119 To shut down %z, right-click on the %z tray icon and select the "Shutdown %z" command.
120 The file %s does not appear to be a valid executable file.\nAre you sure you want to add it?
121 You now have the opportunity to dynamically choose which level of security you would like to run. Full-featured functionality including inbound e-mail virus protection, outbound e-mail protection, pop-up blocking, hacker mapping, privacy protection, expert controls and cache cleaning, is available for you to try at no cost with no commitment!
122 ... if you want full access to all functionality, including our pop-up blocker. If you later decide this level of security and convenience is not right for you, a single click will allow you to downgrade to basic ZoneAlarm - no cost, no hassle.
123 ... if you are NOT interested in the advanced security and convenience of ZoneAlarm Pro.
125 More Info/AlertAdvisor
126 Information about this program is ready to be sent to the Program AlertAdvisor to help you designate permission for this program. Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stop.
136 Could not install the TrueVector Internet Monitor service into the service manager.
138 The TrueVector Internet Monitor service has been marked for deletion and cannot be reinstalled until it is restarted.
139 Could not uninstall the TrueVector Internet Monitor service from the service manager.
140 \n\nError %d: %s
141 The product identification for your current copy of %z is ready to be sent to Zone Labs to see if you have the latest version.
142 The registration information you provided, along with %z product identification, is ready to be sent to Zone Labs, Inc. to register this product. Press OK to continue or Cancel to stop.
143 Check for Update
144 Registration information
145 The ^p password you typed is not correct.\nYou do not have the right to change settings. Please try again.
146 Login error
147 The ^p password you typed is incorrect. You are not logged in.
148 Yes
149 No
150 Cancel
151 OK
152 More Info/AlertAdvisor
153 Information about this firewall block is ready to be sent to the Firewall AlertAdvisor for analysis and advice. Press OK to continue, or Cancel to stop.
154 Set your personal ^p password so that only you can change your security settings.
155 A blank password will allow anyone to change ^p's settings!\nAre you sure that you do not want a password?
156 Password warning
157 Your ^p password must contain at least 6 characters and no more than 31 (no spaces).\nPlease enter a new password.
158 Password error
159 The passwords you typed do not match. Type the new password in both text boxes.
160 Set password
161 Please enter your personal ^p password.
162 Enter password
163 To change your password, please type your old ^p password and then type a new one.
164 Change password
165 Please enter your Integrity password.
166 You have previously set a password for ^p. Please enter your old password now to allow your new password to replace it.
167 Change Password
168 You did not type in your old password correctly.\nPlease try again.
187 Canceling now means you will not be protected by ZoneAlarm or ZoneAlarm Pro unless you manually restart the program from the Start menu.
188 ZoneAlarm/ZoneAlarm Pro
189 When ^P expires, ^P will no longer block hackers or protect againt intrusions.
190 ^p puts your PC in Stealth Mode: When you can't be seen, you can't be hacked.
191 ^p's e-mail attachment protection, Advanced MailSafe, protects you against both known and unknown e-mail-borne viruses.
192 ^p lets you surf the Web without people spying on you. Third-party tracking prevention...just one more great feature in ^p.
193 ^p automatically protects you from 47 different kinds of known malicious e-mail attachments.
194 ^p's Automatic Network Detection instantly senses new networks as you connect to them --a must for the mobile user.
195 ^p's Advanced Program Control protects against the abuse of trusted programs...and sends hackers back to the drawing board.
196 ^p's Customizable Security Levels allow you to tailor your security to meet your needs--from 'set and forget' simplicity to complete control.
197 Are you an Expert user? Now you can create precision firewall rules in ^p for the most control of any personal firewall product.
198 Sick of hackers? With ^p you can stop 'em, map 'em and report 'em with little more than a mouse click. Just one of the great benefits of ^p.
199 ^p's Outbound MailSafe scans your mail for virus-like activity and halts it before it can spread to your friend's computers.
200 ^p's AlertAdvisor helps you decide which applications require access to the Internet.
201 Pop! Pop! Pop! Tired of pop-up ads? Stop 'em cold with ^p's built-in ad blocker--block banner ads and animations too!
202 ^p uses Zones to allow users you know and trust to share resources on your computer, while keeping everyone else out.
203 Wireless networks are automatically detected and your PC is secured when you use ^p.
204 Do you share your computer? ^p's built-in browser cleaning removes all traces of your Web-surfing activity from snooping eyes.
205 ^p automatically locks your Internet connection when you are away from your computer, or instantly (with a single click) to stop suspicious activity
206 ^p's Hacker ID lets you retaliate against hackers by reporting their activity to their ISP.
