16388 Overwriting the original report is not supported. You must save to a different filename.
16688 Unexpected end of Visual Linking Dialog.All links are deleted.
16689 Current links must be accepted after this index deletion. Accept links right after deletion?
16690 Too many links!
16691 Too many linked fields per link!
16692 Index in use switched in order to make the link valid.
16693 A link cycle will be created!
16694 <no specific index>
16695 Visual Linking
16696 Type: %1s\nLength: %2d
16697 Type: %1s
16698 Memo
16699 Time
16700 Date
16701 Boolean
16702 Currency
16703 Number
16704 String
16705 This is not a valid tab stop.
16706 Can't load file:
16709 /m:64 /p:2048 /b:32 /f:60 /l:40 /u:16
16710 ,
16711 Remove File
16730 Verify Database
16735 Not found
16736 File:
16737 Table:
16738 Verify files in the report that are not used?
16739 Access Files (*.mdb)
16741 Crystal Reports (*.rpt)
16742 Choose Database File
16743 Choose New Location
16744 Clipper Indexes
16745 dBASE Indexes
16746 |*.rpt|MS Data Report (*.dsr)|*.dsr||
16747 All Files
16748 Current File
16749 Out of memory
16750 Done
16751 File Open
16753 Dictionary "%1s" not found.
16754 Dictionary changed.
16756 Change the Access MDB location of all other tables with the same original MDB?
16757 Attach New Index
16758 Successfully attached the index.
16759 Attach Database Index
16767 Add
16776 Format Formula Editor : %1s
16777 Running_Total_Condition_Formula
16778 For all records
16779 Showing Grand Totals
16780 Showing SubTotals
16782 Check formula
16785 records
16788 <New>
16789 Untitled
16790 Show - %1s
16791 Hide - %1s
16792 Data
16793 Links
16794 Fields
16795 Group
16796 Total
16797 Top N
16798 Drill
16799 Cross-Tab
16800 Label
16801 Chart
16802 Select
16803 Style
16804 Report Expert Warning.
16805 Please choose Group(s) first.This determines when to break for subtotals in report.
16806 Please insert table in step 1 first.
16807 Please choose Group(s) and Total(s) first.These are required for Top N features.
16808 Please choose Group(s) and Total(s) first.These are required for Chart features.
16809 Form Letter
16810 Form
16811 Subreport
16812 Members
16813 Please create a cross-tab first.It is required for Chart features.
16814 Dimension
16815 Please use report expert to create a subreport before exiting.
16816 Please specify a report file!
16817 Can't open report file!
16818 Please specify a report name!
16819 OK
16820 Parameter field has already been used in a link.
16821 Drill-Down
16824 Create Parameter Field
16825 Edit Parameter Field
16826 Edit Parameter Field Name
16829 Cannot read report - version %1d.%2d
16830 Tools
16831 in
16832 cm
16833 Design
16834 Preview
16835 Grid
16836 Formula Editor:
16837 Record Selection Formula Editor
16838 Group Selection Formula Editor
16839 Please select a color.
16840 Report Fields:
16841 Database Fields:
16842 Format Field
16843 Field:
16844 Text:
16845 Picture:
16846 Format Picture
16847 Parameter Fields:
16848 Subreport:
16849 OLE Object:
16850 The library "%1s" cannot be found.\nThe data in this report cannot be refreshed!\nTo install this driver please rerun setup and add the appropriate database feature from the Data Access group.
16854 Move/Resize
16855 Undo %1s Ctrl+Z
16856 Can't Undo
16857 Redo %1s Ctrl+Y
16858 Can't Redo
16859 Section Height
16860 Move Guideline
16861 Add Guideline
16862 Remove Guideline
16863 Attach Object
16864 Detach Object
16865 Edit Text
16866 Insert Object
16867 Insert Field
16868 Clear
16869 User Default
16870 Rename Formula
16871 Edit Formula
16872 New Formula
16873 Insert Text Object
16874 Insert Subreport
16875 Insert Group
16876 Remove Group
16877 Reorder Group
16878 Change Group Options
16879 Insert Field in Text Object
16880 Change Subreport Link
16881 Change Subreport Links
16882 Others
16883 Insert Section
16884 Split Section
16885 Move Section
16886 Merge Section
16887 Delete Section
16888 Show/Hide Section
16891 Crystal Reports Object\na Report Object
16894 Is Linked To
16895 Prompt User
16896 Edit Parameter
16897 Rename Parameter
16898 New Parameter
16899 Delete Formula
16900 Deleter Parameter
16901 Edit Chart
16903 Insert Line
16904 Insert Box
16905 Formatting Page %1l
16906 Generating Page %1l
16907 %1l of %2l
16908 Recalculating Summaries
16909 Total
16912 Format Line
16913 Format Box
16924 Chart:
16925 Char&t Expert
16927 Chart Error
16928 Chart library "SSCSDK16.DLL" cannot be found.It should be on the path.
16929 Step 1: Type
16930 2: Data
16931 3: Text
16932 4: Options
16933 Once per report
16934 For each %1s
16935 %1s and %2s
16936 Crystal Reports Charting Editor
16937 None
16941 Group Sort Order
16942 Record Sort Order
16943 A - %1s
16944 D - %1s
16945 Summary Fields:
16946 Grand Total:
16947 Format Cross-Tab
16949 User-Defined Label
16959 Use Data Read So Far
16960 Not all the data has been read.Do you want to print the report with the data read so far?
16961 Sort Records
16963 Change Summary
16965 Clear Objects
16966 Move Objects
16968 All Image Files|*.bmp;*.dib;*.msp;*.tif;*.tiff;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.mac;*.pct|Bitmap Files|*.bmp;*.dib;*.msp|TIFF files|*.tif;*.tiff|JPEG Files|*.jpg;*.jpeg|PNG Files|*.png|All Files|*.*||
16969 Change Font
16970 Confirm Command
16971 Warning: It is not possible to undo this command. Would you like to perform the command anyway?
16972 Printing Page %1l
16973 Copy: %1l
16975 Hide Sections
16976 Show Sections
16977 Edit Alert
16978 Black
16979 Maroon
16988 %1s, Level %2d
16990 Green
16991 Olive
16992 Navy
16993 Purple
16994 Teal
16995 Gray
16996 Silver
16997 Red
16998 Lime
16999 Yellow
17000 Blue
17001 Fuchsia
17002 Aqua
17003 White
17004 Transparent
17005 Custom
17006 Format Editor
17007 Common Format
17008 Text Format
17009 Picture Format
17010 Field Element Format
17011 Report Header %1s
17012 Page Header %1s
17013 Group Header #%1d%2s
17014 Details %1s
17015 Group Footer #%1d%2s
17016 Grand Total
17017 Page Footer %1s
17018 Report Footer %1s
17019 RH%1s
17020 PH%1s
17021 GH%1d%2s
17022 D%1s
17023 GF%1d%2s
17024 GT
17025 PF%1s
17026 RF%1s
17028 ?
