home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- /*
- Copyright Intermesh 2003
- Author: Merijn Schering <mschering@intermesh.nl>
- Version: 1.0 Release date: 08 July 2003
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- option) any later version.
- */
- $popup_feedback = '';
- $mode = isset($_REQUEST['mode']) ? $_REQUEST['mode'] : 'normal';
- function access_denied_box($file)
- {
- global $strAccessDenied;
- $string = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\">\n";
- $string .= "alert('".$strAccessDenied.": ".basename($file)."');\n";
- $string .= "</script>\n";
- return $string;
- }
- function feedback($text)
- {
- $string = "<script type=\"text/javascript\" language=\"javascript\">\n";
- $string .= 'alert("'.$text.'");';
- $string .= "</script>\n";
- return $string;
- }
- //set umask to 000 and remember the old umaks to reset it below
- //umask must be 000 to create 777 files and folders
- $old_umask = umask(000);
- //basic group-office authentication
- if (!defined('GO_LOADED'))
- {
- require_once("../../Group-Office.php");
- }
- $GO_SECURITY->authenticate();
- $GO_MODULES->authenticate('filesystem');
- require($GO_LANGUAGE->get_language_file('filesystem'));
- $GO_HANDLER = isset($GO_HANDLER) ? $GO_HANDLER : 'download.php';
- $target_frame = isset($target_frame) ? $target_frame : '_blank';
- //set path to browse
- $home_path = $GO_CONFIG->file_storage_path.$_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['username'];
- $path = isset($_REQUEST['path']) ? smartstrip($_REQUEST['path']) : $_SESSION['GO_FILESYSTEM_PATH'];
- $urlencoded_path = urlencode($path);
- $return_to_path = isset($_REQUEST['return_to_path']) ? smartstrip($_REQUEST['return_to_path']) : $path;
- //create filesystem and filetypes object
- require_once($GO_CONFIG->class_path.'filesystem.class.inc');
- require_once($GO_CONFIG->class_path.'filetypes.class.inc');
- $fs = new filesystem();
- $filetypes = new filetypes();
- //define task to peform
- $task = isset($_REQUEST['task']) ? $_REQUEST['task'] : '';
- $_SESSION['cut_files'] = isset($_SESSION['cut_files']) ? $_SESSION['cut_files'] : array();
- $_SESSION['cut_folders'] = isset($_SESSION['cut_folders']) ? $_SESSION['cut_folders'] : array();
- $_SESSION['copy_folders'] = isset($_SESSION['copy_folders']) ? $_SESSION['copy_folders'] : array();
- $_SESSION['copy_files'] = isset($_SESSION['copy_files']) ? $_SESSION['copy_files'] : array();
- //vars used to remember files that are to be overwritten or not
- $overwrite_destination_path = isset($_POST['overwrite_destination_path']) ? smartstrip($_POST['overwrite_destination_path']) : '';
- $overwrite_source_path = isset($_POST['overwrite_source_path']) ? smartstrip($_POST['overwrite_source_path']) : '';
- $overwrite_all = (isset($_POST['overwrite_all']) && $_POST['overwrite_all'] == 'true') ? 'true': 'false';
- $overwrite = isset($_POST['overwrite']) ? $_POST['overwrite'] : $overwrite_all;
- //check read permissions and remember last browsed path
- if (!$fs->has_read_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $path))
- {
- $_SESSION['GO_FILESYSTEM_PATH'] = $home_path;
- $task = 'access_denied';
- }else
- {
- }
- //cut paste or copy before output has started
- switch ($task)
- {
- case 'upload':
- {
- $task = 'list';
- if (isset($_FILES['file']))
- {
- $_SESSION['cut_files'] = array();
- $_SESSION['cut_folders'] = array();
- $_SESSION['copy_folders'] = array();
- $_SESSION['copy_files'] = array();
- for ($i=0;$i<count($_FILES['file']);$i++)
- {
- if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$i]))
- {
- $extension = get_extension($_FILES['file']['name'][$i]);
- if (!$filetypes->get_type($extension))
- {
- $filetypes->add_type($extension, $_FILES['file']['type'][$i]);
- }
- if($fs->copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][$i], $GO_CONFIG->tmpdir.'/'.$_FILES['file']['name'][$i]))
- {
- $_SESSION['copy_files'][] = $GO_CONFIG->tmpdir.'/'.$_FILES['file']['name'][$i];
- }
- }
- }
- while ($file = smartstrip(array_shift($_SESSION['copy_files'])))
- {
- $new_path = $path.'/'.basename($file);
- if (!$fs->has_write_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $path))
- {
