home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- // $Id: transforms.php,v 1.1 2004/01/12 22:14:05 comsubvie Exp $
- // The main parser components. Each of these takes a line of text and scans it
- // for particular wiki markup. It converts markup elements to
- // $FlgChr . x . $FlgChr, where x is an index into the global array $Entity,
- // which contains descriptions of each markup entity. Later, these will be
- // converted back into HTML (or, in the future, perhaps some other
- // representation such as XML).
- function parse_noop($text)
- {
- return $text;
- }
- // The following function "corrects" for PHP's odd preg_replace behavior.
- // Back-references have backslashes inserted before certain quotes
- // (specifically, whichever quote was used around the backreference); this
- // function removes remove those backslashes.
- function q1($text)
- { return str_replace('\\"', '"', $text); }
- function validate_page($page)
- {
- global $FlgChr;
- $p = parse_wikiname($page, 1);
- if(preg_match('/^' . $FlgChr .'!?'. '\\d+' . $FlgChr . '$/', $p))
- { return 1; }
- $p = parse_freelink('((' . $page . '))', 1);
- if(preg_match('/^' . $FlgChr . '!?'. '\\d+' . $FlgChr . '$/', $p))
- { return 2; }
- return 0;
- }
- function pre_parser($text)
- {
- // Before parsing the whole text, do check for line continuation and forced
- // line breaks. To achieve this, and still have code-sections, code-sections
- // need to be parsed in this section as well
- // Parse the code sections, to escape them from the line control
- $text = preg_replace("/\n\s*<((?:php)?code)>\s*\n(.*\n)\s*<\\/\\1>\s*(?=\n|$)/Usei",
- "q1('\n').code_token('\\1',q1('\\2'))", $text);
- // Concatenate lines ending in a single \
- $text = preg_replace("/([^\\\])\\\\\n\s*/s", " ", $text);
- // Insert page breaks to lines ending in a double \
- $text = preg_replace("/\\\\\\\\\n\s*/se", "new_entity(array('newline'))",
- $text);
- return $text;
- }
- function code_token($codetype, $code)
- {
- global $FlgChr, $Entity;
- if (stristr("code", $codetype))
- { $Entity[count($Entity)] = array('code', parse_htmlisms($code)); }
- else if (stristr("phpcode", $codetype))
- { $Entity[count($Entity)] = array('phpcode', $code); }
- return $FlgChr . (count($Entity)-1) . $FlgChr; //Is a blockelement
- }
- function parse_elem_flag($text)
- {
- global $FlgChr;
- // Hide element flags (0xFF) from view.
- return preg_replace('/' . $FlgChr . '/e', "new_entity(array('raw', '$FlgChr'))", $text, -1);
- }
- function new_entity($array,$blockElem=true)
- {
- global $Entity, $FlgChr;
- $Entity[count($Entity)] = $array;
- return $FlgChr . ($blockElem ? '' : '!') . (count($Entity) - 1) . $FlgChr;
- }
- function parse_wikiname($text, $validate = 0)
- {
- global $LinkPtn, $EnableWikiLinks;
- if(!$EnableWikiLinks) { return $text; }
- if($validate)
- { $ptn = "/(^|[^A-Za-z])(\\/?$LinkPtn)(())(\"\")?/e"; }
- else
- { $ptn = "/(^|[^A-Za-z])(!?\\/?$LinkPtn)((\#[A-Za-z]([-A-Za-z0-9_:.]*[-A-Za-z0-9_])?)?)(\"\")?/e"; }
- return preg_replace($ptn,
- "q1('\\1').wikiname_token(q1('\\2'),'\\3')",
- $text, -1);
- }
- function wikiname_token($name, $anchor)
- {
- global $ParseObject;
- if($name[0] == '!') // No-link escape sequence.
- { return substr($name, 1); } // Trim leading '!'.
- $link = $name;
- // translate sub-page markup into a qualified wikiword
- if ($name[0] == '/')
- {
- if (preg_match("|(.*)\\/[^\\/]*|", $ParseObject, $path))
- { $link = $path[1] . $name; }
- else
- { $link = substr($name,1); }
- }
- return new_entity(array('ref', $link, $name, '', $anchor, $anchor),false);
- }
- function parse_freelink($text, $validate = 0)
- {
- global $EnableFreeLinks;
- if(!$EnableFreeLinks) { return $text; }
- if($validate)
- {
- $ptn = "/\\(\\(([^\\|\\)]+)()()\\)\\)/e";
- }
- else
- {
- $ptn = "/(!?\\(\\(([^\\|\\)]+)(\\|[^\\)#]+)?(\\#[A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9_:.]*)?()\\)\\))/e";
- }
- return preg_replace($ptn,
- "freelink_token(q1('\\2'), q1('\\3'), '\\4', '', '\\1')",
- $text, -1);
- }
- function freelink_token($link, $appearance, $anchor, $anchor_appearance, $nolink)
- {
- global $ParseObject, $FlgChr;
- if($nolink[0] == '!') // No-link escape sequence.
