Chip 2004 April
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PHP Script
460 lines
// $Id: html.php,v 1.1 2004/01/12 22:14:05 comsubvie Exp $
// These functions take wiki entities like 'bold_begin' or 'ref' and return
// HTML representing these entities. They are used throught this script
// to generate appropriate HTML. Together with the template scripts, they
// constitue the sole generators of HTML in this script, and are thus the
// sole means of customizing appearance.
function html_bold_start()
{ return '<strong>'; }
function html_bold_end()
{ return '</strong>'; }
function html_italic_start()
{ return '<em>'; }
function html_italic_end()
{ return '</em>'; }
function html_superscript_start()
{ return '<sup>'; }
function html_superscript_end()
{ return '</sup>'; }
function html_subscript_start()
{ return '<sub>'; }
function html_subscript_end()
{ return '</sub>'; }
function html_del_start()
{ return '<del>'; }
function html_del_end()
{ return '</del>'; }
function html_ins_start()
{ return '<ins>'; }
function html_ins_end()
{ return '</ins>'; }
function html_tt_start()
{ return '<tt>'; }
function html_tt_end()
{ return '</tt>'; }
function html_ul_start($attr='')
{ return "<ul $attr>"; }
function html_ul_end()
{ return "</ul>\n"; }
function html_ol_start()
{ return '<ol>'; }
function html_ol_end()
{ return "</ol>\n"; }
function html_li_start()
{ return '<li>'; }
function html_li_end()
{ return "</li>\n"; }
function html_dl_start()
{ return '<dl>'; }
function html_dl_end()
{ return "</dl>\n"; }
function html_dd_start()
{ return '<dd>'; }
function html_dd_end()
{ return "</dd>\n"; }
function html_dt_start()
{ return '<dt>'; }
function html_dt_end()
{ return '</dt>'; }
function html_hr()
{ return "<hr />\n"; }
function html_newline()
{ return "<br />\n"; }
function html_paragraph_start()
{ return "<p>"; }
function html_paragraph_end()
{ return "</p>\n"; }
function html_head_start($level)
{ return "<h$level>"; }
function html_head_end($level)
{ return "</h$level>"; }
function html_nowiki($text)
{ return $text; }
function html_code($text)
{ return '<pre>' . $text . '</pre>'; }
function html_phpcode($text)
$text = ob_get_contents();
$text = preg_replace("/^<code>/", "<pre class=\"phpsource\">", $text);
$text = preg_replace("/<\/code>$/", "</pre>", $text);
// Make it valid xhtml...
$search[0] = '<font color="'.ini_get('highlight.html').'">';
$search[1] = '<font color="'.ini_get('highlight.default').'">';
$search[2] = '<font color="'.ini_get('highlight.keyword').'">';
$search[3] = '<font color="'.ini_get('highlight.string').'">';
$search[4] = '<font color="'.ini_get('highlight.comment').'">';
$search[5] = '</font>';
$search[6] = '\r';
$search[7] = '<br />';
$search[8] = ' ';
$replace[0] = '<span class="html">';
$replace[1] = '<span class="default">';
$replace[2] = '<span class="keyword">';
$replace[3] = '<span class="string">';
$replace[4] = '<span class="comment">';
$replace[5] = '</span>';
$replace[6] = '';
$replace[7] = "\n";
$replace[8] = ' ';
return str_replace($search,$replace,$text);
function html_raw($text)
{ return $text; }
function html_anchor($name)
{ return '<a name="' . $name . '"></a>'; }
function html_diff_old_start()
{ return "<table class=\"diff\"><tr><td class=\"diff-removed\">\n"; }
function html_diff_new_start()
{ return "<table class=\"diff\"><tr><td class=\"diff-added\">\n"; }
function html_diff_end()
{ return '</td></tr></table>'; }
function html_diff_add()
{ return html_bold_start() . PARSE_Added . html_bold_end(); }
function html_diff_change()
{ return html_bold_start() . PARSE_Changed . html_bold_end(); }
function html_diff_delete()
{ return html_bold_start() . PARSE_Deleted . html_bold_end(); }
function html_table_start($args)
if ($args != '') {
$extraStr = '';
// Split and parse CurlyOptions
$options = split(',', $args);
foreach ($options as $opt) {
list($name, $value) = split('=', $opt);
// Only use the Table-options
if ($name[0]=='T') {
if ($name[1]=='c') { // TClass - Class of <table>
$extraStr .= ' class="'. $value .'"';
} else if ($name[1]=='s') { // TStyle - Style of <table>
$extraStr .= ' style="'. $value .'"';
} else if ($name[1]=='b') { // TBorder - Use border with given width
if (is_numeric($value)) {
$extraStr .= ' border="'. $value .'"';
