Chip 2004 April
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PHP Script
451 lines
// $Id: macros.php,v 1.1 2004/01/12 22:14:05 comsubvie Exp $
// Prepare a category list.
function view_macro_category($args)
global $pagestore, $MinEntries, $DayLimit, $full, $page, $Entity;
global $FlgChr;
$text = '';
if(strstr($args, '*')) // Category containing all pages.
$list = $pagestore->allpages();
else if(strstr($args, '?')) // New pages.
$list = $pagestore->newpages();
else if(strstr($args, '~')) // Zero-length (deleted) pages.
$list = $pagestore->emptypages();
else // Ordinary list of pages.
$parsed = parseText($args, array('parse_freelink', 'parse_wikiname'), '');
$pagenames = array();
preg_replace('/' . $FlgChr . '!?(\\d+)' . $FlgChr . '/e', '$pagenames[]=$Entity[\\1][1]', $parsed);
$list = $pagestore->givenpages($pagenames);
if(count($list) == 0)
{ return ''; }
usort($list, 'catSort');
$now = time();
for($i = 0; $i < count($list); $i++)
$editTime = mktime(substr($list[$i][0], 8, 2), substr($list[$i][0], 10, 2),
substr($list[$i][0], 12, 2), substr($list[$i][0], 4, 2),
substr($list[$i][0], 6, 2), substr($list[$i][0], 0, 4));
if($DayLimit && $i >= $MinEntries
&& !$full && ($now - $editTime) > $DayLimit * 24 * 60 * 60)
{ break; }
$text = $text . html_category($list[$i][0], $list[$i][1],
$list[$i][2], $list[$i][3],
if($i < count($list) - 1) // Don't put a newline on the last one.
{ $text = $text . html_newline(); }
if($i < count($list))
{ $text = $text . html_fulllist($page, count($list)); }
return $text;
function catSort($p1, $p2)
{ return strcmp($p2[0], $p1[0]); }
function sizeSort($p1, $p2)
{ return $p2[4] - $p1[4]; }
function nameSort($p1, $p2)
{ return strcmp($p1[1], $p2[1]); }
// Prepare a list of pages sorted by size.
function view_macro_pagesize()
global $pagestore;
$first = 1;
$list = $pagestore->allpages();
usort($list, 'sizeSort');
$text = '';
foreach($list as $page)
if(!$first) // Don't prepend newline to first one.
{ $text = $text . "\n"; }
{ $first = 0; }
$text = $text .
$page[4] . ' ' . html_ref($page[1], $page[1]);
return html_code($text);
// Prepare a list of pages and those pages they link to.
function view_macro_linktab()
global $pagestore, $LkTbl;
$lastpage = '';
$text = '';
$q1 = $pagestore->dbh->query("SELECT page, link FROM $LkTbl ORDER BY page");
while(($result = $pagestore->dbh->result($q1)))
if($lastpage != $result[0])
if($lastpage != '')
{ $text = $text . "\n"; }
$text = $text . html_ref($result[0], $result[0]) . ' |';
$lastpage = $result[0];
$text = $text . ' ' . html_ref($result[1], $result[1]);
return html_code($text);
// Prepare a list of pages with no incoming links.
function view_macro_orphans()
global $pagestore, $LkTbl;
$text = '';
$first = 1;
$pages = $pagestore->allpages();
usort($pages, 'nameSort');
foreach($pages as $page)
$esc_page = addslashes($page[1]);
$q2 = $pagestore->dbh->query("SELECT page FROM $LkTbl " .
"WHERE link='$esc_page' AND page!='$esc_page'");
if(!($r2 = $pagestore->dbh->result($q2)) || empty($r2[0]))
if(!$first) // Don't prepend newline to first one.