- { return new_entity(array('raw', substr($nolink, 1))); } // Trim leading '!'
- if($appearance == '')
- { $appearance = $link; }
- else
- {
- $appearance = substr($appearance, 1); // Trim leading '|'.
- if (preg_match("/$FlgChr/", $appearance))
- { $appearance = parse_elements($appearance); }
- }
- // translate sub-page markup into a qualified wikiword
- if ($link[0] == '/')
- {
- if (preg_match("|(.*)\\/[^\\/]*|", $ParseObject, $path))
- { $link = $path[1] . $link; }
- else
- { $link = substr($link,1); }
- }
- if (preg_match("/$FlgChr/", $link))
- { return $nolink; }
- else
- {
- return new_entity(array('ref', $link, $appearance, '',
- $anchor, $anchor_appearance), false);
- }
- }
- function parse_interwiki($text)
- {
- global $InterwikiPtn;
- return preg_replace("/(^|[^A-Za-z])($InterwikiPtn)(?=\$|[^\\/=&~A-Za-z0-9])/e",
- "q1('\\1').interwiki_token(q1('\\3'),q1('\\4')).q1('\\5')",
- $text, -1);
- }
- function interwiki_token($prefix, $ref)
- {
- global $pagestore;
- if(($url = $pagestore->interwiki($prefix)) != '')
- {
- return new_entity(array('interwiki', $url . $ref, $prefix . ':' . $ref), false);
- }
- return $prefix . ':' . $ref;
- }
- function parse_hyperlink_ref($text)
- {
- global $UrlPtn,$InterwikiPtn;
- return preg_replace("/\\[($UrlPtn|$InterwikiPtn)]/Ue",
- "url_token(q1('\\1'), '')", $text, -1);
- }
- function image_search($text)
- {
- global $ImgPtn, $ExtRef;
- if (preg_match("/$ImgPtn$/", $text))
- { return parse_elements(parse_hyperlink($text)); }
- else
- { return $ExtRef[0] . $text . $ExtRef[1]; }
- }
- function parse_hyperlink_description($text)
- {
- global $UrlPtn, $InterwikiPtn;
- return preg_replace("/\\[($UrlPtn|$InterwikiPtn) ([^]]+)]/e",
- "url_token(q1('\\1'),image_search('\\4'))",
- $text, -1);
- }
- function parse_hyperlink($text)
- {
- global $UrlPtn, $InterwikiPtn;
- return preg_replace("/(^|[^A-Za-z])($UrlPtn|$InterwikiPtn)(?=\$|[^\\/?=&~A-Za-z0-9])/e",
- "q1('\\1').url_token(q1('\\2'), q1('\\2')).q1('\\5')", $text, -1);
- }
- function url_token($value, $display)
- {
- global $pagestore, $InterwikiPtn, $UrlPtn, $RefList, $ImgPtn;
- static $count = 1;
- // Expand interwiki-entry, if necessary
- if ((!preg_match("/$UrlPtn/", $value)) and
- preg_match("/$InterwikiPtn/", $value, $match))
- {
- $couldBeImage=($display==$value);
- if (($url=$pagestore->interwiki($match[1])) != '')
- { $value = $url . $match[2];
- if ($couldBeImage and preg_match("/$ImgPtn$/", $value))
- { $display = $value; }
- }
- else
- { $value = "[$match[1]:$match[2] $display]"; }
- }
- if($display == '')
- { $display = '[' . $count++ . ']';
- $RefList[] = $value; }
- return new_entity(array('url', $value, $display), false);
- }
- function parse_macros($text)
- {
- return preg_replace('/\\[\\[([^] ]+( [^]]+)?)]]/e',
- "macro_token(q1('\\1'), q1('\\3'))", $text, -1);
- }
- function parse_no_macros($text)
- {
- return preg_replace('/\\[\\[([^] ]+( [^]]+)?)]]/e',
- "", $text, -1);
- }
- function macro_token($macro, $trail)
- {
- global $ViewMacroEngine;