- $popup_feedback .= access_denied_box($path);
- break;
- }elseif(file_exists($new_path))
- {
- if ($overwrite_destination_path == $new_path && $overwrite_all != 'true')
- {
- if ($overwrite == "true")
- {
- $fs->copy($file, $new_path);
- }
- }else
- {
- array_unshift($_SESSION['copy_files'], $file);
- $overwrite_source_path = $file;
- $overwrite_destination_path = $new_path;
- $task = 'overwrite';
- break;
- }
- }else
- {
- $fs->copy($file, $path.'/'.basename($file));
- }
- }
- }else
- {
- $task = 'upload';
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$fbNoFile.' '.format_size($GO_CONFIG->max_file_size).'</p>';
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'cut':
- $_SESSION['cut_files'] = isset($_POST['files']) ? $_POST['files'] : array();
- $_SESSION['cut_folders'] = isset($_POST['folders']) ? $_POST['folders'] : array();
- $_SESSION['copy_folders'] = array();
- $_SESSION['copy_files'] = array();
- break;
- case 'copy':
- $_SESSION['copy_files'] = isset($_POST['files']) ? $_POST['files'] : array();
- $_SESSION['copy_folders'] = isset($_POST['folders']) ? $_POST['folders'] : array();
- $_SESSION['cut_folders'] = array();
- $_SESSION['cut_files'] = array();
- break;
- case 'paste':
- while ($file = smartstrip(array_shift($_SESSION['cut_files'])))
- {
- if ($file != $path.'/'.basename($file))
- {
- if (!$fs->has_write_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $file))
- {
- $popup_feedback .= access_denied_box($file);
- break;
- }elseif(!$fs->has_write_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $path))
- {
- $popup_feedback .= access_denied_box($path);
- break;
- }elseif(file_exists($path.'/'.basename($file)))
- {
- if ($overwrite_destination_path == $path.'/'.basename($file) || $overwrite_all == 'true')
- {
- if ($overwrite == "true")
- {
- $fs->move($file, $path.'/'.basename($file));
- }
- }else
- {
- array_unshift($_SESSION['cut_files'], $file);
- $overwrite_source_path = $file;
- $overwrite_destination_path = $path.'/'.basename($file);
- $task = 'overwrite';
- break;
- }
- }else
- {
- $fs->move($file, $path.'/'.basename($file));
- }
- }
- }
- while ($file = smartstrip(array_shift($_SESSION['copy_files'])))
- {
- if ($file != $path.'/'.basename($file))
- {
- if (!$fs->has_read_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $file))
- {
- $popup_feedback .= access_denied_box($file);
- break;
- }elseif(!$fs->has_write_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $path))
- {
- $popup_feedback .= access_denied_box($path);
- break;
- }elseif(file_exists($path.'/'.basename($file)))
- {
- if ($overwrite_destination_path == $path.'/'.basename($file) || $overwrite_all == 'true')
- {
- if ($overwrite == "true")
- {
- $fs->copy($file, $path.'/'.basename($file));
- }
- }else
- {
- array_unshift($_SESSION['copy_files'], $file);
- $overwrite_source_path = $file;
- $overwrite_destination_path = $path.'/'.basename($file);
- $task = 'overwrite';
- break;
- }
- }else
- {
- $fs->copy($file, $path.'/'.basename($file));
- }
- }
- }
- while ($folder = smartstrip(array_shift($_SESSION['cut_folders'])))
- {
- if ($folder != $path.'/'.basename($folder))
- {
- if (!$fs->has_write_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $folder))
- {
- $popup_feedback .= access_denied_box($folder);
- break;
- }elseif(!$fs->has_write_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $path))
- {
- $popup_feedback .= access_denied_box($path);
- break;
- }elseif(file_exists($path.'/'.basename($folder)))
- {
- if ($overwrite_destination_path == $path.'/'.basename($folder) || $overwrite_all == 'true')
- {
- if ($overwrite == "true")
- {
- $fs->move($folder, $path.'/'.basename($folder));
- }
- }else
- {
- array_unshift($_SESSION['cut_folders'], $folder);
- $overwrite_source_path = $folder;
- $overwrite_destination_path = $path.'/'.basename($folder);
- $task = 'overwrite';
- break;
- }
- }else
- {
- $fs->move($folder, $path.'/'.basename($folder));
- }
- }
- }
- while ($folder = smartstrip(array_shift($_SESSION['copy_folders'])))
- {
- if ($folder != $path.'/'.basename($folder))
- {
- if (!$fs->has_read_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $folder))
- {
