Chip 2004 April
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PHP Script
296 lines
// $Id: defaults.php,v 1.1 2004/01/12 22:14:05 comsubvie Exp $
// This file contains configuration defaults for 'Tavi that are over-
// written on installation. Instead, you should edit 'config.php' to
// re-set these options, or use the 'configure.pl' script to create a
// 'config.php' for yourself.
// If you see options in here that are not present in 'config.php',
// you can safely copy them to 'config.php' and set them to a new
// value. This will override the default set here.
// The following variables establish the format for WikiNames in this wiki.
$UpperPtn = "[A-Z\xc0-\xde]";
$LowerPtn = "[a-z\xdf-\xfe]";
$AlphaPtn = "[A-Za-z\xc0-\xfe]";
$LinkPtn = $UpperPtn . $AlphaPtn . '*' . $LowerPtn . '+' .
$UpperPtn . $AlphaPtn . '*(?:(?:\\/' . $UpperPtn . $AlphaPtn . '*)+)?';
// $UrlPtn establishes the format for URLs in this wiki.
$UrlPtn = "(?:https?:|mailto:|ftp:|gopher:|news:|file:)" .
"(?:[^ |\\/\"\']*\\/)*[^ |\\t\\n\\/\"\']*[A-Za-z0-9\\/?=&~_]";
// $InterWikiPtn establishes the format for InterWiki links in this wiki.
$InterwikiPtn = "([A-Za-z0-9]+):" .
"((?:[^ |\\/\"\']*\\/)*[^ |\\t\\n\\/\"\']*[\\/=&~A-Za-z0-9])";
// Note: To avoid side effect of using parentheses in both $LinkPtn, $UrlPtn and
// $InterwikiPtn the special syntax (?: is used. This hides the parentheses
// from respectively parse_wikinames, parse_hyperlinkXXX and parse_interwiki
// in parse/transforms.php
// $ImgPtn is used in html_url() and check_images() to detect
// image-links. Usually tied against the end of the text
$ImgPtn = ".jpe?g|.png|.gif|.bmp";
// $ExtRef contains the strings to be used around external references.
$ExtRef = array ('[', ']');
// $ExtRef = array ('', ''); // Use this if you don't want anything
// !!!WARNING!!!
// If $AdminEnabled is set to 1, the script admin/index.php will be accessible.
// This allows administrators to lock pages and block IP addresses. If you
// want to use this feature, YOU SHOULD FIRST BLOCK ACCESS TO THE admin/
// DIRECTORY BY OTHER MEANS, such as Apache's authorization directives.
// If you do not do so, any visitor to your wiki will be able to lock pages
// and block others from accessing the wiki.
// If $AdminEnabled is set to 0, administrator control will be disallowed.
$AdminEnabled = 0;
// Old versions of pages will be deleted after $ExpireLen days. If $ExpireLen
// is set to 0, old versions of pages (and pages set to empty) will never
// be removed from the database.
$ExpireLen = 14;
// Set $Charset to indicate the character set used for storage, editing,
// and display in your wiki. The default is "ISO-8859-1" (Latin-1).
// "utf-8" is supported, and is recommended for international text;
// however you should be cautioned that Netscape does not behave correctly
// when editing utf-8 text. Hence, "utf-8" is not currently the default.
$Charset = 'ISO-8859-1';
// $SeparateTitleWords determines whether spaces should be inserted in page
// titles. If nonzero, the page title (but not header) of WikiName would
// show 'Wiki Name' instead. Pages that have free link titles will not
// be changed.
$SeparateTitleWords = 1;
// $SeparateHeaderWords determines whether spaces should be inserted in page
// headers. If nonzero, the page header of WikiName would show 'Wiki Name'
// instead. Pages that have free link names would not have changed headers.
$SeparateHeaderWords = 0;
// $SeparateLinkWords determines whether spaces should be inserted in links
// to pages. If nonzero, all links to pages such as WikiName would display
// as 'Wiki Name'. Pages that have free link names would not have changed
// links.
$SeparateLinkWords = 0;
// $CookieName determines the name of the cookie that browser preferences
// (like user name, etc.) are stored in.
$CookieName = 'prefs';
// $EditRows and $EditCols determine the default dimensions of the wiki edit
// box for users that have not set their preferences.
$EditRows = 20;
$EditCols = 65;
// Initialize the default user name to empty.
$UserName = '';
// Default time zone offset (in minutes) for visitors who haven't yet set their
// preferences.
$TimeZoneOff = 0;
// $AuthorDiff indicates whether history pages should show a diff for the last
// edit (zero), or for all edits made by the same author (not zero). The
// default here is used if the user has not set their preferences.
$AuthorDiff = 1;
// $DayLimit determines how many days worth of changes show in a category list.
// This default is used if the user has not set their preferences.
$DayLimit = 14;
// $MinEntries determines the absolute minimum size of a category list (unless
// there are fewer pages *in* the category). This default is used if the
// user has not set their preferences.
$MinEntries = 20;
// $HistMax determines the maximum number of entries on a page's history list.
// This default is used if the user has not set their preferences.
$HistMax = 8;
// $RatePeriod determines how many seconds of time to record a visitor's access
// to the site. If it is set to zero, ALL RATE CHECKING AND IP ADDRESS
$RatePeriod = 300;
// $RateView determines how many pages a visitor can view in $RatePeriod
// amount of time.