{ $text = $text . "\n"; }
{ $first = 0; }
$text = $text . html_ref($page[1], $page[1]);
if ($page[4] == 0 ) {
$text .= PARSE_EmptyToBeDeleted;
return html_code($text);
// Prepare a list of pages linked to that do not exist.
function view_macro_wanted($args)
global $pagestore, $LkTbl, $PgTbl;
// Check for CurlyOptions, and split them
preg_match("/^(?:\s*{([^]]*)})?\s*(.*)$/", $args, $arg);
$options = split(',', $arg[1]);
$search = $arg[2];
// Defaults
$displayOrigin = false;
// Parse options
foreach ($options as $opt) {
list($name, $value) = split('=', $opt);
if (preg_match("/^or/i", $name)) { // ORigin - Displays origin of wanted pages
$displayOrigin = !($value == 'false');
$text = '';
$first = 1;
$q1 = $pagestore->dbh->query("SELECT l.link, SUM(l.count) AS ct, l.page, p.title " .
"FROM $LkTbl AS l LEFT JOIN $PgTbl AS p " .
"ON l.link = p.title " .
"WHERE p.title IS NULL " .
"GROUP BY l.link " .
"ORDER BY ct DESC, l.link");
while(($result = $pagestore->dbh->result($q1)))
if(!$first) // Don't prepend newline to first one.
{ $text = $text . "\n"; }
{ $first = 0; }
if ($displayOrigin) {
if ($result[1] > 1) {
$q2 = $pagestore->dbh->query("SELECT l.page, l.link from $LkTbl as l ".
"WHERE l.link = '". $result[0] ."'");
$deref = ' ' . PARSE_From . ' ';
while (($res2 = $pagestore->dbh->result($q2))) {
$deref .= html_url(editUrl($res2[0]), '?'.$res2[0]) . ', ';
$deref = preg_replace("/, $/", "", $deref);
} else {
$deref = ' ' . PARSE_From . ' ' .
html_url(editURL($result[2]), '?'.$result[2]);
} else {
$deref = '';
$text = $text . '(' .
html_url(findURL($result[0]), $result[1]) .
') ' . html_ref($result[0], $result[0]) . $deref;
return html_code($text);
// Do a textual search in list of page titles
function view_macro_titlesearch($args)
// Description of TitleSearch macro:
// [[TitleSearch {options} search-pattern]]
// This macro searches for page-titles matching the searchpattern,
// and presents it according to options. The pattern may include
// ^ or $ to lock it against start or end, and otherwise it must
// only contain alpha-characters (or '/'). The special pattern '*'
// matches every title.
// Legal options, capitalized unique prefix:
// Class : Sets the class of the list used for results
// STyle : Sets the style attribute
// Delimiter : Choose delimiter between text entries
// Index : Divides the list according to first character,
// or first character after value of option
// Oneline/List : Indicates to use line/list-markup
// Examples: [[TitleSearch Pages$]]
// [[TitleSearch *]]
// [[TitleSearch {c=prelist} ^Tavi]]
// [[TitleSearch {i=5} ^Tavi]]
global $pagestore, $AlphaPtn;
// Check for CurlyOptions, and split them
preg_match("/^(?:\s*{([^]]*)})?\s*(.*)$/", $args, $arg);
$options = split(',', $arg[1]);
$search = $arg[2];
// Some defaults
$useDelim = ''; // Empty delimiter at the start, changed by options
// Parse options
foreach ($options as $opt) {
list($name, $value) = split('=', $opt);
if (preg_match("/^st/", $name)) { // STyle - Adds a style-attribute
$style = $value;
$listAttr = "style=\"$value\" ";
} else if ($name[0]=='c') { // Class - Adds a class-attribute
$listAttr = "class=\"$value\" ";
if ($value == "prelist") { $useDelim = ''; }
} else if ($name[0]=='d') { // Delimiter - Changes the delimiter used
$useDelim = $value;
} else if ($name[0]=='o') { // Oneline - use line-markup
$useList = false;
} else if ($name[0]=='l') { // List - use list-markup
$useList = true;
} else if ($name[0]=='i') { // Index - Use heading to divide index
$showIndex = true; $level=2;
if (is_numeric($value)) {
$indexCharNo = $value -1;
} else {
$indexCharNo = 0;
// Check for illegal characters to make search pattern safer against exploits
if ($search == '*') { // Match every title
$pattern = ".";
} else if ( !preg_match("/^\^?(\/|$AlphaPtn)+\\$?$/", $search)) {
// Search can be locked at ^start and/or end$, and elsewise only
// contain Alpha-characters, digits not included
return "[[TitleSearch $args]]";
} else {
// $search validates, so use as is
if (!isset($useList) or !$useList) {
$useList = false;
$useDelim = ($useDelim) ? $useDelim : ', ';
if ($showIndex) {
$lastIndexChar ='';
} else {
if ($useList) { $text = entity_list("*", 'start', $listAttr); };
// Loop through all pagetitles
$list = $pagestore->allpages();
foreach($list as $page)
if (preg_match("|$pattern|", $page[1])) {
if ($showIndex && ($lastIndexChar != $page[1][$indexCharNo])) {
if ($lastIndexChar != '') { // End previous list
if ($useDelim) {
$text = preg_replace("/" . preg_quote($useDelim) . "$/",
"\n", $text);
if ($useList) { $text .= entity_list("*", "end"); };
// Add index-header
$text .= new_entity(array('head_start', $level)) .
