Attempt setting a DVD Auto-Load bookmark at frame zero
Pause Playback at end of currently playing file
Show/Hide the Scene Cut Editor
Show/Hide the GoTo Timeline dialog
Show/Hide the GoTo Timeline Navigator interface
Show/Hide the Mouse Wheel Function Navigator interface
Switch between Do Nothing and Auto Reply on Play Complete
Move Audio Balance to the Left
Move Audio Balance to the Right
Open Drive
Show/Hide the Media Library Navigator
Show/Hide the Media Library Path Editor
Enable/Disable Source Relative Stretch
Set video to default to 50%
Set video to default to 100%
Set video to default to 200%
Set video to default to 400%
Set video to default to 800%
Show/Hide the Web URL Navigator
Bring Player Window to Front
Loop Current Track
Add File(s) to Play List
Add Directory to Play List
Remove Selected Files from Play List
Clear Play List
Load Play List
Save Play List
Sort Play List
Move Item Up in Play List
Move Item Down in Play List
Maximize the Play List Window
Load Definition File for the currently open media
Show/Hide the Radio Station Manager
Show/Hide the Context Navigator
Show/Hide the Playback History Interface
Get Duration of Media Files in the current Play list
Show/Hide the Internal Equalizer
Show/Hide the Equalizer Profile Selector/Editor
Reset the current Equalizer Values
Enable/Disable the Equalizer
Resynchronize Audio Ahead
Resynchronize Audio Back
Media: Fast Play
DirectVobSub Subtitle File Selection
Open URL
Switch to Audio Mode
Thank you for registering, Your registration key will be sent to the eMail you specified in the next 72 hours. If you do not receive a registration code within the next 72 hours, please leave a message on the Zoom Player registration forum at:
This filter is registered properly.
This filter is NOT REGISTERED!
Live Stream
Unable to open a property page for the selected filter. This filter may require a playing graph to be configured.
Unable to create filter. This filter may not be registered or it may require a playing graph to be configured.
Enter a VALID File Extension (no Dot)
Remove this Extension?
Remove this Profile?
Profile Name
Unable to add profile!
There are no filters selected!
Unable to save file "%s" !
Invalid Sub-Type entry
Remove this Sub-Type?
Enter a VALID Filter Sub-Type
Remove this filter?
Unable to create file!
Unable to set data to filter
Unable to Add filter [%s] into the Graph!
Unable to create filter "%s". Line: %d
Filter Crash! "%s". Line: %d
Unable to find filter "%s"! Line: %d
Unable to specifiy file name for filter "%s"! Line: %d
Unable to load file for filter "%s"! Line: %d
Unable to get sync interface for filter "%s"! Line: %d
Unable to set sync for filter "%s"! Line: %d
Unable to find source filter "%s"! Line: %d
Unable to find destination filter "%s"! Line: %d
Unable to find source pin "%s"! Line: %d
Unable to find destination pin "%s"! Line: %d
Pins did not accept connection "%s -> %s"! Line: %d
Filter Connection Error:\n\n[%s].%s ---> [%s].%s\n\nNot all filters can connect properly. If the filter listed above\nis an "Additional Filter", try unchecking it in the Options Dialog.\nFor more Information, press on the "Verify Selected Setup" button\nwithin the "Options -> DVD Setup" dialog.
Additional Information:
Unable to find source filter "%s".
Unable to find destination filter "%s".
Unable to find source pin "%s".
Unable to find destination pin "%s".
Pins did not accept connection.
Unable to Create the "%s" Filter.\n\nError Code : %s - %s
Unable to Add the "%s" Filter to the Graph.\n\n\Error Code : %s - %s
Pin Connection Warning (Not an Error):\n\n%s ---> %s\n\nCode: %s (%s)
Could not find a suitable Decoder for "%s"
Could not list pins on Splitter Filter
Could not find a suitable Splitter for "%s"
Could not find a suitable File Source filter for "%s"
Could not create a Customized Media Graph, will now try a standard graph...
ERROR: No component found on the internal lists, playback for this item may fail.
