5197 Invalid data type supplied for property assignment
5198 Window
5199 Ruler
5200 Layout
5201 Canvas
5203 ReadOnly
5204 Sets a value that determines if an edit related property is read-only.
5205 CanSelect
5206 Sets a value that determines if a component can be selected.
5207 CanMove
5208 Sets a value that determines if a component can be moved.
5209 CanRotate
5210 Sets a value that determines if a component can be rotated.
5211 CanScale
5212 Sets a value that determines if a component can be scaled.
5213 CanStretch
5214 Sets a value that determines if a component can be stretched.
5215 CanEditProps
5216 Sets a value that determines if a component's properties can be edited.
5217 CanContain
5218 Sets a value that determines if a component can contain other components.
5219 CanEditVertices
5220 Sets a value that determines if a component's vertices can be edited.
5221 Type
5222 Sets a value that describes the component's type.
5223 Name
5224 Sets a value that determines a component's name.
5225 Visible
5226 Sets a value that determines if a componet is visible.
5227 PercentAlong
5228 Sets a value that determines a line's percent along.
5229 Anchor
5230 Sets a value that determines a line's anchor.
5231 Distance
5232 Sets a value that determines a line's distance.
5233 ControlPoint
5234 Sets a value that determines orientation of a control point.
5235 HorzSpacing
5236 Sets a value that determines the horizontal spacing.
5237 VertSpacing
5238 Sets a value that determines the vertical spacing.
5239 LineColor
5240 Sets a value which determines a line's color.
5241 Transparent
5242 Sets a value which determines if a line is transparent.
5243 LineWidth
5244 Sets a value which determines a line's width.
5245 LineStyle
5246 Sets a value which determines a line's style.
5247 Font
5248 Sets a value which determines the type of the font.
5249 Size
5250 Sets a value which determines the point size of the font.
5251 FontColor
5252 Sets a value which determines the color of the font.
5253 Weight
5254 Sets a value which determines the weight of the font.
5255 Italic
5256 Sets a value which determines if a font is italic.
5257 Underline
5258 Sets a value which determines if a font is underlined.
5259 Strikeout
5260 Sets a value which determines if strikeout is used with the font.
5261 Height
5262 Sets a value which determines the height of the font.
5263 FillFgColor
5264 Sets a value which determines a component's fill color.
5265 Transparent Fill
5266 Sets a value which determines a if a component's fill color is transparent.
5267 FillStyle
5268 Sets a value which determines a component's fill style.
5269 FillStyle
5270 Sets a value which determines a component's fill style.
5271 BackgroundMode
5272 Sets a value which determines a component's background fill mode.
5273 FillBkColor
5274 Sets a value which determines a component's background fill color.
5275 Transparent
5276 Sets a value which determines if a transparency is enabled for a component.
5277 TransparencyColor
5278 Sets a value which determines the transparency color of the image component.
5279 EnableOrientation
5280 Sets a value which determines if orientation is used for a component.
5281 Tabstop
5282 Sets a value which determines if this component is a tab stop.
5283 Tabindex
5284 Sets a value which determines the tab index of this component.
5285 Wordbreak
5286 Sets a value which determines if word breaks are used on multiline strings.
5287 Multiline
5288 Sets a value which determines if the text component supports multiline strings.
5289 HorzAlign
5290 Sets a value which determines the horizontal alignment of a text component.
5291 VertAlign
5292 Sets a value which determines the vertical alignment of a text component.
5293 RulerOrientation
5294 Sets a value which determines the orientation of the ruler component.
5295 UpperDetail
5296 Sets a value which determines the upper threshold detail of the ruler component.
5297 LowerDetail
