11 The True Vector Internet Monitor has shut down.\nDo you wish to restart it?
12 Trusted Zone
13 Internet Zone
14 The command line flag -policy cannot be combined with the -config flag.
15 The Internet is not locked (Ctrl+L)
16 Click here to restore Internet access (Ctrl+S)
17 The Emergency Internet Lock is engaged. All traffic will be stopped (Ctrl+L)
18 Shutdown
19 Don't Shutdown
20 Only one of the following command line flags may be specified at one time: -config, -policy, -fwadd, -fwset.
49 TrueVector security service is shut down
50 Internet Lock Engaged
62 ZoneAlarm Pro
63 ZoneAlarm
64 \n\nError %d: %s
66 &Restore %z Control Center
67 &Shutdown %z
68 &Shutdown %z
69 Send to &Tray Alt+F4
74 Internet access has been disabled. Select the Lock Internet Access command again to re-enable your Internet access.
75 Internet access has been disabled. Select the Emergency Lock command again to re-enable your Internet access.
76 The file %s does not appear to be a valid executable file.\nAre you sure you want to add it?
77 (%dk)
78 %dk
79 %d bytes
81 %z tips
82 To shut down %z, right-click on the %z tray icon and select the "Shutdown %z" command.
83 The product identification for your current copy of %z is ready to be sent to Zone Labs to see if you have the latest version. Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stop.
86 Registration information
87 Check for Update
89 The registration information you provided, along with %z product identification, is ready to be sent to Zone Labs, Inc. to register this product. Press OK to continue or Cancel to stop.
91 Click here to configure the programs allowed to connect to the Internet
92 Click here to configure the programs allowed to use the Internet (Alt+P)
93 %s connecting to Internet.
94 \nListening to port(s):
95 There are currently no programs connected to the Internet.
96 %s version %s
97 3ug0v-iwkwx-9n0rh-29nxkv-8an6k0
98 1
99 \nListening to port(s):%s\n(Trusted Zone Only)
100 \nBlocked from Listening to port(s):%s
141 Reset to &Default
175 Password error
176 Your ^p password must contain at least 6 characters and no more than 31 (no spaces).\nPlease enter a new password.
177 Your license key was successfully installed.
178 License key
179 The license key you entered is not valid. Please try again.
221 A password is required to configure access rules. Please supply the correct password using the \n-password command-line option before the -config option.
222 You do not have the administrative privileges required to configure access rules.
223 Unable to connect to TrueVector Service - cannot configure access rules.
224 Could not find config file %s.
225 You can only run one config file at a time.
226 TempDownloadedConfigFile.ini
227 TempUploadLogResponseFile.txt
228 This e-mail attachment is quarantined by %z MailSafe.\n\n%s is a program that could cause damage to your computer files, violate your privacy or infect others with a dangerous virus.\n\nEven if you know and trust the sender, they may have inadvertently sent you a dangerous virus.\n\nUnless you are expecting this program from the sender and know what it does, it is strongly recommended that you do not run it.
229 quarantined file
230 Are you absolutely sure that you want to execute the %s?
231 %z MailSafe Warning
232 Buy ZoneAlarm Pro with Web Filtering
233 ZoneAlarm Pro
234 ZoneAlarm
235 Congratulations! You have selected the most effective, easy-to-use personal security product available.
251 The passwords you typed do not match. Type the new password in both text boxes.
252 Change Password
254 Please fill in a valid IP Address.
255 IP address error
256 System Error: Please Reboot
257 ZoneAlarm Pro Alert
258 New Network
259 ZoneAlarm Alert
260 New Subnet
262 &Resume
263 E&xit
264 Are you sure you want to quit the start-up sequence?\n\nIf you quit, the start-up sequence will close and ^p will load.\n\nTo continue, click Resume. To quit, click Exit.
265 Install
266 Trusted Zone Wireless Connections\n%s
267 Trusted Zone Wired Connections\n%s
268 Internet Zone Wireless Connections\n%s
269 Internet Zone Wired Connections\n%s
270 Trusted Zone Connections\n%s
271 Internet Zone Connections\n%s
272 Welcome to ^p!
273 Congratulations!
274 Set-up complete
275 %s%s %sdetected a new %snetwork with IP (%s/%s) and added it to the Internet Zone.
