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- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
- <WinampAbstractionLayer version="0.7">
- <groupdef id="wasabi.titlebox">
- <layer
- id="groupbox.bottom.stretch"
- x="3" y="-3"
- w="-6"
- relaty="1" relatw="1"
- image="wasabi.groupbox.bottom"
- />
- <layer
- id="groupbox.left.stretch"
- x="0" y="9"
- h="-12"
- relath="1"
- image="wasabi.groupbox.left"
- />
- <layer
- id="groupbox.right.stretch"
- x="-3" y="9"
- h="-12"
- relatx="1" relath="1"
- image="wasabi.groupbox.right"
- />
- <layer
- id="groupbox.bottom.left.corner"
- x="0" y="-3"
- relaty="1"
- image="wasabi.groupbox.bottom.left"
- />
- <layer
- id="groupbox.bottom.right.corner"
- x="-3" y="-3"
- relatx="1" relaty="1"
- image="wasabi.groupbox.bottom.right"
- />
- </groupdef>
- <!-- =================================================================================================== -->
- <!-- This is the group that holds the content of the TitleBox (what was specified using the content="some.group.id"
- parameter in <TitleBox />). The CustomObject (which must have "titlebox.content" id) is the one ending up
- holding the content so you can change the coordinates or add decorations around it here -->
- <groupdef id="wasabi.titlebox.main.group" inherit_group="wasabi.titlebox" autoheightsource="titlebox.content" autowidthsource="titlebox.content">
- <CustomObject id="titlebox.content" x="8" y="16" w="-16" h="-23" relatw="1" relath="1" />
- </groupdef>
- <!-- =================================================================================================== -->
- <!-- This group appears on the left of the title in the TitleBox object. if centered="1" was specified, this
- group will be strecthed so as to have the label group (see below) in the center of the titlebar.
- Otherwise, its width is fixed -->
- <groupdef id="wasabi.titlebox.left.group" w="6" h="13">
- <layer
- id="groupbox.top.left.corner"
- x="0" y="6"
- image="wasabi.groupbox.top.left"
- />
- <layer
- id="groupbox.top.stretch"
- x="3" y="6"
- w="3"
- image="wasabi.groupbox.top"
- />
- </groupdef>
- <!-- =================================================================================================== -->
- <!-- This group is the one holding the label for the TitleBox object, it should contain a Text object with
- id="titlebox.text". The group will be stretched automatically to the size it needs to hold the full text -->
- <groupdef id="wasabi.titlebox.center.group" h="13" autowidthsource="titlebox.text" >
- <text
- id="titlebox.text"
- default="ERROR"
- x="0" y="-1"
- w="0" relatw="1" h="0" relath="1"
- font="tahoma" fontsize="13"
- color="wasabi.text.color"
- />
- </groupdef>
- <!-- =================================================================================================== -->
- <!-- This is the last of the title groups for the TitleBox object, this one is on the right and is stretched
- all the way to the right of the content area. -->
- <groupdef id="wasabi.titlebox.right.group" w="0" relatw="1" h="13">
- <layer
- id="groupbox.top.stretch"
- x="0" y="6"
- w="-3"
- relatw="1"
- image="wasabi.groupbox.top"
- />
- <layer
- id="groupbox.top.right.corner"
- x="-3" y="6"
- relatx="1"
- image="wasabi.groupbox.top.right"
- />
- </groupdef>
- <!-- =================================================================================================== -->
- <!-- This is an example of how to use this control -->
- <!-- First the content -->
- <groupdef id="example.titlebox.content" autoheightsource="lastitem" w="300">
- <Wasabi:CheckBox x="0" y="0" text="This is a config option"/>
- <Wasabi:CheckBox x="0" y="16" text="This is another config option"/>
- <Wasabi:CheckBox x="0" y="32" text="This is yet another config option"/>
- <Wasabi:CheckBox x="0" y="48" id="lastitem" text="This is another damn config option"/>
- </groupdef>
- <!-- Then the object itself, with the content as parameter.
- add register_autopopup="1" to the groupdef to test -->
- <groupdef id="example.titlebox.main" name="TitleBox Example" >
- <Wasabi:TitleBox x="50" y="50" title="Group title" content="example.titlebox.content" />
- </groupdef>
- </WinampAbstractionLayer>