8 First COM Object being created... Press 'Continue' when done setting options.
9 Last COM Object being destroyed... Press 'Close' when done viewing events.
10 Tracing events...
5000 Cannot open file '%s1'.
5001 Error on input or output to a file.
5002 The maximum number of files are already open.
5003 Cannot create file '%s1'.
5004 Cannot delete file: '%s1'.
5005 Not enough memory for this command.
5006 Insufficient disk space.
5007 Invalid file handle.
5008 Access to file denied '%s1'.
5009 File not found '%s1'.
5011 File name is too long: '%s1'.
5012 Cannot rename '%s1' to '%s2'.
5501 Number too large: %s1
5502 Number contains an invalid character: %s1
5503 Unmatched quote character: %s1
5504 Error parsing connect string at offset %n1.
5505 Error parsing %s2 at offset %n1.
5506 Attribute '%s1' specified more than once.
5507 Attribute specified twice using keywords '%s1' and '%s2'.
5508 Invalid hexidecimal character found during conversion.
5509 Quicksort stack overflow
5510 Too many sort keys.
5511 Cannot handle strings larger than 65500 bytes.
5512 Initialization file is not open.
5513 This is a not-for-resale version of a INTERSOLV product. You can order MERANT products by calling 800-876-3101.
5514 Could not create trace window.
5515 Error parsing first line of query file: %s1
5516 Could not get needed access to '%s1'.
5517 Can not increase internal array size past 16000.
5519 Token too big: %s1
5520 This provider is for use only with OEM applications. Please contact MERANT to obtain a licensed version.\nUSA and Canada: 800-876-3101\nAsia Pacific: +65 320 8562\nUnited Kingdom: +44 1727 812812\nAustralia: +61 (3) 9816 9977\nFrance: +33 (1)\nGermany: +49 89 96 27 10\nOther countries: +44 1727 812812\nInternet: www.intersolv.com
5521 OEM Driver successfully unlocked.
5522 The evaluation period for this provider has expired. Please contact MERANT to obtain a licensed version.\nUSA and Canada: 800-876-3101\nAsia Pacific: +65 320 8562\nUnited Kingdom: +44 1727 812812\nAustralia: +61 (3) 9816 9977\nFrance: +33 (1)\nGermany: +49 89 96 27 10\nOther countries: +44 1727 812812\nInternet: www.intersolv.com
5523 Out of Memory
5524 %s1
5525 The operation failed.
5526 The operation succeeded.
5527 The key size requested is too long for in-memory B-tree.
6001 Dummy error - need this error so that mc puts the above defines inside the FACILITY_WINDOWS guard, instead of leaving it empty
6002 Requested conversion is not supported.
6003 Invalid accessor
6004 Creating another row would have exceeded the total number of active rows supported by the rowset
6005 Unable to write with a read-only accessor
6006 Given values violate the database schema
6007 Invalid row handle
6008 An object was open
6009 Invalid chapter
6010 A literal value in the command could not be converted to the correct type due to a reason other than data overflow
6011 Invalid binding info
6012 Permission denied
6013 Specified column does not contain bookmarks or chapters
6014 No command has been set for the command object
6015 Invalid bookmark
6016 Invalid lock mode
6017 No value given for one or more required parameters
6018 Invalid column ID
6019 Invalid ratio
6020 Invalid value
6021 The command contained one or more errors
6022 The executing command cannot be canceled
6023 The provider does not support the specified dialect
6024 A data source with the specified name already exists
6025 The rowset was built over a live data feed and cannot be restarted
6026 No key matching the described characteristics could be found within the current range
6027 The provider is unable to determine identity for newly inserted rows
6028 lRowsOffset would position you past either end of the rowset, regardless of the cRows value specified; cRowsObtained is 0
6030 Information was requested for a query, and the query was not set
6031 Provider called a method from IRowsetNotify in the consumer and the method has not yet returned
6032 Errors occurred
6033 A non-NULL controlling IUnknown was specified and the object being created does not support aggregation
6034 A given HROW referred to a hard- or soft-deleted row
6035 The rowset does not support fetching backwards
6036 All HROWs must be released before new ones can be obtained
6037 One of the specified storage flags was not supported