276 On startup,
277 wireless
278 dial-up
279 dial-up, wireless
280 has
281 New Network
282 Purple
283 Help not available.
285 Next
286 Finish
287 An
288 A
289 Submit
293 &Yes
294 &No
295 &Ok
296 &Cancel
297 Welcome
298 Set-up complete
299 Hide Text
300 Show Text
302 2cvd9-tbc7b-spf04-tjicrr-087rk0
303 %z is waiting for the TrueVector Internet monitor to initialize. Cancel?
305 %z is waiting for the TrueVector Internet monitor to unload. Cancel?
306 %z is waiting to detach from the TrueVector Internet monitor. Cancel?
307 Zone Labs Integrity Client
308 cubm3-70cjm-n5cvw-5t2amn-n7kh00
309 2
310 ZoneAlarm«
311 ZoneAlarm« Pro
312 Zone Labs Integrity Client«
313 ^p is ready to protect you.
314 Get a head start on using and understanding ^p! Check out the ^p tutorial. It's fast and easy!
315 Show me the ^p tutorial now.
316 Skip the tutorial and start ^p. I can always view the tutorial later from the Overview panel or Windows Start menu.
317 ^p MailSafe Warning
318 ^p
319 Application loaded and active
321 Integrity policy enforced when not connected to server
322 Integrity Policy Active
323 Connected to Integrity
324 All systems active
325 ZoneAlarm Plus
326 Integrity Client
328 4
329 Click here to upgrade to ZoneAlarm Pro.
330 Your personal settings are being arbitrated with Integrity settings
331 Connected to Integrity
332 ZoneAlarm
334 ZoneAlarm Plus«
336 ZoneAlarm«
337 http://www.zonelabs.com/products/zastatus.htm
338 New policy settings have been successfully received
351 Please restart your computer to ensure security coverage
354 zaclients.chm
355 iclient.chm
356 Error processing config file!
357 The -config option is not allowed.
358 New Alert Received
359 hcxmm-vt6qm-vf85j-55r0p5-i2r540
360 0
361 EN
364 Zone Labs Integrity Agent
365 Zone Labs Integrity Flex
366 Zone Labs Integrity Desktop
367 Integrity Personal Policy Alert
368 Integrity Enterprise Policy Alert
369 Integrity Personal Policy Alert
370 ZoneAlarm Pro Alert
371 ZoneAlarm Alert
372 ZoneAlarm Plus Alert
373 Error: To receive more information, the Internet Lock must first be disengaged to allow your browser to access the Internet and retrieve the additional information. Would you like to disengage the lock?
374 %s AlertAdvisor
375 A default browser was not found.
376 Occurred: %d times between %s and %s
377 Time: %s
378 \n\nProgram: %s\n%s
379 Protected
380 Protected
381 Internet Lock
382 Internet Lock
383 Blocked
384 Blocked
385 MailSafe
386 MailSafe
387 (max)
388 st
389 nd
390 rd
391 th
392 %d%s of %d alerts
394 Program Details
395 %s will be permitted to connect to the Internet.
396 This instance of %s will be allowed to connect to the Internet.
397 This instance of %s will not be allowed to connect to the Internet.
398 %s will be denied access to the Internet.
399 Changed Program
400 Repeat Program
401 Server Program
402 Program Access
403 Do you want to allow %s to act as a server?
404 Do you want to allow %s to accept connections from the local network?
405 Do you want to allow %s to accept connections from the Internet?
406 Do you want to allow %s to access the local network?
407 Do you want to allow %s to access the Internet?
408 This is the program's first attempt to access the local network.
409 This is the program's first attempt to access the Internet.
410 This program has changed since the last time it ran!
411 This program has previously asked for Internet access.
412 This program is asking for server rights!
413 Source IP: %s
414 Destination IP: %s
415 Your system administrator has disabled this feature.
416 New Program
417 Blocked
418 Component Loading
419 Program Component
420 Do you want to allow %s and components to act as a server?
421 Do you want to allow %s and components to accept connections from the local network?
422 Do you want to allow %s and components to accept connections from the Internet?
423 Do you want to allow %s and components to access the network?
424 Do you want to allow %s and components to access the local network?
425 Do you want to allow %s and components to access the Internet?
426 Application:
427 \nVersion:
428 \nComponents: Click for details
429 A new or changed component is attempting to use this program to access the Internet. Unless you have recently upgraded or installed, you may want to check the authenticity of this component by clicking on the Details button.
