1100 File search errors, cannot synchronize the archive
1105 Select files to add
1106 Select files to exclude
1110 Attempting to correct the invalid file name
1115 You need to start extraction from a previous volume to unpack %s
1120 WinRAR settings are saved to the file %s
1121 WinRAR settings are restored from the file %s
1125 beta
1130 operation failed
1135 Corrupt data header found, ignored
1136 Unknown data header format, ignored
1137 Corrupt %s data block
1150 Please select an archive to unpack and press "Next" button.\nYou may drop the archive icon to this dialog or use "Browse..." button to find the archive manually.
1151 Please enter an archive name to create and press "Next" button. Either enter it manually or use "Browse..." to choose a folder and name for the created archive.
1152 Please select an archive to update and press "Next" button.\nYou may drop the archive icon to this dialog or use "Browse..." button to find the archive manually.
1153 Please enter an archive name, it is the required field.
1160 Choose a destination folder for unpacked files
1165 Choose a destination folder and name for new archive
1170 Store relative paths
1171 Store full paths
1172 Do not store paths
1180 &Continue
1181 Paused, press "Continue" to resume
1185 Cannot read contents of %s
1190 It is not volume
1191 %s and %s belong to different sets
1192 %d volumes missing
1193 %d recovery volumes found
1194 Nothing to reconstruct
1195 Reconstruction impossible
1196 Reconstructing...
1197 Creating %s
1198 Renaming %s to %s
1199 RAR recovery volume
1200 Do you wish to reconstruct missing volumes?
1205 Choose a destination folder for created archives
1210 Write error: only NTFS file system supports files larger than 4 GB
1215 Cannot change attributes of %s
1220 Select icon
1225 Selected SFX module does not support advanced options
1230 File information
1231 Please wait until files scan is done or press "Cancel" to close the dialog
1232 Done
1233 Calculating
1240 Default SFX module does not support RAR %d.%d archives
1250 Are you sure you wish to apply the specified settings to all archives found in selected files and folders?
1255 File
1256 Location
1257 Context
1260 Locate
1261 Show the file in the main WinRAR window
1265 Current folder
1266 Local hard drives
1270 http://www.rarlab.com
1280 %d selected
1290 Contents of original and converted archives are not equal
1291 Converting archives
1292 Select folder for converted archives
1293 File already exists
1294 Skipping encrypted archive
1295 %s is too large, not converted
1300 Find file
1310 Calculating control sum: %d%% done
1315 Processing %s
1320 Specified archive name contains the colon, you may be unable to access the archive with such name. Press "OK" only if you know what are NTFS streams, otherwise choose "Cancel" and change the name.
1330 Extraction path and options
1335 Process RAR, ZIP and other archive formats
1340 Drag and drop operation failed
1345 Select virus scanner
1346 You need to specify a virus scanner program.\nPress "Help" button to get more information.
1347 Waiting for virus scanner to complete
1348 User defined
1355 %d files read. So large number may indicate that archive is corrupt.\nDo you wish to read it further?
1360 Total errors: %d
1365 Select report file name
1366 Creating report
1367 Cannot print %s
1368 End of archive
1369 Files
1370 Yes
1371 Report generated on %s
1380 Total path and file name length must not exceed %d characters