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- XPlite and 2000lite Free Trial
- (c) LitePC Technologies Pty Ltd 1999-2003.
- http://www.litepc.com
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- Quick Start
- ===========
- This TRIAL works on BOTH Windows XP and Windows 2000! ThatÆs right - one
- program for BOTH operating systems. Even better, the trial program is
- entirely self-contained. There is no bulky installation program and no
- un-installation program. They are not needed. Just place the program where
- YOU want it. An uninstall button on the about tab will remove the program
- entirely from your system.
- The LitePC free TRIAL is yours to keep. There is no limit on the duration
- of your evaluation however the feature set is limited in comparison to our
- full Professional copy. The TRIAL will expire after a few months. But
- before then we will have improved on the programs and released updates for
- you to continue to use free of charge. You can use the TRIAL until it
- expires and then you can download an updated version and continue using it
- free of charge. Version 1.00 will not expire until the year 2004!
- 1) Extract LitePC_Trial.exe to your Windows XP or Windows 20000 desktop.
- 2) Double click on the program icon to start.
- 3) Read the License and Accept it.
- 4) Turn WFP OFF
- 5) Add and Remove Windows Components
- Yes it really is that easy!
- XPlite and 2000lite Introduction
- ================================
- ** Windows the way YOU want it! **
- With XPlite and 2000lite we give YOU the power to set up YOUR machine the
- way YOU want! The power to remove unwanted features, the power to remove
- upgrades that go bad, the power to strip potential security and privacy
- threats out by the roots.
- XPlite and 200lite are world class configuration utilities that enhance
- Windows by creating modular operating system components that allow YOU to
- take control of your system. Pick and choose which features YOU need or
- YOU want!
- More than a powerful configuration utility - XPlite and 2000lite give you
- amazing control to repair Windows as well. If a particular technology
- gives you trouble you can completely remove it, and then reinstall it as
- cleanly as the day Windows was first installed on your computer.
- The ultimate security system? There can be little argument that certain
- Microsoft technologies have proven themselves to put your privacy, security
- and system stability at risk. The sheer number of Windows Update security
- fixes that are released on an almost daily basis testify to this fact. You
- can choose alternate technologies to avoid the security risks, yet the
- flawed components remain on your system unused, until the next
- irresponsible hacker or malicious script takes advantage of the situation.
- Everybody should be running with the latest patches and Service Packs - but
- is this enough? XPlite and 2000lite allow you to completely remove
- features that might put you at risk. For example - many email viruses use
- Outlook Express and the Windows Address Book to invade your privacy and
- that of your associates whose addresses you have stored. If you choose to
- use an alternate email system then XPlite and 2000lite allow you to totally
- remove Outlook Express and the Windows Address Book from your system. Now
- you *know* you are protected!
- Modular by design! - What comes outà goes back in!
- What if you change your mind and want to reinstall one of the system
- components that you previously uninstalled using XPlite? No problem! Each
- uninstaller is coupled with an equally powerful installer so you can
- recover uninstalled components. It is as easy as ticking a check box.
- Features
- ========
- XPlite and 2000lite give you full command over the Windows File Protection
- (WFP) features of Windows XP and Windows 2000. Windows File Protection is
- a powerful Windows feature that prevents system files from being
- overwritten by poorly designed application and driver installers. However
- the side effect is that users are prevented from controlling their own
- systems. XPlite and 2000lite has been specifically engineered to work with
- the WFP feature so that changes to the system are monitored and continually
- protected afterwards.
- XPlite and 2000lite must disable WFP in order to customize the operating
- system, but after the system is set up the way you want you can re-enable
- WFP and continue with a protected operating system.
- You can read more about Windows File Protection on Microsoft's web site:
- http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/en-us/wfp/setup/about_windows_file_protect
- ion.asp
- http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;222193
- Safety!
- XPlite is 100% compatible with Windwos XP System Restore. You can remove
- EVERY basic feature in XPlite and still have the full protection of System
- Restore provided you have allowed enough disk space for the changes to be
- stored (The disk space setting is adjustable under the My Computer properties
- System Restore tab. If you find something amiss just restore to an earlier
- time. XPlite will set a restore point before making any changes to your system
- and it will warn you first if the restore point can not be set.
- =================================================
- http://www.litepc.com/buyxplite.html
- http://www.litepc.com/buy2000lite.html
- * Nearly 100 optional components!
- * Multi Seat, multi user licenses
- * Access to cutting edge new features
- * Online one-to-one technical support
- * Free Upgrades
- Buy the Professional program and many more features, plus access to the
- latest cutting edge developments. XPlite Professional shapes Windows XP
- into nearly 100 optional modules that can get installed or removed as
- easily as ticking a checkbox! We're adding new modules all the time and
- licensed customers have access to bleeding edge beta programs as well as
- our great release versions.
- The Free Trial version contains the same WFP management, source file
- selection and internal monitoring as the Professional version. The Free
- Trial also contains more than 30 of the Professional options. Please give
- our free trial a go, but we know you'll want the ultimate power and
- flexibility of XPlite Professional and 2000lite Professional.
- If you need technical support - you can use all the free resources of our
- website. Professional Licensed customers also have access to our online
- ticketed support system for one-on-one assistance.
- Unlike this super Free Trial, XPlite Professional and 2000lite Professional
- are separate programs. As a limited offer, buy one today and we'll throw
- in the other. ThatÆs TWO Professional programs allowing you to fully
- customize BOTH Windows 2000 and Windows XP.
- http://www.litepc.com/buyxplite.html
- http://www.litepc.com/buy2000lite.html
- email: sales@litepc.com
- Your license
- ============
- The LitePC Free Trial is licensed, not sold. A copy of the user license is
- supplied with the program and inside the program. Use of the LitePC Free
- Trial is considered proof of your full acceptance of the User license. We
- do not charge any money for the Trial. Be sure that you donÆt pay anyone
- for it either!
- Please donÆt forget this is your private copy for your personal use only.
- If you require a site license or want to use our technology to distribute
- pre-configured systems then you need to obtain the appropriate license from
- http://www.litepc.com
- http://www.litepc.com
- http://www.embeddingwindows.com
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