6038 The specified status flag was neither DBCOLUMNSTATUS_OK nor DBCOLUMNSTATUS_ISNULL
6039 The rowset cannot scroll backwards
6040 The provider does not support multi-statement commands
6041 A specified value violated the integrity constraints for a column or table
6042 The given type name was unrecognized
6043 Execution aborted because a resource limit has been reached; no results have been returned
6044 Cannot clone a command object whose command tree contains a rowset or rowsets
6045 Cannot represent the current tree as text
6046 The specified index already exists
6047 The specified index does not exist
6048 The specified index was in use
6049 The specified table does not exist
6050 The rowset was using optimistic concurrency and the value of a column has been changed since it was last read
6051 Errors were detected during the copy
6052 A specified precision was invalid
6053 A specified scale was invalid
6054 Invalid table ID
6055 A specified type was invalid
6056 A column ID was occurred more than once in the specification
6057 The specified table already exists
6058 The specified table was in use
6059 The specified locale ID was not supported
6101 The specified record number is invalid
6102 Although the bookmark was validly formed, no row could be found to match it
6103 The value of a property was invalid
6104 The rowset was not chaptered
6105 Invalid accessor
6106 Invalid storage flags
6107 By-ref accessors are not supported by this provider
6108 Null accessors are not supported by this provider
6109 The command was not prepared
6110 The specified accessor was not a parameter accessor
6111 The given accessor was write-only
6112 Authentication failed
6113 The change was canceled during notification; no columns are changed
6114 The rowset was single-chaptered and the chapter was not released
6115 Invalid source handle
6116 The provider cannot derive parameter info and SetParameterInfo has not been called
6117 The data source object is already initialized
6118 The provider does not support this method
6119 The number of rows with pending changes has exceeded the set limit
6120 The specified column did not exist
6121 There are pending changes on a row with a reference count of zero
6122 A literal value in the command overflowed the range of the type of the associated column
6123 The supplied HRESULT was invalid
6124 The supplied LookupID was invalid
6125 The supplied DynamicErrorID was invalid
6126 Unable to get visible data for a newly-inserted row that has not yet been updated
6127 Invalid conversion flag
6128 The given parameter name was unrecognized
6129 Multiple storage objects can not be open simultaneously
6130 Creating another session would have exceeded the total number of active sessions supported by the datasource
6131 Neither the requested isolation level nor a strengthening of it can be supported by this transaction implementation, or isoLevel was not valid.
6132 This session can handle only one extant transaction at a time, and there is presently such a transaction.
6133 No has alreday been implicitly or explicitly committed or aborted. This call was ignored.
6134 fAsync was TRUE on input, and asynchronous operations are not supported.
6200 A unknown error has occurred.
6201 Operation completed successfully.
6202 An unexpected error has occurred.
6203 An unknown error occurred, and the method failed.
6204 Not implemented
6205 Ran out of memory
6206 One or more arguments are invalid
6207 No such interface supported
6208 Invalid pointer
6209 Invalid handle
6210 Operation aborted
6212 General access denied error
6214 The data necessary to complete this operation is not yet available.
6215 Invalid window handle
6216 Class not registered
6217 Invalid interface requested during aggregation.
6218 Invalid filename
6219 File not found
6300 Transaction error.
6301 Current Catalog
6302 Reset Datasource
6303 Active Sessions
6304 Asynchable Commit
6305 Pass By Ref Accessors
6306 Catalog Location
6307 Catalog Term
6308 Catalog Usage
6309 Column Definition
6310 NULL Concatenation Behavior
6311 Connection Status
6312 Data Source Name
6313 Read-Only Data Source
6314 DBMS Name
6315 DBMS Version
6316 GROUP BY Support
6317 Heterogeneous Table Support
6318 Identifier Case Sensitivity
6319 Lock Modes
6320 Maximum Index Size
6321 Maximum Row Size
6322 Maximum Row Size Includes BLOB