$RateView = 100;
// $RateSearch determines how many processor-intensive operations (search,
// diff, etc.) a visitor can perform in $RatePeriod amount of time.
$RateSearch = 50;
// $RateEdit determines how many edits a visitor can make in $RatePeriod
// amount of time.
$RateEdit = 20;
// $TempDir determines the location of temp files used for computing diffs.
// The default makes a choice based on the environment
$TempDir = isset($_ENV['TMP']) ? $_ENV['TMP'] :
isset($_ENV['TEMP']) ? $_ENV['TEMP'] : "/tmp";
// $DiffCmd determines what command to run to compute diffs.
$DiffCmd = '/usr/bin/diff';
// $MaxPostLen determines the size, in bytes, of the largest edit allowed.
$MaxPostLen = 204800;
// $MaxNesting determines the maximum allowed nesting of lists.
$MaxNesting = 20;
// $MaxHeading determines the maximum allowed heading level in headings.
$MaxHeading = 6;
// $EnableWikiLinks determines if WikiLinks are available
$EnableWikiLinks = 1;
// $EnableFreeLinks determines if ((free links)) are available
$EnableFreeLinks = 1;
// $EnableTextEnhance determines if the enhanced text markers for bold,
// italic, super-/sub-script, ins/del are available
$EnableTextEnhance = 1;
// $ParseEngine indicates what parsing rules will be run when displaying a
// wiki page. To disable a particular rule, you can place a comment at the
// beginning of its line. The order of this list is important.
// Note that free links and wiki names are disabled above, using config
// variables. This is because wiki names are parsed in other places than
// just the wiki page.
// Raw HTML parsing is turned off by default, since this is a potential
// security hole.
$ParseEngine = array(
// 'parse_raw_html',
// $DiffEngine indicates what parsing rules will be run to display differences
// between versions. This should be a shorter list than $ParseEngine,
// since we just want minimal things like bold and italic and wiki links.
$DiffEngine = array(
// $DisplayEngine indicates what functions will be used to translate wiki
// markup elements into actual HTML. See parse/html.php
$DisplayEngine = array(
'bold_start' => 'html_bold_start',
'bold_end' => 'html_bold_end',
'italic_start' => 'html_italic_start',
'italic_end' => 'html_italic_end',
'superscript_start' => 'html_superscript_start',
'superscript_end' => 'html_superscript_end',
'subscript_start' => 'html_subscript_start',
'subscript_end' => 'html_subscript_end',
'del_start' => 'html_del_start',
'del_end' => 'html_del_end',
'ins_start' => 'html_ins_start',
'ins_end' => 'html_ins_end',
'tt_start' => 'html_tt_start',
'tt_end' => 'html_tt_end',
'head_start' => 'html_head_start',
'head_end' => 'html_head_end',
'newline' => 'html_newline',
'paragraph_start' => 'html_paragraph_start',
'paragraph_end' => 'html_paragraph_end',
'ref' => 'html_ref',
'url' => 'html_url',
'interwiki' => 'html_interwiki',
'raw' => 'html_raw',
'code' => 'html_code',
'phpcode' => 'html_phpcode',
'hr' => 'html_hr',
'nowiki' => 'html_nowiki',
'anchor' => 'html_anchor',
'bullet_list_start' => 'html_ul_start',
'bullet_list_end' => 'html_ul_end',
'bullet_item_start' => 'html_li_start',
'bullet_item_end' => 'html_li_end',
'indent_list_start' => 'html_dl_start',
'indent_list_end' => 'html_dl_end',
'indent_item_start' => 'html_dd_start',
'indent_item_end' => 'html_dd_end',
'term_item_start' => 'html_dt_start',
'term_item_end' => 'html_dt_end',
'numbered_list_start' => 'html_ol_start',
'numbered_list_end' => 'html_ol_end',
'numbered_item_start' => 'html_li_start',
'numbered_item_end' => 'html_li_end',
'diff_old_start' => 'html_diff_old_start',
'diff_old_end' => 'html_diff_end',
'diff_new_start' => 'html_diff_new_start',
'diff_new_end' => 'html_diff_end',
'diff_change' => 'html_diff_change',
'diff_add' => 'html_diff_add',
'diff_delete' => 'html_diff_delete',
'reflist' => 'html_reflist'
// $ViewMacroEngine determines what macro names will be processed when
// displaying a page. For each name, a function must be provided.
// See parse/macros.php
$ViewMacroEngine = array(
'!' => 'view_macro_category',
'Anchor' => 'view_macro_anchor',
'Transclude' => 'view_macro_transclude',
'PageSize' => 'view_macro_pagesize',
'LinkTable' => 'view_macro_linktab',
'OrphanedPages' => 'view_macro_orphans',
'WantedPages' => 'view_macro_wanted',
'TitleSearch' => 'view_macro_titlesearch',
'PageLinks' => 'view_macro_outlinks',
'PageRefs' => 'view_macro_refs',
'RefList' => 'view_macro_reflist'
// $SaveMacroEngine determines what save macros will be called after a
// page is saved. See parse/save.php
$SaveMacroEngine = array(