- $popup_feedback .= access_denied_box($folder);
- break;
- }elseif(!$fs->has_write_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $path))
- {
- $popup_feedback .= access_denied_box($folder);
- break;
- }elseif(file_exists($path.'/'.basename($folder)))
- {
- if ($overwrite_destination_path == $path.'/'.basename($folder) || $overwrite_all == 'true')
- {
- if ($overwrite == "true")
- {
- $fs->copy($folder, $path.'/'.basename($folder));
- }
- }else
- {
- array_unshift($_SESSION['copy_folders'], $folder);
- $overwrite_source_path = $folder;
- $overwrite_destination_path = $path.'/'.basename($folder);
- $task = 'overwrite';
- break;
- }
- }else
- {
- $fs->copy($folder, $path.'/'.basename($folder));
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'properties':
- if (isset($_POST['name']))
- {
- $name = trim($_POST['name']);
- if(validate_input($name))
- {
- if (isset($_POST['share_folder']) && !$fs->get_share($path))
- {
- $fs->add_share($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $path);
- }else
- {
- if (!isset($_POST['share_folder']))
- {
- $fs->delete_share($path);
- }
- }
- if (!$fs->has_write_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $path))
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$strAccessDenied.'</p>';
- }elseif ($name == '')
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$error_missing_field.'</p>';
- }else
- {
- if ($_POST['extension'] != '')
- {
- $_POST['extension'] = '.'.$_POST['extension'];
- }
- $location = dirname($path);
- $name = smartstrip($name);
- $new_path = $location.'/'.$name.$_POST['extension'];
- if($name.$_POST['extension'] != basename($path))
- {
- if (file_exists($new_path))
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$fbNameExists.'</p>';
- }else
- {
- if ($fs->move($path, $new_path))
- {
- if ($return_to_path == $path)
- {
- $return_to_path = $new_path;
- }
- $path = $new_path;
- $urlencoded_path = urlencode($path);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }else
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$invalid_chars .': " & ? / \</p>';
- }
- if ($_POST['close']=='true' && !isset($feedback))
- {
- $path = $return_to_path;
- $urlencoded_path = urlencode($path);
- $task = '';
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'save_archive':
- if (isset($_POST['archive_files']))
- {
- $name = trim($_POST['name']);
- if ($name == '')
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$error_missing_field.'</p>';
- $task = 'create_archive';
- }else
- {
- switch ($_POST['compression_type'])
- {
- case 'zip':
- if (get_extension($name) != $_POST['compression_type'])
- {
- $name .= '.'.$_POST['compression_type'];
- }
- require($GO_CONFIG->class_path.'pclzip.class.inc');
- $zip = new PclZip($path.$GO_CONFIG->slash.$name);
- $zip->create($_POST['archive_files'], PCLZIP_OPT_REMOVE_PATH, $path);
- break;
- default:
- if (get_extension($name) != $_POST['compression_type'])
- {
- $name .= '.tar.'.$_POST['compression_type'];
- }
- require($GO_CONFIG->class_path.'pearTar.class.inc');
- $tar = new Archive_Tar($path.$GO_CONFIG->slash.$name, $_POST['compression_type']);
- if (!$tar->createModify($_POST['archive_files'], '', $path.$GO_CONFIG->slash))
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$fb_failed_to_create.'</p>';
- $task = 'create_archive';
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'extract':
- if (isset($_POST['files']))
- {
- require($GO_CONFIG->class_path.'pearTar.class.inc');
- require($GO_CONFIG->class_path.'pclzip.class.inc');
- while ($file = array_shift($_POST['files']))
- {
- if (strtolower(get_extension($file)) == 'zip')
- {
- $zip = new PclZip($file);
- if (!$zip->extract(PCLZIP_OPT_PATH, $path, PCLZIP_OPT_SET_CHMOD, $GO_CONFIG->create_mode))
- {
- $popup_feedback .= feedback($zip->errorInfo(true));
- }
- }else
- {
- $tar = new Archive_Tar($file);
- if(!$tar->extract($path))
- {
- $popup_feedback .= feedback($fb_failed_to_create.": '$file'");
- }
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- }
- $page_title = str_replace($GO_CONFIG->file_storage_path,$GO_CONFIG->slash,$path);
- //remeber sorting of the list in a cookie
- if (isset($_REQUEST['new_sort_field']))
- {
