1201 This is either an Unknown Type or is not supported currently.
1202 CoInitialize Failed
1203 CoGetMalloc Failed
1204 There was an error retrieve providers from the OLE DB Enumerator
1205 CoCreateInstance Failed
1206 GetSourcesRowset Failed
1207 QI of IID_IAccessor from pIRowset failed
1208 Accessor Creation failed
1209 Unable to allocate memory for buffer
1210 GetNextRows failed to retrieve Providers
1211 QI for IParseDisplayName
1212 Release Accessor failed
1213 Release of Row handles failed
1214 Unknown Provider
1215 ParseDisplayName failed
1216 BindMoniker failed
1217 No Command Interface
1218 Provider does not support SQL.
1219 No IConvertType Interface
1220 No Transaction support.
1221 No ISchemaRowset Interface.
1222 Provider does not support SCHEMA_INDEXES.
1223 Attribute's value conflicts with another attribute.
1334 Undefined fetch postion caused a change in result columns!
1345 Invalid Class ID.
1346 Failed to Initialize OLEDB!
1347 Integrator for ODBC not registered.
1348 Integrator Plus for ODBC not registered.
1349 Failed to Initialize Setup Dialog.
1350 Out of memory!
1351 Badly formed connestion string.
1352 Invalid data source name. The first character must be a letter, and the name cannot contain any of the following characters: [ ] { } ( ) ? * = ! @ , ;