4 MailSafe is an important supplement to antivirus software because it protects you from known as well as unknown viruses delivered via e-mail.\n\nMailSafe protects your computers from incoming e-mail attachments that may contain malicious code or viruses. MailSafe quarantines these attachments, preventing them from running without your permission.\n\nOutbound MailSafe Protection halts outgoing e-mail for virus-like activity before it can do damage.
5 These are e-mail attachments that can be quarantined.\n\nTo add an attachment type to the list, click Add.\n\nTo allow an attachment type, left-click in the Quarantine column.
6 Extensions
7 Quarantine
8 Extension
9 That extension already exists.
10 That extension already exists.
11 Error
12 File attachment protection is enabled
13 File attachment protection is disabled
14 On
15 Off
16 You have unsaved changes. Would you like to save them now?
17 Built-in extensions cannot be edited.
18 Basic MailSafe is enabled (.VBS only)
19 Basic MailSafe is disabled
20 MailSafe is an important supplement to antivirus software because it protects you from known as well as unknown viruses delivered via e-mail.
21 Description
185 Help\
187 ::/email_intro.html
188 ::/email_attachments.html
189 Please enter a valid attachment extension (at least 2 legal characters).
190 Please enter an attachment description.
191 Edit
192 Add Email Attachment Type
193 &Remove
194 &Edit
195 Edit Email Attachment Type
196 Add
197 MailSafe protects your computer from incoming e-mail attachments that may contain malicious code or viruses. MailSafe quarantines these attachments, preventing them from running without your permission
198 \n\nBasic MailSafe quarantines VBScript files (*.VBS). If you are interested in protection against 45 additional e-mail attachments, including .exe, .com, and .scr upgrade to Advanced MailSafe, available in ZoneAlarm Pro.
199 Basic MailSafe protects your computer from incoming e-mail attachments that may contain malicious code or viruses. Basic MailSafe quarantines these attachments, preventing them from running without your permission.
200 Basic MailSafe Settings
203 zaclients.chm
204 iclient.chm
205 Outbound E-mail protection is enabled
206 Outbound E-mail protection is disabled
207 Off
208 On
209 Advanced E-Mail Protection
210 Outbound E-mail
213 Enter the new e-mail address in the field below.
214 Add Email Address
215 Edit Email Address
216 Please verify you wish to remove this e-mail address.
217 The email address you entered is invalid, please re-enter.