430 One or more components used by this program have changed or are new. Unless you have recently upgraded or installed, you may want to check the authenticity of these components by clicking the Details button.
431 Do you want to allow %s to use %s to act as a server?
432 Do you want to allow %s to use %s to accept connections from the local network?
433 Do you want to allow %s to use %s to accept connections from the Internet?
434 Do you want to allow %s to use %s to access the local network?
435 Do you want to allow %s to use %s to access the Internet?
436 New Network Detected: IP Address %s
437 Welcome to the Network Configuration Wizard!
438 Network Configuration Wizard
439 ^p has detected a new network connected to your computer. This wizard will help you decide what level of security to set for this network.
440 A network is a connection from your computer to another computer or to an Internet connection (DSL, cable modem, dial-up, etc.)
441 Private Network Detected
442 Public Network Detected
443 The wizard has determined that the detected network is a private network. If you trust this network, you may want to share resources (files, printers) with it.
444 The wizard has determined that the detected network is a public network, most likely your Internet connection. How is your computer connected to the Internet?
445 Private Wireless Network Detected
446 Public Wireless Network Detected
447 I trust this network and want to share resources.
448 I DO NOT trust this network OR I am on a public access point such as an airport, hotel, or coffee shop.
449 This is a single computer connected directly to the Internet OR to a public Internet access point such as a coffee shop, hotel, or airport.
450 This computer is on a trusted local network such as a home or business network and is NOT connected directly to the Internet.
451 Name This Network
452 IP Address: %s
453 Please name this network so you can easily identify it later:
454 You have successfully completed the Network Configuration Wizard. The network has been configured as shown:
455 Wizard Complete!
456 Trusted Zone (File and print sharing allowed)
457 Internet Zone (Maximum protection, no file or print sharing)
458 To close this wizard, click Finish.
459 Do not show this wizard next time a new network is detected.
460 Private wireless network
461 Private network
462 Public wireless network
463 Public network
464 To continue, click Next.
465 Are you sure you want to cancel the Network Security Wizard?
466 Cancel Wizard Confirmation
467 Public networks are usually Internet connections such as dial-up, DSL, cable modem, or wireless and are often shared with other unknown computers.
468 Private networks are usually local networks found in a home or business (i.e. other computers, printers, etc. in your home or office.)
469 For more information on configuring network zones, see "About Network Zones" in the Help files.
470 Network:
471 IP Address:
472 Type:
473 Zone:
474 Advanced Program - Changed
475 Advanced Program - New
476 Advanced Program - Repeat
477 Network Configuration Wizard
478 The network name you have entered is longer than 50 characters. Please enter a network name that is 50 characters or less.
479 Error
480 ZoneAlarm Pro with Web Filtering
481 &Always allow this program to access the Internet through other programs.
482 &Remember this answer the next time I use this program.
483 The Enterprise policy is overriding your personal policy
484 %s is attempting to transmit e-mail messages. Do you want to allow this program to send and receive e-mail messages?
485 Please enter a valid e-mail address in the form user@host.domain.
486 E-mail format error
487 Zone Labs Error Report Submission Summary
488 Your error logs have been successfully submitted!
489 Zone Labs Error Report Summary
490 Collecting and uploading data
491 Error Report Info
492 This error report contains a snapshot of the TrueVector Engine process and log information at the time this error occurred as well as the product installation log. Personally identifiable information is purely incidental and is not used for marketing purposes.\nThis report helps our technical team diagnose any problem that may have occurred on your machine. If you choose to provide your e-mail address, Zone Labs may use it to contact you only for the purposes of obtaining further information on the error you are reporting.
