1359 Record with description "%s" already exists in myVAULT.\nInput another description.
1360 : Edit information from myVAULT
1361 : Add information to myVAULT
1362 Main
1363 myVAULT
1364 Trusted Sites
1365 ID Lock
1366 ::/id_myvault.html
1367 ::/id_lock_main.html
1368 Help\
1369 zaclients.chm
1370 myVAULT lets you store personal and financial information that you want to keep private.\n\nTo add information to myVAULT, click Add.\n\nIf you choose to encrypt your data as you enter it (recommended), it will be displayed as asterisks and will be unreadable. For your protection, PIN numbers, the last four digits of your social security number, and the last four digits of credit card numbers are always encrypted when entered.
1371 Category
1372 Description
1373 Value
1374 Unable to extract the value of the ZoneAlarmPath key.
1375 Registry Error
1376 MyVault Error
1377 Unable to load MyVault
1378 Add
1379 ::/trusted_sites_list.html
1380 ID Lock is turned off.\nDo you want to start it?
1381 You didn't select any record from the list to modify
1382 Warning
1383 Encrypt
1384 Do you want to encrypt the following entries?
1385 : Encrypt Entries
1386 You must select record to remove.
1387 Delete
1388 : Remove Entries
1389 Do you want to remove the following entries?
1390 Delete "%s"
1391 Do you want to remove "%s"\nfrom myVAULT?
1392 You must select a record to encrypt.
1393 ID Lock guards your personal information, keeping it safe from hackers and identity thieves.\n\nWhen the ID Lock is enabled, any information you store in myVAULT is kept secure.\n\nThe Status area tells you how many times ^p prevented your personal data from leaving your computer.\n\n
1394 Prevents your identity information from going to unauthorized destinations.\nThis setting is recommended if you are using a shared computer.
1395 Alerts you when your identity information is about to be sent to unauthorized destinations. If you are an eBay user, this setting allows you to submit a fraud report to eBay.
1396 Identity data protection is disabled.\nYour identity data can leave your computer without your knowledge.
1397 : ID Lock is disabled
1398 You have not entered any data in myVAULT for ID Lock to protect. Would you still like to enable ID Lock?\n\n(To add identity data, click on the "myVAULT" tab above, then click on "add".)
1399 Prevent your identity information from going to unauthorized destinations
1400 Identity data protection is disabled\nYour identity data can leave your PC without your knowledge
1401 Use one-way encryption to store this data. Once encrypted, this data will be unreadable.
1636 ZoneAlarm Pro
1637 : Confirm encryption
1638 : Encrypt
1639 Your "%s" will be encrypted using one-way encryption.
1640 Access
1641 Site
1642 Type
1643 Locked
1644 : Add trusted site
1645 %z cannot find %s.
1646 Do you want to remove the following site from %z:\n%s
1647 Do you want to remove the following sites from %z:\nNote, that Security Alliance entries will not be deleted.\n%s
1648 Move the slider to set fraud prevention level
1649 There are two types of sites that appear on the Trusted Sites list: Security Alliance Partner, and Custom.\n\nSecurity Alliance Partner sites are Web sites that ^p has authenticated to ensure they are not fraudulent.\n\nCustom sites are sites that you have added to the list because you have chosen to trust them with your identity data.\n\nUse this tab to set permissions for any site entry in your Trusted Site list. In addition, the Trusted Site list tells you which sites are transmitting your password information as plain text (unencrypted data).
1650 : View all TRUSTe partners
1651 Name
1652 Security Alliance entries can not be deleted\nYou can click on the first column to change the current permission status.
1653 Add
1654 Edit
1655 : Edit trusted site
1656 Edit
1657 You just entered some information in myVAULT.\n\nWould you like to turn ID Lock on to "Medium" to protect your sensitive information?
1658 Please select a category.
1659 Could not retrive data from storage.
1660 myVAULT Storage Error
1661 Could not add data to storage.
1662 Select a category
1663 ^p has protected your identity data %d times.\n\nThere are %d items in myVAULT protected by ^p.
1664 Please enter site name.
1665 Encryption
1666 Remove Entries
1667 Encrypt Entries
1668 Entry Detail
1669 Category
1670 Value
1671 Description
1672 Modified Date
1673 Off
1674 Medium
1675 High
1676 Encryption of myVAULT items is highly recommended to prevent information theft.
1677 ID Lock uses industry-standard SHA-1 algorithm to protect your data.
1678 Once encrypted, this data will be unreadable.\n\nID Lock uses industry-standard SHA-1 algorithm to protect your data.
1679 Site Name
1680 Type
1681 IP Address
1682 Last Accessed
1683 Confirm Encryption
1684 Unable to delete site.
1685 Site already exists in Trusted Sites list.
1686 Unable to load Trusted Sites.
1687 http://www.zonelabs.com/securityalliance
1688 ::/truste_disclaimer.html
1689 You have removed all entries in ID Lock; the feature will switch to OFF now. You can always turn it back on later.
1690 myVault empty
1691 Cannot remove
1692 Custom
1693 Security Alliance
1694 Security Alliance entries cannot be edited.\nYou can click on the first column to change the current permission status.
1695 Cannot Edit
1696 The description you entered is the same as the information to protect. Please change the description.
1697 The "%s" you entered is similar to a "%s" that already exists in myVAULT. Please change the "%s".