6323 Maximum Tables in SELECT
6324 Multiple Storage Objects
6325 Multi-Table Update
6326 Notification Phases
6327 NULL Collation Order
6328 COM Object Support
6329 ORDER BY Columns in Select List
6330 Prepare Commit Behavior
6331 Prepare Abort Behavior
6332 Procedure Term
6333 OLE DB Version
6334 Provider Friendly Name
6335 Provider Name
6336 Provider Version
6337 Quoted Identifier Sensitivity
6338 Schema Term
6339 Schema Usage
6340 Server Name
6341 SQL Support
6342 Structured Storage
6343 Subquery Support
6344 Isolation Levels
6345 Isolation Retention
6346 Table Term
6347 User Name
6348 Transaction DDL
6349 Asynchable Abort
6350 Data Source Object Threading Model
6351 Multiple Parameter Sets
6352 Output Parameter Availability
6353 Persistent ID Type
6354 Column Set Notification
6355 Row Delete Notification
6356 Row First Change Notification
6357 Row Insert Notification
6358 Row Resynchronization Notification
6359 Rowset Release Notification
6360 Rowset Fetch Position Change Notification
6361 Row Undo Change Notification
6362 Row Undo Delete Notification
6363 Row Undo Insert Notification
6364 Row Update Notification
6365 Rowset Conversions on Command
6366 Multiple Results
6367 Maximum Open Chapters
6368 Init Properties
6380 Cache Authentication
6381 Encrypt Password
6382 Integrated Security
6383 Mask Password
6384 Password
6385 Persist Encrypted
6386 Persist Security Info
6387 User ID
6388 Initial Catalog
6389 Data Source
6390 Window Handle
6391 Impersonation Level
6392 Location
6393 Mode
6394 Prompt
6395 Protection Level
6396 Connect Timeout
6397 Locale Identifier
6398 Extended Properties
6399 Open Rowset Support
6400 OLE DB Services
6401 Multiple Connections
6451 Access Order
6452 Bookmark Information
6453 Preserve on Abort
6454 Blocking Storage Objects
6455 Use Bookmarks
6456 Skip Deleted Bookmarks
6457 Bookmark Type
6458 Cache Deferred Columns
6459 Fetch Backwards
6460 Hold Rows
6461 Append-Only Rowset
6462 Scroll Backwards
6463 Column Privileges
6464 Command Time Out
6465 Preserve on Commit
6466 Change Inserted Rows
6467 Defer Column
6468 Delay Storage Object Updates
6469 Immobile Rows
6470 Literal Bookmarks
6471 Literal Row Identity
6472 Maximum Open Rows
6473 Maximum Pending Rows
6474 Maximum Rows
6475 Column Writable
6476 Memory Usage
6477 Bookmarks Ordered
6478 Others' Inserts Visible
6479 Others' Changes Visible
6480 Own Inserts Visible
6481 Own Changes Visible
6482 Quick Restart
6483 Reentrant Events
6484 Remove Deleted Rows
6485 Report Multiple Changes
6486 Return Pending Inserts
6487 Row Privileges
6488 Row Threading Model
6489 Server Cursor
6490 Objects Transacted
6491 Unique Rows
6492 Updatability
6493 Strong Row Identity
6494 IAccessor
6495 IColumnsInfo
6496 IColumnsRowset
6497 IConnectionPointContainer
6498 IConvertType
6499 IProvideMoniker
6500 IRowset
6501 IRowsetChange
6502 IRowsetIdentity
6503 IRowsetInfo
6504 IRowsetLocate
6505 IRowsetResynch
6506 IRowsetScroll
6507 IRowsetUpdate
6508 ILockBytes
6509 ISequentialStream
6510 IStorage
6511 IStream
6512 ISupportErrorInfo
6513 IChapteredRowset
6514 IRowsetFind
6515 IRowsetIndex
6516 IRowsetView
6517 IRowsetRefresh
6518 IDBAsynchStatus
6519 IMultipleResults
6520 IRowsetLocate
6521 Hidden Column Count
6522 IRowsetInfo
6523 ISupportErrorInfo
6524 Lock Mode
6550 Autocommit Isolation Levels
6571 Autoincrement
6572 Default
6573 Description
6574 Fixed Length
6575 Nullable
6576 Primary Key
6577 Unique
6578 Increment
6579 Seed
6580 Is Long
6600 DataSource file (*.IDS file) directory not set
6601 Error parsing connection options in '%s1'.
6602 Cannot fine ClsID in '%s1'.
6800 Failed trying to create the data conversion object.
6801 Failed to obtain IDS file.
6802 [%s1] Required field missing
6803 <none>
6804 Error
6805 Cannot load data source: %s1
6806 9420 Key West Avenue
6807 Rockville, Maryland USA 20850
6808 Copyright MERANT 1988-2000
6809 [%s1] You must select one of the defined values or enter a null string.
6810 PromptSetup can only be called on an uninitialized Datasource object.
6811 Test connect failed.
6812 Test connect succeeded.
6813 Test Connect
6814 PromptSetup requires a value for the Data Source option.
6815 Directory:
6816 %s1 is not a folder name.
6817 Find Directory
6818 Find File
6819 Setup
6820 Connection
9201 [XML Parser] %s1
9202 [XML Parser] %s1. Error on line %n2, position %n3 in %s4.