} else {
$extraStr .= ' border="1"';
return "<table$extraStr>";
} else {
return '<table border="1">';
function html_table_end()
{ return '</table>'; }
function html_table_row_start($args)
if ($args != '') {
$extraStr = '';
// Split and parse CurlyOptions
$options = split(',', $args);
foreach ($options as $opt) {
list($name, $value) = split('=', $opt);
// Only use the Row-options
if ($name[0]=='R') {
if ($name[1]=='c') { // RClass - Class of <row>
$extraStr .= ' class="'. $value .'"';
} else if ($name[1]=='s') { // RStyle - Style of <row>
$extraStr .= ' style="'. $value .'"';
return "<tr$extraStr>";
} else {
return "<tr>";
function html_table_row_end()
{ return '</tr>'; }
function html_table_cell_start($span = 1, $args)
if ($args != '') {
$styleStr = '';
$options = split(',', $args);
// Parse CurlyOptions
foreach ($options as $opt) {
list($name, $value) = split('=', $opt);
if ($name[0]=='T' or $name[0]=='R') {
continue; //Was either a row or table option
if ($name[0]=='w') {
if (is_numeric($value)) {
$rowspan = $value;
} else {
$extraStr .= ' rowspan="' . $rowspan .'"';
} else if ($name[0] == 'l') { $styleStr .= ' text-align: left;';
} else if ($name[0] == 'c') { $styleStr .= ' text-align: center;';
} else if ($name[0] == 'r') { $styleStr .= ' text-align: right;';
} else if ($name[0] == 't') { $styleStr .= ' vertical-align: top;';
} else if ($name[0] == 'b') { $styleStr .= ' vertical-align: bottom;';
} else if ($name[0] == 'B') { $styleStr .= ' font-weight: bold;';
} else if ($name[0] == 'I') { $styleStr .= ' font-style: italic;';
} else if ($name[0] == 's') { $styleStr .= ' '. $value .';';
} else if ($name[0] == 'C') { $extraStr .= ' class="'. $value .'"';
if ($styleStr != "") {
$extraStr .= ' style="'. $styleStr .'"';
if($span == 1)
{ return '<td'. $extraStr .'>'; }
{ return '<td colspan="'. $span .'"' .$extraStr. '>'; }
function html_table_cell_end()
{ return '</td>'; }
function html_time($timestamp)
global $TimeZoneOff;
if($timestamp == '') { return PARSE_Never; }
$time = mktime(substr($timestamp, 8, 2), substr($timestamp, 10, 2),
substr($timestamp, 12, 2), substr($timestamp, 4, 2),
substr($timestamp, 6, 2), substr($timestamp, 0, 4));
return date('D, d M Y H:i:s', $time + $TimeZoneOff * 60);
function html_gmtime($timestamp)
$time = mktime(substr($timestamp, 8, 2), substr($timestamp, 10, 2),
substr($timestamp, 12, 2), substr($timestamp, 4, 2),
substr($timestamp, 6, 2), substr($timestamp, 0, 4));
return gmdate('Y-m-d', $time) . 'T' . gmdate('H:i:s', $time) . 'Z';
function html_timestamp($timestamp)
global $TimeZoneOff;
$time = mktime(substr($timestamp, 8, 2), substr($timestamp, 10, 2),
substr($timestamp, 12, 2), substr($timestamp, 4, 2),
substr($timestamp, 6, 2), substr($timestamp, 0, 4));
return date('Y.m.d H:i:s', $time + $TimeZoneOff * 60);
function html_url($url, $text)
global $ImgPtn;
if($url == $text
&& preg_match("/($ImgPtn)$/i", $text))
return "<img src=\"$url\" alt=\"" . basename($url) . "\" />";
if (preg_match("/(.*)\?(.*)/", $url, $match))
$match[2] = preg_replace("/&(amp;amp;|!?amp;)/", '&', $match[2]);
$url = $match[1] . '?'. $match[2];
return "<a href=\"$url\">$text</a>";
function html_ref($page, $appearance, $hover = '', $anchor = '', $anchor_appearance = '')
global $db, $SeparateLinkWords;
if($hover != '')
{ $hover = ' title="' . $hover . '"'; }
$p = new WikiPage($db, $page);
if($SeparateLinkWords && $page == $appearance)
{ $appearance = html_split_name($page); }
return '<a href="' . viewURL($page) . $anchor . '"' . $hover . '>'
. $appearance . $anchor_appearance . '</a>';
if(validate_page($page) == 1 // Normal WikiName
&& $appearance == $page) // ... and is what it appears
{ return $page . '<a href="' . editURL($page) . '"' . $hover . '>?</a>'; }
else // Free link.
{ return '(' . $appearance . ')<a href="' . editURL($page) . '"' . $hover . '>?</a>'; }
function html_interwiki($url, $text)
return '<a href="' . $url . '">' . $text . '</a>';
function html_twin($base, $ref)
global $pagestore;
return '<a href="' . $pagestore->interwiki($base) . $ref . '">' .
'<span class="twin"><em>[' . $base . ']</em></span></a>';
function html_category($time, $page, $host, $user, $comment)
global $pagestore;
$text = '(' . html_timestamp($time) . ') (' .