- $cmd = strtok($macro, ' ');
- $args = strtok('');
- if($ViewMacroEngine[$cmd] != '')
- { return new_entity(array('raw', $ViewMacroEngine[$cmd]($args))); }
- else
- { return '[[' . $macro . ']]' . ($trail == "\n" ? $trail : ''); }
- }
- function parse_transclude($text)
- {
- $text2 = preg_replace('/%%([^%]+)%%/e',
- "transclude_token(q1('\\1'))", $text, -1);
- if($text2 != $text)
- { $text2 = str_replace("\n", '', $text2); }
- return $text2;
- }
- function transclude_token($text)
- {
- global $pagestore, $ParseEngine, $ParseObject;
- static $visited_array = array();
- static $visited_count = 0;
- if(!validate_page($text))
- { return '%%' . $text . '%%'; }
- $visited_array[$visited_count++] = $ParseObject;
- for($i = 0; $i < $visited_count; $i++)
- {
- if($visited_array[$i] == $text)
- {
- $visited_count--;
- return '%%' . $text . '%%';
- }
- }
- $pg = $pagestore->page($text);
- $pg->read();
- if(!$pg->exists)
- {
- $visited_count--;
- return '%%' . $text . '%%';
- }
- $result = new_entity(array('raw', parseText($pg->text, $ParseEngine, $text)));
- $visited_count--;
- return $result;
- }
- function parse_textenhance($text)
- {
- global $EnableTextEnhance;
- if ($EnableTextEnhance)
- {
- if (preg_match("/^(\*+)([^*].*)$/", $text, $match))
- {
- // Special case, since *'s at start of line is markup for lists
- $return = $match[1] .
- preg_replace("/(\*\*)([^*]+)\\1/e",
- "pair_tokens('bold', q1('\\2'))", $match[2], -1);
- }
- else
- {
- $return = preg_replace("/(\*\*)([^*]+)\\1/e",
- "pair_tokens('bold', q1('\\2'))", $text, -1);
- }
- $return = preg_replace( "/(\/\/)([^\/]+)\\1/e",
- "pair_tokens('italic', q1('\\2'))", $return, -1);
- $return = preg_replace( "/(--)([^-]+)\\1/e",
- "pair_tokens('del', q1('\\2'))", $return, -1);
- $return = preg_replace( "/(\+\+)([^\+]+)\\1/e",
- "pair_tokens('ins', q1('\\2'))", $return, -1);
- $return = preg_replace( "/(\^\^)([^^]+)\\1/e",
- "pair_tokens('superscript', q1('\\2'))", $return, -1);
- $return = preg_replace( "/(,,)([^,]+)\\1/e",
- "pair_tokens('subscript', q1('\\2'))", $return, -1);
- return $return;
- } else {
- return $text;
- }
- }
- function parse_bold($text)
- {
- return preg_replace("/'''(()|[^'].*)'''/Ue", "pair_tokens('bold', q1('\\1'))",
- $text, -1);
- }
- function parse_italic($text)
- {
- return preg_replace("/''(()|[^'].*)''/Ue", "pair_tokens('italic', q1('\\1'))",
- $text, -1);
- }
- function parse_teletype($text)
- {
- return preg_replace("/{{({*?.*}*?)}}/Ue",
- "pair_tokens('tt', q1('\\1'))", $text, -1);
- }
- function pair_tokens($type, $text, $blockElem=false)
- {
- global $Entity, $FlgChr;
- $Entity[count($Entity)] = array($type . '_start');
- $Entity[count($Entity)] = array($type . '_end');
- return $FlgChr . ($blockElem ? '' : '!') . (count($Entity) - 2) . $FlgChr . $text .
- $FlgChr . ($blockElem ? '' : '!') . (count($Entity) - 1) . $FlgChr;
- }
- function parse_newline($text)
- {
- global $FlgChr;
- static $last = array('', '');
- // More than two consecutive newlines fold into two newlines.
