home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- // $Id: save.php,v 1.1 2004/01/12 22:14:04 comsubvie Exp $
- require(TemplateDir . '/save.php');
- require('lib/category.php');
- require('parse/save.php');
- // Commit an edit to the database.
- function action_save()
- {
- global $pagestore, $comment, $categories, $archive;
- global $Save, $page, $document, $nextver, $REMOTE_ADDR;
- global $MaxPostLen, $UserName, $SaveMacroEngine;
- if(empty($Save)) // Didn't click the save button.
- {
- include('action/preview.php');
- action_preview();
- return;
- }
- $pagestore->lock(); // Ensure atomicity.
- $pg = $pagestore->page($page);
- $pg->read();
- if(!$pg->mutable) // Edit disallowed.
- { die(ACTION_ErrorPageLocked); }
- if($pg->exists() // Page already exists.
- && $pg->version >= $nextver // Someone has changed it.
- && $pg->hostname != gethostbyaddr($REMOTE_ADDR) // Wasn't us.
- && !$archive) // Not editing an archive version.
- {
- $pagestore->unlock();
- include('action/conflict.php');
- action_conflict();
- return;
- }
- // Silently trim string to $MaxPostLen chars.
- $document = substr($document, 0, $MaxPostLen);
- $document = str_replace("\r", "", $document);
- $esc_doc = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $document);
- $esc_doc = str_replace("'", "\\'", $esc_doc);
- $comment = str_replace("\\", "\\\\", $comment);
- $comment = str_replace("'", "\\'", $comment);
- $pg->text = $esc_doc;
- $pg->hostname = gethostbyaddr($REMOTE_ADDR);
- $pg->username = $UserName;
- $pg->comment = $comment;
- if($pg->exists)
- { $pg->version++; }
- else
- { $pg->version = 1; }
- $pg->write();
- if(!empty($categories)) // Editor asked page to be added to
- { // a category or categories.
- add_to_category($page, $categories);
- }
- template_save(array('page' => $page,
- 'text' => $document));
- // Process save macros (e.g., to define interwiki entries).
- parseText($document, $SaveMacroEngine, $page);
- $pagestore->unlock(); // End "transaction".
- }
- ?>