207 ^p is now easier to use than ever: Wizards and a tutorial make it simple.
208 Working quietly in the background, ^p protects your PC and your privacy.
209 Password Protection with ^p ensures your settings are tamperproof.
210 ^p gives you control over your Internet browser and what information leaves your computer.
211 ^p's new list views provide both an overview of settings and detailed information on the same page.
212 ^p's Cache Cleaner frees up wasted disk space on your computer for more important things.
213 ^p is easy-to-use, powerful security that constantly keeps your PC protected.
214 Regardless of your network connection, only ^p automatically detects and protects.
215 ^p can be custom tailored to your particular security needs, giving you complete protection and increased productivity.
216 The new Expert rules in ^p give you the ability to control exactly what your programs can do.
217 With ^p, custom security and privacy settings for each Web site let you guard you privacy from unknown threats.
218 ^p shows you the rules it's using, so you can easily make adjustments for sites you trust.
219 Do you know how to properly secure the endpoint for VPN sessions? With ^p you don't have to...your protection is automatic.
220 Your trial will expire in %d days.
221 If you've already purchased ^p,
222 Canceling now means you will not be protected by ^p; if you manually restart ^p from the Start menu, you will get this same page again.
229 By default, ^p only alerts you to blocked inbound traffic when it is likely hacker activity - not traffic that is uninvited but probably harmless.
230 Privacy control blocks pop-up and banner ads while you surf the Web and blocks third-party cookies that can be used to spy on you. Cache cleaner keeps your computer clutter-free by deleting excess files you collect while you surf the Web and use your computer.
231 Default settings for ad blocking allow advertisements within Web pages but block annoying pop-up and pop-under ads as well as any ads that slow down Web page loading.
232 Set a system password
233 If you are using Windows Internet Connection Sharing Feature, use this panel to enable ^p to recognize the ICS gateway or client.
234 Please fill in a valid IP Address.
235 IP address error
236 Are you sure you want to quit the configuration wizard?\n\nIf you quit, the wizard will close and ^p will load.\n\nTo continue, click Resume. To quit, click Exit.
237 Install
238 &Resume
239 E&xit
240 ZoneAlarm Pro
241 Protect your settings
242 Internet Connection Sharing
243 http://www.zonelabs.com/zapoffer/%slkrnw.htm
244 http://www.zonelabs.com/buyzapkey.htm
245 Configuration Wizard
246 Next
247 Finish
248 ZoneAlarm
249 Set
250 Change
251 Enter
252 Password
253 License Wizard
254 ZoneAlarm Pro Alert
255 Title?
256 &Yes
257 &No
258 &Ok
259 &Cancel
260 Low
261 Med.
262 High
263 Off
264 On
265 The beta period for this version of ^p has expired.\n^p will continue to protect your computer with the current settings,but you will not be able to change the settings until you upgrade.\n\nWould you like to check if a new version is available?
266 ZoneAlarm Pro
267 Review Default Settings
268 Review Privacy Settings
269 Review Alert Settings
270 Shutdown
271 Zone Labs Security Options
272 ZoneAlarm Pro - Integrity Desktop
273 Thank you for installing ^p.\nPlease select from the options below.
274 I have purchased ^p.
275 I want to try ^p.
276 I would like to buy ^p.
277 If you have purchased ^p, but have not yet received your license key, or are running behind a gateway.
278 If you've purchased ^p,
279 ZoneAlarmĀ«
280 ZoneAlarmĀ« Pro
281 ZoneAlarmĀ« Pro - Integrity Desktop
282 If you have purchased ^p, but have not received a license key,
283 Your trial has expired! ^p is no longer protecting your machine.
284 If you have purchased ^p, but have not received a license key,
285 It's easy to change these settings later from ^p.
286 Would you like to enable ^p's privacy control?
287 Would you like to enable privacy control? Cache cleaner?
288 Alert me whenever ^p blocks traffic.
289 Set up ^p for Microsoft Internet Connection Sharing.
290 http://www.zonelabs.com/buyidkey.htm
291 http://www.zonelabs.com/buyidkeyexp.htm
292 http://www.zonelabs.com/renewidkey.htm
293 ^p has been protected with a password.\nYou must enter the password before you can shut down.
294 The password you entered is incorrect ^p will not be shut down.
295 The password you entered is incorrect. Please try again.
313 Services and Controller app is the Microsoft Windows component your browser uses to perform DNS lookups.\n
314 Notice: To receive more information, you must first grant Internet access rights to the following program:\n%s\n\n%s%z has automatically detected the missing component to add to your list of trusted programs. Would you like to continue?
