home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- // $Id: preview.php,v 1.1 2004/01/12 22:14:05 comsubvie Exp $
- require_once(TemplateDir . '/common.php');
- // The preview template is passed an associative array with the following
- // elements:
- //
- // page => A string containing the name of the wiki page being viewed.
- // text => A string containing the wiki markup of the wiki page.
- // html => A string containing the XHTML rendering of the wiki page.
- // timestamp => Timestamp of last edit to page.
- // nextver => An integer; the expected version of this document when saved.
- // archive => An integer. Will be nonzero if this is not the most recent
- // version of the page.
- function template_preview($args)
- {
- global $EditRows, $EditCols, $categories, $UserName, $comment, $PrefsScript;
- template_common_prologue(array('norobots' => 1,
- 'title' => TMPL_Previewing .' '. $args['page'],
- 'heading' => TMPL_Previewing .' ',
- 'headlink' => $args['page'],
- 'headsufx' => '',
- 'toolbar' => 1));
- ?>
- <div id="body">
- <form method="post" action="<?php print saveURL($args['page']); ?>">
- <div class="form">
- <input type="submit" name="Save" value="<?php echo TMPL_ButtonSave; ?>" />
- <input type="submit" name="Preview" value="<?php echo TMPL_ButtonPreview; ?>" />
- <?php
- if($UserName != '')
- { print TMPL_YourUsername . ' '. html_ref($UserName, $UserName); }
- else
- { echo TMPL_VisitPrefs . "\n"; }
- ?><br />
- <input type="hidden" name="nextver" value="<?php print $args['nextver']; ?>" />
- <?php if($args['archive'])
- {?>
- <input type="hidden" name="archive" value="1" />
- <?php }?>
- <textarea name="document" rows="<?php
- print $EditRows; ?>" cols="<?php
- print $EditCols; ?>" wrap="virtual"><?php
- print str_replace('<', '<', str_replace('&', '&', $args['text']));
- ?></textarea><br />
- <?php echo TMPL_SummaryOfChange; ?>
- <input type="text" name="comment" size="40" value="<?php
- print $comment; ?>" /><br />
- <?php echo TMPL_AddToCategory; ?>
- <input type="text" name="categories" size="40" value="<?php
- print $categories; ?>" />
- </div>
- </form>
- <h1><?php echo TMPL_Preview; ?></h1>
- <hr />
- <?php print $args['html']; ?>
- </div>
- <?php
- template_common_epilogue(array('twin' => $args['page'],
- 'edit' => '',
- 'editver' => 0,
- 'history' => $args['page'],
- 'timestamp' => $args['timestamp'],
- 'nosearch' => 0));
- }
- ?>