home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- <?php
- /*
- Copyright Intermesh 2003
- Author: Merijn Schering <mschering@intermesh.nl>
- Version: 1.0 Release date: 08 July 2003
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
- under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
- Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
- option) any later version.
- */
- require("../../Group-Office.php");
- $GO_SECURITY->authenticate();
- $GO_MODULES->authenticate('email');
- require($GO_LANGUAGE->get_language_file('email'));
- require($GO_CONFIG->class_path."phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php");
- require($GO_CONFIG->class_path."phpmailer/class.smtp.php");
- require($GO_CONFIG->class_path."html2text.class.inc");
- require($GO_CONFIG->class_path."email.class.inc");
- $email = new email();
- if ($tp_plugin = $GO_MODULES->get_plugin('templates', 'addressbook'))
- {
- require($GO_CONFIG->class_path.'templates.class.inc');
- $tp = new templates();
- }
- $html_mail_head = '<html><head><meta content="Group-Office '.$GO_CONFIG->version.'" name="GENERATOR"></head><body>';
- $html_mail_foot = '</body></html>';
- $_SESSION['num_attach'] = isset($_SESSION['num_attach']) ? $_SESSION['num_attach'] : 0;
- $mail_subject = isset($_REQUEST['mail_subject']) ? smartstrip($_REQUEST['mail_subject']) : '';
- $mail_body = isset($_REQUEST['mail_body']) ? smartstrip($_REQUEST['mail_body']) : '';
- $mail_from = isset($_REQUEST['mail_from']) ? $_REQUEST['mail_from'] : 0;
- $mail_to = isset($_REQUEST['mail_to']) ? $_REQUEST['mail_to'] : '';
- $mail_cc = isset($_REQUEST['mail_cc']) ? $_REQUEST['mail_cc'] : '';
- $mail_bcc = isset($_REQUEST['mail_bcc']) ? $_REQUEST['mail_bcc'] : '';
- $uid = isset($_REQUEST['uid']) ? $_REQUEST['uid'] : 0;
- $mailing_group_id = isset($_REQUEST['mailing_group_id']) ? $_REQUEST['mailing_group_id'] : 0;
- $browser = detect_browser();
- if ($browser['name'] == 'MSIE' && $browser['version'] >= 5.5 || $browser['name'] == 'MOZILLA' && $browser['version'] > 4.0)
- {
- $wysiwyg = true;
- $content_type = isset($_POST['content_type']) ? $_POST['content_type'] : $GO_MAIL_FORMAT;
- }else
- {
- $content_type = 'text/PLAIN';
- $wysiwyg = false;
- }
- $page_title = $ml_compose;
- $sendaction = isset($_REQUEST['sendaction']) ? $_REQUEST['sendaction'] : '';
- $attachments_size = 0;
- switch ($sendaction)
- {
- case 'add':
- //Adding the new file to the array
- if (is_uploaded_file($_FILES['mail_att']['tmp_name']))
- {
- // Counting the attachments number in the array
- if (isset($_SESSION['attach_array']))
- {
- for($i=1;$i<=count($_SESSION['attach_array']);$i++)
- {
- $attachments_size += $_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->file_size;
- }
- }
- $attachments_size += $_FILES['mail_att']['size'];
- if ($attachments_size < $GO_CONFIG->max_attachment_size)
- {
- $tmp_file = $GO_CONFIG->tmpdir.md5(uniqid(time()));
- copy($_FILES['mail_att']['tmp_name'], $tmp_file);
- $email->register_attachment($tmp_file, basename($_FILES['mail_att']['name']), $_FILES['mail_att']['size'], $_FILES['mail_att']['type']);
- }else
- {
- $feedback = '<script type="text/javascript">alert("'.$ml_file_too_big.format_size($GO_CONFIG->max_attachment_size).' ('.number_format($GO_CONFIG->max_attachment_size, 0, $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['decimal_seperator'], $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['thousands_seperator']).' bytes)");</script>';
- }
- }else
- {
- $feedback = '<script type="text/javascript">alert("'.$ml_file_too_big.format_size($GO_CONFIG->max_attachment_size).' ('.number_format($GO_CONFIG->max_attachment_size, 0, $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['decimal_seperator'], $_SESSION['GO_SESSION']['thousands_seperator']).' bytes)");</script>';
- }
- break;
- case 'send':
- if (!isset($_POST['mail_from']))
- {
- require($GO_CONFIG->class_path."users.class.inc");
- $users = new users();
- $profile = $users->get_user($GO_SECURITY->user_id);
- $middle_name = $profile['middle_name'] == '' ? '' : $profile['middle_name'].' ';
- $name = $profile['first_name'].' '.$middle_name.$profile['last_name'];