The following list represents the key components required for media playback (covering the most popular formats). If a component is missing, there is a chance that playback will not function properly. If more than one component is listed, there is a chance that the components will conflict when Standard Media Playback is used (Customized Media Playback under the Professional Version prevents these possible conflicts), causing problems.\n\nIf you have a missing component, or you suspect a conflict is impairing your playback stability/performance, make sure to read the Media Setup Guide by clicking on the button below
Click here to search list
No Data
Permanently erase all bookmarks?
Erase [%s] ?
Permanently erase this bookmark?
Bookmark Editor
Chapter Editor
Saved Chapter file to:\n[%s].
Unable to Create [%s], Chapters not saved.
Key is not allowed
Couldn't rename, "%s" is an invalid file name!
Loading of AutoLoad bookmarks is currently disabled, do you wish to enable it?
Unable to set this bookmark as AutoLoad, file is possibly read-only.
Invalid Profile Name
Play List Queue
1. Using this dialog incurs certain risks to DirectShow stability, use at your own peril.\n2. Do NOT Unregister currently loaded filters.\n3. Valid values are in HEX and mean (higher merit means "more likely to be used"):\n800000 = MERIT_PREFERRED\n600000 = MERIT_NORMAL\n400000 = MERIT_UNLIKELY\n200000 = MERIT_DO_NOT_USE\n100000 = MERIT_SW_COMPRESSOR\n100050 = MERIT_HW_COMPRESSOR
The following Filter(s) are about to be unregistered:\n\n%s\nAny media files relying on these filters for playback\nwill no longer play, are you absolutely sure you want to do this?
Unable to unregister filter.
Class ID
Input Pins
Output Pins
Connected to
on Filter
Connection SubType
Unable to save Media Library Path file:
Enter any single file extension into the extension field\nDO NOT enter a dot. Use the description field to\nenter any description for the file format. This description\nwill be visible in explorer
A 3rd party program is trying to communicate with %s's LCD\ninterface, however the LCD interface is currently disabled, do you\nwish to enable it?
File Name
File Size
File Date
Last Played
This interface requires that the "Remember last media position" setting be enabled (limited to the Professional version)
The file no longer exists at this path
Enter Radio Station Full URL
(Including "mms://" or "http://" prefix)
Are you sure?
Erase Cut File (If one exists) ?
Make sure something is playing first!
Saved Cut file to:
erased successfully
Only in DVD Mode
Cut Start
Cut End
Jump From
Jump To
Mute From
No Sub From
End Playback at
Can't shutdown, system security prevents it.
Skin Selector
Error Loading
The Internet Explorer Component is missing
This setting will try to use a manual profile for each media file extension specified in the %s "MediaGraph" directory.\n\nIf no Media Graph Profile is specified for the extension you are trying to play, the system default settings will be used.\n\n
This setting will try adding filters specified in the filter file (listed above).\n\n
This is a feature that can cause playback instability, do not enable if you are not sure what it does.\n\nAre you sure you want to enable this feature?
System Default:\nThis will use the Standard Renderer under Windows 95/98/ME/2K and the VMR7 under Windows XP, not recommended.\n\nStandard Renderer:\nThis will use the Standard Renderer, not recommended.\n\nOverlay Mixer:\nThe Overlay Mixer allows for proper Aspect Ratio control and Hardware Color Controls if the hardware/drivers support it. This is the default value and should work on any operating system.\n\nVideo Mixing Renderer 9\nThis is the newest and most advanced Video Renderer. It allows for proper Aspect Ratio control, Hardware Color Controls if the hardware/drivers supports it, Frame Capture (screenshot) with any file format and can provide better image quality through the use of more advanced image scalers. When using the VMR9, you should probably enable the "Fix VMR9 Scaling Bug" check box on the Settings (Advanced/Filter Control) tab. This renderer requires DirectX v9 or newer installed.
DVD support is only available in
Customized Media Playback support is only available in
More Information
file not found
Assign %s icon?\n(Press no to browse for icon)
You can only change the icons of associated extensions
Set file association for the selected formats?
