8 Add a Web host/site to your Trusted or Blocked Zone by completing the fields below. Name the Web host/site for easy reference later so you always know who you're trusting and who you're not.
9 Edit this host/site by changing any of the fields below.
10 Locations
11 Add an IP address by completing the fields below. Name the IP address for easy reference later so you always know who you're trusting and who you're not.
12 Can not manually add networks - can you?
13 Protocols
14 Times
15 Group Manager
16 Add an IP range to your Trusted or Blocked Zone by completing the fields below. Name the IP range for easy reference later so you always know who you're trusting and who you're not.
17 Add a subnet to your Trusted or Blocked Zone by completing the fields below. Name the subnet for easy reference later so you always know who you're trusting and who you're not.
18 Edit this IP address by changing any of the fields below.
19 Edit this IP range by changing any of the fields below.
20 Edit this subnet by changing any of the fields below.
21 Edit this network by changing the description or Zone assignment below. The IP address of the network cannot be edited.
22 %z cannot find %s.
23 Add IP Address
24 Add IP Range
25 Add Host/Site
26 Add Subnet
27 Add Gateway
28 Add Group
29 Edit IP Address
30 Edit IP Range
31 Edit Host/Site
32 Edit Subnet
33 Edit Gateway
34 Edit Group
35 Add Location Group
36 Edit Location Group
37 Add Protocol Group
38 Edit Protocol Group
39 Add Time Group
40 Edit Time Group
41 Use the add button to add new location items to the group. Use the remove button to clear existing locations from the group.
42 An error was encountered while parsing the XML data. Processing has been halted.
43 Use the add button to add new protocol items to the group. Use the remove button to clear existing protocols from the group.
44 Use the add button to add new time items to the group. Use the remove button to clear existing times from the group.
45 Add Time
46 Edit Time
47 Any
48 January
49 February
50 March
51 April
52 May
53 June
54 July
55 August
56 September
57 October
58 November
59 December
60 Sunday
61 Monday
62 Tuesday
63 Wednesday
64 Thursday
65 Friday
66 Saturday
67 Add Protocol
68 Edit Protocol
69 TCP
70 UDP
71 TCP & UDP
74 ESP
75 AH
76 GRE
79 Enabled
80 Disabled
81 Allow
82 Block
83 Alert and Log
84 Log
85 None
86 Any
87 VPN
89 Cast
90 Custom: %d
91 Locations
92 Error
93 Su
94 M
95 T
96 W
97 Th
98 F
99 S
100 Enter the following values for the new IP Subtype-based protocol:
101 Enter the following values for the new TCP and/or UDP based protocol:
102 Edit the following values for the IP Subtype-based protocol:
103 Edit the following values for the TCP and/or UDP based protocol:
104 Available:
105 Location Groups
106 Protocol Groups
107 Time Groups
108 Any
109 Adding 'Any' to the list of locations will remove all other locations from the list. Are you sure you want to do this?
110 Add, edit or remove location groups.
111 Add, edit or remove protocol groups.
112 Add, edit or remove time groups.
113 Protocols
114 Times
115 Add >>
116 Add
117 Other
118 RDP
119 Certain groups marked for deletion are still referenced in rules and cannot be deleted.
120 Please select at least one group.
121 Select location groups to add to this rule and click OK. Uncheck groups to remove them from the rule.
122 Select protocol groups to add to this rule and click OK. Uncheck groups to remove them from the rule.
123 Select time groups to add to this rule and click OK. Uncheck groups to remove them from the rule.
124 Add Location Groups to Rule
125 Add Protocol Groups to Rule
126 Add Time Groups to Rule
127 Cannot display rule
128 The following protocol item: %s was detected in the XML and is not compatible with Application Expert rules. The containing rule has been marked as invalid.
129 The following item: '%s' is incompatible with application expert rules. It has been converted to a compatible state.
130 You cannot name a group 'Any'
131 Unparseable Rule
132 The name: '%s' is invalid
133 The description: '%s' is invalid
134 Please enter a type from 0-255
135 Please enter a port from 1-65535
226 Rank
227 Name
228 Source
229 Destination
230 Protocol
231 Action
232 Track
233 Time
235 My Computer
236 Trusted Zone
237 Internet Zone
238 Add a new rule by entering the following values:
239 Edit this rule by modifying the following values:
240 Edit the following values for the Day/Time Range
241 Enter the following values for the new Day/Time Range:
242 Are you sure you want to delete the following rules?\n%s
243 ...<more rules>\n
244 A Location with this name already exists!
245 A Protocol with this name already exists!
246 A Time with this name already exists!
247 A Rule with this name already exists!
248 &Disable
249 E&nable
250 Enter the following values for the new Gateway:
251 Enter the following values for the Gateway:
252 Off
253 Error
254 A group with this name already exists. Group names must be globally unique.
255 End time must be after start time.
256 Please enter a description.
257 Please enter a rank.
258 Please enter a name.
259 Please enter at least one source.
260 Please enter at least one destination.
261 Please enter a valid subtype number (%d-%d).
262 Please enter a valid source port (%d-%d).
263 Please enter a valid destination port (%d-%d).
265 Please enter at least one group item.
270 Echo Request
365 Echo Reply
366 Destination Unreachable
367 Source Quench
368 Redirect
369 Alternate Host Address
371 Router Advertisement
372 Router Solicitation
373 Time Exceeded
374 Parameter Problem
375 Timestamp
376 Timestamp Reply
377 Information Request
378 Information Reply
379 Address Mask Request
380 Address Mask Reply
381 Traceroute
382 Custom
383 Membership Query
384 Membership Report (ver. 1)
385 Cisco Trace
386 Membership Report (ver. 2)
387 Leave Group (v2)
388 Multicast Traceroute Response
389 Multicast Traceroute
390 Membership Report (ver. 3)
391 Multicast Router Advertisement
392 Multicast Router Solicitation
393 Multicast Router Termination
394 Custom
395 FTP Data
396 FTP
397 Telnet
398 SMTP
399 DNS
400 DHCP
401 DHCP Client
402 TFTP
403 HTTP
404 POP3
405 NNTP
406 NETBIOS Name
407 NETBIOS Datagram
408 NETBIOS Session
409 IMAP4
411 RTSP
412 Windows Media
413 AOL
414 Real Networks
415 Custom
416 Type Name:
417 Number:
418 Name:
419 Protocol Number:
420 Destination Port:
421 Source Port:
422 Custom
423 Enter or Modify the following values for the TCP-based protocol.
424 Enter or Modify the following values for the ICMP-based protocol.
425 Enter or Modify the following values for the IGMP-based protocol.
426 Enter or Modify the following values for the protocol.