substr($page[1], 0, $indexCharNo+1) .
new_entity(array('head_end', $level));
if ($useList) {
// Start list again
$text .= entity_list("*", 'start', $listAttr);
$lastIndexChar = $page[1][$indexCharNo];
if ($useList) { $text .= entity_listitem("*", "start"); };
$text .= sprintf("%s".$useDelim, html_ref($page[1], $page[1]));
if ($useDelim) {
$text = preg_replace("/" . preg_quote($useDelim) . "$/", "\n", $text);
if ($useList) { $text .= entity_list("*", "end"); };
return parse_elements($text);
// Prepare a list of pages sorted by how many links they contain.
function view_macro_outlinks()
global $pagestore, $LkTbl;
$text = '';
$first = 1;
$q1 = $pagestore->dbh->query("SELECT page, SUM(count) AS ct FROM $LkTbl " .
"GROUP BY page ORDER BY ct DESC, page");
while(($result = $pagestore->dbh->result($q1)))
if(!$first) // Don't prepend newline to first one.
{ $text = $text . "\n"; }
{ $first = 0; }
$text = $text .
'(' . $result[1] . ') ' . html_ref($result[0], $result[0]);
return html_code($text);
// Prepare a list of pages sorted by how many links to them exist.
function view_macro_refs()
global $pagestore, $LkTbl, $PgTbl;
$text = '';
$first = 1;
// It's not quite as straightforward as one would imagine to turn the
// following code into a JOIN, since we want to avoid multiplying the
// number of links to a page by the number of versions of that page that
// exist. If anyone has some efficient suggestions, I'd be welcome to
// entertain them. -- ScottMoonen
$q1 = $pagestore->dbh->query("SELECT link, SUM(count) AS ct FROM $LkTbl " .
"GROUP BY link ORDER BY ct DESC, link");
while(($result = $pagestore->dbh->result($q1)))
$esc_page = addslashes($result[0]);
$q2 = $pagestore->dbh->query("SELECT MAX(version) FROM $PgTbl " .
"WHERE title='$esc_page'");
if(($r2 = $pagestore->dbh->result($q2)) && !empty($r2[0]))
if(!$first) // Don't prepend newline to first one.
{ $text = $text . "\n"; }
{ $first = 0; }
$text = $text . '(' .
html_url(findURL($result[0]), $result[1]) . ') ' .
html_ref($result[0], $result[0]);
return html_code($text);
// This macro inserts an HTML anchor into the text.
function view_macro_anchor($args)
preg_match('/^([A-Za-z][-A-Za-z0-9_:.]*)$/', $args, $result);
if($result[1] != '')
{ return html_anchor($result[1]); }
{ return ''; }
// This macro transcludes another page into a wiki page.
function view_macro_transclude($args)
global $pagestore, $ParseEngine, $ParseObject;
static $visited_array = array();
static $visited_count = 0;
{ return '[[Transclude ' . $args . ']]'; }
$visited_array[$visited_count++] = $ParseObject;
for($i = 0; $i < $visited_count; $i++)
if($visited_array[$i] == $args)
return '[[Transclude ' . $args . ']]';
$pg = $pagestore->page($args);
return '[[Transclude ' . $args . ']]';
$result = parseText($pg->text, $ParseEngine, $args);
return $result;
function view_macro_reflist($args)
return parse_elements(new_entity(array("reflist", $args)));