home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- // $Id: tavidoc.php,v 1.1 2004/01/12 22:14:08 comsubvie Exp $
- ?><html>
- <head>
- <title>TaviDoc</title>
- </head>
- <body><?php
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // S t a t i c
- //
- // Required for database connectivity
- require_once('config.php');
- // Required for rendering
- require_once('lib/defaults.php');
- require_once('parse/main.php');
- require_once('parse/html.php');
- require_once('parse/transforms.php');
- // TaviDoc defaults
- static $TDOutputPath = 'tavidoc/';
- static $TDTemplateFile = 'tavidoc.template.html';
- $TDPageQueue = array();
- // Tavi defaults
- static $CustomParseEngine = array('parse_elem_flag',
- 'parse_raw_html',
- 'custom_parse_hyperlink_description',
- 'parse_hyperlink',
- 'custom_parse_freelink',
- 'parse_bold',
- 'parse_italic',
- 'parse_teletype',
- 'parse_heading',
- 'parse_table',
- 'parse_horiz',
- 'parse_indents',
- 'parse_newline',
- 'parse_elements');
- $DisplayEngine['hr'] = 'custom_display_html_hr';
- $DisplayEngine['ref'] = 'custom_display_html_ref';
- $FlgChr = chr(255);
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // M a i n l i n e
- //
- // Report
- echo '<h1>TaviDoc</h1>';
- // Check if the user has properly set a configuration page name
- parse_str($QUERY_STRING);
- if (!isset($page))
- die('No page specified');
- // Load the template
- $TDTemplate = join('', file($TDTemplateFile));
- // Open the database
- mysql_connect($DBServer, $DBUser, $DBPasswd);
- mysql_select_db($DBName);
- // Report
- echo 'Processing configuration page <a href="',
- "index.php?page=$page", '">', $page, "</a>.<br />\n";
- echo 'Using template <a href="', $TDTemplateFile, '">',
- $TDTemplateFile, "</a>.<br />\n";
- echo 'Output into path <a href="', $TDOutputPath, '">',
- $TDOutputPath, "</a>.<br />\n",
- '<ol>';
- $TDPageQueue[] = $page;
- $i = 0;
- while ($i < count($TDPageQueue))
- {
- $Title = $TDPageQueue[$i];
- $Messages = array();
- $PageCount = count($TDPageQueue);
- // Render using Tavi
- $Entity = array();
- $body = parseText(query_page_body($Title),
- $CustomParseEngine, '');
- // Macros
- $body = str_replace(array('[TITLE]',
- '[BODY]',
- '[YEAR]'),
- array($Title,
- $body,
- date('w, F jS Y, G:i'),
- date('Y')),
- $TDTemplate);
- // Write file
- $filename = $TDOutputPath.filename($Title);
- $fid = fopen($filename, 'w');
- fwrite($fid, $body);
- fclose($fid);
- // Report
- $dif = (count($TDPageQueue) - $PageCount);
- echo '<li>',
- 'Writing page <a href="index.php?page=', $Title, '">', $Title, '</a>',
- ' to file <a href="'.$filename.'">', $filename, '</a>',
- ($dif > 0 ? ", $dif new pages found" : '');
- if (count($Messages) > 0)
- {
- echo '<ol>';
- foreach ($Messages as $Message)
- echo '<li>'.$Message.'</li>';
- echo '</ol>';
- }
- echo '</li>';
- flush();
- ++$i;
- }
- // Close the database
- mysql_close();
- echo "</ol>\n", "Succesfully completed.\n";
- //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- //
- // F u n c t i o n s
- //
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Create the filename from a page title
- function filename($Title)
- {
- return strtolower(urlencode(str_replace(' ', '_', $Title))).'.html';
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Die with a nice error
- function query_error($sql)
- {
- die('<big>MySQL Error '.mysql_errno().': '.mysql_error()
- .'</big><br /><code>'.nl2br($sql).'</code>');
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Extract the body from a page
- function query_page_body($Title)
- {
- global $DBTablePrefix;
- $Title = mysql_escape_string($Title);
- $sql = 'select body
- from '.$DBTablePrefix."pages
- where title = '$Title'
- order by version desc";
- $qid = mysql_query($sql) or query_error($sql);
- $row = mysql_fetch_row($qid) or query_error($sql);
- mysql_free_result($qid) or query_error($sql);
- return $row[0];
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Query the Wiki whether a page exists with given title
- function query_page_exists($Title)
- {
- global $DBTablePrefix;
- $Title = mysql_escape_string($Title);
- $sql = 'select count(*)
- from '.$DBTablePrefix."pages
- where title = '$Title'";
- $qid = mysql_query($sql) or query_error($sql);
- $row = mysql_fetch_row($qid) or query_error($sql);
- mysql_free_result($qid) or query_error($sql);
- return($row[0] > 0? TRUE : FALSE);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Custom renderer for horizontal rulers
- function custom_display_html_hr()
- {
- return "<hr noshade size=\"2\" />\n";
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Custom parser which strips of the braces from links
- function custom_parse_hyperlink_description($text)
- {
- global $UrlPtn;
- return preg_replace("/\\[($UrlPtn) ([^]]+)]/e",
- "url_token(q1('\\1'), q1('\\4'))", $text, -1);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Custom display engine which nullifies non-existing pages
- function custom_display_html_ref($page, $appearance, $hover = '',
- $anchor = '', $anchor_appearance = '')
- {
- global $SeparateLinkWords, $TDPageQueue, $Messages;
- if ($hover != '')
- $hover = ' title="' . $hover . '"';
- if (query_page_exists($page)) {
- $found = FALSE;
- foreach($TDPageQueue as $t)
- if ($t == $page)
- $found = TRUE;
- if (!$found)
- $TDPageQueue[] = $page;
- if ($SeparateLinkWords && $page == $appearance)
- $appearance = html_split_name($page);
- return '<a href="'.viewURL($page).$anchor.'"'.$hover.'>'
- .$appearance.$anchor_appearance.'</a>';
- } else {
- $Messages[] = 'Page <a href="index.php?action=edit&page='.$page.'">'
- .$page.'</a> missing from Wiki.';
- return $appearance;
- }
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Custom parser which strips of the braces from links
- function custom_parse_freelink($text)
- {
- return preg_replace(
- "/\\(\\(([-A-Za-z0-9 _+\\/.,;:!?'\"\\[\\]\\{\\}&\xc0-\xff]+)()()\\)\\)/e",
- "freelink_token(q1('\\1'), q1('\\2'), '\\3', '')",
- $text, -1);
- }
- //------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Overwrite the normal viewURL code to return the filename
- function viewURL($page, $version = '', $full = '')
- {
- return filename($page);
- }
- ?> </body>
- </html>