- }else
- {
- $profile = $email->get_account($_POST['mail_from']);
- $name = $profile["name"];
- }
- $mail = new PHPMailer();
- $mail->PluginDir = $GO_CONFIG->class_path.'phpmailer/';
- $mail->SetLanguage($php_mailer_lang, $GO_CONFIG->class_path.'phpmailer/language/');
- if ($GO_CONFIG->smtp_server != '' && $GO_CONFIG->smtp_port != '')
- {
- $mail->IsSMTP();
- $mail->Host = $GO_CONFIG->smtp_server;
- $mail->Port = $GO_CONFIG->smtp_port;
- }
- $mail->Priority = $_POST['priority'];
- $mail->From = $profile["email"];
- $mail->FromName = $name;
- $mail->AddReplyTo($profile["email"],$name);
- $mail->WordWrap = 50;
- if (isset($_POST['notification']))
- {
- $mail->ConfirmReadingTo = $profile["email"];
- }
- $html_message = $content_type == 'text/HTML' ? true : false;
- $mail->IsHTML($html_message);
- $mail->Subject = smartstrip(trim($mail_subject));
- if (isset($_SESSION['url_replacements']))
- {
- while($url_replacement = array_shift($_SESSION['url_replacements']))
- {
- $_POST['mail_body']=str_replace($url_replacement['url'], "cid:".$url_replacement['id'], $_POST['mail_body']);
- }
- unset($_SESSION['url_replacements']);
- }
- // Getting the attachments
- if (isset($_SESSION['attach_array']))
- {
- for ($i=1;$i<=$_SESSION['num_attach'];$i++)
- {
- // If the temporary file exists, attach it
- $tmp_file = stripslashes($_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->tmp_file);
- if (file_exists($tmp_file))
- {
- if ($_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->disposition == 'attachment' || strpos($_POST['mail_body'], $_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->content_id))
- {
- if ($_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->disposition == 'attachment')
- {
- $mail->AddAttachment($tmp_file, imap_qprint($_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->file_name), 'base64', $_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->file_mime) ;
- }else
- {
- $mail->AddEmbeddedImage($tmp_file, $_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->content_id, imap_qprint($_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->file_name), 'base64', $_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->file_mime);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- if ($mailing_group_id > 0)
- {
- $feedback = '';
- $tp->get_contacts_from_mailing_group($mailing_group_id);
- while($tp->next_record())
- {
- $mail->ClearAllRecipients();
- //add the body
- $content = $tp->replace_data_fields($_POST['mail_body'], $tp->f('id'));
- if ($html_message)
- {
- $mail->Body = $html_mail_head.smartstrip($content).$html_mail_foot;
- $h2t =& new html2text($content);
- $mail->AltBody = $h2t->get_text();
- }else
- {
- $mail->Body = smartstrip($content);
- }
- $mail->AddAddress($tp->f('email'));
- if(!$mail->Send())
- {
- $feedback .= $tp->f('email').': '.$mail->ErrorInfo.'<br />';
- }
- }
- $tp->get_companies_from_mailing_group($mailing_group_id);
- while($tp->next_record())
- {
- $mail->ClearAllRecipients();
- //add the body
- $content = $tp->replace_company_data_fields($_POST['mail_body'], $tp->f('id'));
- if ($html_message)
- {
- $mail->Body = $html_mail_head.smartstrip($content).$html_mail_foot;
- $h2t =& new html2text($content);
- $mail->AltBody = $h2t->get_text();
- }else
- {
- $mail->Body = smartstrip($content);
- }
- $mail->AddAddress($tp->f('email'));
- if(!$mail->Send())
- {
- $feedback .= $tp->f('email').': '.$mail->ErrorInfo.'<br />';
- }
- }
- if ($feedback != '')
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$feedback.'</p>';
- }else
- {
- while($attachment = array_shift($_SESSION['attach_array']))
- {
- @unlink($attachment->tmp_file);
- }
- // We need to unregister the attachments array and num_attach
- unset($_SESSION['num_attach']);
- unset($_SESSION['attach_array']);
- echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\nwindow.close();\r\n</script>\r\n";
- exit();
- }
- }else
- {
- $mail_to_array = cut_address(trim($mail_to), $charset);
- $mail_cc_array = cut_address(trim($mail_cc), $charset);
- $mail_bcc_array = cut_address(trim($mail_bcc), $charset);