17029 Group #%1d
17030 %1s: %2s (%3s) - %4s
17031 %1s: %2s - %3s
17032 Group #%1d Name
17033 Column #%1d Name
17034 Row #%1d Name
17035 GH #%1d%2s
17036 GF #%1d%2s
17037 A subreport named '%1s' already exists.
17038 Create New Subreport
17039 Subreport
17040 The existing preview which uses theseparameter values will be refreshed.
17041 All instances of this subreport will be refreshed.
17042 Main report and Subreport data will all be refreshed.
17043 Refresh Report Data
17044 Refresh report data?
17045 OLAP
17046 Insert Parameter Field
17047 Parameter Field Changes
17048 A parameter field named '%1s' already exists.
17049 report
17050 main report
17051 subreport
17052 No errors found.
17053 Sections:
17054 Suppress (No Drill-Down)
17055 Don't Suppress
17056 &Insert
17058 &Delete
17059 &Merge
17060 &Close
17062 Page Area
17063 Report Area
17064 Group #%1d
17065 Detail
17066 P
17067 R
17068 G %1d
17069 D
17070 Text Object
17071 OLE Object
17072 Chart
17073 Cross-Tab
17074 Blob Field
17075 Set Page Margins
17076 Set Report Date
17078 Verify Files In Report
17079 The database is up to date.
17080 The database is now up to date.
17081 No stored procedure is found.
17082 The database file ""%1s"" has changed. Proceeding to fix up the report!
17083 There are fields in the report from this file. Continue?
17084 Propagate server and database changes across tables with the same original information?
17086 Reports:
17087 Empty formula name!
17088 Parameter field already exists!
17089 Empty parameter field name!
17090 Formula name already exists!
17091 Formula name does not exist!
17092 Parameter field does not exist!
17093 Dict Path:
17094 Server Type:
17096 Server Name:
17097 Data File path:
17098 Database:
17099 User ID:
17100 Log on %1s server succeeded.
17101 = Equal join
17102 = (+) Left outer join
17103 (+) = Right outer join
17104 (+) = (+) Outer join
17105 Log on SQL server
17106 Propagate Set Location
17107 Update SQL Query
17108 Replace changes made to SQL query ?
17110 Some field(s) not found in dictionary "%1s". Proceed to fix up the report?
17118 Section Expert
17119 Insert Group
17120 Insert Summary
17121 Insert Subtotal
17122 Insert Grand Total
17129 Resize Objects
17131 OLAP Grid
17136 Default Settings
17137 Cropping values on top and bottom are too great.
17138 Cropping values on left and right sides are too great.
17139 User has to select a field type.
17140 Modify Alert
17141 Delete Alert
17142 Add Alert
17143 Name
17146 Charting values can only be numeric type, and cannot be print time formulas with side-effects.
17147 Invalid charting condition field.
17148 Charting value is empty.
17149 There is an error in this formula. Do you want to exit anyway?
17150 Page
17151 Row
17155 Text Files|*.txt|All Files|*.*||
17157 Enter Parameter Values
17160 of
17161 Enter Prompting Parameter Field
17162 Please enter a boolean value, "%1s" or "%2s".
17163 Please enter a currency value.
17164 Please enter a number.
17165 Please enter a date value.\nFor example: "%1s".
17166 Send Backward
17167 Send To Back
17168 Bring Forward
17169 Bring To Front
17170 Cannot load Crystal Chart Editor. Please check its configuration.
17171 Seagate Software
17172 Crystal Reports
17173 There are no more matching items.
17174 &Move to Bottom of Section when Printing
17177 Subreport
17178 Link
17182 Report Search
17197 "No row or summary field.Please build a valid cross-tab first."
17211 DateTime
17213 Event code will not be imported.
17216 Value
17218 Chart library "SSCSDK80.DLL" cannot be found.It should be on the path.
17228 Customize Style
17229 No Color
17235 %1s & %2s
17236 %1s / %2s
17237 Cannot have both minimum and maximum equal to zero.
17238 The minimum must be between 0 and %1d.
17239 The maximum must be between 0 and %1d.
17240 The minimum cannot be larger than the maximum.
17241 Le&ngth limit
17242 &Min Length
17243 Ma&x Length
17244 &Min Value
17245 Ma&x Value
17246 Ra&nge Limited Field
17247 &Start Date
17248 &End Date
17249 Date(0, 0, 0)
17250 &Start Time
17251 &End Time
17252 Time(0, 0, 0)
17253 &Start Date-time
17254 &End Date-time
17255 DateTime(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
17258 Warning: On completion, the report expert will replace your existing report definition and cannot be undone, although you may cancel safely at any point before completion. Would you like to continue with the command?
17268 %1s field link
17282 On change of
17283 For each record
17284 Select a group parameter field which has a True value.
17285 Select and add group parameter fields which have True values.
17286 This data type is not supported as a parameter data type.
17288 An alert with this name already exists.
17290 Text Files|*.txt;*.rtf;*.htm;*.html|All Files|*.*||
17292 , or 1 'On change of Field' and many values to 'Show'
17294 The link(s) for subreport %1s have changed. Would you like to update the link(s)?
17295 The report %1s could not be found. Would you like to search for it?
17296 This chart type requires %1s 'On change of' field(s) and %2s value(s) to 'Show'
17297 Cannot select a running total field or print time formula with side effects.
17298 Chart Sort Order
17299 Warning: Reset/evaluate condition formula contains variables. Do you want to keep it?
17300 e
17309 In %1s direction, the minimum value is greater than maximum value.
17310 may contain features that are not available in version 7.\nDo you want to save this report in version 7 format?
17318 Warning: If you disable 7.0 Text Compatability your text objects in your pre-8.0 Crystal Reports may be formatted with different line breaks.
17319 Alert is in use and can not be deleted
17327 Conversion
17338 Please input a value between 1 and 100
17339 Summary Field cannot be selected as an 'On Change Of' field.
17340 New Running Total
17342 Running Total name already exists!
17343 %1s is up-to-date.
