
- saying
- says
- scene
- schedule
- screen
- seat
- second
- seconds
- secret
- section
- security
- see
- seem
- seemed
- seems
- seen
- self
- sell
- send
- sense
- sent
- serious
- service
- services
- set
- seven
- several
- shall
- she
- she'd
- shook
- short
- shot
- should
- show
- showed
- shut
- side
- sight
- silence
- silent
- similar
- simple
- simply
- since
- single
- sit
- sitting
- situation
- six
- sky
- slowly
- small
- smaller
- so
- some
- somebody
- someone
- something
- sometimes
- soon
- sorry
- sort
- sound
- sounds
- space
- speak
- special
- spoke
- spread
- stand
- standards
- standing
- start
- started
- state
- statement
- states
- stay
- step
- still
- stood
- stop
- stopped
- story
- straight
- strange
- street
- strong
- struck
- stuff
- subject
- substantial
- such
- sudden
- suddenly
- sun
- support
- supports
- suppose
- sure
- system
- systems
- table
- take
- taken
- takes
- taking
- talk
- talking
- tall
- technical
- tell
- telling
- temporary
- ten
- terms
- territory
- than
- thank
- that
- the
- their
- them
- themselves
- then
- there
- these
- they
- they're
- thing
- things
- think
- thinking
- third
- this
- those
- though
- thought
- thoughts
- thousand
- three
- through
- thus
- till
- time
- times
- to
- today
- together
- told
- too
- took
- top
- total
- toward
- towards
- town
- trade
- treat
- treatment
- trial
- tried
- trouble
- true
- truth
- try
- trying
- turn
- turned
- turning
- twenty
- two
- type
- under
- understand
- unique
- united
- unless
- until
- up
- upon
- us
- use
- used
- user
- using
- usually
- value
- very
- via
- view
- voice
- wait
- waited
- waiting
- walk
- walked
- wall
- want
- wanted
- was
- wasn't
- watch
- water
- way
- ways
- we
- we'll
- we're
- week
- weeks
- well
- went
- were
- what
- whatever
- when
- where
- whether
- which
- while
- white
- who
- whole
- whom
- whose
- why
- wide
- will
- wind
- wish
- with
- within
- without
- woman
- women
- won't
- wonder
- wood
- word
- words
- work
- worked
- working
- works
- world
- worse
- worth
- would
- wouldn't
- write
- writing
- written
- wrong
- year
- years
- yes
- yet
- you
- you'd
- you'll
- you're
- you've
- young
- your
- yourself