315 Notice: To receive more information, you must first grant Internet access rights to the following programs:\n%s\n\n%s%z has automatically detected the missing components to add to your list of trusted programs. Would you like to continue?
316 (Windows XP component)
317 Generic Host Process for Win32 Services is the Microsoft Windows component your browser uses to perform DNS lookups.\n
318 Advanced Security Status
319 Back
320 zaclients.chm
321 iclient.chm
322 Help\
323 ::/aa_builtin_new.html
324 ::/aa_builtin_changedprog.html
325 ::/aa_builtin_repeat.html
326 ::/aa_builtin_changedcomp.html
327 Error: To receive more information, the Internet Lock must first be disengaged to allow your browser to access the Internet and retrieve the additional information. Would you like to disengage the lock?
328 %s AlertAdvisor
329 New
330 Changed
331 Repeat
332 Server
333 Module Changed
334 Unknown
335 Advanced Security Status
336 Your trial has expired.
342 Component
343 Description
344 Type
345 Status
346 Access
347 Unable to open containing folder.
348 ...<more components>
349 Do you want to remove the following components from %z:\n%s
350 Unable to delete components.
351 530
352 62
353 420
354 62
355 294
356 Warning: You have been out of contact with your network router for %d days or more. If you do not plug into your network by day %d your license will expire and ^p will no longer protect your computer.
357 For permanent protection when you're away from your network, get an extended use license for ^p.
358 OR if you have purchased an extended license of ^p, enter your license key below and click Install.
359 OR just click Finish to continue with protection.
362 Warning! ^p is no longer protecting your computer! You have been out of contact with your network router for over %d days. To restore ^p, please plug in to your network immediately and reboot your machine.
363 OR click Cancel to shutdown ^p.
365 Your trial has ended. ^p is no longer protecting your machine. Please contact your system administrator.
369 Your version of ZoneAlarm Pro includes ZoneLabs' web filtering feature. This feature lets you control your family's web surfing by selecting from a wide variety of web site categories to block. Set a password in the next screen to stop others from changing your web filtering settings.\n\nRemember to register your copy of ZoneAlarm Pro to be notified before your subscription expires.
370 Review Web Filtering Settings
371 Would you like to enable ZoneAlarm Pro's Web Filtering feature?
372 Your beta has ended. ^p is no longer protecting your machine.
389 ^p puts your PC in Stealth Mode: When you can't be seen, you can't be hacked.
390 ^p's e-mail attachment protection, Advanced MailSafe, protects you against both known and unknown e-mail-borne viruses.
391 Sick of hackers? With ^p you can stop 'em, map 'em and report 'em with little more than a mouse click. Just one of the great benefits of ^p.
392 ^p automatically protects you from 47 different kinds of known malicious e-mail attachments.
393 ^p's Automatic Network Detection instantly senses new networks as you connect to them --a must for the mobile user.
394 ^p's Advanced Program Control protects against the abuse of trusted programs...and sends hackers back to the drawing board.
395 ^p's Customizable Security Levels allow you to tailor your security to meet your needs--from 'set and forget' simplicity to complete control.
396 Are you an Expert user? Now you can create precision firewall rules in ^p for the most control of any personal firewall product.
397 Sick of hackers? With ^p you can stop 'em, map 'em and report 'em with little more than a mouse click. Just one of the great benefits of ^p.
398 ^p's Outbound MailSafe scans your mail for virus-like activity and halts it before it can spread to your friend's computers.
399 ^p's AlertAdvisor helps you decide which applications require access to the Internet.
400 Working quietly in the background, ^p protects your PC and your privacy.
401 ^p uses Zones to allow users you know and trust to share resources on your computer, while keeping everyone else out.
402 Wireless networks are automatically detected and your PC is secured when you use ^p.
403 Do you know how to properly secure the endpoint for VPN sessions? With ^p you don't have to...your protection is automatic. .
404 ^p automatically locks your Internet connection when you are away from your computer, or instantly (with a single click) to stop suspicious activity
405 ^p's Hacker ID lets you retaliate against hackers by reporting their activity to their ISP.
406 ^p is now easier to use than ever: Wizards and a tutorial make it simple.
407 ^p's Outbound MailSafe scans your mail for virus-like activity and halts it before it can spread to your friend's computers.
408 Password Protection with ^p ensures your settings are tamperproof.
409 ^p gives you control over your Internet browser and what information leaves your computer.