17344 Edit Running Total
17345 Rename Running Total
17346 Running Total field does not exist!
17347 equal to
17348 not equal to
17349 less than or equal to
17350 greater than
17351 greater than or equal to
17352 between
17353 not between
17354 Default border style
17355 None
17356 Single box
17357 Double box
17358 Single underline
17359 Double underline
17360 Single overline
17361 Double overline
17362 Single box, double underline
17363 Default color
17364 No color
17365 new item
17366 value
17367 or
17368 less than
17369 Highlighting
17371 This command cannot be undone. \n
17372 Re-importing the subreport failed.
17376 Please enter a time value.\nFor example: "%1s".
17378 Please enter a datetime value.\nFor example: "%1s %2s".
17387 File Warning
17388 XBase Error: %1s
17389 XBase Warning: %1s
17395 Parameter in
17396 database of
17401 Insert a Grand Total field at the end
17402 of the report which calculates the
17408 Do you want to save the current formula?
17410 Empty SQL expression name!
17411 SQL expression name already exists!
17412 Empty running total name!
17413 Rename SQL Expression
17414 Formula Name
17415 SQL Expression Name
17416 Parameter Name
17417 Running Total Name
17418 Old Name:
17419 SQL Expressions
17420 New SQL Expression
17421 Edit SQL Expression
17422 Delete SQL Expression
17423 Rename SQL Expression
17425 Do you want to create a new formula?
17426 Chart Expert
17427 Comment
17428 Keyword
17429 Text
17430 Text Selection
17431 AaBbCcXxYyZz
17432 Up
17433 Down
17434 Record Search Formula Editor
17435 Group Search Formula Editor
17436 P is:
17437 N is:
17438 with:
17439 The string '%1s' was not found.
17440 SQL Editor\Bar State
17441 SQL Expression Editor:
17442 Do you want to save the current SQL expression?
17443 Do you want to create a new SQL expression?
17444 There is an error in this SQL expression. Do you want to save it anyway?
17445 Numeric
17446 System
17447 &Data title:
17448 Data&2 title:
17449 Se&ries title:
17450 The template has been saved.\nIt can be found under "User Defined" in the Templates dialog.
17451 Grou&p title:
17452 Template
17453 Alert Condition Formula Editor
17454 Alert Message Formula Editor
17455 Pie si&ze:
17456 Bar si&ze:
17457 Viewing ang&le:
17458 Riser si&ze:
17465 Saving Data Records
17470 Generations are out of order. They will be adjusted.
17471 Application:
17474 Select members for your report from the member tab before advancing to the TopN tab.
17480 Essbase Server
17499 Database Warning
17500 More than one database driver has been used in this report. If you want to change the database drivers use Database/Set Location.
17501 This report is based on a VB DataEnvironment.\nIt could be very difficult to duplicate the same data set using a different driver.\nDo you want to continue converting?\n
17502 VBDataEnvironment
17503 Browse Data Alt+B
17504 Show Toolbar Alt+T
17509 Field Tree
17510 Function Tree
17511 Operator Tree
17515 The search string could not be found.
17517 Operators
17518 Functions
17527 Other Fields...
17528 this field
17529 is equal to
17530 is not equal to
17531 is less than or equal to
17532 is greater than
17533 is greater than or equal to
17534 is between
17535 is not between
17536 is less than
17542 Rotation
17543 Olap chart
17544 Bubble size based on
17545 For
17546 Stock chart
17547 Bubble chart
17548 Scatter chart
17552 Page %1l of %2l
17553 PSQODB32
17554 Software\Seagate Software\DBDriverOptions
17555 NameOfDllHasPrompt
17556 Text Files (*.txt)
17557 User will lose all linking information. Cancel Visual Linking Expert?
17559 Format Cross-Tab
17560 Page %1l
17561 Passed end of the file
17562 Style
17563 Change Object Adornment
17565 You are about to lose some of the default values. Do you want to continue?
17566 The value does not match with any default value.\nDo you want to continue and lose the description?
17567 A group number must be between 0 and 255.
17568 You have selected a new style. Would you like to keep this style\nand lose any customized changes that you have made?
17569 Please enter only up to %1d decimal place(s) as shown in the\nnumber format.
17584 yyyy
17585 MM
17586 M
17587 dd
17588 d
17589 yyyy'/'MM'/'dd
17590 YYYY/MM/DD
17591 hh
17592 h
17593 HH
17594 H
17595 mm
17596 m
17597 ss
17598 s
17599 tt
17716 RTotal
17717 Font_Name
17718 Font_Style
17719 Font_Size
17720 Font_Underline
17721 Font_Strikeout
17724 On_Demand_Subreport
17725 Subreport_Tab_Text
17726 Cube View
18030 Subreport Preview
18031 Performing this action will cause all open subreport previews to be closed.\nDo you wish to continue?
18034 Delete Running Total
18035 Create Running Total Field
18036 Edit Running Total Field
18037 Invalid field selection
18038 Running Total Condition Formula
18039 DefaultAttribute
18040 CurrentFieldValue
18041 Status
18042 Dialogs\Bar State
18043 Do you want to save your changes?
18047 Cross-Tab Group Options
18048 The maximum length for this field is %1l.
18049 The minimum length for this field is %1l.
18050 You must enter a value for this field.
18051 Password
18052 You must enter a value for this masked field.
18053 The value must be between %1s and %2s.
18054 The date must be between %1s and %2s.
18055 The time must be between %1s and %2s.
18056 The date-time must be between %1s and\n%2s.
18057 This character should be a digit.
18058 This character should be a digit or space.
18059 This character should be a digit, space, or plus/minus sign.
18060 This character should be a letter.
18061 This character should be a letter or digit.
18062 This character should match the mask.
18063 %1s (not available)
18064 A link to "%1s" cannot be used and has been discarded. You will need to redo linking!
18065 Propagate location changes across subreports with the same original locations?
18066 Subreport dictionary changed. Changes will not come into effect until report is saved and reopened!
18068 Group #%1d (%2s)
18069 Group #%1d
18070 %1s (%2s)
18071 Discrete Va&lue
18072 Boo&lean Parameter
18074 Boolean parameters with True value
18079 GridRowColumnValue (row or column name)
18080 Change Hierarchical Options
18081 Space(10)
18082 Error
18083 This report is based on the Essbase Script Method which is not supported in this release of Crystal Reports. For information on migrating this report to Open OLAP please refer to the release notes.
18084 Value
18085 Start End
18086 Value/Start End
18088 Select an Instance ID Field
18089 Select a field
18090 Invalid hierarchical group settings
18091 Please select a parent ID field for this group.
18096 This report was created with a version of Crystal Reports which is later than the version you are running. Some features used in the report may not be supported.
18097 OLAP data sources cannot be saved as Favorites.
18102 You cannot perform this command and keep your Alerting tabs. If you continue, the Alerting tabs will be closed.Do you want to continue?
18103 Report Alerts
18104 OLAP Report Conversion
18105 If you resave this report, it will only open with version 9 Crystal Reports or greater. Do you want to continue?
20480 BC
20481 CA
20482 NY
20483 WA
20484 is any value.
20485 is True.
20486 is False.
20487 Formula:
20489 0
20490 90
20491 270
20500 for each day.
20501 for each week.
20502 for each two weeks.
20503 for each half month.
20504 for each month.
20505 for each quarter.
20506 for each half year.
20507 for each year.
20508 for each second.
20509 for each minute.
20510 for each hour.
20511 for AM/PM.
20512 on any change.
20513 on change to yes.
20514 on change to no.
20515 on every yes.
20516 on every no.
20517 on next is yes.
20518 on next is no.
20520 Report Style Base
20521 Standard
20522 Leading Break
20523 Trailing Break
20524 Table
20525 Drop Table
20526 Executive, Leading Break
20527 Executive, Trailing Break
20528 Shading
20529 Red/Blue Border
20530 Maroon/Teal Box
20532 the first date in the period
20533 the last date in the period
20546 1997
20547 1998
20548 1999
20550 Top N
20551 Bottom N
20552 All
20553 Boolean
20554 Currency
20555 Date
20556 Date Time
20557 Number
20558 String
20559 Time
20576 False
20577 True
20578 F
20579 T
20580 No
20581 Yes
20582 N
20583 Y
20584 0
20585 1
20587 is any value.