'<a href="' . historyURL($page) . '">history</a>) ' .
html_ref($page, $page);
if(count($twin = $pagestore->twinpages($page)))
foreach($twin as $site)
{ $text = $text . ' ' . html_twin($site[0], $site[1]); }
$text = $text . ' . . . . ' .
($user == '' ? $host : html_ref($user, $user, $host));
if($comment != '')
$text = $text . ' ' . html_bold_start() . '[' .
str_replace('<', '<', str_replace('&', '&', $comment)) .
']' . html_bold_end();
return $text;
function html_fulllist($page, $count)
return '<strong><a href="' . viewURL($page, '', 1) . '">' .
PARSE_CompleteListStart . $count . PARSE_CompleteListEnd .
function html_fullhistory($page, $count)
return '<tr><td colspan="3"><strong><a href="' . historyURL($page, 1) . '">'.
PARSE_CompleteListStart . $count . PARSE_CompleteListEnd .
function html_parents_top($path)
$ret = ''; $topDir='';
foreach (split('/', $path) as $subDir) {
$ret .= html_ref($topDir . $subDir, $subDir) . '/ ';
$topDir .= $subDir . '/';
return $ret;
function html_toolbar_top($path)
global $HomePage, $PrefsScript;
return html_ref($HomePage, $HomePage) . ' | ' .
html_ref(PARSE_RecentChanges, PARSE_RecentChanges) . ' | ' .
(($path!="")? html_parents_top($path) . ' | ' : '') .
'<a href="' . $PrefsScript . '">Preferences</a>';
function html_history_entry($page, $version, $time, $host, $user, $c1, $c2,
return "<tr><td>" .
"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ver1\" value=\"$version\"" .
($c1 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . " /></td>\n" .
" <td>" .
"<input type=\"radio\" name=\"ver2\" value=\"$version\"" .
($c2 ? ' checked="checked"' : '') . " /></td>\n" .
"<td><a href=\"" . viewURL($page, $version) . "\">" .
html_time($time) . "</a> . . . . " .
($user == '' ? $host : html_ref($user, $user, $host)) .
($comment == '' ? '' :
(' ' . html_bold_start() . '[' .
str_replace('<', '<', str_replace('&', '&', $comment)) .
']' . html_bold_end())) .
function html_lock_start()
global $AdminScript;
return '<form method="post" action="' . $AdminScript . "\">\n" .
'<div class="form">' . "\n" .
'<input type="hidden" name="locking" value="1" />' . "\n" .
html_bold_start() . PARSE_Locked . html_bold_end() . html_newline();
function html_lock_end($count)
return '<input type="hidden" name="count" value="' . $count . '" />' . "\n" .
'<input type="submit" name="Save" value="'. PARSE_ButtonSave .'" />'.
"\n" . '</div>' . "\n" .
'</form>' . "\n";
function html_lock_page($page, $mutable)
static $count = 0;
return '<input type="hidden" name="name' . $count .
'" value="' . urlencode($page) . '" />' . "\n" .
'<input type="checkbox" name="lock' . $count . '" value="1"' .
($mutable ? '' : ' checked="checked"') . ' />' . "\n" .
"\n" . $page . html_newline();
function html_rate_start()
return '<br /><strong>'. PARSE_BlockedRange. "</strong>\n<dl>\n";
function html_rate_end()
global $AdminScript;
return "</dl>\n" .
'<form method="post" action="' . $AdminScript . "\">\n" .
'<div class="form">' . "\n" .
'<input type="hidden" name="blocking" value="1" />' . "\n" .
PARSE_EnterIpRange . "<br />\n" .
'<input type="text" name="address" value="" size="40" /><br />' .
"\n" .
'<input type="submit" name="Block" value="'.PARSE_ButtonBlock.'" />'.
"\n" .
'<input type="submit" name="Unblock" value="'. PARSE_ButtonUnblock.
'" />' . "\n" .
'</div>' . "\n";
'</form>' . "\n";
function html_rate_entry($address)
return '<dd>' . $address . "</dd>\n";
// This function splits up a traditional WikiName so that individual
// words are separated by spaces.
function html_split_name($page)
global $UpperPtn, $LowerPtn;
if(validate_page($page) != 1)
{ return $page; }
$page = preg_replace("/(?<=$UpperPtn|$LowerPtn)($UpperPtn$LowerPtn)/",
' \\1', $page, -1);
$page = preg_replace("/($LowerPtn)($UpperPtn)/",
'\\1 \\2', $page, -1);
return $page;
function html_reflist()
global $RefList;
if (!empty($RefList)) {
$str = '<hr style="width:30%; margin-bottom: 0px; float:left" />';
$str .= '<ol style="font-size: 80%; clear:left; line-height:1" class="reflist" style="font-size:80%">';
foreach ($RefList as $ref) {
$str .= '<li><a href="'. $ref. '">'. $ref .'</a></li>';
$str .= '</ol>';
return $str;
{ return ""; }