Copyright (c) Caphyon Software 2002-2004. All rights reserved.
You are free to use Advanced Web Ranking for 15 days for testing purposes. After this period you must purchase a license. For more details please read the End User License Agreement file included in the documentation.
Running Advanced Web Ranking
Mac OS X
Advanced Web Ranking requires Mac OS X 10.2 (Jaguar) or later and the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) version 1.4. If you have a previous JRE version, please make sure you install the latest operating system updates, which contain the JRE 1.4.
You can also download the latest JRE for MAC OS X from:
To run Advanced Web Ranking open the the application folder from your desktop and double-click on the "Advanced Web Ranking" application.
If you encounter any problems running it when you double-click on the awr application, please contact us at or read the installation questions for MAC OS X from our Frequently Asked Questions page:
Advanced Web Ranking requires the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4. If you have a previous JRE version, please download the latest version from:
Alternatively, you can download the Advanced Web Ranking distribution that comes bundled with Java from our website:
To run Advanced Web Ranking, browse to Program Files->Advanced Web Ranking and
click on the Advanced Web Ranking application.
Linux and Solaris
Advanced Web Ranking requires the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.4. If you have a previous version, please download the latest version from:
To run Advanced Web Ranking, double-click on the "Advanced Web Ranking" link.
Note: The "java" binary must be in your path for the application to work. To find out where java is located on your system, type the following command at the
shell prompt:
which java
IMPORTANT: The integrated scheduler within Advanced Web Ranking uses the java binary from the following folder: /usr/bin. Therefore, if you have java installed in a different directory, you need to create a link to it from the /usr/bin directory otherwise the scheduled tasks will not run.
cd /usr/bin
ln -s /path/to/java_binary java
Version History
v2.5 [Mar 2, 2004]
- New and improved search engine selection
- Added ability to suggest a new search engine
- Added choice for showing continuous lines in the Rank Evolution chart
- The Current Rank report now displays all URLs that begin with
the URL specified in the project list
- Major speed improvements on the Current Rank and Overview reports
- Removed spots column from Current Rank report (no longer relevant)
v2.4 [Feb 16, 2004]
- Added custom report templates
- Added URLs panel
- Added a new Current Rank report
- Added a new Overview report
- Added a new filter: Colored
- Added ability to select from multiple User Agents
- Added ability to select a random delay between search engine requests
- Modified how the Rank Evolution charts display the dropped URLs
- Servers that allow SMTP authentication are now supported
- New and improved documentation
v2.3 [Jan 12, 2004]
- Added date selection for the Current Rank report/view
- Added data filters for the Current Rank report/view
- Added backup/restore functionality
- Added scheduled backups
- Added ability to remove data from project for a certain time interval
- Added ability to generate reports for a previous date
- Added ability to set the search depth for each project individually
- Added ability to temporarily remove search engines and keywords from project
- Added ability to select the type of search for the Search Engines that support it
- Updated Custom Report to take advantage of filters and date selection
v2.2 [Nov 24, 2003]
- Fixed a problem which prevented the update process from finishing
- Added two new pritable reports: TopSites and WebSite
- Added custom report feature
- Added progress tab
- Added integrated scheduler
- Added colors for URLs in the printable reports
- Added option to remove items that have no data from the reports
- Added new update mode which updates only missing search engine information
- Updated search engine definitions.
v2.1 [Oct 7, 2003]
- The problem with exporting the reports is now fixed.
- Keywords and URLs can now be imported/exported from/to a flat file.
- Keywords and URLs can now be modified after they are added to the project.
- You can now duplicate project feature.
- Implemented access through a proxy server with authentication.
- Added reset project feature.
- Added ability to change the location of the data folder.
- Reports can now be saved in XML format.
- Reports can now be sent to one or more email addresses.
- Reports can now be saved into a folder.
- The Rank Evolution report now has a time range feature.
- Updated search engine definitions.
- Updated icon images.
v2.0 [Aug 27, 2003]
- Added automatic search engine updates.
- Added reports that can be printed and exported as: PDF, HTML, Excel, CSV,
HTML, and Text.
- Added swap function for the Query and Search Engine panels.
- Updated search engine definitions.
v1.5.1 [Aug 12, 2003]
- Fixed broken AWR 1.5 Mac OS X distribution that prevented the application
to run properly.
v1.5 [Aug 7, 2003]
- Added support for multiple projects.
- Added more search engines: AllTheWeb, AOL, AskJeeves, Excite, Hotbot,
Looksmart, Netscape, Nomade, Overture, Voila.
- Added local Google search engines.
- Added local MSN search engines.
- Added local Yahoo search engines.
- Added "Open in Browser" feature for URLs in the Top Sites report.
v1.3.1 [May 24, 2003]
- Fixed a bug that prevented the correct saving of the search engine data.
- Fixed a bug that prevented the update of the window contents after adding a
new query from the "Add Query" popup menu in the Query Panel.
v1.3 [May 12, 2003]
- You can now add an URL to the list by double clicking on it in the Top Sites
- Implemented scheduled updates.
- Fixed a few bugs in the UI.
- Updated documentation.
v1.2 [March 23, 2003]
- The size of the reports and the sorting order are now remembered.
- A color can now be assigned to each URL.
- Added the Rank Evolution report.
v1.1 [January 17, 2003]
- Added the Top Sites report.
- Implemented sorting for the Current Rank and Top Sites report.