20588 is equal to
20589 is not equal to
20590 is one of
20591 is not one of
20592 is less than
20593 is less than or equal to
20594 is greater than
20595 is greater than or equal to
20596 is between
20597 is not between
20598 starts with
20599 does not start with
20600 is like
20601 is not like
20602 formula:
20603 is uda
20604 is not uda
20608 Arithmetic
20609 Add ( x + y )
20610 Subtract ( x - y )
20611 Multiply ( x * y )
20612 Divide ( x / y )
20613 Per cent ( x % y )
20614 Negate ( -x )
20616 Conversion
20617 To currency ( $x )
20619 Comparisons
20620 Equal ( x = y )
20621 Not equal ( x <> y )
20622 Less than ( x < y )
20623 Greater than ( x > y )
20624 Greater or equal ( x >= y )
20625 Less or equal ( x <= y )
20627 Strings
20628 Concatenate ( x + y )
20629 Subscript ( x [y] )
20630 In string ( x in y )
20632 Ranges
20633 Make range ( x to y )
20634 In range ( x in y )
20636 Boolean
20637 And ( x and y )
20638 Or ( x or y )
20639 Not ( not x )
20641 Arrays
20642 Make array ( [x, ...] )
20643 Subscript ( x [y] )
20644 In array ( x in y )
20646 Pattern
20647 Starts with ( x startsWith y )
20648 Like pattern ( x like y )
20650 Other
20651 Parentheses ( (x) )
20652 Assignment ( x := y )
20653 if x then y else z
20654 Comment ( // )
20656 Scope
20657 Local
20658 Global
20659 Shared
20661 Variable Declarations
20662 BooleanVar x := y;
20663 NumberVar x := y;
20664 CurrencyVar x := y;
20665 DateVar x := y;
20666 TimeVar x := y;
20667 DateTimeVar x := y;
20668 StringVar x := y;
20669 NumberVar range x := y to z;
20670 CurrencyVar range x := y to z;
20671 DateVar range x := y to z;
20672 TimeVar range x := y to z;
20673 DateTimeVar range x := y to z;
20674 StringVar range x := y to z;
20675 BooleanVar array x := [y, z, ...];
20676 NumberVar array x := [y, z, ...];
20677 CurrencyVar array x := [y, z, ...];
20678 DateVar array x := [y, z, ...];
20679 TimeVar array x := [y, z, ...];
20680 DateTimeVar arrray x := [y, z, ...];
20681 StringVar array x := [y, z, ...];
20682 NumberVar range array x := [a to c, y to z, ...];
20683 CurrencyVar range array x := [a to c, y to z, ...];
20684 DateVar range array x := [a to c, y to z, ...];
20685 TimeVar range array x := [a to c, y to z, ...];
20686 DateTimeVar range array x := [a to c, y to z, ...];
20687 StringVar range array x := [a to c, y to z, ...];
21213 The Crystal Report Designer's Event code will not be saved into the report file!
21248 None
21249 Single
21250 Double
21251 Dashed
21252 Dotted
21253 True or False
21254 T or F
21255 Yes or No
21256 Y or N
21257 1 or 0
21258 Default
21259 Left
21260 Centered
21261 Right
21262 Justified
21296 Windows Long
21297 Windows Short
21298 Custom
21299 Short
21300 Long
21301 None
21302 3
21303 03
21304 Mar
21305 March
21306 None
21307 1
21308 01
21309 None
21310 99
21311 1999
21312 None
21313 Leading
21314 Trailing
21315 Gregorian
21316 Gregorian (English)
21317 Japanese
21318 Taiwanese
21319 Korean
21320 Hijri
21321 Thai
21322 Hebrew
21323 Gregorian (ME French)
21324 Gregorian (Arabic)
21325 Gregorian (Transliterated English)
21326 Gregorian (Transliterated French)
21328 Date Time
21329 Time Date
21330 Date
21331 Time
21332 05
21333 5
21334 None
21335 AM 01:23
21336 01:23 AM
21337 14
21338 02
21339 2
21340 1
21341 01
21342 6
21343 06
21344 1
21345 1.0
21346 1.00
21347 1.000
21348 1.0000
21349 1.00000
21350 1.000000
21351 1.0000000
21352 1.00000000
21353 1.000000000
21354 1.0000000000
21355 0.0000000001
21356 0.000000001
21357 0.00000001
21358 0.0000001
21359 0.000001
21360 0.00001
21361 0.0001
21362 0.001
21363 0.01
21364 0.1
21365 1
21366 10
21367 100
21368 1,000
21369 10,000
21370 100,000
21371 1,000,000
21372 None
21373 -123
21374 123-
21375 (123)
21380 Wed
21381 Wednesday
21382 None
21383 Regular
21384 Bold
21385 Italic
21386 Bold
21387 Default
21418 To String
21419 To Date
21420 To Date-Time
21421 Full Size
21422 Fit Width
21423 Fit Page
21441 is any value.
21442 is equal to
21443 is not equal to
21444 is one of
21445 is not one of
21446 is less than
21447 is less than or equal to
21448 is greater than
21449 is greater than or equal to
21450 is between
21451 is not between
21452 is in the period
21453 is not in the period
21454 formula:
21472 PrintDate
21473 PrintTime
21474 ModificationDate
21475 ModificationTime
21476 DataDate
21477 DataTime
21478 RecordNumber
21479 PageNumber
21480 GroupNumber
21481 Total Page Count
21482 Report Title
21483 Report Comments
21484 Record Selection Formula
21485 Group Selection Formula
21486 File Path and Name
21487 File Author
21488 File Creation Date
21489 Page N of M
21490 Hour Constants
21491 NoHour
21492 NumericHour
21493 LeadingZeroHour
21495 Minute Constants
21496 NoMinute
21497 NumericMinute
21498 LeadingZeroMinute
21500 Second Constants
21501 NoSecond
21502 NumericSecond
21503 LeadingZeroSecond
21505 Left
21506 Right
21507 Centered
21508 Justified
21531 Calendar Constants
21532 GregorianCalendar
21533 GregorianEnglishCalendar
21534 JapaneseCalendar
21536 None
21537 ()
21538 ( )
21539 []
21540 [ ]
21541 Text Interpretation Constants
21542 UninterpretedText
21543 RTFText
21544 HTMLText
22100 Another Report
22101 Any Report
22102 Custom Report Expert
22103 Custom Cross-Tab Report Expert
22104 Standard Report Expert
22105 Listing Report Expert
22106 Cross-Tab Report Expert
22107 Mailing Labels Report Expert
22108 Summary Report Expert
22109 TopN Report Expert
22110 Graph Report Expert
22111 Drill Down Report Expert
22112 Form Letter Report Expert
22113 Form Report Expert
22114 Subreport Expert
22115 Contain Subreport Expert
22116 OLAP Report Expert
22117 Import Tool Report Expert
22130 sum
22131 average
22132 sample variance
22133 sample standard deviation
22134 maximum
22135 minimum
22136 count
22137 population variance
22138 population standard deviation
22139 distinct count
22140 correlation
22141 covariance
22142 weighted average
22143 median
22144 Pth percentile
22145 Nth largest
22146 Nth smallest
22147 mode
22148 Nth most frequent
22149 Percentage of %1s
22155 Sum of %1s
22156 Avg of %1s
22157 Var of %1s
22158 StdDev of %1s
22159 Max of %1s
22160 Min of %1s
22161 Count of %1s
22162 PopVar of %1s
22163 PopStdDev of %1s
22164 DistinctCount of %1s
22165 Cor of %1s with %2s
22166 Cov of %1s with %2s
22167 Weighted avg of %1s with %2s
22168 Median of %1s
22169 Pth percentile (P = %1d) of %2s
22170 Nth largest (N = %1d) of %2s
22171 Nth smallest (N = %1d) of %2s
22172 Mode of %1s
22173 Nth most freq (N = %1d) of %2s
22174 Percentage of %1s
22180 Bar
22181 Line
22182 Area
22183 Pie
22184 Doughnut
22185 3D Riser
22186 3D Surface
22187 XY Scatter
22188 Radar
22189 Bubble
22190 Stock
22200 Side by side bar chart. Bars display a value for each group and subgroup (optional). Good for showing comparisons between group values.
