20032 This version of the Report Designer Components requires Visual Basic 5.0. For information regarding working with newer versions of Visual Basic, please consult the Seagate Software web site: http://www.seagatesoftware.com/scrvbasic.
20033 Running Total Fields
20034 SQL Expression Fields
20035 The Crystal Report Designer's Event code will not be saved into the report file!
20036 Format [
20037 ]...
20038 Unbound Fields
20039 Crystal Reports (version 7.0)
20040 *.rpt
20041 Field Explorer
20042 Cannot find the help file
20480 'To use the Crystal Report Smart Viewer to view more than
20481 'one report, you can use the Report Package component.
20482 'The following is an example of how to use the Report
20483 'Package component. In this example, three Crystal Report
20484 'Designers have been created in a project : CrystalReport1,
20485 'CrystalReport2 and CrystalReport3. The Form_Load event
20486 'handler creates a report collection package and then assigns
20487 'the package to the Viewer's ReportSource property.
20593 We hope you enjoyed your evaluation copy of Crystal Reports, which has now expired. To order a fully functional copy contact Seagate Software Sales:\nPhone 1-800-877-2340 or 604-681-3435\nFax 604-681-2934\nE-mail sales@seagatesoftware.com.
20594 The key code you just entered is not valid. Please try again.
30001 Close Subreport
32768 Insert Fields
32769 Insert Group
32770 Insert Summary
32772 Toggle Field View
32803 Increase Font Size
32804 Decrease Font Size
32806 Align Left
32807 Align Center
32808 Align Right
32809 Underline
32810 Bold
32811 Italics
32813 Save to Crystal Reports File
32814 Preview
32815 Insert Text Object
32821 Selection
32822 Insert Text Object
32823 New Report
32826 Open Report
32827 Save As
32829 Insert Subreport
32841 Delete Group
32859 Insert Chart
32860 Toggle Section Window
32861 Toggle Section Window
32862 Change the format of the selection\nFormat
32863 Undo (Ctrl+Z)
32865 Redo (Ctrl+Y)
32866 Edit the selected formula field\nEdit Formula
32867 Edit the selected text object\nEdit text object
32868 Edit the selected subreport\nEdit Subreport
32869 Save the selected subreport as a complete file\nSave Subreport As
32870 Change the border and colors of the selection\nBorder and Colors
32871 Set the font of the selection\nFont
32872 Modify the selected summary field\nEdit Summary Field
32873 Change row(s)/column(s) in OLAP Grid\nPivot OLAP Grid
32875 Change row(s)/column(s) in CrossTab\nPivot Cross-Tab
32876 Set OLAP cube location\nOLAP Cube Location
32877 Browse field data\nBrowse Data
32878 Select records to be used in report\nSelect Expert
32879 Insert a subtotal for selected field\nSubtotal
32880 Insert a grand total
32881 Move the selected object backward\nMove Backward
32882 Move the selected object to back\nMove To Back
32883 Move the selected object forward\nMove Forward
32884 Move the selected object to front\nMove To Front
32885 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
32886 Copy the selection to the Clipboard\nCopy
32887 Insert Clipboard contents\nPaste
32888 Delete the selection\nClear
32889 Cancel the menu
32891 Delete Section
32892 Set format of the current paragraph\nParagraph
32893 Set tab stops\nTabs
32894 Insert Section
32895 Format Section
32896 Print Date
32897 Print Time
32898 Modification Date
32899 Modification Time
32900 Data Date
32901 Data Time
32902 Record Number
32903 Page Number
32904 Group Number
32905 Total Page Count
32906 Report Title
32907 Report Comments
32908 Insert Hyperlink\nInsert Hyperlink
32909 Change Group
32910 Re-import subreport from its source\nRe-import subreport
32912 Sort Order
32913 TopN Expert
32914 Insert Line
32915 Insert Box
32916 Insert Cross-Tab
32917 Insert OLE Object
32918 Insert Picture
32919 Align Baselines
32920 Report Options
32921 Summary Info
32924 Format Cross-Tab
32925 Format Chart
32926 Change Subreport Links
32929 Default Settings
32930 Hide Section (Drill-Down OK)
32931 Suppress Section
32932 Fit Section
32933 Merge Section Below
32934 Move Section
32935 About
32936 Print registration form\nRegistration
32937 Convert Database Driver
32938 Select Expert
32940 Report Expert
32941 Style Expert
32942 Show/Hide Ruler
32943 Show/Hide Grid
32944 Printer Setup
32945 Page Setup
32946 Object Properties
32947 Help
32949 Record Selection Formula
32950 Group Selection Formula
32951 Help Search
32952 Using Help
32955 Delete Formula
32956 New a Formula
32957 Edit Formula
32958 Rename Formula
32959 Edit Parameter
32960 Rename Parameter
32961 Delete Parameter
32962 New Parameter
32963 Insert Cross-Tab Chart
32964 Align Tops
32966 Align Middles
32967 Align Lefts
32968 Align Centers
32969 Align Rights
32970 Align to Grid
32971 Same Width
32972 Same Height
32973 Same Size
32974 Align Bottoms
32978 Record Selection Formula
32979 Group Selection Formula
32980 File Path and Name
32981 File Author
32982 File Creation Date
32983 Page N of M
32984 Edit Running Total
32985 Rename Running Total
32986 Delete Running Total
32987 New Running Total
32988 Rename Running Total
32989 Change Highlighting
32990 New SQL Expression Field
32991 Edit SQL Expression Field
32992 Rename SQL Expression Field
32993 Delete SQL Expression Field
32995 Perform Grouping On Server
32996 Zoom Control
32997 Change the hierarchical grouping options
32998 Change the chart template\nTemplate
32999 Change general chart options\nGeneral
33000 Change the grid settings\nGrid
33001 Change the viewing angle of the 3D chart\nViewing Angle
33002 Change the chart titles\nTitles
33003 Create and edit report alerts\nReport Alerts