5298 Sets a value which determines the lower threshold detail of the ruler component.
5299 Orthogonal
5300 Sets a value which determines if the line component is orthogonal.
5301 PadLeft
5302 Sets a value which determines the amount padding to the left of a component.
5303 PadTop
5304 Sets a value which determines the amount padding above the line.
5305 PadRight
5306 Sets a value which determines the amount padding to the right of a line.
5307 PadBottom
5308 Sets a value which determines the amount padding to the bottom of a line.
5309 FollowConnection
5310 Sets a value which determines if a link follows it's anchor component.
5311 AnchorEndpoints
5312 Sets a value which determines if a link's endpoints are anchored.
5313 Hidden
5314 Indicates if component is hidden at run-time.
5315 Font
5316 Sets the values that determine the font properties of a component.
5317 Fill
5318 Sets the values that determine the fill properties of a component.
5319 Line
5320 Sets the values that determine the line properties of a component.
5321 Orientation
5322 Sets the values that determine the orientation properties of a component.
5323 Line Orientation
5324 Sets the values that determine the line orientation properties of a component.
5325 Edit
5326 Sets the values that determine the edit properties of a component.
5327 Shadow
5328 Sets the values that determine the shadow properties of a component.
5329 Polyline
5330 ShadowColor
5331 Sets a value which determines a shadow's color.
5332 Horz.Offset
5333 Sets a value which determines a shadow's horizontal offset.
5334 Vert.Offset
5335 Sets a value which determines a shadow's vertical offset.
5336 ShadowStyle
5337 Sets a value which determines a shadow's style.
5338 Style
5339 Sets a style which determines a object's properties.
5340 Source Endpoint
5341 Target Endpoint
5342 Sets a value which determines a line's source endpoint.
5343 Sets a value which determines a line's target endpoint.
5344 Libraries
5345 Object Explorer
5346 Pan and Zoom
5347 Customize...
5348 Foreground Fill Color
5349 Line color
5350 Text color
5351 Automatic...
5352 &More colors...
5353 Document's Colors
5354 Background Fill Color
5355 toolbar
5356 This is not a valid font size. The number must be between 1 and 1638.
5357 General
5358 Edit
5359 Fill
5360 Text
5361 Label
5362 Shape
5363 Position &Size
5364 Text
5365 MS Sans Serif
5366 Small Fonts
5367 New Library
5370 Icon Files (*.ico, *.exe, *.dll, *.bmp)
5371 *.ico;*.exe;*.dll;*.bmp
5373 Diagram menu
5374 Diagram object menu
5375 Library menu
5376 Library object menu
5377 Diagram
5378 Transparent
5381 No Line
5383 Hyperlink menu
5384 Did you know...
5385 Tips file does not exist in the prescribed directory.
5386 Trouble reading the tips file.
5387 &Windows...
5388 &Open
5389 &Save
5390 Cancel
5391 My Recent Doc
5392 My Documents
5393 Desktop
5394 My Network
5395 My Diagram
5396 No shadow
5397 Options
5398 Grid & Rulers
5400 Not visible
5401 Stylesheet
5402 Blank
5403 Existing
5404 Recent
5405 Templates
5406 Choose a diagram type
5407 File
5408 Folder
5409 Category
5412 File Paths
5413 Workspace %s
5415 _Default
5416 Description
5417 Layersheet
5418 New layer
5419 Edit layer
5420 Cursor position
5421 General
5422 Colors
5423 Size info
5424 Position info
5425 Caps Lock info
5426 Num Lock info
5427 Scroll Lock info
5428 None
5429 Unfold
5430 Slide
5431 Fade
5432 Inches
5433 Feet
5434 Millimeters
5435 Centimeters
5436 Find
5437 DiagramStudio has finished searching the drawing.
5438 My Diagrams
5439 DiagramStudioEMF
5440 This functionality is disabled, because you are using the evaluation version of the program. For purchasing the full version, visit www.DiagramStudio.com.
5441 SORRY, OBJECT LIMIT EXCEEDED\n\nThis is a evaluation version of DiagramStudio. It allows you to use the features of DiagramStudio but limits the number of objects you can draw. When you register and purchase a permanent license, the diagram size will be unrestricted.
5442 %s Properties
5443 (unavailable)