22201 Stacked bar chart. Subgroup totals make up the group/bar total. Good for showing comparisons between group and subgroup values.
22202 Percent bar chart. Subgroups are shown as a percentage of the group/bar total. Good for emphasizing each component's proportionate part of a total.
22203 Side by side bar chart with 3D visual effect. Bars display a value for each group, and subgroup (optional). Good for showing comparisons between group values.
22204 Stacked bar chart with 3D visual effect. Stacked bar chart. Subgroup totals make up the group/bar total. Good for showing comparisons between group and subgroup values.
22205 Percent bar chart with 3D visual effect. Subgroups are shown as a percentage of the group/bar total. Good for emphasizing each component's proportionate part of a total.
22210 Line chart. Data values are plotted as points and connected to form a line for each series. Often plotted over time to display a trend for a single series or the relationship between 2 or more series.
22211 Stacked line chart. Often plotted over time to display the contribution trend for each series.
22212 Percentage line chart. Often plotted over time to display the percentage contribution trend for each series.
22213 Line chart with markers at data points. Data values are plotted as points and connected to form a line for each series.
22214 Stacked line chart with markers at data points. Often plotted over time to display the contribution trend for each series.
22215 Percentage line chart with markers at data points. Often plotted over time to display the percentage contribution trend for each series.
22220 Stacked area chart. Often plotted over time to display the contribution trend for each series and to illustrate the relationship between series.
22221 Percentage area chart. Often plotted over time to display the percentage contribution trend for each series and to illustrate the relationship between series.
22222 Stacked area chart with 3D visual effect. Often plotted over time to display the contribution trend for each series and to illustrate the relationship between series.
22223 Percentage area chart with 3D visual effect. Often plotted over time to display the percentage contribution trend for each series and to illustrate the relationship between series.
22224 Stacked area chart with 3D visual effect. Often plotted over time to display the contribution trend for each series and to illustrate the relationship between series.
22225 Percentage area chart with 3D visual effect. Often plotted over time to display the percentage contribution trend for each series and to illustrate the relationship between series.
22230 Pie chart. Illustrates the contribution of component values to a total.
22231 Pie chart with 3D visual effect. Illustrates the contribution of component values to a total.
22232 Multiple pie chart. Each pie represents a group and illustrates the contribution of component values to the group total.
22233 Proportional multiple pie chart. Each pie represents a group and illustrates the contribution of component values to the group total. The size of each pie is proportional to the overall total.
22240 Doughnut chart. Like a pie chart. Illustrates the contribution of component values to a total.
22241 Multiple doughnut chart. Each doughnut represents a group and illustrates the contribution of component values to the group total.
22242 Multiple proportional doughnut chart. Each doughnut represents a group and illustrates the contribution of component values to the group total. The size of each doughnut is proportional.
22250 3D bar chart. Chart is shown within 3 axes (x, y, and z) such that values are displayed across groups and series. Good to display data retrieved from spreadsheets.
22251 3D pyramid chart. Same as 3D bar chart except bars are shaped as pyramids.
22252 3D octagon chart. Same as 3D bar chart except bars are shaped as octagons.
22253 3D cut corner bar chart. Same as 3D bar chart except bars are shaped with cut corners.
22255 3D surface chart. A chart using 3 axes, with time often plotted along the major axis so as to display the trend relationship between series as a surface curve.
22256 3D surface with sides chart. Like the regular 3D surface chart but with the surface curve displayed as a solid mass.
22257 3D honeycomb surface chart. Like the regular 3D surface chart but with the surface curve displayed as a honeycomb.
22260 XY scatter chart. Individual data points are plotted within 2 axes. From the density and pattern of the points it can be determined if a correlation exists between x and y values.
22261 XY Scatter dual axis
22262 XY Scatter with labels
22263 XY Scatter dual axis with labels
22265 Radar chart. Markers at each data point. Good for showing data patterns.
22266 Stacked radar chart. Each series' data values are stacked and displayed as a separate segment. Good for showing patterns and comparisons between group and subgroup values.
22267 Dual axis radar
22270 Bubble chart. Like a scatter chart but compares 3 sets of data values, rather than 2. The third value is displayed by the size of the bubble at each data point.
22271 Dual axis bubble
22275 High-Low stock chart. Use to examine the behavior of stock data. Displays data range in reference to maximum and minimum stock values.
22276 High-Low-Open-Close stock chart. Displays data range in reference to maximum and minimum values. Opening and closing values are also distinguished.