- SetCookie("fs_sort_field",$_REQUEST['new_sort_field'],time()+3600*24*365,"/","",0);
- $_COOKIE['fs_sort_field'] = $_REQUEST['new_sort_field'];
- }
- if (isset($_REQUEST['new_sort_direction']))
- {
- SetCookie("fs_sort_direction",$_REQUEST['new_sort_direction'],time()+3600*24*365,"/","",0);
- $_COOKIE['fs_sort_direction'] = $_REQUEST['new_sort_direction'];
- }
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path.'header.inc');
- echo $popup_feedback;
- echo '<form name="filesystem" method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" enctype="multipart/form-data">';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="path" value="'.$path.'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="return_to_path" value="'.$return_to_path.'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="share_path" />';
- switch ($task)
- {
- case 'mail_files':
- $_SESSION['attach_array'] = array();
- $_SESSION['num_attach']=0;
- require($GO_CONFIG->class_path."email.class.inc");
- $email = new email();
- if (isset($_POST['files']))
- {
- while ($file = smartstrip(array_shift($_POST['files'])))
- {
- if ($fs->has_read_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $file))
- {
- $filename = basename($file);
- $extension = get_extension($filename);
- if (!$type = $filetypes->get_type($extension))
- {
- $type = $filetypes->add_type($extension);
- }
- $email->register_attachment($file, $filename, filesize($file), $type['mime']);
- }else
- {
- $popup_feedback .= access_denied_box(basename($file));
- }
- }
- $module = $GO_MODULES->get_module('email');
- echo '<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">';
- echo 'popup("'.$GO_CONFIG->host.$module['path'].'send.php?email_file=true","650","580");';
- echo '</script>';
- }
- require('listview.inc');
- break;
- case 'delete':
- if (isset($_POST['files']))
- {
- for ($i=0;$i<count($_POST['files']);$i++)
- {
- $file = smartstrip($_POST['files'][$i]);
- if(!$fs->delete($file))
- {
- $popup_feedback .= access_denied_box(basename($file));
- }
- }
- }
- if (isset($_POST['folders']))
- {
- for ($i=0;$i<count($_POST['folders']);$i++)
- {
- $folder = smartstrip($_POST['folders'][$i]);
- if(!$fs->delete($folder))
- {
- $popup_feedback .= access_denied_box(basename($folder));
- }
- }
- }
- require('listview.inc');
- break;
- case 'access_denied':
- require($GO_CONFIG->root_path.'error_docs/401.inc');
- break;
- case 'new_folder':
- {
- $name = smartstrip($_POST['name']);
- if ($name =='')
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$error_missing_field.'</p>';
- require('new_folder.inc');
- }elseif(!validate_input($name))
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$invalid_chars .': " & ? / \</p>';
- require('new_folder.inc');
- }elseif(file_exists($path.'/'.$name))
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$fbFolderExists.'</p>';
- require('new_folder.inc');
- }elseif(!@mkdir($path.'/'.$name, $GO_CONFIG->create_mode))
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$strSaveError.'</p>';
- require('new_folder.inc');
- }else
- {
- require('listview.inc');
- }
- }else
- {
- if ($fs->has_write_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $path))
- {
- require('new_folder.inc');
- }else
- {
- require($GO_CONFIG->root_path.'error_docs/401.inc');
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'upload':
- if ($fs->has_write_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $path))
- {
- require('upload.inc');
- }else
- {
- require($GO_CONFIG->root_path.'error_docs/401.inc');
- }
- break;
- case 'overwrite':
- require('overwrite.inc');
- break;
- case 'properties':
- require('properties.inc');
- break;
- case 'read_permissions':
- require('read_permissions.inc');
- break;
- case 'write_permissions':
- require('write_permissions.inc');
- break;
- case 'shares':
- require('shares.inc');
- break;
- case 'search':
- require('search.inc');
- break;
- case 'create_archive':
- require('compress.inc');
- break;
- default:
- require($GO_CONFIG->root_path.$GO_MODULES->path.'listview.inc');
- break;
- }
- echo '</form>';
- umask($old_umask);
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path.'footer.inc');
- ?>