The selected file formats have been associated with
There was error trying to associate the %s File type!
About to Search and %s the following filters:\n%s\n\nThis may take a few seconds.
Complete, the following filters were effected:
The following Filter file(s) were not found:
Selected entries did not contain Filter Filename Definitions!
Please select a Profile first!
Error on [%s]
Configuration Diagnostic:
Video Decoder:
Audio Decoder:
Audio Renderer:
No Video Decoder Selected!
No Audio Decoder Selected!
No Audio Renderer Selected!
Additional Filters:
Nothing to Report.
is properly registered.
Unless you have Reclock installed and selected as the a Audio Renderer, setting a Fast Play rate of over 2.26 will not work.
* Standard *\nWhen the Standard method is enabled, windows will try to build it's own Audio/Video decoding Graph. This is far from a good solution as windows tends to mess up when multiple DVD Decoding filters are installed or if a specific Audio Renderer needs to be in use. I highly recommend staying clear of this option.\n\n* Customized *\nThis is the recommended playback method. When enabled, you can easily pick and choose the components used to playback the DVD with easy verification to make sure there are no missing components.\n\n* Manual DVDGraph Profile *\nThis method allows you to specify a Graph Profile which exactly describes which components are to be used for playback. Modification of such profiles may be a bit complex for the average user and are of no benefit over the Customized method.
being a flexible player allows you to graft most of it's\nfunctions onto the Control Bar. However, for this to be done, graphics\nneed to be drawn for every function.\n\nSince a lot of the functions are not really useful for everyone, only the\nmost logical Control Bar functions have been implemented into the default skin.\n\nTo add support for the disabled functions within the Control Bar environment,\ntake a look at the default skin sample file.
By leaving the "DVD Drive / Path" field clear,\n%s will try to Auto-Detect the DVD Path.
Something must be playing to do a real-time apply\nCurrent Settings are Auto-Applied when a Media/DVD is loaded.
You must first enable the "Use Color Controls" setting on the Color Control options page.
Settings will not take effect if the WinDVD filters are currently playing.\nThese settings may not be supported by all versions of WinDVD.
Settings will not take effect if the PowerDVD filters are currently playing.\nThese settings may not be supported by all versions of PowerDVD.
Pressing OK will make the current setting remembered as the Default setting, are you sure?
Selecting OK will export the current %s keyboard settings into\na Girder compatible Command Group by creating a file by the name of\n"%s" within the %s directory.
File already exists, overwrite?
Remember to enable the SendMessage Girder plugin for the exported file to function correctly!
Select a Preset and Enter a Name first
You need to restart the player for this to take effect
Make sure the values for both Width and Height are valid
Make sure the all values are filled and valid
Disabled:\nLet windows play the file as-is.\n\nUsing Filter File:\nSelect a filter file that specifies additional component that should be used during playback.\n\nAuto by Extension:\nUse a MediaGraph file to play the media file. MediaGraph files construct the playback components manually if a MediaGraph exists for a specific file extension.\n\nSwitching manual filters only effects the next opened file.
Next loaded video won't be effected by this setting.
It is HIGHLY recommended that you stick with the Microsoft DVD Navigator any other navigator filter may not function properly.
Enabling Auto Segment Load allows additional Media File Segments to load automatically in the case a sub-string match is found within a specified list of string masks.\n\nFor Example, using a value of "[?" will search the media file name for the "[" character followed by a numerical value such as "My Video [1 of 2].avi". When such a match is found, the numerical value is increased and if "My Video [2 of 2].avi" exists it will be loaded automatically.\n\n
Each "?" character in the search mask designates one digit. So when using "(??" as the mask, The search condition would be for a file name that contains the "(" character followed by two digits, for example "My Video (15).avi". If a match is found, "My Video (16).avi" would be searched for and loaded into the Play List if it exists.\n\nYou could use also a suffixed Mask such as "?of" which would work with "Movie 1of2.avi". Mixed Prefix/Suffix matches should work as well.\n\nMultiple Masks can be specified at once. Each mask must be separated by the ";" character, for example:\n"[?;_??;(?;CD?;-???".