- if($last[0] == "\n" && $last[1] == "\n" && $text == "\n")
- { return ''; }
- $last[0] = $last[1];
- $last[1] = $text;
- // Lines not beginning with $FlgChr or beginning with $FlgChr! are paragraps
- return preg_replace("/^(([^$FlgChr]|$FlgChr!).+)$/e",
- "pair_tokens('paragraph', q1('\\1'), true)", $text, -1);
- }
- function parse_horiz($text)
- {
- return preg_replace("/-{4,}(\\n(\\r)?)?/e", "new_entity(array('hr'))",
- $text, -1);
- }
- function parse_nowiki($text)
- {
- return preg_replace("/```(.*)```/Ue",
- "new_entity(array('nowiki', parse_elements(q1('\\1'))))",
- $text, -1);
- }
- function parse_raw_html($text)
- {
- global $Entity, $FlgChr;
- static $in_html = 0;
- static $buffer = '';
- if($in_html)
- {
- if(strtolower($text) == "</html>\n")
- {
- $Entity[count($Entity)] = array('raw', $buffer);
- $buffer = '';
- $in_html = 0;
- return $FlgChr . (count($Entity) - 1) . $FlgChr; //$blockElem=true
- }
- $buffer = $buffer . parse_elements($text);
- return '';
- }
- else
- {
- if(strtolower($text) == "<html>\n")
- {
- $in_html = 1;
- return '';
- }
- return $text;
- }
- }
- function parse_indents($text)
- {
- global $MaxNesting;
- static $last_prefix = ''; // Last line's prefix.
- // Locate the indent prefix characters.
- preg_match('/^([:\\*#]*)(;([^:]*):)?(.*\\n?$)/', $text, $result);
- if($result[2] != '') // Definition list.
- { $result[1] = $result[1] . ';'; }
- // No list on last line, no list on this line. Bail out:
- if($last_prefix == '' && $result[1] == '')
- { return $text; } // Common case fast.
- // Remember lengths of strings.
- $last_len = strlen($last_prefix);
- $prefix_len = strlen($result[1]);
- $text = $result[4];
- $fixup = '';
- // Loop through and look for prefix characters in common with the
- // previous line.
- for($i = 0;
- $i < $MaxNesting && ($i < $last_len || $i < $prefix_len);
- $i++)
- {
- // If equal, continue.
- if($i < $last_len && $i < $prefix_len // Neither past end.
- && $last_prefix[$i] == $result[1][$i]) // Equal content.
- { continue; }
- // If we've gone deeper than the previous line, we're done.
- if($i >= $last_len)
- { break; }
- // If last line goes further than us, end its dangling lists.
- if($i >= $prefix_len // Current line ended.
- || $last_prefix[$i] != $result[1][$i]) // Or not, but they differ.
- {
- for($j = $i; $j < $MaxNesting && $j < $last_len; $j++)
- {
- $fixup = entity_listitem($last_prefix[$j], 'end')
- . entity_list($last_prefix[$j], 'end')
- . $fixup;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- // End the preceding line's list item if we're starting another one
- // at the same level.
- if($i > 0 && $i >= $prefix_len)
- { $fixup = $fixup . entity_listitem($last_prefix[$i - 1], 'end'); }
- // Start fresh new lists for this line as needed.
- // We start all but the last one as *indents* (definition lists)
- // instead of what they really may appear as, since their function is
- // really just to indent.
- for(; $i < $MaxNesting - 1 && $i + 1 < $prefix_len; $i++)
- {
- $result[1][$i] = ':'; // Pretend to be an indent.
- $fixup = $fixup
- . entity_list(':', 'start')
- . entity_listitem(':', 'start');
- }
- if($i < $prefix_len) // Start the list itself.
- {
- $fixup = $fixup
- . entity_list($result[1][$i], 'start');
- }
- // Start the list *item*.
- if($result[2] != '') // Definition list.
- {
- $fixup = $fixup
- . new_entity(array('term_item_start'))
- . $result[3]
- . new_entity(array('term_item_end'));
- }
- if($result[1] != '')
- { $text = entity_listitem(substr($result[1], -1), 'start') . $text; }
- $text = $fixup . $text;
- $last_prefix = $result[1];
- return $text;
- }
- function entity_list($type, $fn, $attr='')
- {
- if($type == '*')
- { return new_entity(array('bullet_list_' . $fn, $attr)); }
- else if($type == ':' || $type == ';')
- { return new_entity(array('indent_list_' . $fn)); }
- else if($type == '#')
- { return new_entity(array('numbered_list_' . $fn)); }
- }
- function entity_listitem($type, $fn)
- {
- if($type == '*')
- { return new_entity(array('bullet_item_' . $fn)); }
- else if($type == ':' || $type == ';')
- { return new_entity(array('indent_item_' . $fn)); }
- else if($type == '#')
- { return new_entity(array('numbered_item_' . $fn)); }
- }
- function parse_heading($text)
- {
- global $MaxHeading;
- if(!preg_match('/^\s*(=+) (.*) (=+)\s*$/', $text, $result))
- { return $text; }
- if(strlen($result[1]) != strlen($result[3]))
- { return $text; }
- if(($level = strlen($result[1])) > $MaxHeading)
- { $level = $MaxHeading; }
- return new_entity(array('head_start', $level)) .