- while ($to_address = array_shift($mail_to_array))
- {
- $mail->AddAddress($to_address);
- }
- while ($cc_address = array_shift($mail_cc_array))
- {
- $mail->AddCC($cc_address);
- }
- while ($bcc_address = array_shift($mail_bcc_array))
- {
- $mail->AddBCC($bc_address);
- }
- if ($html_message)
- {
- $mail->Body = $html_mail_head.smartstrip($_POST['mail_body']).$html_mail_foot;
- $h2t =& new html2text($_POST['mail_body']);
- $mail->AltBody = $h2t->get_text();
- }else
- {
- $mail->Body = smartstrip($_POST['mail_body']);
- }
- if(!$mime = $mail->Send())
- {
- $feedback = '<p class="Error">'.$ml_send_error.' '.$mail->ErrorInfo.'</p>';
- }else
- {
- while($attachment = array_shift($_SESSION['attach_array']))
- {
- @unlink($attachment->tmp_file);
- }
- // We need to unregister the attachments array and num_attach
- unset($_SESSION['num_attach']);
- unset($_SESSION['attach_array']);
- if ($profile["type"] == "imap")
- {
- $sent_folder = $profile['sent'];
- if ($sent_folder != '')
- {
- require($GO_CONFIG->class_path."imap.class.inc");
- $imap_stream = new imap();
- if ($imap_stream->open($profile["host"], "imap", $profile["port"], $profile["username"], $GO_CRYPTO->decrypt($profile["password"]), $sent_folder))
- {
- if ($imap_stream->append_message($sent_folder, $mime,"\\Seen"))
- {
- if (isset($_REQUEST['action']) && ($_REQUEST['action']== "reply" || $_REQUEST['action'] == "reply_all"))
- {
- $uid = array($_REQUEST['uid']);
- $imap_stream->set_message_flag($_POST['mailbox'], $uid, "\\Answered");
- }
- $imap_stream->close();
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path."header.inc");
- echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\nwindow.close();\r\n</script>\r\n";
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path."footer.inc");
- exit();
- }
- }
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path."header.inc");
- echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\nalert('".$ml_sent_items_fail."');\r\nwindow.close();\r\n</script>\r\n";
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path.'footer.inc');
- exit();
- }else
- {
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path."header.inc");
- echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\nwindow.close();\r\n</script>\r\n";
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path.'footer.inc');
- exit();
- }
- }else
- {
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path.'header.inc');
- echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">\r\nwindow.close();\r\n</script>\r\n";
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path.'footer.inc');
- exit();
- }
- }
- }
- break;
- case 'delete':
- // Rebuilding the attachments array with only the files the user wants to keep
- $tmp_array = array();
- for ($i=$j=1;$i<=$_SESSION['num_attach'];$i++)
- {
- $thefile = 'file'.$i;
- if (empty($_POST[$thefile]))
- {
- $tmp_array[$j]->file_name = $_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->file_name;
- $tmp_array[$j]->tmp_file = $_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->tmp_file;
- $tmp_array[$j]->file_size = $_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->file_size;
- $tmp_array[$j]->file_mime = $_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->file_mime;
- $tmp_array[$j]->content_id = $_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->content_id;
- $tmp_array[$j]->disposition = $_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->disposition;
- $j++;
- }else
- {
- @unlink($_SESSION['attach_array'][$i]->tmp_file);
- }
- }
- // Removing the attachments array from the current session
- unset($_SESSION['num_attach']);
- unset($_SESSION['attach_array']);
- $_SESSION['attach_array'] = $tmp_array;
- $_SESSION['num_attach'] = ($j > 1 ? $j - 1 : 0);
- break;
- case 'change_format':
- SetCookie("GO_MAIL_FORMAT",$content_type,time()+3600*24*30,"/",'',0);
- break;
- }
- //check for the templates plugin
- //if a template id is given then process it
- $template_id = isset($_REQUEST['template_id']) ? $_REQUEST['template_id'] : 0;
- $contact_id = isset($_REQUEST['contact_id']) ? $_REQUEST['contact_id'] : 0;