You will have to reload the media for the Equalizer to become active
The Internal Audio Processing filter is not enabled, would you like to enable it?
The scaling bug is a VMR9 issue that occurs with video that contains embedded aspect ratio data (VCD/SVCD/DVD/WMV).\n\nIt looks like severe stair-stepping or a slightly blurred image when stretching the image and it can effect both DVD and Media modes when VMR9 is in use.
Only set new Icon for currently associated extensions?
Not all cards support the color interface. For it to work either the Overlay Mixer filter must in-use or the Video Mixing Renderer 9 enabled. The Overlay Mixer is used by default for DVD Playback, but with Media files you must enable "Overlay Mixer" on the Filter Control page. For VMR9 Color Controls you must be using the newest display drivers and enable "Video Mixing Renderer 9" under the Filter Control dialog.
Overlay Interface found, would you like to get current Values?
The Overlay Color Interface is not detected/implemented on your Hardware
No Filter supporting the Hardware Color Control Interface is loaded
Unknown Error
Enabling Audio during Rewind and Fast Forward may not actually work with all decoders
Make sure to erase previous bookmarks ("DVD-Bookmarks" Directory)\nespecially if you previously failed Parental Levels on titles.
The Password is incorrect, please retype!
You must first set a new password
The new password was set successfully
Make sure that the new password field and the verify field match!
The previous password specified in the password field is incorrect!
You must first specify the previous password in the password field!
Make sure a filter is selected first.
Can only configure a filter when no video is loaded.
Must have a video playing in VMR9 mode for this to work
With the display resolution wider than 4:3, you should disable the\n"Restrict AR Adjustments to Height in Zoom Mode" setting,\notherwise your display may get cropped.\n\nWould you like to disable this setting?
can export its settings to a Windows Registry file of your choice.\nAll settings except file association can be saved. To re-import these settings,\nall you need to do is double click on the generated .REG file from within Explorer\nwhile %s is closed.
Settings exported successfully
Unable to export settings
Really erase this splitter file?
Really erase this decoder file?
Really erase this source file?
Splitter File Name (no EXT)
Video Decoder File Name (no EXT)
Audio Decoder File Name (no EXT)
Source File Name (no EXT)
The Color Control interface is currently disabled, would you like to turn it on?
is not a Play List file!
Full Path to files
Relative Path to files
Don't save any Path information
How would you like the path saved?
|.. Previous Directory ..|
|.. Play all files in this Directory ..|
Something unexpected happened; perhaps content is authored incorrectly
Key exchange for DVD copy protection failed
DVD-Video disc is authored incorrectly for specification version 1.x
DVD-Video disc cannot be played because the disc is not authored to play in the system region
Player parental level is lower than the lowest parental level available in the DVD content
Macrovision failure
No discs can be played because the system region does not match the decoder region\n\nread
The disc cannot be played because the disc is not authored to be played in the decoder's region\n\nread
Graph Information
READ CAREFULLY!\n\nYou must first Setup DVD Playback so that it would work\nproperly on your system.\n\nAfter pressing the OK button, you will be taken to the\nDVD Setup dialog
which will allow you to choose three\ndifferent methods of DVD Playback. I recommend using the\nCustomized method as it can minimize conflicts while still\ngiving you a lot of control on how the DVD will be played.
Unable to initialize DVD interface, filters required for DVD Playback may not be configured properly, or your version of DirectX is too old (v8 or newer required)
Unable to build the DVD interfaces, Make sure you have Direct-X v8 or newer installed!
MPEG2 Filters required for DVD Playback are missing!\nThese filters are not part of the %s installation.
Unable to render DVD Filter Graph!
is an invalid DVD path!
Overlay Surface required for DVD Playback is missing!
Unable to start playback (Error: %s), check disc.
Unable to create the Direct-X interface.
The Video could not be played, check that a compatible codec is installed.
The Audio could not be played, check that a compatible codec is installed.
Unable to find
Unable to create filters for: [%s]\nThis may be due to a corrupt file or missing decoder filters.