22277 HighLowOpen
22278 HighLowOpen - dual axis
22279 HighLowOpenClose
22280 HighLowOpenClose - dual axis
22285 Title
22286 Subtitle
22287 Footnote
22288 Legend title
22289 Group title
22290 Data title
22291 Data2 title
22292 Group labels
22293 Data labels
22294 Data2 labels
22295 Data points
22296 Series title
22297 Series labels
22298 Percentage of
22310 Arithmetic
22311 Remainder (num, denom)
22312 Abs (x)
22313 Round (x)
22314 Round (x, #places)
22315 Truncate (x)
22316 Truncate (x, #places)
22317 Sum (fld)
22318 Sum (fld, condFld)
22319 Sum (fld, condFld, cond)
22320 Average (fld)
22321 Average (fld, condFld)
22322 Average (fld, condFld, cond)
22323 StdDev (fld)
22324 StdDev (fld, condFld)
22325 StdDev (fld, condFld, cond)
22326 PopulationStdDev (fld)
22327 PopulationStdDev (fld, condFld)
22328 PopulationStdDev (fld, condFld, cond)
22329 Variance (fld)
22330 Variance (fld, condFld)
22331 Variance (fld, condFld, cond)
22332 PopulationVariance (fld)
22333 PopulationVariance (fld, condFld)
22334 PopulationVariance (fld, condFld, cond)
22335 Maximum (fld)
22336 Maximum (fld, condFld)
22337 Maximum (fld, condFld, cond)
22338 Minimum (fld)
22339 Minimum (fld, condFld)
22340 Minimum (fld, condFld, cond)
22341 Count (fld)
22342 Count (fld, condFld)
22343 Count (fld, condFld, cond)
22344 DistinctCount (fld)
22345 DistinctCount (fld, condFld)
22346 DistinctCount (fld, condFld, cond)
22347 Correlation (fld, fld)
22348 Correlation (fld, fld, condFld)
22349 Correlation (fld, fld, condFld, cond)
22350 Covariance (fld, fld)
22351 Covariance (fld, fld, condFld)
22352 Covariance (fld, fld, condFld, cond)
22353 WeightedAverage (fld, fld)
22354 WeightedAverage (fld, fld, condFld)
22355 WeightedAverage (fld, fld, condFld, cond)
22356 Median (fld)
22357 Median (fld, condFld)
22358 Median (fld, condFld, cond)
22359 PthPercentile (P, fld)
22360 PthPercentile (P, fld, condFld)
22361 PthPercentile (P, fld, condFld, cond)
22362 NthLargest (N, fld)
22363 NthLargest (N, fld, condFld)
22364 NthLargest (N, fld, condFld, cond)
22365 NthSmallest (N, fld)
22366 NthSmallest (N, fld, condFld)
22367 NthSmallest (N, fld, condFld, cond)
22368 Mode (fld)
22369 Mode (fld, condFld)
22370 Mode (fld, condFld, cond)
22371 NthMostFrequent (N, fld)
22372 NthMostFrequent (N, fld, condFld)
22373 NthMostFrequent (N, fld, condFld, cond)
22375 Strings
22376 Length (str)
22377 TrimLeft (str)
22378 TrimRight (str)
22379 Trim (str)
22380 ReplicateString (str, #copies)
22381 UpperCase (str)
22382 LowerCase (str)
22383 NumericText (str)
22384 ToNumber (x)
22385 ToText (x)
22386 ToText (x, y)
22387 ToText (x, y, z)
22388 ToText (x, y, z, w)
22389 ToText (x, y, z, w, q)
22390 ToWords (x)
22391 ToWords (x, #places)
22392 Space (x)
22393 InStr (str1, str2)
22394 InStr (start, str1, str2)
22395 StrCmp (str1, str2)
22396 StrCmp (str1, str2, compare)
22397 Mid (str, start)
22398 Mid (str, start, length)
22399 Left (str, length)
22400 Right (str, length)
22401 Val (str)
22402 Chr (x)
22403 Asc (str)
22405 Date/Time
22406 Date (dateTime)
22407 Date (YYYY, MM, DD)
22408 Year (x)
22409 Month (x)
22410 Day (x)
22411 DayOfWeek (x)
22412 CurrentDate
22413 Time (dateTime)
22414 Time (HH, MM, SS)
22415 CurrentTime
22416 Hour (x)
22417 Minute (x)
22418 Second (x)
22419 DateTime (date, time)
22420 DateTime (YYYY, MM, DD)
22421 DateTime (YYYY, MM, DD, HH, MM, SS)
22422 CurrentDateTime
22424 Date Ranges
22425 WeekToDateFromSun
22426 MonthToDate
22427 YearToDate
22428 Last7Days
22429 Last4WeeksToSun
22430 LastFullWeek
22431 LastFullMonth
22432 AllDatesToToday
22433 AllDatesToYesterday
22434 AllDatesFromToday
22435 AllDatesFromTomorrow
22436 Aged0To30Days
22437 Aged31To60Days
22438 Aged61To90Days
22439 Over90Days
22440 Next30Days
22441 Next31To60Days
22442 Next61To90Days
22443 Next91To365Days
22444 Calendar1stQtr
22445 Calendar2ndQtr
22446 Calendar3rdQtr
22447 Calendar4thQtr
22448 Calendar1stHalf
22449 Calendar2ndHalf
22450 LastYearMTD
22451 LastYearYTD
22453 Arrays
22454 Sum (x)
22455 Average (x)
22456 StdDev (x)
22457 PopulationStdDev (x)
22458 Variance (x)
22459 PopulationVariance (x)
22460 Maximum (x)
22461 Minimum (x)
22462 Count (x)
22463 DistinctCount (x)
22465 Other
22466 Previous (fld)
22467 Next (fld)
22468 IsNull (fld)
22469 PreviousIsNull (fld)
22470 NextIsNull (fld)
22471 PrintDate
22472 PrintTime
22473 ModificationDate
22474 ModificationTime
22475 DataDate
22476 DataTime
22477 PageNumber
22478 TotalPageCount
22479 RecordNumber
22480 GroupNumber
22481 ReportTitle
22482 ReportComments
22483 RecordSelection
22484 GroupSelection
22485 Filename
22486 FileAuthor
22487 FileCreationDate
22488 PageNofM
22489 InRepeatedGroupHeader
22490 OnFirstRecord
22491 OnLastRecord
22493 Evaluation Time
22494 BeforeReadingRecords
22495 WhileReadingRecords
22496 WhilePrintingRecords
22497 EvaluateAfter (x)
22499 Business Calendar
22500 NextNBusinessDays (#days)
22501 IsBusinessDay (date)
22503 Additional Functions
22510 Minimum
22511 Small
22512 Average
22513 Large
22514 Maximum
22520 Small
22521 Medium Small
22522 Medium
22523 Medium Large
22524 Large
22528 Right
22529 Left
22530 Bottom
22531 Custom
22534 Percentage
22535 Amount
22536 Both
22537 None
22538 Rectangle
22539 Circle
22540 Diamond
22541 Triangle
22542 Custom shape
22592 ODBC -
22593 Microsoft SQL Server
22594 Informix Online Server
22595 Sybase Server
22596 DB2 Server
22597 Oracle Server
22599 PDSODBC.dll
22600 PDSSQL.dll
22601 PDSIFMX.dll
22602 PDSSYB10.dll
22603 PDSDB2.dll
22604 PDSORA7.dll
22650 1
22651 1.0
22652 1.00
22653 1K
22654 1M
22655 $1
22656 $1.00
22657 $1K
22658 $1M
22659 1%
22660 1.0%
22661 1.00%
22662 Custom
22680 Standard Angle
22681 From the Top
22682 Distorted
22683 Distorted Standard
22684 Tall and Narrow
22685 Short and Wide
22686 Shorter and Wider
22687 Group's Eye
22688 Group Emphasis
22689 Few Series
22690 Few Groups
22691 Thick Wall for Groups
22692 Thick Wall for Series
22693 Thick Wall Standard
22694 Bird's Eye
22695 Max View
22703 Could not open %s\n
22704 %s isn't a Data Report file.\n
22705 %s doesn't have a valid Data Environment.\n
22706 Missing %s File %s.\n
22707 Could not access the database from the Data Environment. Check your Data Environment.\n
22708 Included graphic '%s' in section '%s' couldn't be converted.\n
22709 Unbound TextBox '%s' in section '%s'.\n
22710 Invalid field %s.%s in TextBox '%s' in section '%s'.\n
22711 Function '%s' has unbound field in section '%s'.\n
22712 Function '%s' is invalid in section '%s'.\n
22713 DSR Import found problems. Check log file for details.\n
24305 Everything after this line is a Seagate Software Connection initstring
24306 The field '%1s' is being used in the report. Deleting the field will remove it from the report canvas.\n\nThis action cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to delete this field?