410 ^p's new list views provide both an overview of settings and detailed information on the same page.
411 ^p automatically protects you from 47 different kinds of known malicious e-mail attachments.
412 ^p is easy-to-use, powerful security that constantly keeps your PC protected.
413 Regardless of your network connection, only ^p automatically detects and protects.
414 ^p can be custom tailored to your particular security needs, giving you complete protection and increased productivity.
415 The new Expert rules in ^p give you the ability to control exactly what your programs can do.
416 With ^p, custom security and privacy settings for each Web site let you guard you privacy from unknown threats.
417 ^p shows you the rules it's using, so you can easily make adjustments for sites you trust.
418 Do you know how to properly secure the endpoint for VPN sessions? With ^p you don't have to...your protection is automatic.
454 ZoneAlarm will now be upgraded to ZoneAlarm Pro. Any applicable ZoneAlarm settings will be transferred. This will take only a moment. Remember, you may return to ZoneAlarm after your trial!
455 ZoneAlarm Conversion
456 ZoneAlarm Pro will now be converted to ZoneAlarm. Any applicable ZoneAlarm Pro settings will be transferred. This will take only a moment.
457 Converting to ZoneAlarm Pro
458 Converting to ZoneAlarm
459 Adding Privacy Protection ...
460 Removing Privacy Protection ...
461 Adding E-mail Virus Protection ...
462 Removing E-mail Virus Protection ...
463 Adding Cache and Cookie Cleaner ...
464 Removing Cache and Cookie Cleaner ...
465 Adding Advanced Security Rules ...
466 Turn off Privacy Advisor
467 Removing Advanced Security Rules ...
468 Adding Hacker Tracking and Mapping ...
469 Removing Hacker Tracking and Mapping ...
470 Expired Security Alert
471 http://www.zonelabs.com/3rdpartyeula
472 ^p version:%s
473 TrueVector version:%s
474 Driver version:%s
475 http://www.zonelabs.com
476 Advanced E-mail Protection: The most wide-spread viruses and worms arrive in your e-mail box as hidden attachments that run, replicate, and transmit themselves using your e-mail account and your address book. Inbound Mailsafe quarantines 47 kinds of these potentially damaging attachments and keeps them from wreaking havoc on your computer, and those of your friends and family. Meanwhile, Outbound MailSafe alerts you if a virus begins mass-mailing your address book.
477 Pop-Up and Ad Blocking: As advertisements proliferate on the Internet, your Web browser gets more cluttered, and can be even completely obscured by "pop-up" advertising windows. Intrusive advertising can hinder your browsing, and some ads even set cookies and run damaging scripts. ZoneAlarm Pro stops these annoying and potentially malicious tactics cold.
478 Award-winning Firewall: A Zone Labs firewall stands between your computer and the outside world. Like the lock on your front door, it keeps strangers from coming in and getting access to your possessions.
479 Cookies and Cache Cleaner: Provides a dual defense against privacy invasion. The Hard Drive Cleaner removes all temporary files, search history, recycle bin files and other clutter, improving the efficiency of your entire system. Browser Cleaner cleans browser-related files, including browser cache, URL history, cookies, page cache and other browser files.
480 Hacker Tracking and Mapping: Hackers never have safe cover when you've got Hacker ID. This advanced service tracks hacker attacks and maps their location, without ever exposing your computer's network address, and can even report serious offenders to their ISP.
481 Program Configuration: Automatically configures your popular programs for safe Internet access so you don't have to do it yourself. This service makes use of our advanced "fingerprinting" technique to ensure that your programs are what they appear to be - and are not some malicious Trojan or spy program.
485 Closing ^p will disable its Internet security features.\nAre you sure you want to quit?
486 You may close %z, but you cannot shut down the TrueVector Internet monitor.\nIf you proceed, Internet access rules will still be in force, even without %z.\nAre you sure you want to quit?
487 You may close %z, but you do not have access privileges to shut down the TrueVector Internet monitor.\nIf you proceed, Internet access rules will still be in force, even without %z.\nAre you sure you want to quit?
489 You may close %z, but you cannot shut down the TrueVector Internet monitor because it is in use by other programs. If you proceed, Internet access rules will still be in force, even without %z.\nAre you sure you want to quit?
490 Please close all dialogs before shutting down.
491 Send
492 Do not send
493 Don't alert me the next time I am about to send this information to Zone Labs.
494 Could not renew gateway license. Please make sure that your router is properly attached and that ZoneAlarm Pro Security is enabled in the router's configuration.