5444 File not saved
5445 General
5446 Summary
5447 Statistics
5448 &Preview
5449 AutoSize
5450 Sets a value which determines if the text component supports Autosizing.
5451 Link spacing
5452 Sets the spacing values between a symbol and an attached link.
5460 Ready to insert an OLE object.
5461 Start the creation of a OLE object.
5462 In the process of creating a OLE object.
5463 OLE Object
5464 Task List
5465 Properties
5466 Get Started
5467 Dynamic Help
5468 New
5469 Open a drawing
5470 New from existing drawing
5471 New from template
5472 Blank drawing
5473 New drawing
5474 Choose drawing...
5475 Choose drawing...
5476 More templates...
5477 DiagramStudio Help
5478 Get Started
5479 Category
5480 Template
5481 Tip Of Day
5482 Choose Drawing Type
5483 Previous tip
5484 Next tip
5485 Task List menu
5486 Properties List menu
5487 1DShape
5488 Left
5489 Center
5490 Right
5491 Top
5492 Center
5493 Bottom
5494 TopLeft
5495 TopCenter
5496 TopRight
5497 CenterRight
5498 BottomRight
5499 BottomCenter
5500 BottomLeft
5501 CenterLeft
5502 Center
5503 None
5504 Solid
5505 Dashed
5506 Dotted
5507 Dash-Dot
5508 Dash-Dot-Dot
5509 Solid
5510 Caption
5511 Sets the values that determine the text properties of a component.
5512 (General)
5513 Sets the values that determine the general properties of a component.
5514 Fill
5515 Sets the values that determine the fill properties of a component.
5516 Line
5517 Sets the values that determine the line properties of a component.
5518 Misc
5519 Sets the values that determine the miscellaneous properties of a component.
5520 Orientation
5521 Sets the values that determine the orientation properties of a component.
5522 Protection
5523 Sets the values that determine the protection properties of a component.
5524 Shadow
5525 Sets the values that determine the shadow properties of a component.
5526 Image
5527 Sets the values that determine the image properties of a component.
5528 Resize behavior
5529 Sets the values that determine how the object should behave within a group when the group is resized.
5530 Text
5531 Sets a value which determines a component's text.
5532 HorzConstraint
5533 Sets a value that determines the horizontal resize behaviour of a component.
5534 VertConstraint
5535 Sets a value that determines the vertical resize behaviour of a component.
5536 Start moving a connection.
5537 In the process of moving a connection.
5538 TextBlock
5539 CanEditCaption
5540 Sets a value that determines if a component's caption can be edited.
5541 Cross
5542 Frame
5543 Scale With Group
5544 Shift Only
5545 Fixed Position
5546 Align Objects
5547 Apply Style
5548 Clear Style
5549 Clear Background
5550 Delete Object
5551 Delete SnapPoint
5552 Delete Vertex
5553 Change Font
5554 Group
5555 Set Background
5556 Insert Object
5557 Insert SnapPoint
5558 Insert Vertex
5559 Change Layer
5560 Link Objects
5561 Macro
5562 Move Object
5563 Modify Control
5564 Move Connection
5565 Move SnapPoint
5566 Move Vertex
5567 Change Name
5568 Notify
5569 Change Order
5570 Change Properties
5571 Rotate Object
5572 Change Scale
5573 Change Size
5574 Distribute Objects
5575 Set Text
5576 Set Transparency
5577 Ungroup
5578 Update Objects
5579 Ready to match properties.
5580 (My Templates)
5581 Wave
5582 Donut
5583 Hexagon
5584 Octagon
5585 Parallelogram
5586 Plaque
5587 Shevron
5588 Star
5589 Trapezoid
5590 Triangle
5591 Seal 4
5592 Seal 8
5593 Seal 16
5594 Seal 24
5595 Seal 32
5596 FancyCross
5597 Document
5598 Delay
5599 Sored Data
5600 Display
5601 3DBlock
5602 Elbow DownRight
5603 Elbow DownLeft
5604 Elbow UpRight
5605 Elbow UpLeft
5606 Web Page (*.html)|*.html||
5607 Portable Document Format (*.pdf)|*.pdf||
5608 Brunch: Return
5609 Brunch: no Return
5610 Borders and Titles.dsl
5611 Interrupt
5612 External Control
5613 Refinement
5614 Ordering Idea
5615 Drag this icon to the drawing area to create a '%s' object
5616 Drag this icon to the drawing area to add a new object
5617 Date Format
5618 Sets a value that determines the formatted representation of the date/time value. Formatting codes, preceded by a percent (%) sign, are replaced by the corresponding date/time values. Other characters are copied unchanged.