24307 Some fields are being used in the report. Deleting the fields will remove them from the report canvas.\n\nThis action cannot be undone. Are you sure you want to delete these fields?
24309 The field '%1s' could not be deleted. To delete this field, you must remove all references to it in the report.
24310 Some fields could not be deleted. To delete these fields, you must remove all references to them in the report.
24311 You already have a favorite with the same name. If this really is different then you should rename the existing favorite and try again.
24312 Connect Using Data Link File
24313 Row labels horizontal lines
24314 Row labels vertical lines
24315 Row labels top border
24316 Row labels bottom border
24317 Row labels left border
24318 Row labels right border
24319 Column labels horizontal lines
24320 Column labels vertical lines
24321 Column labels top border
24322 Column label bottom border
24323 Column label left border
24324 Column label right border
24325 Cells horizontal lines
24326 Cells vertical lines
24327 Cells bottom border
24328 Cells right border
24329 Connect Using File Data Source
24330 Find Database File
24331 Create New Data Source
24332 Please give location of the database file used to create this report.
24333 Equal join
24334 Left outer join
24335 Right outer join
24336 Full outer join
24337 Greater than join
24338 Less than join
24339 Greater than or equal to join
24340 Less than or equal to join
24341 Not equal join
24342 Unable to smart link unlinked tables. Foreign key relationships may not be present for the tables,\nor the database driver may not support the retrieval of this information. Would you like to try\nsmart linking using field names instead?
24343 Unable to smart link unlinked tables using field names. Would you like to try smart linking\nusing foreign key relationships instead?
24344 Your current link configuration contains multiple starting points.\nPlease be advised that this is generally not supported.
24345 Format Hyperlink
24346 Are you sure you want to remove all the links?
24348 The SQL Query has previously been manually overridden (refer to: Database Menu - Show SQL Query).\nYour changes to the selection formula and the overridden SQL query will both be used to generate records for your report.
24349 The link you added causes a link configuration with multiple paths leading to the same table.\nYou may want to consider reversing the links.
24350 Selection criteria have been added using the Selection Expert and/or Selection Formula interface.\nBoth, your changes to the SQL query and the selection criteria will be used.\nThe results in your report will be based on both sets of criteria.
24351 Multiple Selection Criteria Sources
24352 Standard
24353 Form Letter
24354 Form
24355 Cross-Tab
24356 Subreport
24357 Mail Label
24358 Drill Down
24359 Top N
24360 Document Import Tool
24361 Reservered
24362 Reservered
24363 Reservered
24364 Reservered
24365 Reservered
24366 Guides the creation of a typical report.
24367 Guides the creation of a letter that combines standard text with customer data.
24368 Guides the creation of a report with letterhead or logo graphics. Commonly used to create invoices.
24369 Guides the creation of a report that contains a summarized grid.
24370 Guides the creation of a report that contains a second report (new or existing).
24371 Guides the creation of a report with multiple columns. Commonly used to create a sheet of address labels.
24372 Guides the creation of a report which displays summarized information and reveals the details by drilling down.
24373 Guides the creation of a report based on a text file from a legacy reporting system.
24375 Reserved!
24376 Reserved!
24377 Reserved!
24378 Reserved!
24379 Reserved!
24380 The table "%1s" has already been added to this report with alias "%2s".\n Do you really want to add another alias to this table?
24381 The alias you have entered is not allowed.\nThe alias must have more than one character and not contain any special characters.
24382 Alias Name
24383 Crystal Reports|*.rpt|All Files|*.*||
24384 HTML Files|*.htm; *.html|All Files|*.*||
24385 http://www.
24386 mailto:
24387 Internet Addess of the Website:
24388 Internet Email Address:
24389 HTML File Name:
24390 Crystal Report File Name:
24391 Field Name:
24392 No Hyperlink Defined:
24393 Use this type of hyperlink to go to an Internet Web site address (URL), for example http://www.seagatesoftware.com\n\nUse the formula button to choose a hyperlink that is based on data from a field in your data source.
24394 Use this type of hyperlink to enable readers of the report to send e-mail through the Internet.\n\nUse the formula button to create a hyperlink that is based on data from a field in your data source.\n
24395 Use this type of hyperlink to link to a file on your computer or your organization's network. Crystal Reports will launch the associated application for this file.\nUse the formula button to create a hyperlink that is based on data from a field in your data source.\n
24396 Use this type of hyperlink to link to another Crystal Report file.\n\nTo associate a hyperlink with an existing object, right click on the object and choose Format and then select the hyperlink tab.
24397 This option will automatically create a hyperlink based on the data that is stored in this field in your data source.\n\nThe data must be formatted as a proper hyperlink in the data source, for example http://www.seagatesoftware.com\n
24398 A hyperlink is not associated with this object. To create a hyperlink, please choose one of the other hyperlink types.
24399 Browse through the folders to find your servers. To log on to a server, click on its plus icon or press Log On. When you are finished, press Close.
24443 Browse through the items above until you find the table you wish to use.\nOnce found, double click on the table or select it and press the Set button.
24444 ...no items found...
24501 123
24502 1
24503 0
24505 -
24506 (
24507 )
24586 System Default Currency Format
24587 System Default Number Format
24588 System Default Long Format
24589 System Default Short Format
24590 Custom Styles
24591 A new format without formulas was selected. This will delete your previous formulas.
28827 Error opening file.File could not be opened: "%1s", at file location: "%2s"
28828 Error opening dictionary.There are no files in the dictionary: "%1s%2s".
28829 Error opening file.File could not be opened: "%1s". Please check its location.
28830 Error opening file.File could not be opened: "%1s". Please choose correct location.
28831 Error opening dictionary.There are no files in the dictionary: "%1s".
28832 Error opening file.There are no fields in the file: "%1s".
28833 Warning - Dictionary file "%1s" not found. Please give location of dictionary used to create this report.
28834 Error - Dictionary file "%1s" could not be opened.
28835 Alias already exists.Alias is already in database: "%1s", at file location: "%2s"
28836 Alias already exists.Alias is already in database: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s"
28837 Database file error.File could not be read due to memory error: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s"
28838 Database file error.File could not be read: "%1s", at file location: "%2s%3s"
28839 Configuration Error.File could not be opened because the library "%1s" cannot be found.
28840 Configuration Error.Library "%1s" cannot be opened. Please check its configuration.
28841 Configuration Error.No database DLLs found ("PD*.DLL"). Please ensure that the application is installed in the same directory as the database DLLs.
28842 Configuration Error.Error loading "%1s" - newer version than expected. Please run a more recent version of the application.
