To open a new drawing file based on a template: 1. Under Category, click the category of drawing you want to create. 2. Under Template, click the type of drawing you want to create.
Check your spelling while you type, with the built-in Spelling Checker. This real-time spelling checker runs in the background and underlines mistakes as you type, just like Microsoft Word. It even offers right-click menu suggestions, and allows you to create a custom spelling dictionary of your own terms.
You can select all objects using the Select All command on the Edit menu.
If you use industry or company words that aren't in a standard spelling dictionary, you can create a user dictionary that includes these words.
You can select multiple objects. Press and hold SHIFT as you click each object.
To publish a drawing to the web use the 'Web page' command under the 'Export...' sub menu under the 'File' Menu.
You can press DELETE to delete the selected object.
You can press and hold the CTRL key and drag the selected objects to duplicate them.
A template includes all document settings and styles.
You can use the Shadow Offset on Properties window to change the shadow direction.
DiagramStudio drawings can be printed in either the portrait or landscape direction on the paper. To change this setting use the 'Page Setup' command under the 'File' Menu.
You can also use the Match Properties tool to copy all the formatting attributes - text, fill, and line attributes - of one symbol to another. Click the symbol whose formatting you want to copy, click the Match Properties tool, and then click the symbol you want to format.
Use the Group function when you want to group and ungroup objects hierarchically and get the best results when stretching or shrinking.
When you create a new diagram, you can start from a diagram template that contains an initial set of libraries.
Use the Object Properties window to view and modify the properties of one or more objects.
To repeatedly duplicate a object: Select the object, hold down the Ctrl key while you drag to place the duplicate object where you want it. Release the mouse button.
To deselect one of several selected objects, Shift+click the specific object.
To nudge an object, select it, and then press an arrow key.
If you don't see the Format Text toolbar buttons, choose View -> Toolbars > Format Text.
If you don't see the Format Shape toolbar buttons, choose View -> Toolbars > Format Shape.
Use Duplicate to make multiple copies of objects within the same diagram.
You can use the Windows clipboard to copy a selected set of objects within the same diagram or to a different diagram.
To rotate a selected object by 90-degree increments, choose Layout -> Flip and Rotate -> Rotate Right or Rotate Left.
You can drag the Object Explorer window to the location you want.
You can drag the Library window to the location you want.
You can delete objects in the Object Explorer. Choose View -> Windows -> Object Explorer. Right-click the object item, and then choose Delete.
Be careful not to point to a selection handle when you attempt to move an object. If you accidentally resize an object, choose Edit -> Undo immediately.
Connector labels are useful for describing the purpose of a connector or the relationship that the connector represents between two figures.
Look at the preview to see if your drawing page and printer paper are the way you want.
If no objects on the drawing page are selected and you change any format settings from the toolbars, that formatting will be applied to all objects you draw until go back to the original setting.
If this is the way you like to select objects, you might want to change the selection settings to also include objects that are partially within the selection net. To change this setting, choose Tools -> Options. Check Select Shapes Partially Within Area.
To constrain the movement of the object to vertical or horizontal, hold down the Shift key while you drag the object.
All objects have an order within the drawing. New objects are in front of previously created objects and are drawn on top of them.
You can move either of the endpoints of a connector. If the endpoint is connected to a figure, you can detach it from the figure, or attach it to a different figure.
You can copy objects from diagrams to documents of other programs such as Microsoft Word.
If you export a diagram to a file as a Windows Metafile, you can then use Microsoft Word's Insert Picture feature to add the diagram to a Microsoft Word document.
To undo a shadow immediately after you apply it, choose Edit -> Undo. Otherwise, to remove a shadow, choose No Shadow from the Shadow Color list.
When you want to connect the symbol to another, you can drag the connector directly from the symbol.
If you want to use the object in another diagram, create your own library.
When you paste text from another program, the formatting information is lost.
Position information appears on the status bar when you select an object. This information changes as you drag the object.
Once you've created a connector label, you can adjust its position on the connector.
When you drag an object past the edge of the screen, the diagram automatically scrolls to follow the cursor.
While working with your drawing you can quickly determine whether it fits within the printable area by choosing View -> Page Breaks.
To set all objects on a layer to nonprinting, you can choose Format -> Layer Sheet to set the layer to nonprinting.
To preview the drawing as it will appear on the printed page, choose File -> Print Preview.
To view and modify the program options, choose Options from the Tools menu.
Use the Colors pane in the Options dialog box (Tools -> Options) to customize some of the colors used on the user interface to portray your diagrams.
Use the Grid and Rulers pane in the Options dialog box (Tools -> Options) to set the visible grid and the snap grid for your diagram.
To activate the menu bar, press Alt or F10.
A style is like a model or template for creating new objects. Once you create an object, that object's style determines its initial properties.
If you delete a connector, all connector labels will also be deleted whether or not they were selected.
Selected text can be cut to the Windows clipboard, copied to the clipboard, and pasted from the clipboard.
Cutting is another way to remove objects from a diagram. Unlike Delete, a copy of the deleted objects is first saved in the Windows clipboard. You can later Paste these objects back into the diagram or even into a different diagram.
To zoom to a view of all selected objects in the diagram choose To Selection from the Zoom submenu under the View menu.
You can use text to add descriptions for objects, titles, comments, annotations, instructions, and so on.
You can import any file that is an Enhanced Windows Metafile (.EMF), Windows Bitmap (.BMP or .DIB), of JPEG (.JPG). Once you import a graphic into your diagram, it becomes an ordinary object that you can manipulate as you like.
Using OLE, you can embed diagrams directly inside Word documents such that they become a part of the document, are saved within the document file, and nevertheless can later still be edited.
To change the properties of an object, like its fill color, simply click on the object with the right mouse button.
You can draw your own new objects by using the lines, curves, and shapes of Diagram Studio.
Keyboard shortcuts for some menu commands are listed on the DiagramStudio menus.
The Task List window helps you to organize and manage the work of building your application. In the Task List window, you can: \n - Enter user notes related to the solution in the Click here to add a new task field.\n - Sort Task List entries by the columns heads Priority, Category, Checked, Description.