5619 Flags
5620 Flags
5621 RectLink
5622 DataBoxes
5623 Small Month Calendar
5624 Large Month Calendar
5625 Yearly Calendar
5626 Year
5627 Sets a value that determines the year to display.
5628 Month
5629 Sets a value that determines the month to display.
5630 Begin week on
5631 Sets a value that determines the begin of week.
5632 Bottom to top angled
5633 Side to side angled
5634 Attach At Perimeter
5635 Sets the values that determine the preferred perimeter connections.
5636 Whole
5637 Horz.
5638 Vert.
5639 Left
5640 Top
5641 Right
5642 Bottom
16001 You should select an image!
16002 You should enter a text!
16003 Can't create a new image!
16004 Can't paste bitmap image from the clipboard!
16109 Do you really want to delete the toolbar '%s'?
16110 All Commands
16111 All your changes will be lost! Do you really want to reset the toolbar '%s'?
16112 All your changes will be lost! Do you really want to reset all toolbars and menus?
16113 All your changes will be lost! Do you really want to reset the menu '%s'?
16114 Default
16115 All your changes will be lost! Do you really want to reset the keyboard assignments?
16116 %A, %B %d, %Y, %H:%M:%S
16117 (unavailable)
16118 %s KB (%s bytes)
16243 You can't create more than %d user-defined toolbars!
16244 This will delete the record of commands you've used in this application and restore the default set of visible commands to the menus and toolbars. It will not undo any explicit customizations. Are you sure you want to do this?
16300 &Reset Toolbar
16901 Fill Tool\nFill
16902 Pencil Tool\nPencil
16903 Select Color Tool\nSelect Color
16904 Line Tool\nLine
16905 Rectangle Tool\nRectangle
16906 Ellipse Tools\nEllipse
16907 Copy Tool\nCopy
16908 Paste Tool\nPaste
16909 Clear Tool\nClear
17012 The dynamic link library "%s" could not be found.
17013 "%s" was loaded, but the entry "%s" was not found.