- $result[2] .
- new_entity(array('head_end', $level));
- }
- function parse_htmlisms($text)
- {
- $text = str_replace('&', '&', $text);
- $text = str_replace('<', '<', $text);
- return $text;
- }
- function parse_elements($text)
- {
- global $FlgChr;
- return preg_replace("/$FlgChr!?(\\d+)$FlgChr/e", "generate_element(q1('\\1'))", $text, -1);
- }
- function generate_element($text)
- {
- global $Entity, $DisplayEngine;
- if(function_exists('call_user_func_array'))
- {
- return call_user_func_array($DisplayEngine[$Entity[$text][0]],
- array_slice($Entity[$text], 1));
- }
- else
- {
- return $DisplayEngine[$Entity[$text][0]]($Entity[$text][1],
- $Entity[$text][2],
- $Entity[$text][3],
- $Entity[$text][4],
- $Entity[$text][5]);
- }
- }
- function parse_diff_skip($text)
- {
- if(preg_match('/^--+/', $text))
- { return ''; }
- if(preg_match('/^\\\\ No newline/', $text))
- { return ''; }
- return $text;
- }
- function parse_diff_color($text)
- {
- static $in_old = 0;
- static $in_new = 0;
- if(strlen($text) == 0)
- { $this_old = $this_new = 0; }
- else
- {
- $this_old = ($text[0] == '<');
- $this_new = ($text[0] == '>');
- }
- if($this_old || $this_new)
- { $text = substr($text, 2); }
- if($this_old && !$in_old)
- { $text = new_entity(array('diff_old_start')) . $text; }
- else if($this_new && !$in_new)
- { $text = new_entity(array('diff_new_start')) . $text; }
- if($in_old && !$this_old)
- { $text = new_entity(array('diff_old_end')) . $text; }
- else if($in_new && !$this_new)
- { $text = new_entity(array('diff_new_end')) . $text; }
- $in_old = $this_old;
- $in_new = $this_new;
- return $text;
- }
- function parse_diff_message($text)
- {
- global $FlgChr;
- $text = preg_replace('/(^(' . $FlgChr . '\\d+' . $FlgChr . ')?)\\d[0-9,]*c[0-9,]*$/e',
- "q1('\\1').new_entity(array('diff_change'))", $text, -1);
- $text = preg_replace('/(^(' . $FlgChr . '\\d+' . $FlgChr . ')?)\\d[0-9,]*a[0-9,]*$/e',
- "q1('\\1').new_entity(array('diff_add'))", $text, -1);
- $text = preg_replace('/(^(' . $FlgChr . '\\d+' . $FlgChr . ')?)\\d[0-9,]*d[0-9,]*$/e',
- "q1('\\1').new_entity(array('diff_delete'))", $text, -1);
- return $text;
- }
- function parse_table($text)
- {
- static $in_table = 0;
- $pre = '';
- $post = '';
- if(preg_match('/^(\|\|)+(\{([^{}]+)\})?.*(\|\|)\s*$/', $text, $args)) // Table.
- {
- if(!$in_table)
- {
- $pre = html_table_start($args[3]);
- $in_table = 1;
- }
- $text = preg_replace('/\|\s+\|/e',
- "q1('|').new_entity(array('raw',' ')).q1('|')",
- $text);
- $text = preg_replace('/^((\|\|+)(\{([^{}]+)\})?)(.*)\|\|\s*$/e',
- "new_entity(array('raw',html_table_row_start('\\4').
- html_table_cell_start(strlen('\\2')/2, '\\4'))).".
- "q1('\\5').new_entity(array('raw',html_table_cell_end().html_table_row_end()))",
- $text, -1);
- $text = preg_replace('/((\|\|+)(\{([^{}]+)\})?)/e',
- "new_entity(array('raw',html_table_cell_end().html_table_cell_start(strlen('\\2')/2, '\\4')))",
- $text, -1);
- }
- else if($in_table) // Have exited table.
- {
- $in_table = 0;
- $pre = html_table_end();
- }
- if($pre != '')
- { $text = new_entity(array('raw', $pre)) . $text; }
- if($post != '')
- { $text = $text . new_entity(array('raw', $post)); }
- return $text;
- }
- ?>