9203 Can not open file exclusively: %s1
9204 Table name too long: %s1
9205 Invalid file name extension: %s1
9206 Insufficient Memory to complete operation
9207 Invalid catalog
9208 Can not initialize catalog
9209 Can not determine the schema of the XML file\nThe rowset could not be located
9210 Error creating ADO 2.5 Schema definition
9211 Error creating IE 5 Data Island Schema definition
9212 Can not initialize the schema list
9213 Error determining field data type
9214 Could not open table (%s1)
9215 Invalid cursor
9216 Column invalid or column not found
9217 Invalid connection
9218 Asynchronous operations not supported
9219 Could not locate the schema node
9220 Data Islands must currently have a schema definition
9221 Error loading a file into the HTML parser
9222 Time out while loading HTML file
9223 The HTML file not loaded
9224 The XML Data Island (%s1) was not found
9225 Error loading XML data
9226 Can not enumerate files in an HTTP catalog
9227 The table (%s1) was not found
9228 Error reading binary data
9229 Error writting binary data
9230 Unknown binary data format
9231 Invalid binary data
9232 Could not perform the specified operation because there is no open XML file
9234 Error updating the contents of the XML file
9235 Row is invalid
9236 Error setting column data
9237 Error locating column (%s1)
9238 Column (%s1) is not Nullable
9239 Error parsing the XML Schema
9240 Error fetching data for column %n1
9241 Error setting data for column %n1
9242 There are no columns in the requested table
9243 Error getting the column info for column %s1
9244 Error inserting new row
9245 Error fetching the next row
9246 Error deleting row
9247 Error adding a column
9248 Error adding column (%s1) to table %s2
9249 The specified table id is invalid
9250 Error dropping column
9251 Error dropping column (%s1) from table %s2
9252 Can not modify HTML files
9253 The specified column id is invalid
9254 Error creating table (%s1)
9255 The table (%s1) already exists
9256 Catalogs accessed by HTTP are read only
9257 Column (%s1) staring character invalid
9258 Column (%s1) contains invalid character(s)
9259 Column (%s1) already exists
9260 Error dropping table (%s1)
9261 The table (%s1) does not exist
9262 The file (%s1) is read only
9263 The schema file (%s1) already exists
9264 The supplied property set was not a DBPROPSET_COLUMN property set
9265 Error setting column (%s1) to default value
9266 Could not convert OLE DB data type to a native data type
9267 The XML parser could not be found or is not the correct version
9268 The HTML parser could not be found or is not the correct version
9269 Can not create a table with no columns
9270 Error locating the table node
9271 Can not alter the table contents
9272 Can not create Data Island style tables without a schema
9273 Error creating Generic Schema definition
9274 Error generating schema file name
9275 Underlying OS returned (%s1)
9276 Access Denied
9277 The XML Parser returned an unknown error while attempting to load the document. Try turning the Resolve External and/or Validate connect options and retry the operation
9278 Error parsing the schema file. Could not determine the root node
9279 Error parsing the schema file. Could not locate the table node
9280 The column mode specified in the Row Hint is invalid
9281 Error parsing the Row Hint
9282 The hints supplied do not identify any records
9283 The row hint must be relative to the table hint
9284 Could not find the node specified by the table hint
9285 Error parsing the Table Hint
9286 The hints specified identified more than one table node
9287 Error getting table node information
9288 Error getting row node information
9289 Error getting column node information
9290 Error deleting XML data file (%s1)
9291 Error deleting XML schema file (%s1)
9292 Error creating HTTP Request
9293 Error initializing HTTP Request
9294 Error sending HTTP Request
9295 Failure status received from HTTP Request: %s1
9296 Unknown status received from HTTP Request
9297 Error getting response data from HTTP Request
9298 User ID required but not specified
9299 Password required but not specified
9300 Error getting CLSID string for XML Parser
9301 Error opening XML Parser InProcServer32 key (%s1)
9302 Error getting the value of the XML Parser InProcServer32 key
9303 Invalid type, for InProcServer32 key. Type: %n1
9304 Error expanding environment variables in path string. Raw Path: %s1
9305 Error getting version information from XML Parser DLL (%s1)
9306 XML Parser Version (%s1) is Invalid
9307 The version of the XML Parser (%s1) must be greater than version %n2
9308 The HTML file contained no XML tags or insufficient priviledges to access HTML file