17020 Customization
17021 Command Bars
17022 Menus
17023 Commands
17024 Keyboard
17025 Mouse
17026 Tools
17027 Custom
17028 Options
17030 Unable to open hyperlink!
17034 &Add or Remove Buttons
17035 Toolbar Options
17036 Other Task Panes
17037 Back
17038 Forward
17039 Home
17040 Close
17041 Tasks Pane
32301 Copy some or all properties of one object to other objects\nMatch Properties Tool
32788 Create a new library\nNew Library
32789 Close the active library\nClose Library
32790 Open an existing library\nOpen Library
32802 Imports an image from an external device\nFrom scaner
32805 Customize toolbars ane menus.\nCustomize
32807 Show or hide the user toolbar\nToggle User ToolBar
32808 Show or hide the user toolbar\nToggle User ToolBar
32809 Show or hide the user toolbar\nToggle User ToolBar
32810 Show or hide the user toolbar\nToggle User ToolBar
32811 Show or hide the user toolbar\nToggle User ToolBar
32812 Show or hide the user toolbar\nToggle User ToolBar
32813 Show or hide the user toolbar\nToggle User ToolBar
32814 Show or hide the user toolbar\nToggle User ToolBar
32815 Show or hide the user toolbar\nToggle User ToolBar
32816 Show or hide the user toolbar\nToggle User ToolBar
32817 User-defined tools\nUser Tools
32818 Activates user-defined tool\nUser Tool
32819 Activates user-defined tool\nUser Tool
32820 Activates user-defined tool\nUser Tool
32821 Activates user-defined tool\nUser Tool
32822 Activates user-defined tool\nUser Tool
32823 Activates user-defined tool\nUser Tool
32824 Activates user-defined tool\nUser Tool
32825 Activates user-defined tool\nUser Tool
32826 Activates user-defined tool\nUser Tool
32827 Activates user-defined tool\nUser Tool
32828 Pointer tool\nPointer Tool
32829 Rotation tool\nRotation Tool
32830 Control Points Tool\nControl Points Tool
32834 Insert a text object into your drawing.\nText Tool
32835 Insert a picture from a file into your drawing.\nPicture Tool
32836 OLE tool\nOLE Tool
32837 Changes the font of selections\nFont
32838 Changes the font size of selections\nFont Size
32839 Makes the selection bold.\nBold
32840 Makes the selection italic.\nItalic
32841 Makes the selection underline.\nUnderline
32842 Make the selection strikeout.\nStrikeout
32843 Left jastifies selections.\nLeft Align
32844 Center jastifies selections.\nCenter align
32845 Right jastifies selections.\nRight Align
32846 Top jastifies selections.\nTop Align
32847 Middle jastifies selections.\nMiddle Align
32848 Bottom jastifies selections.\nBottom Align
32849 Font color.\nText Color
32850 Line wight\nLine Wight
32851 Line style\nLine Style
32852 Line ends\nLine Ends
32853 Fill pattern\nFill pattern
32854 Shape shadow\nShape shadow
32855 Flip the selected object(s) about their horizontal axis.\nFlip horizontal
32856 Flip the selected object(s) about their vertical axis.\nFlip verticall
32857 Rotate the selected object(s) 90 degrees clockwise.\nRotate right
32858 Rotate the selected object(s) 90 degrees counterclockwise.\nRotate left
32859 Align left edges of the selected objects with the dominant object\nAlign Left
32860 Align vertical centers of the selected objects with the dominant object\nAlign Vert. Center
32861 Align right edges of the selected objects with the dominant object\nAlign Right
32862 Align top edges of the selected objects with the dominant object\nAlign Top
32863 Align horizontal centers of the selected objects with the dominant object\nAlign Horz. Center
32864 Align vertical centers of the selected objects with the dominant object\nAlign Vert. Center
32865 Align bottom edges of the selected objects with the dominant object\nAlign Bottom
32866 Centers objects vertically within the view\nCenter Vertically
32867 Centers objects horizontally within the view\nCenter Horizontally
32868 Evenly space selected objects horizontally\nSpace Across
32869 Evenly space selected objects vertically\nSpace Down
32870 Resize selected objects to have the same width as the dominant object\nMake Same Width
32871 Evenly space selected objects horizontally\nSpace Across
32872 Evenly space selected objects vertically\nSpace Down
32873 Resize selected objects to have the same height as the dominant object\nMake Same Height
32874 Resize selected objects to have the same size as the dominant object\nMake Same Size
32875 Bring selected object(s) to front of drawing order\nBring to Front
32876 Send selected object(s) to back of drawing order\nSend to Back
32877 Bring selected object(s) forward in drawing order\nBring Forward
32878 Send selected object(s) backward in drawing order\nSend Backward
32879 Nudge the selected object(s) to top.\nNudge top
32880 Nudge the selected object(s) to bottom.\nNudge bottom
32881 Nudge the selected object(s) to left.\nNudge left
32882 Nudge the selected object(s) to right.\nNudge right
32883 Group selected objects\nGroup selection
32884 Ungroup selected group(s)\nUngroup
32885 Zoom percentage\nZoom Level
32886 Zoom out 100%\nZoom Out
32887 Zoom in 100%\nZoom In
32888 Zoom to normal size\nZoom 1:1
32889 Zoom to whole page\nWhole page
32890 Zoom to page width\nPage width
32891 Zoom so that all objects are visible.\nZoom to fit