29467 Import OLAP grid format: Failed to open file.
29468 Import OLAP grid format: Unknown error.
29469 ODBEGetCube2
29470 ODBECube2CreateNewSliceSpecObject
29471 ODBECube2CreateNewStringCollectionObject
29472 ODBEAddSliceDim
29473 ODBEStringCollectionAddString
29474 Failed to retrieve multiple cell values
29504 Crystal Reports: Load Error
29505 Error reading query file.
29506 Cannot open secure query.
29568 Crystal Reports: Batch Error
29632 Crystal Reports: Saved Data Error
29822 Cannot get OLE image.
29850 Hierarchical Grouping cannot be saved to Crystal Reports 7.0 format.
29852 Charts or Maps based on running totals cannot be saved to Crystal Reports 7.0 format.
30272 Crystal Reports: Command Error
30336 Crystal Reports: Totaller Error
30400 Crystal Reports: Print Engine Error
30401 No error.
30402 Not enough memory for operation.
30403 Buffer too small for string or missing null byte.
30404 No print destination specified.
30405 Invalid job number.
30406 Invalid text or object handle.
30407 Report not found.
30408 Invalid table number.
30409 Invalid file name.
30410 Invalid field number.
30411 Invalid field name.
30412 Invalid formula name.
30413 Invalid sort direction.
30414 Print engine not opened.
30415 Invalid printer specified.
30416 Export file already exists.
30417 Error in formula %1s
30418 Invalid condition field in group section.
30419 Print engine already in use.
30420 Invalid section.
30421 No print window is opened.
30422 Print job already started.
30423 Invalid summary field.
30424 Not enough system resources.
30425 Invalid group condition.
30426 Print job busy.
30427 Unable to load report.
30428 No default printer.
30429 SQL server error.
30430 Invalid report line number.
30431 Disk full.
30432 File I/O error.
30433 Incorrect password.
30434 Cannot find database DLL.
30435 Unable to open database.
30436 Error detected by database DLL.
30437 Unable to connect: incorrect session parameters.
30438 Unable to connect: incorrect log on parameters.
30439 Unable to connect: incorrect table location.
30440 Parameter has invalid structure size.
30441 Operation not yet implemented.
30442 Request cancelled by the user.
30443 Invalid date.
30444 Missing or out-of-date export DLL.
30445 Error detected by export DLL: %1s
30446 Unable to go to previous page when at first page.
30447 Unable to go to next page when at last page.
30448 Access to report file denied. Another program may be using it.
30449 Unable to open report because OLE 2.0 cannot be loaded.
30450 Invalid row or column field in cross-tab.
30451 No summarized field in cross-tab.
30452 Print destination is not export.
30453 Unknown label number.
30454 Table is not a stored procedure.
30455 Invalid stored procedure parameter.
30456 Invalid page number.
30457 Graph not found.
30458 Invalid graph type.
30459 Invalid graph data.
30460 Cannot move the graph to other sections.
30461 Invalid graph text.
30462 Invalid graph options.
30463 Invalid section height.
30464 Invalid subreport name.
30465 Field already exists.
30466 Invalid parent window.
30467 Invalid window magnification.
30468 Invalid value type.
30469 Invalid multicolumn label info.
30470 Page header or footer longer than a page.
30471 Low system resources..
30472 Report is not using Crystal Dictionary/Crystal Query.
30473 Invalid group number.
30474 Invalid object format name.
30475 Invalid negative value.
30476 Invalid memory address.
30477 Invalid object type.
30478 Invalid line style.
30479 Invalid cross-tab row or column.
30480 Invalid graph data type.
30481 Invalid paragraph number.
30482 Invalid alignment type.
30483 Invalid tab-stop number.
30484 Invalid embedded field number.
30485 Invalid subreport link number.
30486 Parameter field link already exists.
30487 Invalid cross-tab row col value.
30488 Invalid summary number.
30489 Invalid graph data field number.
30490 Invalid subreport number.
30491 Invalid field scope.
30492 Invalid report type.
30493 Field is in use.
30494 Invalid file type.
30495 Invalid database table alias name.
30496 Invalid special var type.
30497 Invalid parameter number.
30498 Invalid page margins.
30499 Report is based on a secure query. It cannot be set to non-secure report.
30500 Cannot open secure query.
30501 Invalid section number.
30502 Cannot find SQL server.
30503 Logon to APS failed.
30504 Logon to an APS different from the one used to create CIV.
30505 User has no bypass info view right.
30506 Invalid summary type.
30507 Invalid database link number.
30508 Not main report job.
30509 Table alias name already exists.
30510 Invalid cursor.
30511 First pass not finished.
30512 Creating data source failed.
30513 Creating drill down parameter failed.
30514 Encapsulating page failed.
30515 Encapsulating totaller failed.
30516 Checking for data source changes failed.
30517 Starting background processing failed.
30518 Drill on graph failed.
30519 Get last page number failed.
30520 Get page number for group failed.
30521 SQL server is in use.
30522 Group sort field cannot be set.
30523 Cannot save summaries when not saving data with report.
30524 Read registry error.
31408 Crystal Reports: Automatoion Server Error
31409 The text cannot be found in the report.
31410 Invalid Name.
31411 Not group area.
31412 Not detail area.
31413 Invalid cropping value.
31414 Invalid scaling value.
31415 Drilled on an area that does not have detail data.\nTo drill down, please click on an area that has data.
31416 Invalid export options.
31417 Not report parameter.
31418 Cannot load chart template resource for changing display type.
31419 Parameter field value is not discrete.
31420 Invalid feature key.
31421 Feature not enabled.
31422 Parameter field value is not range.
31423 Number of Summary fields is not appropriate for Chart type.
31424 Calendar type is not supported.
31425 Report variable already exists.
31426 Named report variable not exist.
31427 The field object is not a blank field.
31428 Formula search can not be found in the report.
31429 Basic syntax is not supported in group/record selection formula.
31430 Running total condition for evaluation or reset is mismatched.
31431 CloseAtPageBreak cannot set to be false for rounded corner box object.
31432 DropShadow cannot set to be true for rounded corner box object.
31433 SortDirection type crSpecified is not supported in this version.
31434 The parameter value is not in the range limit.
31435 The minimum parameter value cannot be greater than the maximum.
31436 You have to set instance ID field before setting parent ID field.
31437 The instance ID field and parent ID field have to be database fields with the same value type.
31438 Not a hierarchical group or instance/parent ID fields have not been set.
31439 The value/range you are adding has already existed.
31440 Subreport cannot be reimported.
31441 crSpecified is not set for sortDirection
31442 Cannot convert summary type.
31443 Report does not use dictionary.
31444 Cannot get/set condition field sort order for non-detail chart.
31445 There are not enough Concurrent Access Licenses to log you on. This system has %1d Concurrent Access Licenses. Please try again later, or contact your system administrator to obtain more licenses. Licenses can be purchased direct from Seagate Software or through the Seagate Software Online Store.
31488 Crystal Reports: SQL Expression Error
31489 Error in creating SQL Expression.
31490 Error in setting SQL Expression name.
31491 Error in setting SQL Expression text.
31492 Error in compiling SQL Expression :\n%1s.
31493 Error in loading SQL Expression.
31494 Error in storing SQL Expression.
31495 Error in setting SQL Expression field by reference.
31496 Error in initializing SQL Expression parser.
31497 Error in creating SQL Expression COM parser.
31498 Error in adding field to SQL Expression parser.
31499 Error in building SQL Expression list.
31500 Error in creating SQL Expression COM field info.
31501 Error in creating SQL Expression COM function info.
31502 Error in parsing SQL expression.
31503 COM parser failed.
31504 Error in adding function to SQL Expression parser.