Unable to initialize COM, playback will not work!
Reset Window Position
DVD Mode
Media Mode
Send to the Recycle bin?
The Color Control Interface is Enabled
The Color Control Interface is disabled or was not found
The Color Control Interface was not detected
The Color Control Interface is not implemented
Closed Caption
The assigned function is invalid, double check the definition file.
Unable to load GraphEdit file!
Unable to set the %s Priority
QuickTime is not properly installed!
Couldn't find the [%s] DVD Graph file!
No Manual DVD Graph selected!
Trailer Definition! No DVD Trailers Found!
Trailer Definition! Couldn't find DVD Files at:\n[%s]
Unable to find the Specified DVD Trailer Definition File (Options / DVD / DVD Tools)
Customized Media playback can override the method used by windows to open media files.\n\nIt allows you to specify which filters are used with specific file types to determine how a file should be played.\n\nHere's the URL for a guide explaining the use of this interface:\n\n\nAt any point, you can disable this interface in the Settings & Renderers tab to go back to the standard method of media playback. This interface will not damage your standard playback in any way or form.
Play Selected Item
Default (English)
Context Menus
No Filters are Assigned!
Change Tray Icon
Restore && Reset
Show All Buttons
Visible Buttons
Hide All Buttons
Show Play State
Show Position
Show Duration
Show Remaining Time
Show Resolution
Show FileName / DVD Data
Show Current Time
Show Idle State
Align Control Bar (in window mode)
Disable the Control Bar in Window Mode
Detach Control Bar from Interface
Center Control Bar Vertically
Set Control Bar relative to Video
Prevent Control Bar from Moving off-screen
Skip/Jump/Seek Functions Pop the Control Bar (Fullscreen)
Play Pops the Control Bar (Fullscreen)
Pause Pops the Control Bar (Fullscreen)
Rewind Pops the Control Bar (Fullscreen)
Show Control Bar on Mouse Movement
Show Control Bar when Mouse is at Bottom of Screen (Fullscreen)
Toggle Control Bar
Within Interface
Top of Screen
Bottom of Screen
Double Click on Filter to Add
Girder Commands
Play with
Enqueue in
No DVD found
Flash is not properly installed!
-------------------------------------------------------\nIMPORTANT - Please Read\n-------------------------------------------------------\nMany hours of work were spent on the development of\nZoom Player as one of the best Media and DVD players.\nWhile Zoom Player Standard remains Free, if you use it\non a regular basis and find it useful, please upgrade\nto Zoom Player Professional.\n\nTo register Zoom Player Professional using a secure\nencrypted on-line connection, press the Register\nbutton on the lower-right side of this dialog.\n\nIf you would like to take this time to evaluate the\nusefulness of this player, the registration form can\nbe accessed later through the\n"Options->Information" dialog.\n\nThis message will not appear again.
Key Help
is released for non-commercial use only. For use in a commercial environment, please contact the author to obtain a license.
This function requires Direct-X version %s.%s or newer (You are using version %s.%s).\nYou should probably update to the latest version of Direct-X.\n\nThe latest version of Direct-X can be downloaded at
The hex value next to the filter name represents the filter merit. In a case where multiple filters are found in one category, the filter with the highest merit value is the one that will be used(in standard play mode, customized play mode lets you select which filter is used, ignoring the merit value).
The DirectVobSub filter is not currently installed. This filter is required for displaying subtitles within %s.\n\nWould you like to open the DirectVobSub download page in your browser?
An invalid registration key was found. If you are upgrading from version 3.30 or older and have yet to receive a key by eMail, post your registration details (TransactionID, Invoice number, Name used to register, any will do) on the Zoom Player Registration forum and a new key would be mailed within 24 to 72 hours.\n\nWould you like to visit the forum now?
The following list contains items that may not work/play properly on your system due to missing components. Click on any item in the list to open a web page containing a full description of them item and installation instructions.
Audio Mode
Specify the Extraction Command Line
"%p" represents the path to extract to, "%n" represents the archive file to extract.\n\nExample:\n"c:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe" x "%n" "-o%p"