- if($mailing_group_id > 0 && $tp->get_contacts_from_mailing_group($mailing_group_id) == 0 && $tp->get_companies_from_mailing_group($mailing_group_id) == 0)
- {
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path."header.inc");
- $tabtable = new tabtable('templates_tab', $ml_attention, '600', '120');
- $tabtable->print_head();
- echo '<p>'.$ml_no_contacts_in_mailing_group.'</p><br />';
- $button = new button($cmdClose, "javascript:window.close();");
- $tabtable->print_foot();
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path."footer.inc");
- exit();
- }
- if ($tp_plugin)
- {
- $template_count = $tp->get_subscribed_templates($GO_SECURITY->user_id, EMAIL_TEMPLATE);
- }
- if ($_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != "POST" && $tp_plugin && $template_id == 0 && $template_count > 0)
- {
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path."header.inc");
- echo '<form name="sendform" method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">';
- if($uid > 0)
- {
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="account_id" value="'.$_REQUEST['account_id'].'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="uid" value="'.$uid.'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="mailbox" value="'.$_REQUEST['mailbox'].'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="action" value="'.$_REQUEST['action'].'" />';
- }
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="mail_subject" value="'.$mail_subject.'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="mail_body" value="'.stripslashes($mail_body).'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="mail_to" value="'.$mail_to.'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="mail_cc" value="'.$mail_cc.'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="mail_bcc" value="'.$mail_bcc.'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="mail_from" value="'.$mail_from.'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="contact_id" value="'.$contact_id.'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="template_id" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="mailing_group_id" value="'.$mailing_group_id.'" />';
- echo '<input type="hidden" name="sendaction" value="load_template" />';
- //get the addressbook language file
- require($GO_LANGUAGE->get_language_file('contacts'));
- $tabtable = new tabtable('templates_tab', $ab_templates, '600', '400');
- $tabtable->print_head();
- echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="10" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>';
- echo $ab_select_template;
- echo '<table border="0" cellpadding="2">';
- echo '<tr><td><a class="normal" href="javascript:document.forms[0].template_id.value=\'0\';document.forms[0].submit();">'.$ab_no_template.'</a></td></tr>';
- while($tp->next_record())
- {
- echo '<tr><td><a class="normal" href="javascript:document.forms[0].template_id.value=\''.$tp->f('id').'\';document.forms[0].submit();">'.$tp->f('name').'</a></td></tr>';
- }
- echo '</table></td></tr></table>';
- echo '<br />';
- $button = new button($cmdClose, "javascript:window.close()");
- $tabtable->print_foot();
- echo '</form>';
- }else
- {
- if ($content_type=='text/HTML')
- {
- //create htmlarea
- $htmlarea = new htmlarea();
- if ($fs_module = $GO_MODULES->get_module('filesystem'))
- {
- if ($GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $fs_module['acl_read']) || $GO_SECURITY->has_permission($GO_SECURITY->user_id, $fs_module['acl_write']))
- {
- $htmlarea->add_button('go_image', $editorCmd['image'], $GO_CONFIG->control_url.'/htmlarea/images/ed_image.gif', 'false', "function insertGOimage()
- {
- popup('select_image.php','600','400');
- }");
- }
- }
- $page_style = '';//'body { background-color: #ffffff; font-family: verdana,sans-serif; } p { margin: 0px; }';
- $GO_HEADER['head'] = $htmlarea->get_header('mail_body', -40, -250, 25, $page_style);
- $GO_HEADER['body_arguments'] = 'onload="initEditor()"';
- }
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path."header.inc");
- require("compose.inc");
- }
- require($GO_THEME->theme_path."footer.inc");
- ?>