32892 Zoom so that all objects in the current selections are visible \nZoom to selections
32893 Zoom so that selected objects are visible.\nZoom to Selection
32894 Toggle edit/view mode\nEdit mode on/off
32895 Toggle the display of rulers on/of\nRulers on/off
32896 Toggle the display of grid on/of\nGrid on/off
32897 Toggle the display of guides lines on/of\nGuides Lines On/Off
32898 Toggle the display of connection points on/of\nConnection Points On/Off
32899 Show Zoom/Pan window\nZoom/Pan Window
32900 Toggle the display of the Object Explorer window on/of\nObject Explorer
32901 Show properties\nProperties
32902 Toggle the display of the Libraries window on/of\nLibraries
32903 Show layer properties\nLayer Properties
32904 Switch between normal view mode and maximized viewing area mode\nFullscreen mode
32905 Line connector tool\nLine connector Tool
32906 Snap point tool\nSnap Point Tool
32907 Drawing a single line\nLine Tool
32908 Draw a curve\nCurve Tool
32909 Drawing a polyline\nPolyline Tool
32910 Draw a rectangle\nRectangle Tool
32911 Draw a ellipse\nEllipse Tool
32912 Draw a polygon\nPolygon Tool
32913 Draw a closed curve\nClosed Curve Tool
32914 Freehand mode\nFreehand Tool
32915 Show or hide the 'Format Text' toolbar\nToggle 'Format Text' toolbar
32916 Show or hide the 'Format Shape' toolbar\nToggle 'Format Shape' toolbar
32917 Show or hide the 'Drawing' toolbar\nToggle 'Drawing' toolbar
32918 Show or hide the 'Zoom' toolbar\nToggle 'Zoom' toolbar
32919 Show or hide the 'View' toolbar\nToggle 'View' toolbar
32920 Show or hide the 'View' toolbar\nToggle 'View' toolbar
32921 Show or hide the 'Standart' toolbar\nToggle 'Standart' toolbar
32922 Line color\nLine Color
32923 Pattern color\nPattern Color
32924 Fill color\nFill Color
32925 Delete the selection\nDelete
32927 Align bottoms\nAlign Bottom
32928 Align centers\nAlign Center
32929 Align lefts\nAlign Left
32930 Align middles\nAlign Middle
32931 Align rights\nAlign Right
32932 Align tops\nAlign Top
32933 Send to back\nBack
32934 Send backward\nBackward
32936 Show the default properties for the canvas.
32937 Edit the individual vertices\nEdit Vertices
32938 Flip around the vertical center\nFlip Vertical
32939 Flip around the horizontal center\nFlip Horizontal
32940 Bring forward\nForward
32941 Rotate components\nRotate
32942 Bring to front\nFront
32943 Show or hide the grid\nToggle Grid
32944 Set the grid properties\nGrid Properties
32945 Group components\nGroup
32946 Link symbols\nLink
32947 Nudge down\nNudge Down
32948 Nudge left\nNudge Left
32949 Nudge right\nNudge Right
32950 Nudge up\nNudge Up
32951 Show the properties of the selected symbol(s)\nProperties
32952 Rotate 90 degrees counter clockwise\nRotate Left
32953 Rotate 90 degrees clockwise\nRotate Right
32954 Ungroup components\nUngroup
32955 Set Custom Zoom Factors\nZoom Custom
32956 Zoom so that all components are visible.\nZoom to Fit
32957 Zoom to Normal Scale (100%)\nZoom Normal
32958 Zoom so that all components in the current selection are visible.\nZoom to Selection
32959 Measurement
32960 Space components horizontally\nSpace across
32961 Space components vertically\nSpace down
32962 Make components the same width\nSame width
32963 Make components the same height\nSame height
32964 Make components the same size\nSame size
32965 Design mode\nDesign Mode
32966 Run mode\nRun mode
32969 Zoom tool\nZoom tool
32970 Pan/Zoom tools\nPan/Zoom tools
32971 Zoom tool\nZoom Tool
32972 Pan tool\nPan Tool
32974 Create a new drawing.\nNew
32975 Open an existing drawing.\nOpen
32976 Manages the currently open windows\nWindow Manager
32977 Close the window\nClose Window
32978 Closes all open windows\nClose All
32979 Display the table of contents for the online documentation.\nHelp contents
32980 Search the online documentation\nHelp search
32981 Display all keyboard commands\nKeyboard map
32982 Dysplay a tip of the day...\nTip of Day
32983 Display support information\nTechnical support
32984 Refreshes the selection\nRefresh
32985 Select objects by type or layer\nSelect Special
32986 Duplicate the selected object(s).\nDuplicate
32987 Check spelling.\nSpelling
32988 Snap object to grid\nSnap to Grid
32989 Snap object to 15 degree angle increments\nAngle Snap
32990 Changes options.\nOptions
32991 Toggle the display of page breaks on/of\nPage Breaks On/Off
32992 End lineend\nEnd Lineend
32993 Begin lineend\nBegin Lineend
32994 Set the general properties of selected object(s)\nFormat General
32995 Set the fill properties of selected object(s)\nFormat Fill
32996 Set the text properties of selected object(s)\nFormat Text
32997 Set the line properties of selected component(s)\nFormat Line
32998 Create, remove, and edit style difinition\nFormat Style
32999 Set properties of the rules and grid\nRulers and Grid
33000 Create, remove, and edit style difinition\nFormat Style
33001 Current style\nStyle
33002 Current style\nStyle
33003 Create new diagram, by choosing a specific template\nChoose template
33004 Create, remove, and edit layer difinition\nFormat Layer
33005 Current layer\nLayer
33006 Current layer\nLayer
33007 Set the selected shape(s) as background of the drawing.\nSet Background
33008 Clear the background of the drawing.\nClear Background