493 Submit Error Report to Zone Labs
494 Error Report Summary
495 Error Report Submission Summary
496 This error report contains a snapshot of the TrueVector Engine process and log information at the time this error occurred as well as the product installation log. This information will be used strictly to assist your Network Administrator to diagnose any problems that may have occurred on your machine.
497 Error Report Submission
498 Your error logs have NOT been successfully submitted!
499 Invalid character error
500 Only alphanumeric characters and spaces are allowed in a case number or name.
501 Submit Error Report
502 This page allows you to submit a report to your Network Administrator to help them diagnose issues with your Integrity Client. This report is confidential and will only be used for the purpose of error diagnostics.
503 Please enter your e-mail address and either a help ticket number or your name and then click Submit. Your error report will be created automatically and sent to your Network Administrator.
504 Zone Labs Error Report Submission
505 Do you want to allow %s to access %s?
506 This is the program's first attempt to perform the current action.
507 The program has previously performed the current action.
508 Allowed
509 Action: OpenProcess
510 Integrity Agent
511 Integrity Flex
512 Integrity Desktop
513 Allowed
514 ID Lock Alert
515 Do you want to allow %s to send "%s"?
516 %s is trying to send "%s" to %s.
517 &Remember this answer the next time I use this program.
518 &Do you want to remember this answer the next time data is sent to this destination?
519 Identity Info Blocked
520 This conversion requires a Windows restart.
521 ZoneAlarm Conversion
522 Do you want to allow a clear text password to be sent to %s?
523 Review eBay Settings
524 The passwords do not match, please reenter them.
525 eBay Password Error
526 eBay Password
527 Cannot add this eBay password to IDLock
528 &About...
529 You are not authorized to remember this answer.
530 Permission Warning
531 Would you like ^p to prevent your eBay password from being sent to unauthorized sites?
532 ^p offers an eBay password protection feature. Whenever you submit your password to eBay, ^p will verify that you are sending your password to a legitimate site. If the site is fraudulent, ^p will alert you.
533 ^p offers an eBay password protection feature. Whenever you submit your password to eBay, ^p will verify that you are sending your password to a legitimate site. If the site is fraudulent, ^p will alert you. \n\nIn addition, you can use the ID Lock feature to protect other types of personal data, such as credit card numbers, addresses, and PIN numbers.
534 Do you want %s to access other programs?
535 Target: %s
536 The password you typed is not correct.\nYou do not have the right to change settings. Please try again.
40025 E-mail Client Program
40026 Outbound E-mail Protection
40027 %s has violated outbound e-mail rules. Do you want to allow this message to be sent ?
40028 Enforcement
40029 ^p has detected a new VPN connection.
40030 ^p has blocked what appears to be VPN traffic.
40032 - Add the address to the Trusted Zone
40033 - Add the loopback adapter to the Trusted Zone
40034 - Allow VPN protocols
40035 - The address is in an IP range or subnet that is in the Blocked Zone.
40036 - Remove the address from the Internet Zone
40037 - Remove the address from the Blocked Zone
40038 - The loopback address is in an IP range or subnet that is in the Blocked Zone.
40039 - Remove the loopback adapter from the Internet Zone
40040 - Remove the loopback adapter from the Blocked Zone
40041 ^p Alert
40042 Automatic VPN Configuration
40043 Hide &Details
40044 Show &Details
40045 Manual Action Required
40046 Automatic configuration was successful. However, further action is required before your VPN will function properly.
40047 ::/vpn_zone_conflict.html
40048 ^p has detected a new VPN connection. However, further action is required before your VPN will function properly.
40049 ::/autovpn_config.html
40050 For your VPN to work, ^p will:
40051 Click Help for instructions.
40052 I am running VPN software and would like to configure ^p to support it.
40053 I am not running VPN software.
40054 Configure ^p to support this VPN connection.
40055 Do not configure ^p to support this VPN connection.
40056 ^p has blocked what appears to be VPN traffic.
40057 This activity indicates that ^p is not correctly configured to support this VPN.
40058 Please select an option below and then click OK.
40059 Click Help to learn how to configure ^p to support your VPN connection.
40060 ^p has blocked what appears to be VPN traffic. However, further action is required before your VPN will function properly.